Tag: TBR

Monthly Wrap-Up – January 2025

The first month of 2025 has flown by! It’s been a fun start to the year. And, as I hoped, I’ve picked up some great books to get me started. Today’s monthly wrap-up post is dominated by books I rated five-stars. What more could I ask for?

I set myself an ambitious monthly TBR, but I’m not going to knock myself down for not being able to match my enthusiasm with results. I still picked up the vast majority of the reading list. What didn’t make it in January is going to come back very shortly.

So, shall we take a look at the books I did manage to pick up in January?

Books Read

The Priory of the Orange Tree

I started the year with an audiobook listen of The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon. I did this deliberately as I wanted to start the year right. I’ve heard great things about this fantasy, and I wanted to make sure that one of my first reads of 2025 was going to be a four or five-star rating.

At the beginning of January, I had already listened to just over half of this audiobook (55% if you want to get specific). That still left me with around 11 or 12 hours of audio to progress with. Whilst technically this is only half the book, that is more than a whole book’s worth when you think about the average book length I typically read!

Needless to say, my tactic worked. I rated The Priory of the Orange Tree five stars. I loved this fantasy inside out. It was a fun read with compelling characters and an interesting plotline anyway. However, its emphasis on strong female lead characters really made this even better for me.


Fool’s Errand

The second and final book I carried over from my December monthly wrap-up was Fool’s Errand by Robin Hobb. Admittedly, I was much less into this book when I started the year. Aside from the first 56 pages, I pretty much read the whole book in January.

Fool’s Errand broke my heart in every way I feared it would. I really enjoyed being back in the world of Fitzchivalry Farseer and seeing how events have moved on from the first trilogy in the Realm of the Elderlings series. The foreshadowing at the beginning of this book hammered home my fears about what may happen in this latest instalment.

Can a book be both great and terrible at the same time? It was the events of this book that were tragic. The storyline and writing itself it’s usual fantastic standard. Robin Hobb is not known for pulling her punches when it comes to her main characters. Do we really get invested in them if we know they’re going to turn out right in the end?

Fool’s Errand achieved another five star rating and really cemented a good reading start for me this year.

Shuggie Bain

Back in November, our book club at work decided that we would reconvene in January after reading Shuggie Bain by Douglas Stewart.

Admittedly, this isn’t the type of book I would’ve picked up of my own volition. That’s the benefit of a book club! It gives you the chance to pick up and read new things and really get out of your comfort zone. Remember, that’s one of my reading goals for this year.

Whilst I confess I didn’t love every aspect of Shuggie Bain, that’s not to say I didn’t get anything out of it. The book is very bleak in its outlook, but gives great perspective on quite pivotal problems in our society like alcoholism, addiction and the impact these things have on families.

From our discussion, we came to the conclusion that whilst these things feel like a very distant problem for other people, they’re not so far under the surface. Quite often those afflicted are very good at masking their problems. Also, it’s dangerous that substances such as alcohol are so widely available to trap those trying to free themselves of their addiction.


The final book I picked up and read to completion before the end of the month was Firefight by Brandon Sanderson. I appreciate fantasy has featured quite heavily on this month’s TBR, but I’m not apologetic for it. It’s my favourite genre for a reason! Brandon Sanderson is also always a great read. I’ve loved every single one of his books, even when you’re taken into consideration how varied they are.

Firefight is the second book of his The Reckoners trilogy. Part of the reason I wanted to pick this up early in the year is so I have just one book left in the series. You may also recall a featured this series in my Series to Finish in 2025 post.

I didn’t anticipate the ending of this book, but I went into it pretty open-minded. I really enjoyed how events played out in the book and it’s gotten me all the more excited to pick up the final instalment of the series very soon!

A Darkness at Sethanon

The last book I picked up before the end of the month, though admittedly I only got a couple of chapters in, was A Darkness at Sethanon by Raymond E Feist.

This book is also a final instalment in a series and that is the main reason for picking this book up. I want to make an effort continuously to keep finishing up series I’ve started and get the list back under control.

There’s not much to say as of this monthly wrap-up post, other than to say that I’ve gotten myself caught up on events of the prior books in the series and I’m looking forward to diving into this one in earnest!


This monthly wrap-up post has illustrated to me that my aims of picking up high-quality reads in my favourite genre for January have set me up in good stead for the rest of the year. With no less than 3 five-star reads already under my belt, I’m looking forward to continuing the positive streak.

Did you pick up any five-star reads in January? Do you have any reading goals you are prioritising for 2025?


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Monthly TBR – January 2025

Today’s first monthly TBR of 2025 comes to you with the whiff of a fresh start still in the air. My reading goals are still new and shiny…

Okay, enough of the pretentious rubbish!

Welcome to my first monthly TBR of the year. I’m excited to share my planned reads for January. I’m hoping to kick-start the year with some solid 5* reads and some ticks in the ol’ reading goal boxes. Start as we mean to go on, right?

The first two books on this list are carryovers from 2024. I picked these up in the hopes they’d see me right into 2025 and get me hyped for more great books. From there, I plan to pick up book club’s choice for January and some highly anticipated reads.

Shall we take a look?

Fixed Reads

The Priory of the Orange Tree

My first carryover from December is my audiobook listen of The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon.

It’s been a good while since I listened to fantasy in audiobook format. Despite my reservations about retaining detail given the format of the book, I’m doing pretty well. I suspect it helped that I picked up this audio at a time when I could really dedicate some time to getting introduced to the world and the narrative. Usually, I’m piecemeal with picking up audiobooks. However, I had some time off around Christmas last year and I made the most of it!

