Category: For Fun

Monthly Wrap-Up – August 2024

Hello readers and welcome to this monthly wrap-up for August. I had a decent month of reading, and this post is about sharing what I read over the last month.

I had a couple of carryover’s from July, as well as a varied list for August. As usual now, I didn’t get to all the books I set for August – but I had a great time with the books I did read.

Let’s take a look!

Books Read

The Power of Habit

Picking up from last month’s monthly wrap-up post, I was 30% into The Power of Habit.

I really enjoyed this book, and I’m hoping I have some good take away knowledge from it. The book has great examples of the consequences of bad habits – personal, organisational and as a society. The key takeaway I have from the book is that you can often change a habit by making changes in a seemingly unrelated way and gradually introduce change from there.

I’m hoping this will help me build more good habits in my own life!

The Other People

In my Monthly TBR post I shared that I was nearly through this audiobook. I’d already listened to 80%, so this month I was hoping for a quick conclusion.

Mum loved and strongly recommended The Other People and having finished it, I get why. If you enjoy mysteries that keep you guessing all the way along, this is perfect. Even up until the very end I was still trying to put pieces together and work out character’s involvement in the story line.

The Other People is the third book I’ve read by C.J. Tudor, and I still have plenty to read!

The Midnight Library

For our first ever book club at work, we chose The Midnight Library by Matt Haig to read and discuss. For me it is a re-read, but I agree with some feedback from another member that it’s better second time around!

I re-read The Midnight Library very quickly. It’s only a short read – one of the reasons I recommended it to book club in the first place. At the same time, it raises plenty of discussion points; it doesn’t lack for content! Admittedly I did leave this a little last minute. I finished it the night before book club. I wasn’t the last though – Helen spent the first half hour of the meeting finishing it!


I’ve prioritised picking up our next book club read, Eruption, as I’m sharing a physical copy with another member.

As of the end of August I was 65% into the book. I’ve started reading it again after my bout of covid (so as not to contaminate the book!) so as of drafting this monthly wrap-up I’m a little futther.

I hope to finish this soon so I can pass on to Helen ASAP.

Wolves of the Calla

A book I very briefly started, but ended up shelving temporarily, is Wolves of the Calla by Stephen King.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with the book and I fully intend to pick it up again soon. However, I started to read this right at the end of the month when I became unwell. I decided the time wasn’t ideal to pick up such a tome. When I’m back into the swing of things I’ll pick it up again.


A short audiobook I enjoyed this month was Breathtaking by Rachel Clarke. Make no mistake, it’s an eye-opener.

I totally appreciate the book and subject may not be for everyone right now. However, I enjoyed listening to this perspective on the pandemic. I had no idea that care homes were so woefully under-supplied with PPE. What I also found interesting was Rachel’s (and colleagues) views of the advice being issued by the government. It is very much a view of too little and too late.



My last non-fiction to share with you in this monthly wrap-up is Undoctored by Adam Kay.

As of drafting this monthly wrap-up I have just finished the book this morning. You’ll get more thoughts on it in Sunday’s Sunday Summary update.

However, as a snapshot of where I was at month end, I was a couple of hours shy of completion.


I read quite a number of non-fiction books in August – more than average I’d say. However, given I was a little behind in my mid-year review on this goal, it’s a good change. I’m still slightly behind, but only by one book or so.

August was a good month of reading for subject diversity and I’m looking forward to an equally productive September. My reading list is coming out in the next day or so, so stay tuned!


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Goodreads Was Wrong Book Tag

The Goodreads Was Wrong Book Tag was created by booktuber GabsAboutBooks. I found it on Zeezee with Books and thought it would be great fun to try!

I apologise that this post is coming to you a day later than I originally planned. I was hoping to get this to you guys yesterday, but unfortunately, I haven’t been well. Yes, I’ve come down with the beloved Covid 🎉 I am on the mend though, so fingers crossed I’m better soon and normal life can resume…

Now, let’s get into the tag!

What is the highest-rated book that you gave a low rating?

(Sort your books in Goodreads based on Average Ratings and find the highest-rated book you gave a low rating.)

