Sunday Summary – 9th February 2025

It’s the end of the week, friends, so it can only mean that it’s time for my regular Sunday Summary update. As always, I hope you’ve had a great week and are looking forward to the next!

What have I been up to this week? I’ve only posted two out of the three blog posts I planned up until this Sunday Summary. The first of those posts was my monthly TBR for February. If you’re intrigued to see which books I’ve got lined up for the month, take a look. 

Next, I shared a review of a young adult science-fiction novel told in a mixed-media format. If you have yet to read Illuminae by Jay Kristoff and Amie Kaufman, I set out in this post why you should!

I was supposed to post a First Lines Friday later in the week. However, I confess I didn’t get time to draft this beforehand, and I was out with friends on Friday night until about 9:30 p.m. After that, I didn’t have much time at home before going to bed ready for an early start the next day. I didn’t want to spend that time blogging and not with Shane; having not seen him all day already, that would’ve been selfish. So, you’ll just have to hang on till next week for that post.

Books Read

A Darkness at Sethanon

I confess that I’ve barely picked up A Darkness at Sethanon by Raymond E. Feist this week.

If I’m entirely honest, the introduction hasn’t gripped me in the way I’d hoped. Combine that with a fairly neutral opinion of the series as a whole, and you’ll maybe see why I’ve not had the same drive to pick it up.

On the one hand, I am not prepared to abandon it entirely yet. I’ve not given it a good chance to get going, but also it would mean abandoning a series with just one book left. Instead, I think I will pick up something else in the meantime and try and come back to A Darkness at Sethanon.


A Promised Land

Better progress has been made with A Promised Land by Barack Obama. On the one hand, this is surprising. I’m not one for taking an interest in politics or going out of my way to read about it. However, I’m making an exception for Barack Obama. I like him on the whole, and I also like this as an audiobook because Barack narrates it himself.

It feels so much more like an intimate story of being told about his life as opposed to it being narrated to me impartially by someone else. I’m glad I picked this up in audio format as it’s the kind of content I can listen to quite easily.

Over the course of the week, I have listened to just under four hours of his book so far. It’s a 29-hour affair in total, so I still have a long way to go! However, I’m engaged, and that was always going to be the deciding factor in whether I stuck with A Promised Land or not.

In Every Mirror She’s Black

Instead of A Darkness at Sethanon, I picked up and read the first 30 pages of In Every Mirror She’s Black this evening. Broadly speaking, I’m getting on better with it. I’m still just getting introduced to the characters and what is going on; but I’m intrigued by the overlap in each of the three main character storylines and where they will progress.

Obviously, just scratching the surface of this book, there is very little I can say right now. What I will say is that this book is going to be my priority over the next week. Maybe then I’ll pick up A Darkness at Sethanon for a second go.

Books Discovered

Since I have acquired a number of books lately, I’ve behaved and not added to the TBR this week.

Coming Up…

The first post of next week will be a book tag which centres on my TBR! Just about everyone knows it’s long enough to warrant some attention. It’ll be nice to post something lighthearted and fun too!

This week’s planned First Lines Friday will be coming to you best week instead. It would be cheesy and difficult for me to try and find a Valentine’s-themed book. But hey, maybe that’s a challenge I can take on? I might struggle, but I’ll have a go.

Finally, I’ll be back with another Sunday Summary update post for you. Fingers crossed I’ll have more in the way of reading updates for you ☺️

Thanks for reading today’s Sunday Summary update! Have a great week, and I’ll see you in the next one.


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Book Review – Illuminae: Jay Kristoff and Amie Kaufman

In today’s book review, I share my thoughts on a young adult mixed-media book I really enjoyed! The best part is, Illuminae is the start of a trilogy. Therefore, fans of this first book will be pleased to know that the saga continues; book two is largely set around different characters, and book three brings them all together for an epic conclusion.

But, I’m getting ahead of myself. Let’s start at the beginning…

Illuminae – Jay Kristoff and Amie Kaufman

Genre: Science Fiction

Pages: 608

Audience: Young Adult

Publisher: Knopf Books

Publication Date: 20 Oct 2015

Rating: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟

Goodreads –  Illuminae


The internationally and New York Times bestselling first book in a heart-stopping, high-octane trilogy that bends the sci-fi genre into a new dimension.

Kady thought breaking up with Ezra was the worst thing she’d ever been through. That was before her planet was invaded. Now, with enemy fire raining down on them, Kady and Ezra are forced to fight their way onto one of the evacuating craft, with an enemy warship in hot pursuit.

But the warship could be the least of their problems. A deadly plague has broken out and is mutating, with terrifying results; the fleet’s AI, which should be protecting them, may actually be their biggest threat; and nobody in charge will say what’s really going on. As Kady plunges into a web of data hacking to get to the truth, it’s clear only one person can help her bring it all to light: Ezra.