As of this monthly TBR post, I have just 7 hours of audio left. This book is nearly 26 hours long, so I’m really getting to the conclusion anyway. I think that’ll help motivate my towards this very close finish!

Fool’s Errand

My second carryover is Fool’s Errand by Robin Hobb. This book was my only physical read at the end of the year. It was also a mood read I picked up in the final days of December. Knowing I wanted a pretty much guaranteed 5 star read to start 2025 with, Fool’s Errand made logical sense.

Fool’s Errand is living up to its predecessors in the wider series. I’m really enjoying being back in the world of Fitz. He’s one of my favourite characters so far. Although things have moved on a little since the first trilogy, I’m also loving the familiar surroundings.

As of this monthly TBR post, I’m 400 pages into the book. With less than 200 pages left to completion, I’m again hoping this spurs me into action and another finish.

Shuggie Bain

Next, my plan is to pick up our book club pick, Shuggie Bain by Douglas Stuart. We meet on the 29th January, but I don’t want this to be a last minute read. 

To my mind, Shuggie Bain falls into my goal of reading out of my comfort zone. I don’t think it’s a book I’d have discovered and read of my own volition. However, that’s exactly why being part of a book club is valuable. It exposes me to new books and ideas.

To my knowledge, this book addresses a number of social issues. I’m looking forward to seeing what those are and being able to discuss those with our group. When I first put feelers out for members, I thought I might have to be a bit more involved in leading discussions. That’s proven not to be the case at all, which is a bonus. It also means we can dig into topics like this quite easily.

Mood Reads

A Darkness at Sethanon

Whilst finishing series is hot on my resolutions radar, my first intended mood read on this monthly TBR is the final instalment to The Riftwar Saga. I started with Magician back in 2017. It’s been a series I’ve picked up sporadically, so I’m going to have to remind myself on events of the prior books before I jump into this last one.

It’ll be good to give myself a check mark on the completion of series goal nice and early. This one can’t be taken off me later, as the series is published in full.


Another series progression pick, although not yet a completion, is Brandon Sanderson’s The Reckoners series.

I first read Steelheart in 2020, but unlike The Riftwar Saga I have a decent recollection of what’s happened so far. No refreshers needed here!

Firefight is the second part of a trilogy. Reading Firefight will then enable me to pick up the last instalment in the near future, and that will be another completion.

I always look forward to picking up more Brandon Sanderson books. It made sense to add one to my first monthly TBR of the year to hype myself up. He’s such a diverse fantasy author; how he’s managed to write so many books in the genre (and overlapping others), all with their own magic systems and rules, amazes me. It’s what I look forward to when reading his books.

What else can he come up with?

Rose Under Fire

In my Top Ten Tuesday – Winter TBR post, I shared that I wanted to read Rose Under Fire. Again, this is another book that’s part of a series. However, I don’t believe these books tie together in the same way that a traditional series does. Each has their own main characters, but there are overlaps.

I loved Code Name Verity, another book in this series. It was the perfect introduction to Elizabeth Wein’s writing. Verity was a character I could get behind even before we got to see all aspects of her. Now, I’m intrigued to read other historical stories! Whilst I’m not so fussed on the sound of The Pearl Thief (book 3), I may be inclined to read book 4 (The Enigma) if I enjoy Rose Under Fire as much!

We’ll have to see… 

The Bone Collector

The last book to feature in this monthly TBR is technically part of a series. However, it’s not one I’ve already started and I intend to read the book as a standalone.

The Bone Collector has been on my TBR for a long time! Of the 211 books on my TBR right now, there are only 12 books that have been on it longer. Even then, some of those only stand as they haven’t been published yet…

I enjoyed watching a TV series featuring the events of this first book a few years ago. It’ll be exciting to see if the book is even better. I hope so!


This monthly TBR is AMBITIOUS. But, it’s a new year and I’m excited to get reading. Plus, it’s cold and miserable in January. What else have I got to be doing?

Thanks for reading today’s monthly TBR. Are you planning to pick up any particular reads in January?


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My 2025 Reading Resolutions!

Good evening everyone and welcome to my 2025 reading resolutions post! I’ve been thinking about my 2025 reading resolutions for a couple of weeks now. So, it’s nice that I finally get to talk about what I’ve decided ☺️

If you take a look at my 2024 wrap-up post, you’ll see that I didn’t complete most of the resolutions I sent myself for 2024. Life changed since setting those goals, so it’s understandable why I didn’t.

I’m setting my 2025 reading resolutions around those changes. So, unless something drastic happens yet again, I should be able to meet these goals.

Shall we take a look?

Read 45 Books

In 2024, I completed 42 books in total, with two ongoing reads as at the end of the year. I wouldn’t even call setting a challenge of completing 45 books a stretch goal. It’s more of a maintenance goal.

I read a good amount last year and still had time to enjoy my other hobbies, as well as time with friends and family. What’s most important to me at the moment is keeping all of that going. That’s why I’m not looking to push myself on the book count this year. If I do end up reading more, then great! However, I’m not going to overcommit myself and then feel like I’m missing out on other things I want to do.

Complete Goodreads Challenges Throughout the Year

Goodreads has recently introduced some new reading challenges. I’ve taken a look at the first ones released for this year, and they coincide with another goal I was going to set myself. So, I’ve merged the two to fall under this one!

