Tag: aspergers

Sunday Summary – 13th October 2024

Good evening friends! After a busy week at work, I officially put my out of office on and I’m ready for a week off work! It’s been a while since I last went on leave, and certainly for anything longer than a day. But now, I’m raring to go to share my latest Sunday Summary updates!

In between wrapping up everything for my break, I drafted and shared with you my review of Assassin’s Quest by Robin Hobb. That went out on Friday, a little later than planned. It was quite a long review though!

Books Read

The Rosie Project

Even though book club postponed the meet for The Rosie Project until this Tuesday, I would have *just* finished reading it in time.

As of last week’s Sunday Summary, I was only 31% in as of publishing my post. I read another third of the book before bed that Sunday night, and I finished it Monday.

It was a fun narrative for me and totally held up by Dom’s humorous lack of social skills. If it weren’t for book club I wouldn’t have picked it up myself. Still, it was an okay read and great to get out of my comfort zone for a little bit.

The Outsider

Taking a completely different tack, I picked up The Outsider after finishing The Rosie Project. It’s the first of two King books I’d like to read this month. As of this Sunday Summary, I’m about 100 pages into the book and intrigued as to where the story could go next.

At the point of the book I’m in, we’ve covered most of what the synopsis alludes to. So really, it could go anywhere from here. Knowing King, there’ll be something up his sleeve. I don’t know what to make of protagonist Terry Maitland yet. Did he commit the crime? I’m not sure. I definitely don’t like how the police are pinning it on him and trying to cut corners, but I’m not sure he’s entirely innocent either.

I can only read on and find out more!

Books Discovered

After last week’s book haul I’d be mortified if I had yet more to share. Thankfully, there are no new additions this week ☺️

Coming Up…

I’m sticking to my two post schedule even though I’m off. I have some plans for my week off, but around those I’ll be studying. I want to get a good block of that done this week.

With this in mind, my first post of the week will be a Top Ten Tuesday post. The topic this week is books I was assigned to read at school. I’ve got six listed already so I need to get my thinking cap on for the rest!

Lastly, I’ll be back with my next Sunday Summary update the same time next week. I’ll let you know how much reading I get done and catch up with you on all other bookish updates!

Until next time, have a great week and happy reading!


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