Defiance (The Torcian Chronicles) – P.J. Reed

It’s a shame I didn’t get on with this book as I was reviewing it for a blog tour. I persevered where perhaps I wouldn’t have were I reading the book of my own volition.

It Just wasn’t for me. Writing style is a big make or break for me when reading and I couldn’t gel with writing style.


What is the lowest-rated book that you gave a high rating?

(Sort your books in Goodreads based on Average Ratings, in reverse order, and find the lowest-rated book you gave a high rating.)


Vox – Christina Dalcher

Vox averages 3.5 stars on Goodreads, but I loved it! Then again, I’m a sucker for Feminist fiction.

I’m not sure why this sticks so hard in the average category on Goodreads. I can see why this kind of book wouldn’t be everyone’s cup of tea. But then again, why would you read it if you know that about yourself?

I regret that this book will be judged on this average rating. I personally thought it was great!

What is the most popular book that you disagree with the average rating?

(Sort your books in Goodreads based on Number of Ratings and find the first book you disagree with the average rating.)

Circe – Madeleine Miller

On the other end of the spectrum, I really didn’t feel Circe in the same way the general community has…

The Goodreads average rating is 4.23 stars, but I only rated it 3 stars. In theory I should have loved the book, but something about it helped me back. I didn’t really like Circe and that made it difficult to like the rest of the book.

I am sorry if you disagree with me, but that’s just my opinion.

What is the least popular book that you disagree with the average rating?

(Sort your books in Goodreads based on Number of Ratings, in reverse order, and find the first book you disagree with the average rating.) – The Rise and Fall of a Social Network – Dane Cobain

I don’t have many books like this on my list, but the one I have chosen to feature is a book I have rated a whole star lower than the average.

The Goodreads average is 3.92 stars, but I put this as a 3 star book. Personally, I found it was full of unrelatable characters and lack to spark that would warrant a higher rating from me.

Choose two books that have an average rating of 3/5 stars but you gave a higher rating.

Choose two books that have an average rating of 3/5 stars but you gave a lower rating.

I’ve only featured one book here because I can’t actually feature another. Generally speaking, if a book is reading that low in my mind, I’m not that inclined to finish it. Not one for struggling through books if I’m not enjoying them. Frankly, there are plenty more metaphorical fish in the sea.

Choose two books that have an average rating of 4/5 stars but you gave a lower rating.

Choose two books that have an average rating of 2/5 stars but you gave a higher rating.

Again as above, I don’t typically read books that would have this low a rating. If the general theme is that the reviews are not good, I’m not taking a recommendation to read them.

Do you tend to agree or disagree with Goodreads average rating, and do you use Goodreads as a guide for books you want to read?

I would say I broadly agree with Goodreads ratings, but clearly there are a few outliers!

If you’ve enjoyed this tag and would like to take part yourself, I would love to see your answers to these questions!


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First Lines Friday – 16/08/2024

Today’s First Lines Friday feature includes a book that I added to my reading list earlier this week. In last week’s Sunday Summary I shared that I was keeping the topic of this First Lines Friday open. Given this is a recent addition, it felt like a natural feature.

Whilst I’m trying to keep myself on the straight narrow and not purchase any more books at the moment, I confess that I have added this to my reading list without purchasing as I was intrigued by the synopsis.

What also makes this book more interesting is that it is translated from Japanese. I can’t say I’ve ever read Japanese dystopia before, so it’s going to be something new!

Here is today’s First Lines Friday intro, followed by details of the book:-

I sometimes wonder what disappeared first – among all the things that have vanished from the island. “Long ago, before you were born, there were many more things here, “ my mother used to tell me when I was still a child. “Transparent things, fragrant things… fluttery ones, bright ones… wonderful things you can’t possibly imagine.

“It’s a shame that the people who live here haven’t been able to hold such marvellous things in their hearts and minds, but that’s just the way it is on this island. Things go on disappearing, one by one, it won’t be long now,” she added. “You’ll see for yourself. Something will disappear from your life.”


The Memory Police- Yōko Ogawa

Genre: Dystopian / Japanese Literature

Pages: 274

Audience: Adult

Publisher: Pantheon

Publication Date: 13 Aug 2019


Goodreads – The Memory Police

On an unnamed island, objects are disappearing: first hats, then ribbons, birds, roses. . .