I want to read a little bit more seasonally this year. As and when themes or topics come up, such as Black History Month in February, I’d like to pick up some books around those themes. It’s not something I’ve really focused on doing before. It’ will either encourage me to focus on existing books on my TBR that fit the theme, or push me to read something different. I’ll talk more about that later.

What’s nice about these challenges is they update every quarter. Even if I don’t succeed in getting all the achievements in a quarter, the counter resets. Then, I’ll have a fresh point to restart from throughout the year. It also means I can’t plan too far ahead, and I’ll need to be a little bit agile when picking my TBRs.

Finish or get up-to-date on 10 series

I’m bringing forward a goal from 2024 as it’s something I really need to focus on. I have a LOT of ongoing series. Unfortunately, I’m not the type of person to read a series in full once I’ve started it. Rather, I benefit from taking a step back and enjoying something else and coming back to the series later.

Consequently, I have a ridiculous number of ongoing series. Whilst I did get myself up-to-date on 7 series last year, which isn’t a bad thing, it wasn’t the intended target of 10. I want to keep existing series I’ve started as a priority; that’s why setting myself the target of finishing or getting up-to-date on 10 series by the end of the year is something I want to keep on my radar.

Checking back to my series tracker, which doesn’t yet include any new series I started in 2024, I still have over 10 series where there are less than three books to completion. This is definitely an attainable target!

Read Out of my Comfort Zone

Lastly, tying in to my Goodreads Challenges goal, I want to read things that I wouldn’t necessarily have picked up before in 2025. If there’s one thing I pride myself on, it’s my reading diversity. Even still, there are books that I feel are out of my comfort zone. My final 2025 reading resolution is to change that through exposure to new things.

For example, one of the books I’m planning to pick up for Black History Month in February is The Promised Land by Barack Obama. I have never read a book that entails any kind of political manifesto before. Politics is a subject I try to stay away from, generally. At least, until this year!

I can’t promise I’m going to love each of the books that take me out of my comfort zone. However, I’m sure I can get something out of them nonetheless. In some ways, I don’t want to get too comfortable in my reading. If it helps me keep learning and expanding my boundaries, then reading out of my comfort zone is going to be a worthy goal!


Some of the goals on this reading list will look familiar, whilst others are a little bit different this year. I’m looking forward to taking on these challenges and letting them shape a great reading year for 2025.

What are your 2025 reading resolutions?


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Monthly Wrap-Up – December 2024

December’s monthly wrap-up is here, and I have great books to share with you! For the first time in a while, I had time left over at the end of the month to choose a mood read! It was a novelty, actually…

Shall we take a look at what I read in December?

Books Read

The Eye of the World

As of my December Monthly TBR post, I had 420 pages of progress, or 55%, left of The Eye of the World by Robert Jordan. It is not a small book— in fact, it is the longest I read in 2024.

It took me until 20th December to read The Eye of the World, but I had a great time. Fortunately, I had time off work and some time to kill when out Christmas shopping. Then there was a morning spent in town waiting for work to be done on my car. You can be sure I brought my book or Kindle with me to pass the time. Otherwise, I’d probably have only just finished this by the end of the month.

I enjoyed The Eye of the World, and I’m curious as to where the rest of the series will take us. This first book has set down a good foundation. But, there is a lot that has yet to be explored. It’ll be good to see some of that fleshed out in its sequel, The Great Hunt.

I expect I’ll pick this up before long— especially as I have a copy already!

Three Sisters

Leaving off from my last monthly wrap-up post, I had just started and listened to the first 2 hrs of Three Sisters before the end of the month.

Truly, I devoured this audiobook. Especially when you consider how long it took me to listen to Defiant, I finished Three Sisters in record time.

Again, I took advantage of being on leave and listening whilst performing the usual Christmas preparations like wrapping presents. I recall doing that last year, and honestly, it makes the task more enjoyable. It’s a bit of a strange combination; listening to a fictional story about the institutionalised suffering of Jews and prisoners of war (among others) during the festive period isn’t exactly typical. However, it’s one of my favourite genres and topics.

I loved Three Sisters, and rated it 5 stars accordingly. It was also a success on completion as it’s a trilogy I’ve now completed 🥳

Next, I have a book written by Heather Morris called Sisters Under the Rising Sun, which I’m sure I’ll pick up soon too.

The Woman Who Would Be King

The Woman Who Would Be King was my first foray into non-fiction Egyptology and is my only non-fiction in this monthly wrap-up. I was originally drawn to the book as I wanted to learn more about this little-known female King and how she was erased from history.

Having never read anything like this before, I had no idea what to expect. However, in all, I considered it a well-rounded book.

Naturally, with the nature of Hatshepsut’s erasure from history (which I found out in this book isn’t necessarily personal), there are a lot of unknowns and conjecture. But, all in all, I think the author did well to explore a few different options or interpretations of what is known.

Given my experience of this book, I plan to read and watch more documentaries on the subject. Reading The Woman Who Would Be King really emphasised how different civilisations were then, and I’d like to learn more.

The Priory of the Orange Tree

Before the end of the month, I made a solid 55% progress with The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon. As with Three Sisters, I made the most of time off and opportunities where I couldn’t sit down and read conventionally to listen to this book. Think driving in the car, etc. I’ve also been working on a cross-stitch project I’ve had ongoing for a while; these two hobbies go well together!

