Tag: reading list

Monthly TBR – September 2024

I’m back with my reading list for September in this monthly TBR post!

I’ve been pushing myself these last few months to try and read more, but ultimately not got through the reading list. I now need to consider that I am studying for an exam in November. As a result, I have less time to read than usual, so I’ve tried to shorten the reading list to allow for that and without feeling guilty.

Here are the reads I have been, and will be reading, this month. Let’s get stuck in!

Fixed Reads


Eruption is one of the reads I carried over from August. I’m pleased to say that I just finished the book last night. However, it’s only fair to include the 155 pages so I’ve read this month;  the time taken to read that will naturally affect what time I have left for the rest of this TBR.


My second carryover is Undoctored by Adam Kay. It’s another book that I’ve already finished so far this month!

I was listening to the audiobook version and it’s been great to have a humorous non-fiction read for a change. If you’ve already read and loved other books by Adam Kay, such as This is Going to Hurt, Undoctored will offer you the exact same experience with brand-new anecdotes and personal stories. Where the first book focuses on his years as a junior doctor, this latter focuses more towards the end of his doctoring career and his move into becoming a writer and comedian.

The Lost Apothecary

I’m including The Lost Apothecary on my fixed reading list because it is a library loan due back in just over a week.

I picked up this book at the very beginning of the month as I wasn’t feeling the reads I had originally lined up. Instead, I wanted to pick up something a lot lighter, and the synopsis of this book appealed to me.

I’ve only really sat and read this for any length of time once so far at the beginning of the month. I’ve been prioritising finishing Eruption. However, I really enjoyed what I read and I managed to get about 20% through the book in that one sitting. I’m expecting this to be a nice quick read and as it’s now my priority read as of drafting this monthly wrap-up, I hope to get through it soon!


The last book I’m including in the fixed section of this monthly TBR is Defiant by Brandon Sanderson. I am determined to finish this series and to make that possible this month, I’ve picked up the audio copy of this book. I’ve read the previous instalments of the series are the physically. However, I currently have no qualms about switching to audio as it’s a form format that means I can access reading at a time where I can’t sit down conventionally. That’s happening more often than it ever used to so it makes sense to adapt.

I’ve not long started the audio of this book, but already I’m getting back into the setting and familiarising myself with where we left off in Cytonic.

I’m looking forward to listening to this audio and finishing this series. It’ll be bittersweet I think.

Mood Reads

Three Sisters

Another audio I’m hoping to pick up this month is Three Sisters by Heather Morris. This is the third book in The Tattooist of Auschwitz series and will mark another series completion for me once read.

I’ve had this audiobook for some time. Given my reading time constraints, having another audio will make the reading list a little easier. It’s also the format I have read the other books in, so it will be consistent.

It’s been a little while since I picked up any books in the series. However, as I don’t think this directly relates or follows on from either of the earlier books, that doesn’t really matter.

The Kingdom

I mentioned in my Sunday Summary last week that I was planning on changing up some of the books I had planned for this TBR. Some of the books stayed on the list, and The Kingdom is the first of these.

The setting of this book is a little whimsical. Combine fantasy theme park with AI and a murder, and you’ll get an idea of what this book is about. I also think the book is told through a variety of formats. I’m excited to pick up something that I wouldn’t typically.


Another series I would like to progress with is Terry Pratchett’s Discworld universe. The next book on my list is Jingo, which is part of the city watch series. I’m quite looking forward to this book as it deals with the topic of war, and will feature a character I enjoy and find quite relatable – Sam Vimes.

If I recall correctly, the last city watch book I read was Feet of Clay. I wasn’t as much of a fan of this one, but I’m confident this will be a much more interesting read.

If nothing else, Terry’s books usually contain quite a bit of humour and they are relatively light-hearted. Given I’ve got a busy month ahead at work, as well as studying, it will be good to help carry me through. It’s for this reason that Jingo survived the TBR switch up alongside The Kingdom.


I’m glad I revised my monthly TBR down a little from what I had originally planned. On the off-chance I get through all of the books on this list then I’ll be able to pick up what I want and when.  However, there’s enough here that should keep me challenged for the month.

I’m also happy that I’ve taken off some of the larger and heavier books out of this monthly TBR. I was originally thinking of continuing with Wolves of the Calla by Stephen King. I also entertained picking up Fool’s Errand by Robin Hobb. Neither are quick reads. Whilst they’re both still on my list, I’ll read them at a time that better suits and give myself plenty of time for them.

What are you reading right now?


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Monthly Wrap-Up – August 2024

Hello readers and welcome to this monthly wrap-up for August. I had a decent month of reading, and this post is about sharing what I read over the last month.

I had a couple of carryover’s from July, as well as a varied list for August. As usual now, I didn’t get to all the books I set for August – but I had a great time with the books I did read.

Let’s take a look!

Books Read

The Power of Habit

Picking up from last month’s monthly wrap-up post, I was 30% into The Power of Habit.