Told through a fascinating dossier of hacked documents, Illuminae is the first book in a heart-stopping, high-octane trilogy.

My Thoughts


Well, I say let’s start at the beginning, but actually the book begins near the end. In the courtroom, with us readers almost as one of the jury, Kady, Ezra, and many characters we meet along the way present their case against Beitech Corporation.

Greedy corporations remain at large in this fictional world. Beitech are accused of killing and displacing many of the characters within this first book when attacking their home planet in favour of gaining resources. From there, it’s a mad scramble for civilian survival. And the clock is ticking…

Not for one moment can we accuse this novel of lacking in action. For fans of an action-driven plot, this will appeal to you for its time-pressured and high-stakes drama.

Naturally, I can’t say too much as I don’t want to give away any aspects of the storyline (either in Illuminae or in the subsequent books). Just take my word for it that it’s amazing and go and read it!


A number of characters contribute to the overall storyline within. Not only is this a multiple-perspective book, but it’s also a multiple-media book. In that regard, this appealed to me as I enjoy seeing things from a variety of perspectives. That naturally fits with this narrative and media type well. One person can’t be everywhere at once, and with so many elements going into the storyline, we need everybody’s perspective in order to paste together the final picture.

The primary perspectives are that of Kady Grant and Ezra Mason. If you enjoy teenagers who totally dig each other but you know, aren’t in a relationship, then you’ll like these pair. Personally, I liked both perspectives but not necessarily for their romance or relationship with each other. That’s not to say I wasn’t rooting for them reuniting though.

If I had to say which aspect of the book leaned most heavily towards making this a young adult book, it is the characters. This plotline could be set with much older characters and sit well in the adult genre.


Illuminae is set across several intergalactic places. Thankfully for readers, it’s very obvious where things are going on with location and timestamps where applicable. The nature of the story and following that characters means that things are pretty chronological and don’t jump around too much either.

Set in our nearish future, it doesn’t feel too far-fetched. Although the idea of living in space probably feels a bit off, I think the technology available feels largely reminiscent of what we have today. It’s only a small leap for mankind – excuse the pun.

If you enjoy reading or watching science fiction, then reading Illuminae won’t be too far of a stretch. Even if you aren’t that imaginative when it comes to imagining the spaceship layout or dynamics of what’s going on, this book is very good at illustrating that for you. Literally. I remember technical diagrams of each of the ships. It makes it a very easy narrative to get on with.

Narrative Style

Told in a mixed-media format, this book is great for readers who have short attention spans or benefit from short, snappy content.

With everything from transcripts to posters and images, the action is spread across a variety of media that keeps us engaged. It’s a fun way of telling the story too. With the science-fiction slant on the narrative, it helps circumnavigate any understanding issues and makes the content more applicable to its intended younger audience.

Because of its format, I was able to read a large quantity of page count without too much effort. The constantly changing content types kept me reading on just that little bit longer and kept me engaged with the storyline throughout.


Regardless of whether you are a fan of the young adult genre, or even the science-fiction genre, I cannot recommend Illuminae enough. It’s a great introduction to reading something a little different. With plenty of action to keep readers’ attention, combined with a variety of mixed media to help with understanding and engagement, Illuminae is a fabulous start to a series I have since gone on to read voraciously and enjoy!

Have you read Illuminae or any other books by Jay Kristoff or Amie Kaufman?


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Monthly TBR – February 2025

For February‘s monthly TBR, I’m making an effort to pick up more topical reads. I have read a few books in February before around the topic of Black History Month. Still, I’ve not leaned into it all that heavily – until now.

This monthly TBR post features a carryover from January, as well as our work’s book club pick. After that, my plans are to lean into Black History Month completely. With a mixture of both fiction and non-fiction, it should be a good month of reading. I’m also pushing myself out of my comfort zone this month by picking up a political non-fiction – something I’ve never done before.

Fixed Reads

A Darkness at Sethanon

My carryover from January‘s monthly TBR is A Darkness at Sethanon by Raymond E Feist.

I set out to pick up the book in January as it’s the final book in his The Riftwar Saga series. If you read my series to finish in 2025 post, you’ll know that this particular book was on my hit list to help me achieve my goal of finishing more series this year.

I’m still pretty early on in this book, so I have the vast majority of it to read in February. It’s a solid start so far, and I’ve caught up with the events of the previous books so I know exactly where we’re picking up from.

The Da Vinci Code

At our book club meeting on Wednesday last week, we decided to pick up The Da Vinci Code by Dan Brown next. It’s a mixed bag between us as to whether members have read the book before. Personally, I’m in the camp of having not read it yet.

I do recall watching a series based on the novel. I’m not going into it completely blind, but I’ve also never experienced the book. That’s often a very different experience to watching it!