It’s been a good while since I listened to a fantasy audiobook. I don’t do it too often as I find I take in details better by reading rather than listening. However, as I’ve not been doing anything too taxing and I’ve made the progress I did in a smaller window, I’ve got a better grasp of the world and events than anticipated.

The Priory of the Orange Tree continues to be a current read, and I’m looking forward to this being one of my first finishes of 2025. I have high hopes for it being a highly ranked read!

Fool’s Errand

The last book to feature in this monthly wrap-up for December is my last current read. I picked up Fool’s Errand in the final days of December. I didn’t set a large TBR for December, and as a result, I saw the end of it for the first time in a while.

Honestly, I’ve enjoyed having the time to pick up a mood read. I nearly picked up Fool’s Errand in late November (I picked up The Eye of the World instead). It’s good to be back in the world of Hobb and another very different style of epic fantasy.

Robin Hobb is a favourite, and I picked the next book up in her Realm of the Elderlings series for two reasons. One, it will help me make progress in that ongoing series. Two, and more importantly, I expect to love this book, and I’ll start my 2025 reading list on a high.

As of this monthly wrap-up post, I’m 56 pages in. It’s a solid start, and I have plenty of reading ahead of me!


The fantasy genre dominated this monthly TBR, and it’s been a fun month of reading for it. I do love how diversely I read as a whole. However, it’s my favourite genre and will always be my baby.

As well, it was a novelty to finish my Monthly TBR and give myself a chance to pick up a mood read at the end of the month. As well, I’ve lined myself up with some great reads to take forward into January and 2025 as a whole.

What did you read in December? What was your best read of the year?


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Belated Top Ten Tuesday – Books on my 2024-2025 Winter TBR

The topic of today’s Top Ten Tuesday post is my 2024-2025 Winter TBR. I regret this post is coming out a day late just because it ended up a lot longer than I expected. Clearly I’m passionate about the upcoming books and why I want to read them!

I quite enjoy taking part in these quarterly seasonal reading lists. They give me a great opportunity to look ahead and get a feel for the books I want to pick up over the next few months. Next year, I’m going to make an effort to read a little bit more around topical themes and that reflects in this reading list.

So, what’s on my radar for the beginning of 2025? Let’s take a look!


With no special theme prevalent in January, my main aim for the books I want to pick up as part of this Winter TBR is to read what I’ve been intending to for a little while. That way I set myself up with some quality reads to kickstart my yearly reading list.


Whilst I haven’t officially decided to set myself a goal of continuing series again in 2025, it’s always something I’ll look to do. As a big fan of Brandon Sanderson, it also makes sense to pick up one of his books to really get 2025 and this Winter TBR off to a good start.

Firefight is the second book of his Reckoner series. I really enjoyed the first instalment of the book, Steelheart, when I read it back in September 2020. Maybe considering the length of time it’s taken me to get to this sequel, prioritising started series does need to be a reading goal of 2025. For the third year running…

Rose Under Fire

I recently featured Rose Under Fire in a Shelf Control post. Since then, I knew I wanted to pick this book up soon.

I first experimented with Elizabeth Wein’s writing when reading Code Name Verity. It’s also been a good while since I picked that book up (editing Rebecca here – that was in December 2017! I’m really not good at carrying on series, am I?!)

It’s finally time to continue with this series, albeit I’m reading it out of order. I don’t think it’s the kind of series that has to be read in order though, so in the grand scheme of things that shouldn’t matter. Either way, this is an author I’ve really enjoyed to date, and the book is World War II fiction. It should be a 5 star candidate.

The Bone Collector

I’m embarrassed to admit that my sister got a copy of this book for me as I expressed an interest in it when she was back studying at university. I added this book to my Goodreads reading list in 2017. It seems I have a backlog, wouldn’t you agree? That makes The Bone Collector the perfect candidate for this Winter TBR. 

Although The Bone Collector is the first book of a series, I don’t know if I’m going to continue with the series after reading the first book. It’s only really this one story I’m interested in. I suppose it depends on how good it is. That probably sounds like a very weird thing to say, and normally I would be questioning myself on this decision. However, that is my intention at this time. I have a lot on the reading list already without adding more.


February is Black History month, and I have added a number of reads on my Winter TBR that fit in with this theme:

In Every Mirror She’s Black

By the time I pick up In Every Mirror She’s Black, I’ll have had this book on my reading list for just over two years. I don’t really have much of fiction fitting the black history theme, but this book is one of a few.

In Every Mirror She’s Black is the book I picked up in the spur of the moment when shopping after Christmas sales a couple of years ago. I really like the sound of the synopsis and how three seemingly very different characters ultimately have similar experiences based on their race.

Fearing the Black Body: The Racial Origins of Fat Phobia

I wanted to pick up Fearing the Black Body for a couple of reasons. Obviously, this looks at the racial themes behind fat phobia. Whilst I can’t say for sure if this is the exclusive reason those of us of a bigger size are judged, it’s a unique and topical perspective. I can also see it in a way.

As a not so skinny person myself, I have some interest in subject for other reasons. Thankfully, I’m beyond the most vulnerable age of giving a monkeys what people think of how I look. Frankly, I care far more about my health than my appearance. If anyone wants to judge me, they’re welcome to do so; I don’t care.

That being said, I would stand up for anybody being picked on for the same reason in a heartbeat. That’s why I also think it’s important to read this book and generally make myself better informed on the subject and society.