Most of the inhabitants are oblivious to these changes, while those who remember live in fear of the Memory Police.

To the people on the island, a disappeared thing no longer has any meaning. It can be burned in the garden, thrown in the river, or handed over to the Memory Police. Soon enough, the island forgets it ever existed.

When a young novelist discovers that her editor is in danger of being taken away by the Memory Police, she desperately wants to save him. For some reason, he doesn’t forget, and it’s becoming increasingly difficult for him to hide his memories. Who knows what will vanish next?

My Thoughts…

It’s the uniqueness of The Memory Police that caught my attention. I have never read anything like it. Given that I’m also trying to branch out my reading, picking up a Japanese translation definitely falls into that bracket.

I love a good dystopian novel. There is something about reading of otherworldliness that stretches my imagination and captures my attention. It brings home what we value in real life society by reflecting its absence in fiction.

I was already captivated by the synopsis, but the introduction I have shared with you today has cemented my want to pick up the book. It leaves a lot of questions before we even really dive into the book. What is disappearing? Who are the memory police, and what are the consequences of remembering that which others forget?

Personally, I’m looking forward to getting stuck into this book down the line.

Have you read The Memory Police?


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Discussion Post: Favourite Books to Recommend

As a blogger and book reader/reviewer, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that I love to share my love of reading. Or, that I want to press books into your hands. In today’s post, I share my favourite books to recommend. That might be because they are from my favourite genre or author, offer something unique or are great for readers of all levels.

I’ll explain the why’s and wherefore’s for each book as we go. For now, here are my top books to recommend!


A Game of Thrones / A Song of Ice and Fire

It shouldn’t be a surprise this series makes it to the top of my recommends list. If I were only ever allowed to read one series again, I’d pick this hands down!

I love the storyline, the complexity, the intricacy and detail we get to enjoy. My only preference would be for the series to be complete… but I’ll just have to wait for that!

The Realm of the Elderlings

Robin Hobb’s Realm of the Elderlings series is a fairly new discovery and addition to this list. I’d been meaning to pick up Assassin’s Apprentice for a good while before my friend Rachael encouraged me to read it.

Since then I’ve read six out of the sixteen books in the series in the last two years. Considering the number of books I read, I’ve gotten through these comparatively quicker than most other series I’m reading.


Brandon Sanderson is another favourite author. I debated which series of his to feature here, as I’ve read quite a few. At least, in part. However, the one that got me into his writing the most, and the series I’ve read in full, is his Mistborn series.

I was so sad to reach the conclusion but I’d happily re-read this from start to finish again! I especially loved how the timeline change was handled and how we see advancement in the world between the timelines. It’s for that reason that I will recommend this to any fantasy reader!

Harry Potter series

Whatever your feelings are on the author, I think it’s important to separate their work from their personal life. I can’t say I’m all too versed on the controversy about J.K. Rowling. And anyway, I’ll love the Harry Potter books regardless.

The books start off pretty easy to read but get quite dark towards the end. Personally, I love that! I grew up reading these books in my teenage years so I was always the perfect age to read them. Even re-reading them as an adult, I enjoyed each and every book.

Lord of the Rings

Whilst not the easiest books to read in terms of superfluous language and descriptions of food, they make a great storyline. The fact that I intend to re-read the books gives you an idea of how much a fan I am.

They’re also favourite books to recommend as they’re classics in the fantasy genre. I’ve also read The Hobbit and this is a great starting point to the books. However, if you are looking for a classic trilogy of books to immerse yourself into, Lord of the Rings is a natural choice.

Nevernight Chronicles

On the other end of the spectrum, I also can’t recommend this trilogy about a young female assassin with a serious vendetta enough. Mia is quite the character, and her character history, development arc and the setting are all really enjoyable to dig into. The narrative is great, but as a unique addition, the book includes footnotes with everything from contextual information to snarky commentary. They’re hilarious!

Jay Kristoff is an author I’m reading more of, but this was the series that introduced me to his work. I initially listened to this series on audio but I want to re-read with the physical copies I own in future.