I really enjoyed this book, and I’m hoping I have some good take away knowledge from it. The book has great examples of the consequences of bad habits – personal, organisational and as a society. The key takeaway I have from the book is that you can often change a habit by making changes in a seemingly unrelated way and gradually introduce change from there.

I’m hoping this will help me build more good habits in my own life!

The Other People

In my Monthly TBR post I shared that I was nearly through this audiobook. I’d already listened to 80%, so this month I was hoping for a quick conclusion.

Mum loved and strongly recommended The Other People and having finished it, I get why. If you enjoy mysteries that keep you guessing all the way along, this is perfect. Even up until the very end I was still trying to put pieces together and work out character’s involvement in the story line.

The Other People is the third book I’ve read by C.J. Tudor, and I still have plenty to read!

The Midnight Library

For our first ever book club at work, we chose The Midnight Library by Matt Haig to read and discuss. For me it is a re-read, but I agree with some feedback from another member that it’s better second time around!

I re-read The Midnight Library very quickly. It’s only a short read – one of the reasons I recommended it to book club in the first place. At the same time, it raises plenty of discussion points; it doesn’t lack for content! Admittedly I did leave this a little last minute. I finished it the night before book club. I wasn’t the last though – Helen spent the first half hour of the meeting finishing it!


I’ve prioritised picking up our next book club read, Eruption, as I’m sharing a physical copy with another member.

As of the end of August I was 65% into the book. I’ve started reading it again after my bout of covid (so as not to contaminate the book!) so as of drafting this monthly wrap-up I’m a little futther.

I hope to finish this soon so I can pass on to Helen ASAP.

Wolves of the Calla

A book I very briefly started, but ended up shelving temporarily, is Wolves of the Calla by Stephen King.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with the book and I fully intend to pick it up again soon. However, I started to read this right at the end of the month when I became unwell. I decided the time wasn’t ideal to pick up such a tome. When I’m back into the swing of things I’ll pick it up again.


A short audiobook I enjoyed this month was Breathtaking by Rachel Clarke. Make no mistake, it’s an eye-opener.

I totally appreciate the book and subject may not be for everyone right now. However, I enjoyed listening to this perspective on the pandemic. I had no idea that care homes were so woefully under-supplied with PPE. What I also found interesting was Rachel’s (and colleagues) views of the advice being issued by the government. It is very much a view of too little and too late.



My last non-fiction to share with you in this monthly wrap-up is Undoctored by Adam Kay.

As of drafting this monthly wrap-up I have just finished the book this morning. You’ll get more thoughts on it in Sunday’s Sunday Summary update.

However, as a snapshot of where I was at month end, I was a couple of hours shy of completion.


I read quite a number of non-fiction books in August – more than average I’d say. However, given I was a little behind in my mid-year review on this goal, it’s a good change. I’m still slightly behind, but only by one book or so.

August was a good month of reading for subject diversity and I’m looking forward to an equally productive September. My reading list is coming out in the next day or so, so stay tuned!


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Monthly TBR – August 2024

I’m excited to share my upcoming reading list in this monthly TBR post. I always look forward to planning my reading and sharing the fantastic books I’ve got coming up on my blog.

This month’s list looks a little longer, but I also have some shorter than average reads. Do I think I’ll complete this TBR by the end of the month? Unlikely. However, I’m going to try and stretch myself as always!

Shall we get into this monthly TBR and take a look at what’s coming up?

Fixed Reads

The Power of Habit

The Power of Habit is a carryover from July, but I’m already a good way through this relatively short book.

This book weighs in at just under 300 pages. It’s quite an easy read too, so I should fly through the remainder of it.

So far I’m enjoying the easy writing style, multiple interwoven anecdotes and threads to explain and reiterate the author’s points. I’m hopeful that I can learn from this book and have the ability to be more mindful and influential of my own habits in future.

The Other People

My only other carryover this month is my audiobook listen of The Other People by C.J. Tudor.

I’m even closer to completion with this book. I’m now about 80% done and eager to get to the end and see how the story comes together. I’ve only got just over 2 hours listening time to go; I’m going to try and finish it before the weekend!

The Midnight Library

My last fixed read of August is a re-read of The Midnight Library by Matt Haig.

There is a new book club at work and this is the selected read. We’re meeting to discuss it on the 13th, so I’ll be getting a wiggle on with it. Thankfully it’s only a short one, and not a new story to me. It shouldn’t take long to read, and I’ve heard it’s better second time around!

Mood Reads

A lot of this monthly TBR has been set with my 2024 reading goals in mind. If you want to recap what those are, check out my Resolutions post I shared in January.

Wolves of the Calla

The first of the books on this TBR which aims to continue/complete series is Wolves of the Calla by Stephen King.

Wolves of the Calla is the fifth book in his The Dark Tower series. I’m enjoying the series so far, although I didn’t expect the last book, Wizard and Glass, to be on as much of a tangent from the ‘current’ storyline as it was. I’m hoping we pick up where we left off and the context we learn in the prior book makes sense in this next instalment!