I’ve only got on till the 26th of February to pick up the book. Naturally, this is going to be a bit more of a priority read. Whilst it doesn’t matter all that much when I pick up the rest of the books on this monthly TBR, this is the only one with an official deadline.

A Promised Land

The anomaly on this monthly TBR is Barack Obama‘s political memoir, A Promised Land.

I have never read anything like it before. Is it likely I ever will again? Well, I suppose that depends on my experience of this book. What I can say for sure is that it meets my 2025 resolution of reading out of my comfort zone. 

I understand that it’s a lot heavier than Michelle Obama‘s autobiography, Becoming. It’s also a lot longer. At 760 odd pages, this is not going to be a light read.

I’m not really invested when it comes to politics. However, I did actually quite like Barack Obama and what he was trying to do in America. It’s completely different to the type of material I would normally pick up. His life experiences are unique and I’m curious to read this memoir to learn a little bit more about him and his presidency.

What makes this a little better is that I’m listening to the audiobook, which Barack narrates himself. It may sound daft, but I think that will make it easier to listen to. It feels more personal somehow…

Fearing the Black Body

I originally wanted to pick up this book for reasons other to its ties to Black History Month. Rather, I have a bit of a personal investment as a larger lady. I wanted to pick up this book for its perspective on fat phobia and why people like me are often judged for the way we look and our lifestyles.

However, the ties to racial discrimination in this do interest me. It hadn’t occurred to me that this may have been an underlying influence to why people are more judgmental for people with bigger bodies. I was curious to read the book and find out more. So much so, in fact, that as of publishing this monthly TBR I have already listened to this audiobook in its entirety!

Mood Reads

Children of Virtue and Vengeance

I can’t have every single book on my fixed reading list this month. There is a chance I won’t get round to it all, on account of the fact that February has only 28 days. With this in mind, I’ve decided to put my fictional Black History Month-related reads here.

In the example of Children of Virtue and Vengeance, I have the incentive of picking this book up to continue with this series. Even if the worst-case scenario is that I don’t get to this book in February, I’m likely to still pick it up this year. Children of Virtue and Vengeance is the second book of the Legacy of Orisha series. There is just one book left after this one; it would make a series completion and help me towards my reading resolutions for the year.

It’s been a good while since I picked up the first book of the series, Children of Blood and Bone. I suspect I’m going to need a little refresher on the events of that first book before I dive into this sequel. It’s been six years since I picked it up after all!

In Every Mirror She’s Black

Lastly, the final book I plan to pick up on this monthly TBR that leans into Black History Month is In Every Mirror She’s Black.

I picked up my copy of this book a few years ago in a Waterstones sale after Christmas. I like the sound of the novel and how it compares the experiences of three seemingly different women… but are they?

From what I gather, the book is some kind of commentary on how the lives of Black women, even though they have different backgrounds,  are often filled with the same themes. That’s my impression, anyway. I’ll see for sure when I pick it up!


I’m setting a less ambitious monthly TBR than I did for January. I didn’t get to all the books on that list, but those that didn’t will make another appearance on my next TBR. In the spirit of reading more seasonally, I want to lean into Black History Month and pick up topical reads.

Are you reading anything for Black History Month?


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Sunday Summary – 2nd February 2025

In today’s Sunday Summary, I have plenty of reading updates for you! I can’t wait to share that progress with you. Before that, though, let’s take a look at the blog posts I’ve shared so far this week.

My first post of the week was a post outlining a number of series I want to finish in 2025. With many series so close to completion, I’ve outlined those I plan to prioritise to help meet my goal this year.

Next, I shared my monthly wrap-up for January yesterday. Whilst I didn’t get to all the books on my January TBR, I read no less than 3 five-star reads in the first month of 2025. If you’re curious to see what those books were, that’s the post to check out!


Books Read


I achieved the completion of Firefight that I hoped for last week! Listening to Firefight on audiobook has been a great experience – so much so, I’ve got the final book in the same format.

Firefight was every bit as good as I expected. I had no idea what was going to happen, but that was half the fun. I always had doubts on certain characters and perspectives, so it was interesting to see some of those twists play out.

Brandon Sanderson is always a great author to pick up. He’s one I can always rely on if I need a pick-me-up or if I’m looking to guarantee a great read. Part of the reason I picked it up so early in the year was to have a great start, but also set myself up for a series completion this year.

If you read yesterday’s monthly wrap-up, you’ll know I rated this book five stars.

A Darkness at Sethanon

Next, I picked up and read the first few chapters of A Darkness at Sethanon by Raymond E. Feist. As I mentioned in my monthly wrap-up as well, I have only just started this book this week.

At the present time, I’ve gotten to grips with where I’m at in the series so far. It’s been a while since I picked up the earlier books. I’ve had to remind myself of what’s happened to date. However, that’s now been settled and now I’m ready to dig into this last instalment of the series.