The Blackwing trilogy is a favourite to recommend because I don’t think enough people have read it! If you love magical fantasies with great, detailed worlds and most of all, non-altruistic main characters, this is up your street.

Ryhalt is a great character because he doesn’t try to be. He’s selfish and rude, lacks optimism in humanity. He is far from your ideal hero, and yet he finds himself wearing these shoes reluctantly.

The storyline, world building and support characters make this a fun and engaging trilogy to read. Seriously, why are you still here? Get reading!



This is Going to Hurt

I recommended this to my work book club as a future read as Adam Kay is hilarious. This is Going to Hurt is a discussion on the state of the NHS as it provides the best care it can for those who need it. However, it’s also full of personal, heartfelt and funny stories too.

If you love a dose of humour, this is a favourite book of mine to recommend. A heads up though – it is an emotional rollercoaster…



The Midnight Library

You can also tell that The Midnight Library is a favourite book to recommend as I put it forward as our work book club’s first read. And you know what? It went so well!

Although Adrian and Claire admitted it wasn’t a book they’d have chosen for themselves, they enjoyed it. We also had a great conversation about it too. It’s focused on mental health, individuality, choices and regrets. It’s a book I’ll re-read over again as it’s a great reminder of what’s important in life. It really puts things into perspective.


Discworld series

If humour and tackling a multitude of real social issues is your thing, but set in a fantasy setting, may I introduce Discworld by Terry Pratchett. As of this favourite books to recommend post, I’ve read half of this 41 book series. Even so, I’ll happily recommend the whole series!

I love how Terry talks about real world issues in a setting that takes us out of reality. Does a young woman trying to gain admission to university to study magic and being pushed back because she was born a girl instead of a boy sound ridiculous? Well I hate to break it to you, but not so long ago, women faced the same push back.

That’s just one example. The way Terry tackles each societal issue makes adequate light of it to make it funny to read, but also make a point at the same time is entertaining but also interesting social commentary.

So, those are my favourite books to recommend! What are yours?


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Shelf Control #80 – 09/08/2024

I’m overdue picking up the sequel I feature in today’s Shelf Control post. I started this series by a new-to-me author over six years ago now. I really enjoyed it too! It’s a young adult magical fantasy with a lot of West African cultural representation. I’m trying to branch away from Westernised fantasy for a change, and this book fits the bill.

Before we get into it, here is what this Shelf Control feature is about.

Shelf Control is a meme run by Lisa at Bookshelf Fantasies. It’s a celebration of the unread books on our shelves! The idea is to pick a book you own but haven’t read and write a post about it (suggestions: include what it’s about, why you want to read it, and when you got it), and link up.

If you want to read more about the Shelf Control feature, check out Lisa’s introductory post.

Children of Virtue and Vengeance – Tomi Adeyemi

Genre: Magical fantasy

Pages: 544

Audience: Young Adult

Publisher:  Henry Holt Company

Publication Date: 06 Mar 2018


Goodreads – Children of Virtue and Vengeance


Full of magic and danger, Children of Virtue and Vengeance is the breathtaking sequel to Tomi Adeyemi’s ground-breaking, #1 New York Times-bestselling West African-inspired fantasy Children of Blood and Bone.

After battling the impossible, Zélie and Amari have finally succeeded in bringing magic back to the land of Orïsha. But the ritual was more powerful than they could’ve imagined, reigniting the powers of not only the maji, but of nobles with magic ancestry, too.

Now, Zélie struggles to unite the maji in an Orïsha where the enemy is just as powerful as they are. But with civil war looming on the horizon, Zélie finds herself at a breaking point: she must discover a way to bring the kingdom together or watch as Orïsha tears itself apart . . .


My Thoughts

If you want to see what I made of Children of Blood and Bone, you can find that review linked here.

I’m looking forward to picking up this second instalment of the series. It’s fair to say that it’s well overdue. Given that I’m trying to branch out and read more non-westernised fantasy, it’s an ideal book to pick up and read. It would also be a quick one to catch up with and count towards my progress in series goal this year.