Wolves of the Calla is the longest book on this reading list at a whopping 800 pages. Depending on how I go, I may end up reading this in tandem with other books and take a little longer to work my way through it. I’ll make a start and see how I get on!


The second series related book I plan to pick up is Defiant by Brandon Sanderson. It’s the final book of the Skyward series and the only book I didn’t get to on my July TBR.

I think finishing this series will be bittersweet. I’ve loved it so far and of course I want to know how it all comes together. At the same time, I suspect I’ll be sad at the same time that once I’ve read it, it’s done. Finito.

It’s a good job there are plenty more Sanderson books I haven’t read yet, right?!

Fire Cannot Kill a Dragon

I featured Fire Cannot Kill a Dragon in my last First Lines Friday post and I am so intrigued by the beginning that it’s inspired me to read it. As a bonus, it contributes to my reading goal of more non-fiction.

I love A Game of Thrones and everything about it! The series as it is, all the backstory and lore and now (with any luck at least), the behind the scenes of filming the TV show.

It’s very unlike anything I’ve read before, so it will be something entirely new to me!


Having read two of Adam Kay‘s books already (This is Going to Hurt and T’was the Nightshift Before Christmas), I’m looking forward to picking up.

My experience of his books so far is that he is great at combining an interesting non-fiction topic with lots of humour. If non-fiction isn’t normally your cup of tea, I would strongly recommend you trying this anyway. Adam’s humour goes along way towards making these books both fun and an emotional rollercoaster. When reading both of his prior books I could be laughing one minute and crying the next.

He has a very candid way of expressing himself and really highlighting where there are major problems with the national health services in the UK through his own experience.


Another medical based non-fiction book I plan to pick up in August is Breathtaking. For some people, the pandemic may be just a little too recent to read about. However, I’ve never wanted to shy away from such a difficult subject.

If you watched the TV documentary of the same name, I have every reason to believe that you would like this book also. It is because I watched that four part series that I realised it was based on a book. Naturally, I added it to my reading list.

It’s a relatively short book, so it should be quite a quick read. It’s a topic I also find compelling even though it is an event in all of our lives that has changed the way we live.


I have a fair bit of variety in this monthly TBR and I’m looking forward to picking up each and every book. Whilst the list is on the side of ambitious, I’m hopeful I can make as much progress as possible in the coming weeks. They all sound like great books and I’ll share them with you in my upcoming Sunday Summary posts to let you know how I’m getting on.

Have you read any of the books on this monthly TBR? Would you recommend any of them to myself and/or fellow readers?


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Monthly Wrap-Up – July 2024

It’s the beginning of another month and I’m here to share which books I’ve read throughout July in this monthly wrap-up. If you want to see which books I set out to read at the beginning of the month, you can find a link to my monthly TBR for July here.

I’m happy with the progress I’ve made and that I’ve been able to spend the month catching up with some of my June reads. A good portion of my July TBR was dedicated to picking up books I hadn’t got to yet, or I was partway through at the start of the month.

Shall we take a more detailed look?

Books Read

Master of Sorrows

In my last monthly wrap-up post, I had three ongoing reads that I shared with you. The first of those was Master of Sorrows. I started this book last month but ended up setting it aside as I inadvertently left the book at work a few evenings. Then, I deliberately decided to hold off making progress on it for a week or so as I went on holiday and took a lighter read with me.

As of that last monthly wrap-up I was 45% into the book. I still had a good few hundred pages to go until completion though.

I made good progress with this book throughout July. Admittedly, I’ve not long finished this book, but that’s because I was taking my time with it. I’m now excited to pick up the sequel, Master Artificer.


You Coach You

The audiobook I carried over from my last monthly wrap-up post was You Coach You by Helen Tupper and Sarah Ellis. In that post, I shared that I was 60% into the audio.

You Coach You is a great book for anybody looking to develop themselves. I enjoyed the experience so much that I have since acquired a physical copy of this book. I can see myself referring back to it time and again and I want to make it accessible for me to do so.

A big selling point on the structuring of this book is that you don’t have to read the whole thing. If you have a specific challenge or area of development, you can target your reading to the relevant sections. There are also activities and coach yourself questions that prompt you to think and take an active role in personal development. It’s 100% going to be a re-read in future.


Obsidio was the book I had read the least of as of my last monthly wrap-up whilst still counting as a carryover. From just shy of 100 pages in as of that post, I flew through Obsidio.

I decided to prioritise this over Master of Sorrows in early July as it was much easier to pick up and put down. I was away for a shopping trip in Liverpool at the beginning of the month and I knew I wasn’t going to have much time to read. However, for entertainment on the boat or odd moments at the hotel room, I could pick up a chapter. They were nice and short, but also informal and easy to read. The mixed media definitely helped keep me engaged.