Fearing the Black Body: The Racial Origins of Fat Phobia

In what has to be a record, I have listened to the entirety of Fearing the Black Body this weekend! I’ve made the most of the time I’ve had and listened to several hours of the audio both yesterday and today.

I’ve picked up this book as February is Black History Month. However, I had my own incentives to listen to it. As a larger woman myself, I’m not a stranger to ridicule and judgement for my size. Thankfully, I’ve long left the negativity and judgement of teenage peers in my schooldays behind. Nowadays, it’s more the case that whenever I go to the doctor, my weight is mentioned. Still, it’s a topic of interest to me as it’s influenced my life growing up.

It hadn’t really occurred to me before that fat phobia could have origins in racial discrimination and religious segregation. What this book is one argument towards this, that’s not to say it is indefinitely. I can see the logic in it though, and the author puts forward solid historical facts and studies that support this argument.

Clearly, the speed at which I’ve listened to this audiobook will tell you that I found this engaging and a topic of interest.

Books Discovered

As I mentioned earlier in this Sunday Summary, I have acquired a copy of Calamity in audiobook form this week. Thankfully, I already had the Audible credits to do it with, so it didn’t cost me anything.

Aside from that, I’ve also gotten copies I need for February’s TBR. If you want to see what those are, read on to find out when that post goes live!

Coming Up…

The first post I’m sharing next week is my Monthly TBR. You don’t have long to wait for it either, because it’s coming out on Monday. In fact, as of drafting this post, I already have that one drafted and ready for editing. If you’re looking forward to seeing which books I plan to pick up in February, as well as the theme for this month’s reading, come back tomorrow and all will be revealed.

Next, I plan to share a book review with you on Thursday. In that post, my intention is to review the first book in a mixed-media series co-authored by Jay Kristoff and Amie Kaufman. Do you know what it is? If not, you don’t have long to wait to find out!

I’m back again on Friday, so not long to wait once again. In Friday’s regular feature, it is the turn of my First Lines Friday post. With plenty of other content to think about already this week, I’m not going to restrict myself by setting any challenges. As of this Sunday Summary, I have absolutely no idea which book I’m going to pick either. We’re both in the dark as each other.

Lastly, I’ll be back with another weekly update in the form of my Sunday Summary post. Will I have as much reading progress to share with you next week? That remains to be seen. I could always be hopeful, but I do think this week has been a bit of an anomaly. Let’s not write myself off though, and we’ll wait and see.

That’s all from me in this weekly Sunday Summary, so consider yourself duly caught up with all my reading going on. What are you currently reading?


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Monthly Wrap-Up – January 2025

The first month of 2025 has flown by! It’s been a fun start to the year. And, as I hoped, I’ve picked up some great books to get me started. Today’s monthly wrap-up post is dominated by books I rated five-stars. What more could I ask for?

I set myself an ambitious monthly TBR, but I’m not going to knock myself down for not being able to match my enthusiasm with results. I still picked up the vast majority of the reading list. What didn’t make it in January is going to come back very shortly.

So, shall we take a look at the books I did manage to pick up in January?

Books Read

The Priory of the Orange Tree

I started the year with an audiobook listen of The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon. I did this deliberately as I wanted to start the year right. I’ve heard great things about this fantasy, and I wanted to make sure that one of my first reads of 2025 was going to be a four or five-star rating.

At the beginning of January, I had already listened to just over half of this audiobook (55% if you want to get specific). That still left me with around 11 or 12 hours of audio to progress with. Whilst technically this is only half the book, that is more than a whole book’s worth when you think about the average book length I typically read!

Needless to say, my tactic worked. I rated The Priory of the Orange Tree five stars. I loved this fantasy inside out. It was a fun read with compelling characters and an interesting plotline anyway. However, its emphasis on strong female lead characters really made this even better for me.


Fool’s Errand

The second and final book I carried over from my December monthly wrap-up was Fool’s Errand by Robin Hobb. Admittedly, I was much less into this book when I started the year. Aside from the first 56 pages, I pretty much read the whole book in January.

Fool’s Errand broke my heart in every way I feared it would. I really enjoyed being back in the world of Fitzchivalry Farseer and seeing how events have moved on from the first trilogy in the Realm of the Elderlings series. The foreshadowing at the beginning of this book hammered home my fears about what may happen in this latest instalment.

Can a book be both great and terrible at the same time? It was the events of this book that were tragic. The storyline and writing itself it’s usual fantastic standard. Robin Hobb is not known for pulling her punches when it comes to her main characters. Do we really get invested in them if we know they’re going to turn out right in the end?

Fool’s Errand achieved another five star rating and really cemented a good reading start for me this year.

Shuggie Bain

Back in November, our book club at work decided that we would reconvene in January after reading Shuggie Bain by Douglas Stewart.

Admittedly, this isn’t the type of book I would’ve picked up of my own volition. That’s the benefit of a book club! It gives you the chance to pick up and read new things and really get out of your comfort zone. Remember, that’s one of my reading goals for this year.