I loved the magical element to the first book the series and I gather this only expands from there. I confess I will have to catch myself up on the plot of the first book before picking up the second, but I’m not going to re-read the first to do so. Given it’s quite unique compared to other books I have read so far, I think a quick refresher of the plot will bring everything back fresh in my mind.

Have you read Children of Virtue and Vengeance; would you recommend it?


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First Lines Friday – 26/07/2024

Happy Friday folks and welcome to the next instalment of my First Lines Friday series! In my Sunday Summary post last week, I set myself the challenge to feature a non-fiction book with you in this post. I think I found a great one! The introduction is exciting, and this book is on my Summer TBR so it helps psyche me up to read it soon.

Let’s take a look at today’s First Lines Friday feature, shall we?

Hundreds of men are screaming.

The armoured soldiers charge forward, howling with rage, their swords and shields clashing, their boots struggling for purchase in the thick mud. Slowly, agonisingly, some of the fighters are pushed back against a looming tower of corpses. The body pile is a mixture of slain men and horses, gorily intertwined like some gothic rendition of hell. In the distance, flayed men burn on crucifixes.

“You are dying!” yells an assistant director. “That’s the main thing to remember, you are dying!”


Fire Cannot Kill a Dragon  – James Hibberd

Genre: Non-fiction

Pages: 464

Audience: Adult

Publisher: Transworld

Publication Date: 06 Oct 2020

Goodreads – Fire Cannot Kill a Dragon


The official, definitive oral history of the blockbuster show from Entertainment Weekly’s James Hibberd, endorsed by George R. R. Martin himself (who calls it “an amazing read”), reveals the one Game of Thrones tale that has yet to be told: the thirteen-year behind-the-scenes struggle to make the show.

 Fire Cannot Kill a Dragon shares the incredible, thrilling, uncensored story of Game of Thrones, from the creators’ first meetings with George R. R. Martin and HBO through the series finale, including all the on-camera battles, off-camera efforts, and the many controversies in between. The book also features more than fifty candid new interviews, rare and stunning photos, and unprecedented access to the producers, cast, and crew who took an impossible idea and made it into the biggest show in the world.


My Thoughts…

As a huge Game of Thrones fan, I was always going to pick this up at some point! I’ve read all the books in digital and paperback format, as well as started listening to the audiobooks. I’ve also watched the TV show, some episodes multiple times. Now, I get to read about that too!

The opening lines introduce the filming of the Battle of the B*stards, which is one of my favourite parts of the TV series. It must have been a logistical nightmare, but on screen it was fantastic.

I’m looking forward to reading more about the overall production of the series. I (not so) secretly hope that it touches on how the TV series overtakes the books and how decisions were made on how to proceed (and how closely it stuck to GRRM’s intentions).

Have you read Fire Cannot Kill a Dragon? Are you as much a fan of the series as I am?


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Top Ten Tuesday – Debut Novels I Enjoyed!

In today’s Top Ten Tuesday post I have the pleasure of sharing my list of ten debut novels I enjoyed and would love to pass on to my fellow readers. If you’ve landed on my blog, hopefully you have some overlap in reading tastes to me so some of these recommendations appeal!

I’ve broken down the recommendations by genre, which I hope helps you find the type of book you are looking for. Unsurprisingly, I have most in the fantasy genre, but also a few mysteries and non-fictions as well.

Let’s take a look!


The First Binding – R.R. Virdi

I have only read one book by R.R. Virdi so far, but I will be following his future releases.

I discovered The First Binding through taking part in a blog tour with Gollancz. If you love epic fantasy novels but want something a little different to the traditional Western style, then I can’t recommend The First Binding enough!

The First Binding has a traditionally more Eastern, Silk Road type setting. Combine that with a story structure like other favourites in the fantasy genre (Patrick Rothfuss’ the Name of the Wind and Jay Kristoff’s Empire of the Vampire), you can see why I’m a fan.


Elantris – Brandon Sanderson

Brandon Sanderson is one of my favourite all-time authors, so I’m ecstatic to be able to share his debut novel I enjoyed immensely! 