You’ll see another theme on this Winter TBR of continuing with non-fiction. Again, I don’t know if this will be a goal for next year, but they are definitely a greater part of my reading than they ever were.

Children of Virtue and Vengeance

The second fictional book I have that I plan to read during Black History month as part of this Winter TBR is Children of Virtue and Vengeance by Tomi Adeyemi.

I fair only slightly better with this book in that I read the first book of the series in 2018 as opposed to 2017. It’s still been a good six years. I really enjoyed Children of Blood and Bone, that first book of the series, and I’m looking forward to continuing with it. We also have a third book in the series to date which was published in June this year. It’ll be good to get a wriggle on and get more up-to-date with this series. And hey, that’ll be another completion once I’ve finished the trilogy!

A Promised Land

An unusual selection for my TBR is A Promised Land by Barack Obama. I next to never pick up political reads. I’m just not that kind of person. Broadly speaking, my approach to politicians is one of skepticism.

However, I do think Barack enacted some good changes during his time as President in America. I also think he has a unique perspective on historic events that it will be interesting to read about.

It’s important to read out of your comfort zone now and then, and A Promised Land is going to be that for me. Will I enjoy all the political elements to the book? Probably not. Am I determined to get as much out of it as I can, though? Yes!


March is the month in which Women’s History is the prevalent theme. I’m looking forward to reading books in and around this genre. I have no qualms about saying that I am a feminist. I do believe women‘s rights should be bettered to make us equal to men.

Technically March is bordering into my Spring TBR as opposed to this Winter TBR, but I want to cover topics across the whole period up to the next Spring TBR post, which will be mid to late March.

Normal Women

I picked up a copy of Philippa Gregory’s Normal Women comparatively recently to some books on this TBR. Having read some of her historical fiction books in the past, I’m looking forward to this non-fiction where history is told through the lives of everyday women.

So often throughout history, the lives of women do not feature at all or in some cases have been erased completely. That’s the theme for a couple of the books I’ve got on this reading list. I’m especially looking forward to picking up this book as I especially enjoyed listening to a podcast in which Philippa discusses some of her research around one of the chapters in this book. Therefore, I’ve already had a feel for the content of some of the book and I can’t wait!

Narratives: The Stories that Hold Women Back at Work

It’s well documented that women have come across numerous setbacks at work. From being sidelined for promotions to getting less pay per hour for the same work, it’s a real problem.

I want to read some of these experiences for myself so I can educate myself and others about it.  Not only that, but I can recognise any signs of these things happening and advocate for change for myself!


Eve was a recent discovery in the bookshop, and it fits the theme of Women’s History perfectly. That’s why it’s on my Winter TBR. 

Much like Normal Women, the purpose of Eve is to highlight how women have shaped humanity today. Even when we’ve been suppressed, we’ve played a vital role that can’t be scrubbed from the records.

Where Eve differs from Normal Women is that the book takes a more biological lens. Whilst society is touched upon, the focus of the book is on the biological evolution of the female body and how that has contributed towards change in unexpected ways.


Today’s post is quite a long one (nearly twice the length of my average posts!), but I think you’ll agree I’ve got some great books coming up early next year.

What are you planning to read in the near future?


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Monthly TBR – December 2024

Today’s post is my last monthly TBR of the year, so I want to make it great! Rather than quantity, my focus is to enjoy some great quality books to round up a fun year.

There is no way I’m going to be able to meet my 2024 reading goals with what I pick up in December. I’m just too far behind. However, although I am behind on them all, I am ‘proportionately’ behind based on the amount of books I’ve read this year. I’ve been reading the right amount of non-fiction and finishing series to meet my goals were I nearer to my overall goal reading 60 books this year.

However, I’m not. I’m also not going to tailor this reading list to try and get those smaller targets either. It’s more important that I enjoy what I’m reading and the books I share in today’s post reflect that. Two of the books I feature on today’s list are also quite chunky.

Let’s take a look!


Fixed Reads

The Eye of the World

I’ll start off this list by covering my two ongoing reads as of drafting this post.

The Eye of the World is carried forward from November, but I’ve already made a good amount of progress in the book so far. As of drafting this post, I have another 420 odd pages to read to get to the end of the book. That’s not an insignificant amount as it is, but I’m already a good 350 pages into the story. Events of the book are well underway and I’m pretty immersed in what’s going on.

I’m hopeful to keep up progress with this book and be able to complete by the end of the year!


Three Sisters

My second ongoing read, or listen, is Three Sisters by Heather Morris.

I’m really enjoying this third instalment of The Tattooist of Auschwitz series. I love how the characters in prior books tie together. Not only are we seeing characters from the previous books pop into the narratives of the later ones, but I suspect one of the main characters in this book was also in the earlier ones – we just didn’t know it yet.

As this is a kind of narrative I’m really on board with, I’m finding listening to the audiobook quite easy. I’ve been lucky in that in the last few evenings I’ve been able to squeeze in some listening alongside other hobbies. I’ve only got 7 hours of audio left – I don’t think it’ll be long before I share completion!


Mood Reads

The Woman Who Would Be King

I debated what to pick up for this next choice. Originally I was in the mindset for a Greek retelling. However, when looking through my reading list to find one I stumbled upon The Woman Who Would Be King and set my heart on that instead.