The Power of Habit

The physical read I will be carrying over into August is The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg. I started this book just a couple of days ago and already I’m enjoying the subject matter. As somebody who takes an interest in psychology and similar subjects, I love delving into how the brain works.

Let’s face it, there are always useful ways the information in this book can be applied. I have good and bad habits aplenty. Understanding how they form and how they can be broken can’t be a bad thing!

As if this post I’m 90 pages, or 30% into the book. I’m enjoying the topic so far and hoping to learn how I can be mindful of my own habits in future.

The Other People

My audiobook carryover into August is The Other People by C.J. Tudor. I have read this author before; I’ve picked up The Taking of Annie Thorne and The Chalk Man historically. I really enjoyed both of these books, and the other people came highly recommended to me by my mum.

Although I have not yet finished this audio, it became clear very early on why this is my mum‘s favourite. I am loving the storyline so far and can’t wait to get to the conclusion to find out exactly what is going on.

In these books, there is always more than meets the eye. I love digging into that detail, but also seeing if I can work it out ahead of time. If a book can live in my head even when I’m not reading it, that to me is the sign of a great book.

As of this post I’m 70% into the audio and keen to see how the storyline resolves!



It’s been a pretty good month of reading and catching up with outstanding reads from June. I have the usual carryovers into August in each format, but that’s nothing new. At least it’s only two books this month and not three!

I’m hoping to wrap-up each of those reads quite quickly and kick off my August TBR very soon. If you want to see what that looks like, stay tuned as I’ll be sharing that later this week.

Until then, happy reading!


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Monthly TBR – July 2024

Given we’re about a third of the way into July, I’m overdue sharing my monthly TBR, no?

In today’s post I have a great range of books to share that I plan for read in the next few weeks. You’ll have seen a good few of them before as they are carryovers. At the same time, I have a few new faces too, so let’s get stuck in!


Fixed Reads

You Coach You

My last current read and carryover is You Coach You by Helen Tupper and Sarah Ellis.

As of this monthly TBR I have actually just finished this audiobook this morning. However, I spent at least a couple of hours this month getting to that point so it’s going on this TBR to mark that progress effort.

I’ve enjoyed this audio so much and see the value in its content that I’ve just ordered a paperback copy to refer back to and re-read in future!

Master of Sorrows

Master of Sorrows is on yet another monthly TBR… but not as a non-starter this time!

I’ve been trying to read the book since February and I finally started it last month. It is, however, a current read so it makes it onto July’s monthly TBR as a carryover. Can I say, may it please be the last?!

I’m about halfway through the book, so there’s no reason I won’t be completing this soon!


Another carryover from my June TBR is Obsidio by Jay Kristoff and Amie Kaufman.

I started this last book in the Illuminae files trilogy last month after accidentally leaving Master of Sorrows at work. It’s been a refreshing change to read a mixed media book again! It’ll also be even better to be able to mark this series as complete once I’ve finished it. I’ll be sad to see it end, but there is another sci-fi series they’ve co-written I could pick up…

As of this post, I’m around a third of the way into the book. It’s a quick read, so again, I expect to finish it before long.

Mood Reads

The Other People

The only book on my June TBR I didn’t get to is The Other People by C.J. Tudor. It’s mum’s favourite book of hers so far, so I’m really looking forward to reading it this month instead.

I haven’t picked up a mystery novel at all this year, so it will make a refreshing change! I’ve enjoyed two of C.J. Tudor’s books already, so I have high hopes for this one!


With my Mid Year Check In and Summer TBR posts still fresh in my mind, I’m adding a book to this monthly TBR that will earn me another series completion.

Defiant is the last book in Brandon Sanderson’s Skyward series. Honestly, I’ll be sad to get to the end of it, but I also want to see how Spensa’s story ends. For a series to which I’m not the target demographic, I’m getting on with it really well. Equally, I haven’t met a Sanderson book I’ve disliked…

Let’s hope I’ve met jinxed it!

The Power of Habit

Another selection with my 2024 reading goals in mind is a recent acquisition. The Power of Habit is both a non-fiction book and will, with any luck, help towards my blogging goal of using social media more!

In theory this is a win-win read, but we’ll see how that works out in practice.


July’s monthly TBR reflects a reading month in which I plan to catch up with ongoing reads. However, there are also a couple of new books I’m introducing here. I’m not planning a long list that I think is unachievable, so here’s to a productive month! 


Have you read any of the books on this monthly TBR? Do you have any tips on how I can get better at making social media a habit?


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2024 Mid Year Check In!

Hello friends – after a week off it’s great to be back! In today’s mid year check in post, I’m taking a look at progress against my 2024 reading resolutions…

When I set my 2024 New Year Resolutions, I was ambitious in my goal-setting. I had a fresh start, plenty of reading motivation and a stack of great books. I still have that fab stack… and the motivation, but what I have encountered is a change of circumstances in the time I have available.