Elantris isn’t the first book of his I read – far from it in fact. I started with his Mistborn series and delved into other works from there. Although Elantris was written earlier, I don’t think that shows too much. It’s a fantastic stand-alone novel, although I do believe there may be a sequel in the pipeline…

Blackwing – Ed McDonald


I also discovered Ed McDonald because of a publisher-driven blog tour. I’ve featured the latter two books of this series (Ravencry and Crowfall) on the blog and I’ve even re-read them once already.

The grittiness of the world and the magical elements to the story appeal to me. The main character, Ryhalt, is far from admirable. He’s a bitter alcoholic, yet in a curmudgeonly way that we can’t help but let him grow on us readers.

Although a trilogy, there is plenty of detail in the stories to get stuck into. It’s an approachable and immersive read. Although I haven’t picked them up yet, I’m looking forward to trying his latest series, The Redwinter Chronicles, soon!


The Lies of Locke Lamora – Scott Lynch

I read this series as a teenager and loved it! As it happens, I want to pick up this trilogy again. There are a real mix of dates online for a release of a fourth book in the series. However, as the new release may be early next year, I want to pick this up again ready for that. It’s been far too long for me to pick it up without a recap!



The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle – Stuart Turton

The premise of The Seven Deaths of Evelyn Hardcastle is a unique one. We witness the murder of the titular character from the bodies/perspective of a new individual every day. Aidan can only move on once he’s identified the killer.

I thought the execution of each character perspective (how they are written – there’s only one murder here!) was fantastic and I thoroughly enjoyed the story. I hope you do too!

The Chalk Man – C. J. Tudor

I’ve recommended The Chalk Man to quite a few people by now. If you haven’t read my review of the book, you can find that here.

I’m pleased to feature C.J. Tudor in this post as she is an author I have gone back to several times since reading her debut. In fact, I am currently listening to a book of hers, The Other People, right now.

If you enjoy books in the mystery or psychological thriller genre with dual timelines and plenty of 11th hour twists, The Chalk Man is a book I would strongly recommend for you!

The Appeal – Janice Hallett

The Appeal introduced me to books written in mixed media format. I absolutely loved it in this book, and I’ve gone onto read several others in the same style since!

If it’s something you haven’t read before I strongly recommend giving it a go. It’s unique – and the ever-changing format keeps your brain engaged whilst making the reading experience a little different. What I particularly enjoyed about The Appeal and this reading format is that you end up reading just as much between the lines. It’s a book I was thinking about even when I wasn’t reading it. If that’s not a compliment, I don’t know what it is!

Historical Fiction

As Long as the Lemon Trees Grow – Zoulfa Katouh

I picked up As Long as the Lemon Trees Grow as part of a book club online. Honestly, I went into this book without too much in the way of expectation as it wasn’t something I would’ve picked up otherwise. How wrong I was! I’m glad I pushed myself out of my comfort zone because this was one of my favourite reads of 2023.

The book is very cleverly written and I love the perspective it gives. The love of the characters for their home country Syria shines through. It’s not a perspective I read very often, but it’s one I look forward to picking up again!


Unmasked – Ellie Middleton

Unmasked is a great practical guide to understanding neurodivergence and how everyone can be a little more accommodating for those who think differently.

Not only that, but it’s a great insight into author Ellie and her life and experiences. She offers the advice she has collected over the years through experience and trial and error. Not everybody should have to struggle, and it is for that reason Ellie wants to try to help those who currently receive little support from the world.


This is Going to Hurt – Adam Kay

This is Going to Hurt is about demonstrating the dire straits in which the NHS finds itself. However, that is not all. It is a book that will have you in stitches one moment and crying the next. It’s a heart wrencher!

If you enjoy narratives that dig deep to combine both humour and sensitive topics, Adam Kay strikes up the perfect balance. I have since gone on to read his seasonal sequel, T’was the Nightshift Before Christmas. It’s just as good!


These are some of my favourite debut novels I enjoyed. Now I ask you – what is yours?


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Shelf Control #79 – 19/07/2024

Whereas most Shelf Control posts feature me waxing lyrical about being excited to pick up an available read on my TBR, this post is different. I would literally shove my whole TBR aside to pick this up next book. There’s just one problem – it’s not published yet!