Whilst I confess I didn’t love every aspect of Shuggie Bain, that’s not to say I didn’t get anything out of it. The book is very bleak in its outlook, but gives great perspective on quite pivotal problems in our society like alcoholism, addiction and the impact these things have on families.

From our discussion, we came to the conclusion that whilst these things feel like a very distant problem for other people, they’re not so far under the surface. Quite often those afflicted are very good at masking their problems. Also, it’s dangerous that substances such as alcohol are so widely available to trap those trying to free themselves of their addiction.


The final book I picked up and read to completion before the end of the month was Firefight by Brandon Sanderson. I appreciate fantasy has featured quite heavily on this month’s TBR, but I’m not apologetic for it. It’s my favourite genre for a reason! Brandon Sanderson is also always a great read. I’ve loved every single one of his books, even when you’re taken into consideration how varied they are.

Firefight is the second book of his The Reckoners trilogy. Part of the reason I wanted to pick this up early in the year is so I have just one book left in the series. You may also recall a featured this series in my Series to Finish in 2025 post.

I didn’t anticipate the ending of this book, but I went into it pretty open-minded. I really enjoyed how events played out in the book and it’s gotten me all the more excited to pick up the final instalment of the series very soon!

A Darkness at Sethanon

The last book I picked up before the end of the month, though admittedly I only got a couple of chapters in, was A Darkness at Sethanon by Raymond E Feist.

This book is also a final instalment in a series and that is the main reason for picking this book up. I want to make an effort continuously to keep finishing up series I’ve started and get the list back under control.

There’s not much to say as of this monthly wrap-up post, other than to say that I’ve gotten myself caught up on events of the prior books in the series and I’m looking forward to diving into this one in earnest!


This monthly wrap-up post has illustrated to me that my aims of picking up high-quality reads in my favourite genre for January have set me up in good stead for the rest of the year. With no less than 3 five-star reads already under my belt, I’m looking forward to continuing the positive streak.

Did you pick up any five-star reads in January? Do you have any reading goals you are prioritising for 2025?


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Series to Finish in 2025

One of my 2025 Resolutions is to give greater priority to finishing book series. I have plenty of series where I only have 1, 2, or 3 books left before I can mark them complete. In today’s post, I feature my list of series to finish in 2025.

My intention with publishing this post is accountability. Not only have I done the work to identify a number of series that are quick completions. This post also makes that intention public – and hopefully makes me commit to reading all these books this year!

Series to Finish in 2025

The Reckoners

I’m currently listening to Firefight with only 1 hour and 16 minutes left. Once that’s finished, I only have the third book of this trilogy, Calamity, left.

Not only is this an easy win because I only pretty much have one book left to read, but because it’s a Brandon Sanderson book, it will be very easy to achieve as well. I always look forward to his books, and when I do pick them up, they are effortless to read. At the point I am in the series, I have well established the world in which this series is set, and so it’s onward with the action!

The Hunger Games

Sunrise on the Reaping is a prequel to The Hunger Games. It’s due out in mid-March, and I plan to pick it up shortly after it’s released.

I’m not one for keeping up too closely with new releases. However, as it is the only book in the series I have yet to read, I’m going to prioritise it so that the series returns to a completed status. I confess, I’m also half tempted to re-read The Hunger Games anyway. I loved these books as a teenager, and it’s a great opportunity for a re-read… yes?

Eagle of Mercia

Another 2025 release that takes the Eagle of Mercia series off its ‘up-to-date’ pedestal is Betrayal of Mercia.

Betrayal of Mercia was released earlier this month. I started reading the series whilst taking part in blog tours and I kept up with it. Even though I’ve taken the decision not to take part in blog tours anymore, I’m invested in the series. So, I plan to continue with it in my own time.

Betrayal of Mercia is the seventh book in this series. It’s a historical fiction with a main character I have a lot of respect for. I’m looking forward to getting back into this world.


The Riftwar Saga

My current read, A Darkness at Sethanon, also makes this ‘Series to Finish in 2025’ list. As it stands, it’s the final book of Raymond E. Feist’s The Riftwar Saga series.

Although there are more series set in the same world should I wish to return, it’s strictly the last book of the trilogy I’ve started. At present, I don’t know if I’m going to go on to read those of the series. Whilst these books have been perfectly acceptable, I equally don’t have the same pull towards it that I have towards other fantasy series. I may be happy to leave it here; that depends on whether I enjoy this last book.

The Dark Tower

The last series to feature in this ‘Series to Finish in 2025’ post is The Dark Tower by Stephen King. This series is the longest in terms of books left to completion, with three remaining at the time of this post.

Some of the books left in this series are chunky. It will probably take me some time to finish this series, but I’m looking forward to it nonetheless.