In January I read a whopping eight books, if that gives you an idea of the mindset I was in. However, at the beginning of February I started seeing my boyfriend. As such, my time available and priorities changed from then on. I’m still reading and blogging as they are hobbies I love. But, simply put, I don’t have the same amount of time for it.

And that’s okay! As you’ll see below, I’m still very happy with the amount I’m reading; I’ve not had to compromise the blog schedule yet either. But, I’m naturally not in a position to push myself in the same way as I anticipated at the beginning of the year.

Let’s take a look at the goals I set myself and check in on my progress against them.


Reading Goals: –

Goal: Goodreads Challenge – 60 Books

Current Progress: 23/60 Books Read

As of this mid year check in post, I am a little behind with this reading goal. But, given the change in circumstances I’m very happy with how much I’m still reading.

In some ways I have adapted my reading style in order to keep up. I’m listening to more audiobooks compared with last year and making the most of time available to listen. For example, I listen to a lot of audio whilst driving in the car, or even when pottering around the house cleaning or tidying.

Another change is that I’m not taking part as many blog tours as I was before. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, however. With the amount of books I have on the back list, it’s sensible that I am now looking to prioritise that over new releases. It also works well with another reading goal I feature in this check in… but I’ll cover that later.


Goal: Read >15 non-fiction

Current Progress: 5/15 NF Books Read

Although I am also a little behind on the reading of non-fiction for this year, it’s interesting to note that the percentage progress is not dissimilar to that of my Goodreads Challenge. In short, if I was reading enough books to get completion in that challenge by the end of the year, I would also meet this one.

As of drafting this check in update, I have completed five non-fiction reads this year. In addition to those, I am also currently listening to You Coach You by Helen Tupper and Sarah Ellis. So, I’m fast approaching 6/15.

The good thing about covering these reading goals is that it gives me the opportunity to adjust how I am tackling them. Now that I know I’m a little behind schedule, I’ll make more time to pick up non-fiction more frequently than I do currently. It won’t be a dramatic change, but it is a change I can control.

It works in my favour that I have been adding and picking up more non-fiction books to my TBR of late. I have plenty to choose from and get stuck into!


Goal: Finish 10 series by the end of the year

Current Progress: 5/10 series up to date or finished

I thought my progress against this goal would be terrible, but I find myself surprised. In order to assess myself against this goal in this check in, I am including completion of finished series (obviously), but also current ongoing series that I’m up-to-date with.

For example, I have been reading the Eagle of Mercia Chronicles by M.J. Porter in the last few years. As of this check in post, I have read all five of the five currently published books in the series. I physically cannot read any more of the series right now, so that counts as a point.

As of this post, I have caught up-to-date with, or have completed, five out of ten series. That puts me right on track! As a bonus, I will soon complete Jay Kristoff and Amie Kaufman’s The Illuminae Files. I don’t think any adjustments need to be made with regards to how I’m approaching this goal – I just need to keep it in perspective when setting my monthly reading lists to make sure it remains a priority.


Blogging Goals: –

Make Social Media a Habit

In my resolution post, I set myself a brand-new goal for the year, and I confess this one has fallen off a cliff.

With the change of circumstances and all that, I have not been very good with social media this year. In truth, I haven’t seriously considered my Instagram account since late February and I’m just as pitiful on Threads, Facebook et al.

This is something I do want to get back to, but I need to be more realistic about how I fit this in. When I set myself this goal I wanted to try to structure and curate my content a little more artistically and thoughtfully.

If I’m honest with myself, I need to be more realistic in my expectations for the time commitment I can put into social media. As of right now, this is a prompt for me to try and get back on social media full stop. Low expectations, no drastic plans for improvement or anything like that. Get back to posting on the platforms more regularly.

I’ll take that as a win if I can achieve that by the end of the year!

Thanks for reading today’s mid year check in!

What reading goals did you set yourself in 2024 and how are you progressing towards them?


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Monthly Wrap-Up – June 2024

It’s scary how we’re back for another monthly wrap-up post already. Not only that, but we’re now halfway through the year! I’m curious to see how my half year stats and progress look compared to my reading goals. If you are too, I’ll be posting that update next week. Stay tuned.

For now though, we’re limiting scope to my reading progress against my June TBR. I don’t feel I’ve done that well this month as reading has been slow, but let’s see…

Books Read

Terry Pratchett: A Life with Footnotes

When I left off in last month’s monthly wrap-up post, I had just under 50% of the audiobook to go. It was more than I remembered, so I don’t feel so hard on myself for reading progress any more!

I loved this audio, although naturally the content at the end of the book was very sad. Still, I’m glad I read it! I really admire Terry and now I know more about his life beyond the documentary I’ve watched. That was interesting too, but this audio was far more intimate and knowledgeable over a longer stretch of time.

The Long Earth

Another Terry Pratchett book I carried over into June is The Long Earth. As of my last monthly wrap-up I was 65% into this book.