The Woman Who Would Be King is a biography of a little known female Egyptian pharaoh. What intrigues me about her story is that a lot of her records in history has been destroyed despite being a successful pharaoh by all accounts. Why would a society who benefited and supported her 20+ year rule at the time then want to scratch her from the record? She is little known to me as a result and so I wanted to read about her.

I’ve also enjoyed narratives (both books and TV) about Cleopatra before, so I have every confidence that I’m going to enjoy reading the short biography.


The Priory of the Orange Tree

Given that I’ve got some time off coming later this month, I want to take advantage and pick up a chunky audiobook. The Priory of the Orange Tree in print format is around 850 pages. In audio terms, that translates to 26 hours. I have a lot of listening to do…

Honestly, I half expect this to run over into January’s monthly TBR, but that’s okay. It’s been a while since I’ve listened to a fantasy on audio. Especially with one so large, my only slight concern is that there is going to be a lot of detail in here for me to follow. That’s not entirely a bad thing, but in the past I’ve struggled to do this with audio and I’m far better at following what’s going on when reading. I can only see how it goes!

I’m also looking forward to trying Samantha Shannon‘s writing. I’ve had the audio of The Priory of the Orange Tree since 2019, so it’s about time I got to it, right? If it’s good, I’ve already got A Day of Fallen Night to listen to and I’m intrigued by The Bone Season.



Fingers crossed I’m not pushing myself too much for December, because that’s not my goal! I’m mixing up book lengths and formats to make this monthly TBR as approachable as I can with the time I have available in the month.

Thanks for reading this Monthly TBR post! What is your next read? Do you read seasonally for the festive season?


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Monthly Wrap-Up – November 2024

Today’s monthly wrap-up for November 2024 is the last I’ll share this side of the new year. New Year. 2025 is round the corner and I am not ready 😂

Before I start looking my too far ahead though, we need to look back. Specifically, we need to look back at what I read over the course of November. For the most part, it was a month of catching up on ongoing and upcoming reads after my exam. Nothing too groundbreaking, but after slower reading progress in the last three months or so, it was needed!

Books Read

The Squiggly Career

When I shared my prior monthly wrap-up post at the end of October, my aim was to finish The Squiggly Career by the end of that week.

However, I ended up putting aside for last minute study. Ultimately I think that was the right decision. So, I finished the book around third of the way into November instead.

It was handy actually as the book was a good size to take away with me to London for the weekend. Again, I didn’t do a lot of reading there – mainly on the plane there and back. Still, I’m glad I took it with me. Whilst I had some quality time to sit down and think, it gave me some ideas about things I want to incorporate into my squiggly career.


Throughout November I read the second half of Carrie, and once I picked it up I devoured it pretty quickly!

I started Carrie as I wanted to pick up an iconic horror over Halloween (or Hop Tu Naa as it’s known here). As a short book, it also suited my circumstances of being very close to my exam deadline and not being able to take on anything too chunky.

I confess that I didn’t love the first half of Carrie, however the narrative from the point of prom night really picked it up for me. Honestly, I’m not a fan of the way Carrie was described or treated throughout. However, the drama really ramps up in the latter section of the book to make it worth it. I also enjoy the allusion to multiple ‘sources’ compiling the story of Carrie White. It’s a very minimal mixed media set up, but it worked.


Defiant was a great conclusion to the Skyward series, even if it did take me a couple of months to listen to it!

Audiobooks are great, but they are also my least ‘read’ format. I don’t listen to books very quickly, and there are some genres I struggle to successfully listen to full stop. Whilst I had no trouble with this side of things with Defiant, time became my biggest constraint.

I started listening to this in early September. However, I’m slow at progressing through audio and the further I got on, the closer I ended up being to my exam deadline. Reading almost fell away during this period as well. Not totally, obviously, but I was doing a lot less of it.

However, after a good couple of months, I’m pleased to share that I have now finished Defiant. Not only that, but I was very satisfied with the ending. Not unexpected for Brandon Sanderson (at least in my book), but it was a great series that wrapped up well. If you enjoy sci-fi or YA fiction, please please please give this a go!

The Eye of the World

I was in the mood for an epic fantasy after finishing Carrie. I do enjoy a short book now and then, but equally I also enjoy an epic! The Eye of the World wasn’t on my TBR, so it’s a surprise feature in this monthly wrap-up post. 

This is the second time I’ve attempted to read The Eye of the World and so far, progress is good. I’m enjoying taking my time over a chunky, in-depth read. It doesn’t feel forced and I’m equally not pressuring myself for a quick completion either. I think that has been my trouble in the past.

Long books naturally take longer to read. The page count alone justifies this, but at the same time the stories are often more complex. They aren’t books I can binge-read quickly and get the most out of. I’d then feel like I wasn’t upholding a standard and get frustrated with myself. It’s silly really.

I picked up The Eye of the World to enjoy it and get started in a brand new series. I’m here for the fun of it, not to count my reading speed or kick myself if it takes a little longer. It’s about the journey, not the destination.

Three Sisters

On the very last day of the month, I made a good couple hours of progress in Three Sisters by Heather Morris.

It’s great to be back with The Tattooist of Auschwitz series. I’ve loved the stories, and especially the audiobooks, so far. Although I’ve just started this book, I’m optimistic it won’t be long on my reading list before I can tick it off as complete. What’s great about that is that it’s also a series completion for me once done.

I’ll be back to talk more about Three Sisters in my upcoming TBR and Sunday Summaries.


November was a productive month and I’m glad to have time for more reading in my life again.