The next book I have to read, which admittedly I started the first 20 pages of a few months ago, is Wolves of the Calla. I didn’t properly commit to that one so I’ll likely restart it. That book alone is 765 pages long. After that, Song of Susannah is 434 pages long and lastly, The Dark Tower is 740 pages.


Have you got lots of ongoing series to progress with? Do you have any series to finish in 2025?


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Sunday Summary – 26th January 2025

Drafting my weekly Sunday Summary is always a reminder that another weekend is over. That’s perhaps a bit dramatic given I’m initially drafting this post in the afternoon. But still, the sentiment stands. Weekends fly by far too quickly! How have you spent yours?

Before I jump into a recap of the books I’ve been reading over this week, let’s take a look at the blog posts I’ve shared with you so far. The first post I shared this week was a Top Ten  Tuesday. This week I featured the 10 newest books I’ve added to my collection. I bought quite a few lately, and that doesn’t even take into consideration the voucher I received for Christmas yet. That remains unspent, but for how long, who knows?

On Friday, I shared a Shelf Control featuring The Whisper Man by Alex North. It’s been a little while since I featured and/or read a police procedural novel. The synopsis gives off thriller vibes and I’m looking forward to reading this soon.


Books Read


I confess, I was hoping for Firefight to be finished this week. I can’t say I’ve gotten that far, but I have made good progress with this audiobook. Today alone I’ve listened to around three hours! Add that to the two hours I listened to earlier this week and you can see I’ve still made significant progress!

I’m really enjoying Firefight. At this point of the book, I have three hours of audio left and I’m still not sure how things are going to play out. There is clearly going to be a conflict with the Reckoners, hopefully preventing a dangerous Epic from doing something drastic. As to how the other Epics are going to play into that storyline though, remains to be seen.

So far, my experience of the book is that it’s every bit as good as the first book in the series, Steelheart. With so little left of the audio and the conclusion rapidly coming up, I’m sure I will get a completion in the next few days. Hopefully, before the end of the month!


Shuggie Bain

Progress with Shuggie Bain has been slower, but I made up for it today and finished the last 100 pages. You think I would have read it sooner, taking into account our book club meeting to discuss the book is in just a few days…

Whilst I have enjoyed the book, the themes and the subject matter can make this a little difficult to sit and read in long bursts. The characters go through some very awful things. One of the main characters is Shuggie‘s mum, Agnes. She struggles with alcohol addiction and depression as well. She’s had marital woes throughout her adult life, and as a result of all these things, most of her children try to avoid anything to do with her. Shuggie is the youngest and is left behind to pick up the pieces.

He is far too aware of what his mother goes through and does his best to try to make things better for her. He’ll even compromise himself to make her feel happier. It’s emotional and heartbreaking to read.

Books Discovered

I’ll think I’ll be off buying any new books for a little while, given I made it perfectly clear I’ve bought plenty in the recent past!

Coming Up…

So, we come to the part of my Sunday Summary posts in which I tell you what’s coming up next.

The first of my blog posts is intended to go live on Wednesday. With my 2025 resolutions in mind, I wanted to draft a post in which I set out which book series I want to finish in 2025. Carrying on with and completing series is one of my reading goals for the year, and this will be a great place to set out my intentions. And to hold myself accountable….

Next, I plan to share my monthly wrap-up post for January on Saturday, the 1st of February. In that post, I’ll recap the books I’ve picked up throughout January in comparison to the monthly TBR I set myself. I know I’m not going to get through the whole monthly TBR at this point, but I’m going to do my best to pick up as much as I can between now and then.

Lastly, I’ll be back with another Sunday Summary update post to catch you up on my weekly goings-on. As always, I hope you can join me for any and preferably all these posts.

Until then, I hope you have a great week!


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Shelf Control #85 – 24/01/2025

Good evening readers and welcome to this Shelf Control post – hope you are well? It’s been a wild one here! Today I’ve been relegated to working from home as the office was shut due to storm Éowyn. All things considered, I’ve not suffered badly. Losing half a roof tile is nothing compared to other people. Someone had half their roof ripped off!

Anyway, less of topical commentary and more of what to expect from this Shelf Control. Shelf Control is a meme run by Lisa at Bookshelf Fantasies. It’s a celebration of the unread books on our shelves! The idea is to pick a book you own but haven’t read and write a post about it (suggestions: include what it’s about, why you want to read it, and when you got it), and link up.

If you want to read more about the Shelf Control feature, check out Lisa’s introductory post.

In today’s post, I feature the first police procedural in a good while. I enjoy the genre but don’t read a lot of it. No doubt I’ll be changing that soon!

The Whisper Man – Alex North

Genre: Thriller / Police Procedural

Pages: 384

Audience: Adult

Publisher: Celadon Books

Publication Date: 22 Aug 2019


Goodreads – The Whisper Man


If you leave a door half-open, soon you’ll hear the whispers spoken…

Fifteen years ago, a serial killer known only as ‘The Whisper Man’ wreaked havoc on the sleepy village of Featherbank.

