Sunday Summary – 30th December 2018

This is the first Sunday Summary post for a couple of weeks; in fact, the FIRST POST in a couple of weeks! I’ve neglected my blog a little over the festive period and I’m sorry. I knew things would get a little tricky. The festive season is a time for family, of course. With my sister coming over for the holidays, I knew I’d be spending a lot of time out of my normal routine. But just as all this was about to start, something else happened.

Less than a week before Christmas, one of my work friends (close friends at that) sadly lost her husband. I don’t want to go into any particular detail here, because it isn’t my story to tell. As I am sure you can understand… she became another top priority for me. When I wasn’t spending time with the family, I was checking in on her. I am only telling you enough so you can understand my absence. I apologise for any inconvenience caused.

Have you all had a good Christmas? Aside from looking after my friend, I did! It was spent with my loved ones around me and I got some lovely presents too! Did you get anything nice, or anything bookish?


Books Read

As I have already explained, I haven’t had the time to blog at all in the past couple of weeks. I have, however, managed to squeeze in a bit of reading. Over the last couple of weeks I have been chipping away at The Cathedral of Known Things by Edward Cox, the second book in The Relic Guild series. Now my Goodreads marks me at 100% done on page 432, but I actually have 40 pages left in the edition I own. That’s tonight’s mission to complete.


I would have liked to have made progress on another couple of books as promised, but it hasn’t worked out as planned. One of those reads is The Road to Alexander by Jennifer Macaire. Unfortunately, I haven’t touched this in the past couple of weeks. There is a blog tour coming up really soon, so I am going to step up my game and get this read. I have also promised Shaun Hume that I would read Ewan Pendle and the Castle of Nightmares. This also has ended up on the backburner. I am really sorry I’m delayed in starting this – I’ll get on it.


I’ve also decided to put a couple of books that I have been struggling with aside – for now. The first of those books is The Eye of the World by Robert Jordan. Whilst I am enjoying the story of this book, it is just a bit too heavy going for me. With my other reading commitments the way they are, I am not going to be able to pick this book up for a while. Never say never, but I’m not sure if I’ll go back to finish this.

For the same reason I am also putting aside Season of Storms by Andrzej Sapkowski. I think that events are starting to pick up, but for a while I have felt that this book lacks the momentum of some of his other works. I have only read The Last Wish by way of comparison, which are shorter stories rather than one long one. Maybe that’s it. Either way, it’s not working for me right now. I WILL go back to this one, but I’ll have to play it by ear to see when.


Books Discovered


Well, aside from a cute notebook from Paperchase from my sister, I didn’t get anything bookish for Christmas. So, no new books on the list this week!

That’s honestly not a bad thing… I have enough!!!


Coming Up…

Given what has happened, I am glad I started some of my reading early. My time away hasn’t been too detrimental to my blog so far, but I have plenty of tours in the next couple of months that will keep me busy. If I want to catch up again, I am going to have to put time into it for the next couple of weeks.

What posts can you expect on my blog this week? Well, I cannot think of a better way to get back into the swing of things than a Reading List post! We are starting a brand new year (eek) and I’ll be beginning a new reading challenge. I haven’t decided how many books I want to read quite yet, but I’ll put my thinking cap on and let you know!

Earlier this year I had the pleasure of reading and reviewing Copper Sky by Milana Marsenich. After doing so, Milana kindly offered me a copy of another book she has written, The Swan Keeper, for review. It took around six months, but I finally got around to reading this one in October. I am looking forward to finally committing my thoughts to a review.


So, what reading progress am I hoping to make? Shit loads. Fuck tons. I need a miracle to help me.

A lot.

As I mentioned above, I have a Blog Tour coming up for The Road to Alexander by Jennifer Macaire soon. I’m around half way through the book at the moment, but as I am posting my review in the next couple of weeks, I need to get reading this soon.

I also have another Blog Tour coming up at the end of the month… and in one of next month’s tours I am featuring three books in one post. I’m a busy woman! I’ll be giving you more details on these in my Reading List post in the coming days!

P.s. It’s good to be back!