Thanks for checking out this latest monthly wrap-up instalment! What have you been reading lately? Do you have any recommendations for books to pick up before the end of the year?


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Top Ten Tuesday – ‘Oldest’ Books on my TBR

In today’s Top Ten Tuesday, I’m sharing a number of classic books. If this post has highlighted anything to me, it’s that generally I read books that have been published within the last decade. This isn’t a surprise. If you read my Sunday Summary post where I shared that I was going to publish this post, I said that exact same thing.

However, I am surprised by how many there are that have an ‘older’ publication date. Honestly, I thought I’d have a handful to share in this Top Ten Tuesday and that would be it. Given that I’ve not been able to sort my Goodreads reading list by the original publication year (I use the mobile app), I’ve had to do a bit of digging comparing the versions I’ve added to my reading list with the original publication date. I’ve done my best to make this list as accurate as possible, but there is a possibility of human error in here.

The Hunchback of Notre Dame – 1831

It was almost a given that Victor Hugo was going to be on this list! I also surprised myself because I then expected Les Mis to feature on this list. Only, I realised I’ve not actually added Les Mis to my TBR even though I have a copy of the book…

So, sticking to the rules of the post, I’m not featuring that one here but talking about The Hunchback of Notre Dame instead. This is the kind of book I mean when I talk about being able to tell that it’s written earlier. Personally, I have to have my head screwed on when I try to read a classic. It doesn’t read quite so fluidly and I have to really concentrate.

The Three Musketeers – 1844

The Three Musketeers was also almost guaranteed to make it to this list. I wasn’t sure exactly when this book was published, but I knew for certain it was going to be one of the oldest I had.

Weirdly, I added this to my reading list after watching a show based on the musketeers on Netflix many moons ago. We’ll see how it lives up to expectations.

Jane Eyre – 1847

I haven’t read any books by the Brontë sisters so honestly, I have no idea what to expect with these. Admittedly I’d forgotten I had this one on my TBR at all.

One day I’ll get to it and be able to tell you more about it. Let’s hope sooner rather than later!

The Grapes of Wrath – 1939

The Grapes of Wrath will be my second read by John Steinbeck when I get to it. I had mixed feelings about Of Mice and Men when I first picked it up for school. However, since then I re-read the book in my own time and enjoyed it.

I added The Grapes of Wrath after reading that because I want to try more by this author.

Catch-22 – 1961

Catch-22 is weirdly further down the list than I thought it would be. Equally, it was in the works a while before being published, so maybe that’s why.

Hardly surprising that it’s another classic/iconic read is it?!

The Colour Purple – 1982

I first picked up and sampled a copy of The Colour Purple in my school library a long time ago now. I never really got very far into it, so it is a book I’m look forward to reading properly sometime.

Again, it’s a pretty well known title. If not a classic, it takes on some pretty important themes including religion as well as domestic and sexual abuse.

Why do I want to read this again? It’s not so much that I enjoy reading about such things. I hate the idea of anyone going through that. However, I think it’s important that we do.

A Darkness at Sethanon – 1987

If there was a genre that wasn’t a classic or iconic fiction that still made it into this Top Ten Tuesday, it would be fantasy. There is enough of it on the TBR that something should have made it on here.

And yes, it did! There is only one book that qualifies on account of having read the earlier books in the series already. A Darkness at Sethanon is the final book in the Riftwar Saga by Raymond E Feist. I have mixed opinions on the series so far. But, it’ll be good to see it through to the end and make up my mind on it once and for all!

Pillars of the Earth – 1989

I’m actually excited this is on the list as I purchased a copy of it just the other day. Admittedly, it’s a far more up to date edition than 1989, but it still stands on this list.

The Eye of the World – 1990

It’s a pure coincidence, but also refreshing, that my current read features on this list. I suspected the Wheel of Time series had to have been written some time ago given the length of the series and the fact that it needed to be finished by another author.

I almost didn’t check the date on this one, so that goes to show that the book doesn’t really read as being that old. And it’s not.

In my opinion, I can only really tell when books are written 100+ years ago because the language style is different across the board. There is naturally a bit of this from one author to another, but it’s far broader than that too. Sentences are longer and their structure is more complicated. Word ordering is a little bit different. It’s little things, but the things I can pick up on.

Alias Grace – 1996

It’s great to feature a Margaret Atwood novel on this Top Ten Tuesday list. I have absolutely no idea about the story of Alias Grace other than the synopsis appealed to me. When we think of Margaret Atwood, we think of books like The Handmaid‘s Tale, or more recently the sequel The Testaments.

In truth, she’s written many books other than those, but those are the one she’s known for and the ones I know her for. I’m looking forward to branching out a little and trying some of her other reads.


The fact that I managed to feature 10 books in this Top Ten Tuesday post with an original publication date of pre-2000 surprises me. I thought I’d have a lot more in the way of current books. That’s not a bad thing though! It means I’m reading a little more diversely than I expected, and there is nothing wrong with a backlist book. To be honest, that’s what I read most of!

Do you have any of today’s Top Ten Tuesday features on your TBR?


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Monthly TBR – November 2024

This monthly TBR is late as earlier this month I was squeezed on free time to blog. When I originally planned to share this in my first Sunday Summary of the month, I didn’t take into account that I was away that weekend. Then, I hoped to share this post with you earlier this week before I sat my exam yesterday. In the end, I prioritised revision for that. It was worth it as I passed! So, finally I’m here today, nearly halfway through November, to tell you what I plan to read this month. Apologies this is much later than billed.