As always, I share a reminder of what the Shelf Control feature is all about before we get stuck in.

Shelf Control is a meme run by Lisa at Bookshelf Fantasies. It’s a celebration of the unread books on our shelves! The idea is to pick a book you own but haven’t read and write a post about it (suggestions: include what it’s about, why you want to read it, and when you got it), and link up.

If you want to read more about the Shelf Control feature, check out Lisa’s introductory post.

The Winds of Winter – George R.R. Martin

Genre: Epic fantasy

Pages: TBA

Audience: Adult

Publisher: Harper Voyager

Publication Date: TBC

Goodreads – The Winds of Winter

My Thoughts

George R.R. Martin and the A Song of Ice and Fire series, I love unconditionally. I’ll read the series again and again. To date, I’ve already read the first book four times, the second book three times and the rest of the series twice. It’s also one of the only series I own physical, digital ebook and audiobooks of. I’ve also shared content including my favourite quotes from the series. 

Fair to say I’m a bit obsessed?

I’m unapologetic too. In the time it will take for the series to be finished (and I refuse to think this won’t happen, okay?), I’ll have re-read it once or twice more. At least they’re not short books, so each re-read will take a while!

I’m looking forward to this next instalment, however long it takes. I’d rather it be done right than rushed. I’m especially interested to see how The Winds of Winter compares with the TV series and whether there is any material difference.

I’ll just have to wait to find out…


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2024 Mid Year Check In!

Hello friends – after a week off it’s great to be back! In today’s mid year check in post, I’m taking a look at progress against my 2024 reading resolutions…

When I set my 2024 New Year Resolutions, I was ambitious in my goal-setting. I had a fresh start, plenty of reading motivation and a stack of great books. I still have that fab stack… and the motivation, but what I have encountered is a change of circumstances in the time I have available.

In January I read a whopping eight books, if that gives you an idea of the mindset I was in. However, at the beginning of February I started seeing my boyfriend. As such, my time available and priorities changed from then on. I’m still reading and blogging as they are hobbies I love. But, simply put, I don’t have the same amount of time for it.

And that’s okay! As you’ll see below, I’m still very happy with the amount I’m reading; I’ve not had to compromise the blog schedule yet either. But, I’m naturally not in a position to push myself in the same way as I anticipated at the beginning of the year.

Let’s take a look at the goals I set myself and check in on my progress against them.


Reading Goals: –

Goal: Goodreads Challenge – 60 Books

Current Progress: 23/60 Books Read

As of this mid year check in post, I am a little behind with this reading goal. But, given the change in circumstances I’m very happy with how much I’m still reading.

In some ways I have adapted my reading style in order to keep up. I’m listening to more audiobooks compared with last year and making the most of time available to listen. For example, I listen to a lot of audio whilst driving in the car, or even when pottering around the house cleaning or tidying.

Another change is that I’m not taking part as many blog tours as I was before. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, however. With the amount of books I have on the back list, it’s sensible that I am now looking to prioritise that over new releases. It also works well with another reading goal I feature in this check in… but I’ll cover that later.


Goal: Read >15 non-fiction

Current Progress: 5/15 NF Books Read

Although I am also a little behind on the reading of non-fiction for this year, it’s interesting to note that the percentage progress is not dissimilar to that of my Goodreads Challenge. In short, if I was reading enough books to get completion in that challenge by the end of the year, I would also meet this one.

As of drafting this check in update, I have completed five non-fiction reads this year. In addition to those, I am also currently listening to You Coach You by Helen Tupper and Sarah Ellis. So, I’m fast approaching 6/15.

The good thing about covering these reading goals is that it gives me the opportunity to adjust how I am tackling them. Now that I know I’m a little behind schedule, I’ll make more time to pick up non-fiction more frequently than I do currently. It won’t be a dramatic change, but it is a change I can control.

It works in my favour that I have been adding and picking up more non-fiction books to my TBR of late. I have plenty to choose from and get stuck into!