I enjoyed this jaunt into science-fiction with Terry and Stephen Baxter and I’m interested to see where the rest of the series takes us. From where we left off in The Long Earth, the series could really go anywhere. I’m interested to see where that is!

The talents of both authors shine through in this book as the lighthearted humour contributed by Terry blends well with the science-fiction elements that can only come from Stephen.

Master of Sorrows

I have intended to get to Master of Sorrows since February this year. June is finally the month I started the book. It’s been a long time coming, and so far I’m really enjoying the story.

As of this monthly wrap-up post, I’m just over 200 pages, or 45%, into this book. I’m so glad I’m now reading it and that I picked up the sequel a couple of weeks ago. That can be risky business, but fellow bloggers I follow have raved about these books so I was always confident I’d enjoy it!

I can’t wait to share more as I make further progress.

You Coach You

After finishing my listen of Terry Pratchett: A Life with Footnotes, I started You Coach You by Helen Tupper and Sarah Ellis.

I love these pair! I listen to a podcast they run called Squiggly Careers. If you ever want a resource for developing skills personally or at work, this is where I would point anyone. I’ve obviously paid for the audiobook, but they share a lot of free content as well. It’s approachable and engaging to all!

I’m 60% through the audio at the end of June. I love the formatting of the book and how it’s come together. I’ve already decided I want a copy in physical format to refer back to again in future as and when I need it! The audiobook also comes with a lot of supplementary content. Admittedly I’ve not looked at it all yet – that’s for after listening 😊

So far it’s proving a good resource and an engaging listen!


I always intended to pick up Obsidio this month… however not in the circumstances I did.

There were a couple of days last week when I had left Master of Sorrows on my desk at work. As a result, I couldn’t read it during the evening. So, instead I picked up Obsidio. It’s a nice light read, a conclusion of a series I’m part-way through and it was on my TBR already. Win-win!

As of this monthly wrap-up post to the end of June I’m 95 pages in and looking forward to reading more very soon!


Admittedly I’ve read more than I thought. On my June TBR I haven’t made a whole bunch of progress. However, I wasn’t taking into consideration the books I carried over from my last update.

What have you read this last month? Do you have any recommendations?


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Top Ten Tuesday – Summer 2024 TBR

In today’s Top Ten Tuesday, I’ll be making plans for my Summer 2024 TBR and sharing the top ten books I plan to read this summer season.

Some of the books on this Top Ten Tuesday list carried over from my Winter 2023 TBR. This is the last time I did a post of this type, and given I enjoyed it so much last year, I’m bringing it back. I also want to keep myself accountable to these reading lists, so before publishing the next one I’ll be doing a check-in of what I have actually read from the list I’ve set.

Now, with that out of the way, shall we get into today’s Top Ten Tuesday list?

Summer 2024 TBR


Having nearly concluded The Illuminae Files trilogy, I’m keen to pick up this last book and to be able to mark the trilogy as complete. But, this is more than a tick box exercise. I have really enjoyed reading this young adult sci-fi series and seeing how the storylines come together.

I plan to pick up Obsidio later this month, so watch this space!


Wolves of the Calla

Another series I want to progress with him the near future is Stephen King’s The Dark Tower. Wolves of the Calla is a chunky instalment in the series, and I’m looking forward to getting stuck in.

Book in the series, Wizard and Glass, did not carry on the present-day storyline like I expected. Instead, it takes us back to the history of events to date and explains a lot about what’s been hinted at in the books. I’m hoping for a jump back to the present day so we can pick up the storyline again.

The Good Samaritan

I enjoyed listening to The Minders by John Marrs towards the end of last year. Having finished that book, I knew I wanted to pick up another of his soon.

The Good Samaritan has been on my reading list for a good while, so that is the book I want to pick up next. I’m also really intrigued by the synopsis and the conflict that I expect in this book.


I love Adam Kay’s writing style for his humour. As of today, I’ve already enjoyed reading both This is Going to Hurt, and his festive themed book,T’was the Nightshift Before Christmas.

I’m looking forward to going back to his non-Christmas themed writing. His books are full of humour, even though they discuss important and very thought-provoking, emotional topics.


The Kingdom

I added The Kingdom to my Winter 2023 TBR but never got to it. I’ve decided to carry it forward as I like the sound of the synopsis.

As fiction goes, it’s a little different to what I typically pick up. I was taken with the synopsis after hearing about the book on the Currently Reading podcast. Given it’s been an intention of mine to read the book for a while, I’ll try to include it on July’s TBR.


If you follow my blog you’ll know that in the last couple of weeks, I’ve read two books written by, or about, Terry Pratchett. Neither of them were Discworld, but the autobiography has inspired me to continue with the next Discworld book and keep momentum going with the series.

Fool’s Errand

Another series I’m keen to keep progressing with is Robin Hobb’s Realm of the Elderlings series.

Fool’s Errand is the start of a new mini-series within the wider Realm of the Elderlings collection. It also goes back to a set of characters that we have seen previously in the first miniseries, the Farseer trilogy. I’m excited to see how these characters have moved on since those first books!


