The TBR Book Tag
In today’s TBR book tag post, I’m sharing some fun content. Now and then, I like to break up my reviews and reading progress updates. Today, I’m sharing some books on my TBR and tips on how I keep on top of it (ha!).
I found this TBR book tag over on and I thought it was a fun break from my usual content.
How do you keep track of your TBR?
I have used Goodreads to track my reading list since I really started getting back into reading in 2017.
I have tried other trackers like StoryGraph before. However, because I’m so used to Goodreads, I didn’t really get on with it. It would also be such a project to make the transition that I don’t really have the energy for it. Plus, there’s nothing I dislike about Goodreads either. I know some people like to stay away from it because of its affiliation with Amazon. It works for me though…
Is your TBR mostly print or e-books?
I have a number of books across all formats – physical, e-book, and audiobook. However, I’d say the e-book collection is by far the largest.
Arguably, it’s the more convenient format to have books in. It doesn’t take up physical space in the house, which is the most premium resource I have. Not that you’d know it from the stack of books that can’t fit on my existing bookshelves…
How do you determine which book from your TBR to read next?
It honestly depends.
Sometimes, very occasionally, I’ll have a reading theme. Take this month for example – Black History Month. If I want to pick up books on or around this topic, it’s a much smaller pool to choose from than the 200+ on my list.
Most of the time though, it’s what I feel like reading. I have some broader reading goals of finishing series. That usually bumps books up the list a bit. Occasionally, I’ll mood read and pick up whatever I want. I can judge that either by synopsis or genre. There isn’t really any rhyme or reason here.
Finally, I might just curveball and pick up something not on the list. Be that for book club or any other reason, I just keep myself on my toes.
A book that’s been on your TBR the longest
The Doors of Stone by Patrick Rothfuss – there is another question about unpublished books below in which I feature another I cannot wait to get to. This unpublished book features here though as it is literally the oldest book on my TBR by ‘date added’ and there is nothing I can do about it!
A book you recently added to your TBR
I added A Man Called Ove as I love the idea of the character. Although I’m not anywhere near the main character’s demographic (neither male – I hope not shocking news…, or of the elderly generation), I can sympathise with this character.
A book on your TBR you strictly bought because of the beautiful cover
Orbital is a fairly recent purchase. However, the cover caught my eye and then I rationalised that some shorter fiction on my TBR isn’t a bad thing!
A book on your TBR you never actually plan on reading
Um… none really? I don’t add books to the list if I don’t have any intention of reading them. That may change over time and I take something off the list as I no longer want to read it. But, there’s no point adding something I don’t want to read!
An unpublished book on your TBR that you’re excited for
The Winds of Winter is the most anticipated new release on my TBR. The only problem is, I’m getting increasingly worried that this sequel is still a long way off!
A book on your TBR basically everybody has read but you
I’ve put Throne of Glass on my TBR as a way of trying Sarah J. Maas. I’m not sure I’ll like all her books, but this is the series I’ve been recommended as having the most storyline sans romance to it.
A book on your TBR that everyone recommends
I’d have to go for The Poppy War by R.F. Kuang – ironic as I have just been gifted a fancy edition of the book!
A book on your TBR that you’re just dying to read
I’m not one for anticipating new releases much. However, I grew up reading The Hunger Games. I’m looking forward to the prequel, Sunrise on the Reaping, coming out. It’s the story of Haymitch’s games. He’s a rich character in the later books; I’m interested to see what happened to him to get himself in such a sorry state!
The number of books on your Goodreads Shelf
As of publishing this post, the Goodreads list is 214 books long.
Please send help!
Thanks for checking out today’s TBR book tag post!