I’m not piling loads of books on the reading list this month anyway. I have a chunky book to get through, and I want to wrap-up those I’ve already started and have on-the-go. Plus, I want to ease myself back in now that my free time is my own again!


Fixed Reads

The Squiggly Career

As of drafting this monthly TBR post, I have in fact already finished The Squiggly Career. The Squiggly Career is a non-fiction book I knew I wanted to pick up this year. Having read You Coach You a few months ago, I wanted to continue with picking up content from Helen and Sarah and also doing so in a way that gives me resources to help with my own development at work.

If you are looking for this kind of content, then I cannot recommendThe Squiggly Career enough. It is a fantastic resource giving you the opportunity to challenge yourself and make space for asking questions about what you want to get out of your time at work (aside from the pay check).


I’ve had the audiobook for Defiant on the go for a little while now. Last month I didn’t pick it up very much (to a degree just out of preference for physical books), but also because of my exam.

I have already made an effort to start listening to this again. Just today, I have made progress from around a third of audiobook in to halfway complete. Hopefully I’ll have a lot more progress to share with you in the next week or so. I’m not planning on rushing this listen, but I’ll make the most of time I have off and at home on my own to make progress.


I started reading Carrie around Halloween because I wanted to pick up an iconic horror for the spooky season. I’m still reading this book as of drafting this post. However, I’m a good halfway through and optimistic that I’ll make some quick progress before the end of this week.

I’m not sure what to make of the book overall at the moment. It’s perfectly enjoyable, but I’m not sure it’s what I expected. At least, not yet. We’ll see if that changes as I progress further through the story to the conclusion.

The Eye of the World

The chunkiest book on this monthly TBR is one I just started before the beginning of the month. I’m in the mood for an epic fantasy and so I took the decision to start The Eye of the World by Robert Jordan.

You may remember I have picked up this book before. I tried to read it at a time when big chunky books wasn’t suiting me, and so I ended up DNF’ing it at around 60%. However, I always knew I wanted to come back to it. I enjoyed the story I had read up to that point and I’m looking forward to getting back into it properly this time. Fortunately, I own this book both in physical format and also on Kindle giving me flexibility in reading this however best suits me at the time.



For the first time in a little while, I’m not setting myself any particular mood reads this month. If I’m honest, I’m not sure I’d even get to them anyway. My real priority is to catch up on the books I’ve already started so I have a clean slate ready for next month. If I do, I’ll update you as and when. 

Thanks for checking out this very late monthly TBR post. What have you been reading recently? What is on your reading list?


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Monthly Wrap-Up – October 2024

I’m back with my penultimate monthly wrap-up post to be published this side of the end of the year. It’s crazy how fast this year is flying by!

I’ve accepted that I’m not going to achieve all my reading goals this year, and that’s okay. I’m having fun with the books I have picked up and reading is still a habit I get to enjoy as part of daily life.

Shall we take a look at what books I picked up in October? If you want a reminder, here were the books on my TBR

Books Read


Defiant is still an ongoing listen in this monthly wrap-up post. I featured it in last month’s post and shared that I was a third of the way through the audio.

Admittedly, I have only listened to an hour of the audio over the month of October. It’s pretty poor progress, but I’ve not really been in the mood for it. As well, I’ve been prioritising studying for an exam and so all my reading has suffered a little until that’s done.

Defiant is still very much on my current reads list and I hope to have more to share with you next month!

The Rosie Project

As of my last monthly wrap-up post, I had barely started The Rosie Project. I read that book for our book club meet in October. Naturally, I had to put my skates on to finish it!

Overall my experience of The Rosie Project was okay. It didn’t quite live up to expectations on the humour side of things. Equally though, for a book from a genre I don’t really pick up myself, it was perfectly readable.

In terms of rating, it got a straight down the middle assessment of three stars.

The Outsider

I wanted to lean into spooky season and pick up a couple of thrillers or horrors this month. The first I completed was The Outsider.

Whilst also perfectly readable, I did hope for a different conclusion to this book. Given it’s written by King I really shouldn’t have been surprised it ended the way it did. Even still, I enjoyed the read and taking the chance to pick up this kind of book when the nights are drawing in!

The Squiggly Career

Taking a completely different tack, I picked up a very non-seasonal non-fiction next. Having read You Coach You in the past, I knew I wanted to read The Squiggly Career pretty soon.

It came at a good time actually. Whilst I’m still not finished with the book as at the end of the month, I read it in good time for a conversation I had at work recently. It helped remind me of what my values are at a time when I could have been steered away from them.

I’ll have more to share on this book very soon, as I’m hoping to finish this by the end of this week.


The last book I made any degree of progress on in October is Carrie by Stephen King. I wanted to pick up an iconic King novel around Halloween.

As of drafting this post I’m still progressing with the book. I’ve got just over half the book to read, but it’s only 240 odd pages. It won’t take me long!

I’m of two minds about the book so far and how it’s going to go. I’m not a fan of the descriptors used for Carrie, likening her to a cow. However, I’m not going to let it spoil my enjoyment of the storyline. We’ll see how it progresses.



Overall, I’ve not had a bad month of reading. Naturally the page count is a little down whilst I’m required to do some serious reading for my exam. However, I’m looking forward to that all being done with so I can get back to my blog and reading with enthusiasm soon!

What did you read last month?


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