I recently featured Breathtaking in a First Lines Friday post. Honestly, that introduction caught my attention so hard that I really want to read this book. I’ve also recently watched the TV documentary based on it, so it’s a topic that I want to explore more of.

I appreciate not everybody wants to deal with such a topic, but I think it’s important we as a society highlight what went wrong. Why were we were so unprepared, and how can we try and prevent the same mistakes being made in future?


Another series I want to catch up on over the course of the summer is Brandon Sanderson‘s Skyward series. Last year I read Cytonic, which at the time was the last book published. However, a couple of short months later, this next instalment, Defiant, was published.

Now that I am reasonably on track with the series, I want to keep up with these as and when they come out. I’m a little late in starting Defiant as this came out in around November last year. But, reading this will mean I am back on track with the series and I can give myself a good old tick against my series goal!

Fire Cannot Kill a Dragon

The last book on this Top Ten Tuesday list is another non-fiction. With the next series of House of the Dragon coming out imminently, I want to read my copy of Fire Cannot Kill a Dragon.

If you are unfamiliar, this book is about the main Game of Thrones series. I honestly love it so much that I can read that, any spin off books and any books about the whole process and not get bored. It’s fat to say I am a little obsessed…

Have you read any of the books featured in my Top Ten Tuesday? Have any of them caught your eye and made you want to read them for yourself?



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Sunday Summary – 9th June 2024

Good evening friends and welcome to this Sunday Summary update post! As always, I take the time to update you on the books I’ve been reading over the course of this week, as well as the blog posts I’ve shared. Shall we get stuck in?

At the beginning of the week I shared my monthly TBR post with you. If you’re interested to see which books I plan to pick up throughout June, this is the place to go. Naturally, you’ll see some of those books in today’s post. But, if you want the full list, then check out my TBR here.

I was also meant to share a First Lines Friday post, but I confess I completely forgot. In my defence, it was a bank holiday locally and I was out of routine. I was also doing bits around the house as well. So apologies – this completely slipped my mind.


Books Read


Terry Pratchett: A Life With Footnotes

As of this Sunday Summary update post I have listened to a further 2 3/4 hours of Terry Pratchett: A Life With Footnotes. That’s pretty good going, even if I say so myself! That means that as of this post I am coming up to 75% progress in the audiobook.

With just a few hours left I envisage that I’ll try and push on with this audio in the next week so I can mark it as complete. I’m really enjoying this listen as I’m very interested in Terry and his life, but the narrative style makes this even easier to listen to.


The Long Earth

As of last week’s Sunday Summary post I was 290 pages into The Long Earth by Terry Pratchett and Stephen Baxter. Over the course of this week I picked up the remainder of the book, and I’m pleased to say that I enjoyed it.

I’m curious as to where the later books in the series are going to take the story. At the point of finishing this first book, I honestly don’t know what path it’s going to take. I expect a degree of conflict as this is hinted that at the end of the first book, but otherwise it’s very much open to interpretation.

I enjoyed this co-authored book. Despite not getting on with books Terry has co-authored with other writers in the past, that is not the experience I’ve had with The Long Earth. I think the two writers have come together really well to honour the science-fiction genre whilst also smattering in humour.

Needless to say, I’m looking forward to continuing the series.


Lunatics, Imbeciles and Idiots: A History of Insanity in Nineteenth Century Britain and Ireland

Lunatics, Imbeciles and Idiots

The final book I’ve made progress with this week is Lunatics, Imbeciles and Idiots. This particular book has been on my reading list since 2017 and so I wanted to pick it up at last. It also works really well in contributing towards my non-fiction reading goal for the year.

As of this post, I have read the first quarter of the book. I’m getting on with it okay so far, although I do think it’s a little dry. I have no problem with the subject of the book, but perhaps a little more humour would help it go down. Maybe I’m biased in having read Terry Pratchett recently as he, by nature, is very satirical.

I’m still going to continue with the book as if nothing else, it’s less than 300 pages. I should be able to get through that.


Books Discovered

I discovered news that Suzanne Collins is publishing another Hunger Games novel next year, Sunrise on the Reaping.

Having read and enjoyed all of the series so far, I am excited to pick up this prequel novel that features both a significant event in terms of the plot of the story, but also one of the prominent side characters of the main series!


Coming Up…

My first post of this week will be another long overdue book review. I have many of those! This week, I’ll review a non-fiction book that I loved in 2022 – Ordinary Heroes by Joseph Pfeiffer.

Since I forgot to share this week’s First Lines Friday post, I’ve decided to defer this until next week so you’re not waiting too long.

I’m sure you’ve already worked out my last post of the week will be another Sunday Summary. I’ll be back to update you on what I’ve been reading and sharing over the next seven days.

That’s all from me in this Sunday Summary post. What are you reading currently? 