Goal: Finish 10 series by the end of the year

Current Progress: 5/10 series up to date or finished

I thought my progress against this goal would be terrible, but I find myself surprised. In order to assess myself against this goal in this check in, I am including completion of finished series (obviously), but also current ongoing series that I’m up-to-date with.

For example, I have been reading the Eagle of Mercia Chronicles by M.J. Porter in the last few years. As of this check in post, I have read all five of the five currently published books in the series. I physically cannot read any more of the series right now, so that counts as a point.

As of this post, I have caught up-to-date with, or have completed, five out of ten series. That puts me right on track! As a bonus, I will soon complete Jay Kristoff and Amie Kaufman’s The Illuminae Files. I don’t think any adjustments need to be made with regards to how I’m approaching this goal – I just need to keep it in perspective when setting my monthly reading lists to make sure it remains a priority.


Blogging Goals: –

Make Social Media a Habit

In my resolution post, I set myself a brand-new goal for the year, and I confess this one has fallen off a cliff.

With the change of circumstances and all that, I have not been very good with social media this year. In truth, I haven’t seriously considered my Instagram account since late February and I’m just as pitiful on Threads, Facebook et al.

This is something I do want to get back to, but I need to be more realistic about how I fit this in. When I set myself this goal I wanted to try to structure and curate my content a little more artistically and thoughtfully.

If I’m honest with myself, I need to be more realistic in my expectations for the time commitment I can put into social media. As of right now, this is a prompt for me to try and get back on social media full stop. Low expectations, no drastic plans for improvement or anything like that. Get back to posting on the platforms more regularly.

I’ll take that as a win if I can achieve that by the end of the year!

Thanks for reading today’s mid year check in!

What reading goals did you set yourself in 2024 and how are you progressing towards them?


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First Lines Friday – 28/06/2024

Welcome to another First Lines Friday post! In my Sunday Summary post last week, I shared that I was keeping the subject of this First Lines Friday feature open to a decision nearer the time.

I’ve decided for this post to share an upcoming read. As of this post, I have read three out of the four books in the series, with just this last one to catch up on until I can mark the series as complete!

So, without further ado, let’s get into this First Lines Friday feature shall we?

I floated in a void of nothing.

And felt like I belonged there.

So strange. I was a creature of flesh and blood. I knew that. Yet my soul – part of it at least – felt more at home here. In a vast void of meaningless time. The nowhere.


Defiant- Brandon Sanderson

Genre: Science fiction

Pages: 415

Audience: Young Adult

Publisher: Gollancz

Publication Date: 21 Nov 2023

Goodreads – Defiant

From the #1 New York Times bestselling author Brandon Sanderson comes the final book in an epic series about a girl who will travel beyond the stars to save the world she loves from destruction.

Spensa made it out of the Nowhere, but what she saw in the space between the stars has changed her forever. She came face to face with the Delvers, and finally got answers to the questions she’s had about her own strange Cytonic gifts. 

The Superiority didn’t stop in it’s fight for galactic dominance while she was gone, though. Spensa’s team, Skyward Flight, was able to hold Winzik off, and even collect allies to help with the cause, but it’s only a matter of time until humanity–and the rest of the galaxy–falls. 

Defeating them will require all the knowledge Spensa gathered while in the Nowhere. But being Cytonic is more complicated than she ever could have imagined. Now, Spensa must ask herself: how far is she willing to go for victory, if it means losing herself–and her friends–in the process.

My Thoughts…

Defiant is on this year‘s Summer TBR as I want to catch up with and finish this last instalment of the series.

For just a couple of months last year, I was up-to-date until Defiant was released in November. I’m not mad though! I am really enjoying this series to date even though I’m older than the target audience. Angsty teenager is a difficult character type to get right and for me to get on with. I’ve always been a bit of an old soul so I’ve struggled to relate to this kind of character before.

Not Spensa though. Is she incredibly feisty, spontaneous and a little bit reckless? Absolutely. Is this kind of person I would normally jive with? Not really. However, she works really well for me.

To be fair, there isn’t a Brandon Sanderson novel yet that I’ve not loved. I hope I haven’t jinxed it, but I’m quietly confident this will be another fantastic read.

Thanks for reading today’s First Lines Friday post! Have you read Defiant yet?



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