But with the killer behind bars, the village is now a safe haven for Tom and his young son Jake to make a fresh start.

Until another boy goes missing. It feels like history is repeating itself.

Could the killer still be out there – and can Tom protect his son from becoming the next victim?


My Thoughts

I already have a copy of The Whisper Man, so I anticipate I’ll be picking up this police procedural soon. I enjoy picking up books like this, even if I don’t very often. The suspense is already palpable from the synopsis. Once we get into the story, it can only grow from there!

I added this book to my TBR in June 2019 and purchased a copy on Kindle on 2020. Taking advantage of a book being discounted to 99p is always a good idea when you read as much as I do!

Alex North is a new author to me. At the time I added this to my TBR, he had nothing else published under that name. Now in 2025 he has several books out, and another due out in May. What I hadn’t realised is that he’s also published multiple books under the pseudonym Steve Mosby. If I go on to enjoy this book as much as I think I will, then I have plenty more of his to read in future.

Do you like the sound of The Whisper Man? Have you read it and is it worth the positive press it’s received?

Stay safe and I’ll see you in my Sunday Summary in a couple of days!


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Top Ten Tuesday – The Ten Most Recent Additions to My Book Collection

In today’s Top Ten Tuesday post, I share my ten most recent additions to my book collection. Between Christmas and my own wanderings into the book store (always dangerous for my bank account), I’ve not had to look far for the features in this post.

Hopefully this Top Ten Tuesday will give you some bookish inspiration for future reads. It certainly won’t do anything to make me feel better about my bank account balance, but that’s my own problem 😅

Just kidding, I have no remorse!


The Ten Most Recent Additions to My Book Collection

The Earth Transformed

I recently went on a bit of a spending spree in Waterstones, and purchased a copy of The Earth Transformed. It’s not because I’ve discovered the book before; rather, the premise of the book caught my attention there and then. It’s fair to say it was a bit of a ‘whim’ purchase.

A Man Called Ove

Although not officially on my TBR at the point I purchased a copy, I have been eyeing up A Man Called Ove for some time. In fact, I suggested it as one of our work book club’s first reads mid-last year. Having heard what I have about the book, I have high expectations. I love the idea of the character and if the introduction I featured in last week’s First Lines Friday is anything to go by, it should be a cracker.

Ultra-Processed People

I’ve looked at Ultra-Processed People a few times as well before getting my copy a few weeks ago. It seems especially relevant this year as I’m trying to be more mindful of the food I eat.

It’s easier to make better choices when you’re more informed about what is good and what is not, right?


This Book May Save Your Life

The book that’s been the longest on my TBR in this Top Ten Tuesday is This Book May Save Your Life.

I actually added this to the TBR in September 2023. The author has created a lot of short-form content on the likes of Facebook and it was through those I discovered the book.

My expectation is that the author’s humour and quirky fact finding fill make for a fun read. I’m sure the book will also be somewhat useful, but it’s for the humour I’m looking forward to reading it.


The Anxious Generation

I had added The Anxious Generation to my reading list a few weeks before picking up a copy. It just happens that Waterstones were doing a buy one get one half price feature and included this particular book.

Thankfully, I’m of an age where I just missed out on technology and social media dominating my childhood. I’m glad that it didn’t! I would’ve hated to grow up in today’s society. It’s going to be interesting to read about the impact that’s had on children today.


I received a copy of Julia for Christmas. I had asked for a clothbound classic edition of 1984 by George Orwell. I also received a copy of this book as a companion to that.

I’m looking forward to reading Julia as it presents a more modern take on the story with a different perspective on events.


As I mentioned above, I received a copy of 1984 by George Orwell for Christmas I have read this book a couple of times before school (with admittedly not a great rating from me then. However, I re-read the book as an adult and in the context of not having to study it for an assignment. The experience was a completely different one and I loved the book!

I expect this is a classic I will re-read time and again. Now I have a fancy edition to pick up…

Shuggie Bain

Shuggie Bain is not the type of book I would have picked up of my own volition. Rather, our book club at work are reading Shuggie Bain at the moment. So, I purchased my copy secondhand ahead of the club meet next week.

It’s been good to pick up something different. One of the reading resolutions I set myself this year is to read out of my comfort zone. This book definitely fits into that category!

It’s a shame that children such a Shuggie have to grow up in the way they do. As a young child, he is far too aware of the unsavoury side of life. He is bullied at the age of 8+ because he is gay. I’m not even sure he knows it yet, but other kids do. He is also aware of his mother‘s depression and dependency on alcohol. It’s proving a difficult read for this reason, but it will also make great discussion in book club.