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Monthly TBR – June 2024

Good afternoon fellow readers and welcome to one of my favourite posts of the month – my monthly TBR. It’s a post of future plans and looking ahead at exciting books coming up on my immediate reading list!

This month I have a few carryovers (current reads and ones I didn’t get to in May) but also some new titles to feature.

So, shall we get into the details of my monthly TBR?


Mood Reads

The Long Earth

The first book I feature on this reading list is actually one I finished last night.

The Long Earth by Terry Pratchett and Stephen Baxter was a carryover from May as I hadn’t quite finished the book by the end of the month. Ironically, I have just finished it. So whilst I did technically read some of it in June, I’ll only be talking about it in this week’s Sunday Summary post.

I enjoyed this introduction to the series and I’m curious to see where the later books pick up from this first novel. I’ve gathered the scope gets quite a bit bigger just on the titles alone. I have those books in e-book format so I can pick them up whenever I’m ready!

Terry Pratchett: A Life with Footnotes 

My second carryover from May that is working progress is Terry Pratchett’s biography, A Life With Footnotes.

At the moment I am around 50% through this audiobook, so I’m well on the way to completing this before the end of June. I’ve already enjoyed the first half of this audio, looking at Terry‘s early life, career and establishing himself as an author. We will inevitably move onto the less pleasant side of his later years, his Alzheimer’s diagnosis and ultimate passing, soon. I’m still looking forward to listening to this despite the difficult topic.

I admit I’m curious to see if Terry’s Alzheimer’s affected him in ways that are familiar to me through a family member suffering with the disease also. I’m also interested to see what impact it had on his career. I know in the end he was dictating his books to Rob, but also what other potential impacts there were that we haven’t talked about yet.

Master of Sorrows

I have a couple more carryovers from my May TBR, but these are books I did not get to start.

Are you surprised that once again, Master of Sorrows has been kicked down the line? Well, not anymore! It’s the first physical book I am going to pick up in June now that I’ve finished The Long Earth and nothing. will. stop. me. I have been trying to read this book since February – I’ve waited long enough!


The final carryover from my May TBR is Obsidio by Jay Kristoff and Amie Kaufman.

Obsidio is the last book in the Illuminae files trilogy. I want to get to it to both finish the series, but also see how the two storylines we’ve enjoyed so far intertwine.

I anticipate Obsidio will be a relatively short read. Although it’s a good few hundred pages, the book is written in mixed media format. It has a lot of imagery so whilst there are some pages of solid text, there are plenty where there are not. I’ve really enjoyed into the world of mixed media from a variety of genres, but I do particularly like it in the science-fiction young adult series. It makes it very approachable to all readers and especially so to those who may be picking it up for the first time.

The Other People

Mum has been making her way through books written by C.J. Tudor after I introduced her to The Chalk Man and The Taking of Annie Thorne. She has recommended The Other People to me as her favourite book so far. Naturally, I want to see what it’s about!

Especially as I’ve not dabbled in the genre for a little while, I’m looking forward to seeing this book is about. This synopsis sounds as good as ever and I trust my mum’s judgement that I will really enjoy this one as she did!

Lunatics, Imbeciles and Idiots

Lunatics, Imbeciles and Idiots

In an effort to keep up with my non-fiction reading this year, I’ll be picking up the e-book Lunatics, Imbeciles and Idiots. This has been on my reading list since 2017 so is long overdue a read. At under 300 pages, this is also really achievable for me to pick up and make light work of.

I’ve already started this e-book as it was a convenient one to pick up after finishing a physical read of The Long Earth. I want to read on my Kindle for a bit! Aside from audiobooks, I’ve picked up a lot of physical read lately.

In just the half hour I started this last night, I am already well into the first chapter and intrigued as to where this book will take us.

If you are unfamiliar, this is a non-fiction book about how treatment for individuals in the UK and Ireland with mental health issues has changed in the last 200 or so years. By all accounts, we start this book with a lot to be desired in terms of treating people humanely and with dignity.

You Coach You

The last book on this monthly TBR is also a non-fiction and a book I intend to pick up via audio after finishing Terry Pratchett’s biography. The book is You Coach You.

I want to pick up this book for a couple of reasons. The first of these is that coaching is a skill I’m working on personally this year. I totally understand that not everyone is interested in personal development, but I’m still young and haven’t lost interest yet at the very least. On a serious note, I’m the kind of person who believes there is always more to learn. I can always improve.

So, coaching is a skill I want to work on. The other reason I want to pick up You Coach You in particular is because I listen to Helen and Sarah‘s podcast, Squiggly Careers. I already love their content and their style, so picking up their book makes infinite sense! They also narrate the audiobook, so I know exactly what I’m getting into when I start listening to this.

I can’t wait!


With a few shorter books on my monthly TBR, and a plan to pick up Master of Sorrows as a priority, I have confidence that June is going to be a productive reading month!

That’s all for my Monthly TBR post.

What are you reading?



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