I bought Eve, again opportunistically, because I like the sound of the book. There’s quite a lot of these in this Top Ten Tuesday. That fact hasn’t escaped me.

I’m sure readers are all too aware that the impact women have had on society historically has been… downplayed.

Eve sets to set the score straight. Even if the impact of women has been written out of the history books, it cannot be excluded from our biology. The human body has a lot to thank women for. From how the female body helps provide immunisation (and thus survival) to infants to why we’re more likely to get Alzheimer’s, I’m looking forward to this scientific angle on why women are who we are today.


Orbital was featured in Waterstones (you can tell where I do a lot of my physical book shopping…) as the Booker Prize winner for 2024. I liked the sound of it, so I bought myself a copy.

I also like that it’s a shorter book. I regularly pick up large fantasy novels. When I need something shorter to break up that reading, Orbital will be perfect.


Thanks for reading today’s Top Ten Tuesday feature. Have you purchased or received any new books lately?


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Sunday Summary – 19th January 2025

Happy Sunday, fellow readers, and welcome back to another Sunday Summary post from yours truly. Before we get into it, have you had a good week?

I’ve been back to the usual blog schedule this week. Whilst I had fun sharing posts last week, it’s not a pace I can sustain. I will be doing it a little bit more often though. So, what have I shared this week? Firstly, I put together my review of Ship of Magic by Robin Hobb and published this on Wednesday. Fans will be glad to see plenty of content about her here!

Next, I featured one of my recent purchases in Friday’s First Lines Friday feature. I set this as a challenge for myself in last week’s Sunday summary post; I’m pleased to say I delivered.

Books Read

The Priory of the Orange Tree

I finally concluded this nearly 26-hour audiobook this week. It’s taken a good few weeks, but at the same time, this is probably the fastest I’ve listened to an audiobook for a little while.

When I first started this audiobook, I had reservations about how much detail I would take in. Fantasy is typically a very dense genre in terms of world building, etc. In the past, audiobooks have not been the best format for me to listen to these in. However, The Priory of the Orange Tree debunked that belief.

Maybe I need to give myself some more credit. Perhaps I’m more used to listening to audiobooks now and picking up the content this way. I’m not entirely sure why this worked, but I’m pleased to say it did.

The bulk of the audio left for this week was the epic conclusion. It was every bit as good as I expected it to be, and I rated this book 5 stars without hesitation. Needless to say, Samantha Shannon is going to be a future feature on my TBR with her other books!


I’ve made pretty good audiobook progress this week. After finishing The Priory of the Orange Tree, I started Firefight by Brandon Sanderson this weekend.

Picking up Firefight on audio is a change from the first book. I’m pretty sure I read that one on Kindle. However, it worked well to pick this up in audio and continue listening to fantasy.

I always enjoy picking up books by Brandon Sanderson, regardless of the setting or the magic he has created for the book. Firefight is the second of three books in his The Reckoners trilogy. If you like books about superheroes and epic villains with magic, this is the best way I could describe the series to you. In Firefight, we’ve been introduced to a number of new characters, good and evil alike, and I’m looking forward to seeing how they clash over the remaining pages!

So far, I’ve listened to a two and a half hours of this 12-hour-long audio. Admittedly, I’m listening to this at x1.2 speed, so this works out at 7 hours and 45minutes left of actual listening time left.

Shuggie Bain

I left off from last week’s Sunday Summary update having just started the first 50 pages of Shuggie Bain. Over the course of the week, I have read a further 160-odd pages, bringing me to just over 50% progress on the book as of this Sunday Summary.

It’s not the easiest of reads in that the characters go through an awful lot. From poverty and alcoholism to death and adultery, the characters in this book don’t have a lot going for them. At the present time in the book, Shuggie is just a child watching this play out. But he’s not ignorant of what’s going on either. He’s all too aware of his mother‘s faults and it’s heartbreaking to see him try to make her happy or help her cope. As an ten-year-old child, he shouldn’t be responsible or feel responsible for his mother in the way that he does.

Books Discovered

Given the mini-haul I racked up last week, I have firmly put a lid on the purse strings, but also kept my head down. As a result, I’ve not added anything new to the reading list this week. I have enough as it is!

Coming Up…

The first post I plan to share with you next week is a Top Ten Tuesday. The feature of that post will talk about recent additions to my book collection. Even just looking back to last week’s Sunday Summary, you’ll see I have plenty to talk about!

Later in the week, I plan to share another Friday feature with you. This week it’s the turn of my Shelf Control post. So, I hope you can join me to look ahead at a police procedural thriller I’m looking forward to reading.

Lastly, you know the drill. Next Sunday will be the return of my Sunday Summary update post. I’m aiming to have a completion of Shuggie Bain in that post, and maybe even Firefight if I can step up my audio listening. Can I do it? You’ll have to check out that post to find out!

Until then, have a fabulous week whatever your plans are, and I will see you around soon!


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