Tag: Carrie

Monthly Wrap-Up – November 2024

Today’s monthly wrap-up for November 2024 is the last I’ll share this side of the new year. New Year. 2025 is round the corner and I am not ready 😂

Before I start looking my too far ahead though, we need to look back. Specifically, we need to look back at what I read over the course of November. For the most part, it was a month of catching up on ongoing and upcoming reads after my exam. Nothing too groundbreaking, but after slower reading progress in the last three months or so, it was needed!

Books Read

The Squiggly Career

When I shared my prior monthly wrap-up post at the end of October, my aim was to finish The Squiggly Career by the end of that week.

However, I ended up putting aside for last minute study. Ultimately I think that was the right decision. So, I finished the book around third of the way into November instead.

It was handy actually as the book was a good size to take away with me to London for the weekend. Again, I didn’t do a lot of reading there – mainly on the plane there and back. Still, I’m glad I took it with me. Whilst I had some quality time to sit down and think, it gave me some ideas about things I want to incorporate into my squiggly career.


Throughout November I read the second half of Carrie, and once I picked it up I devoured it pretty quickly!

I started Carrie as I wanted to pick up an iconic horror over Halloween (or Hop Tu Naa as it’s known here). As a short book, it also suited my circumstances of being very close to my exam deadline and not being able to take on anything too chunky.

I confess that I didn’t love the first half of Carrie, however the narrative from the point of prom night really picked it up for me. Honestly, I’m not a fan of the way Carrie was described or treated throughout. However, the drama really ramps up in the latter section of the book to make it worth it. I also enjoy the allusion to multiple ‘sources’ compiling the story of Carrie White. It’s a very minimal mixed media set up, but it worked.


Defiant was a great conclusion to the Skyward series, even if it did take me a couple of months to listen to it!

Audiobooks are great, but they are also my least ‘read’ format. I don’t listen to books very quickly, and there are some genres I struggle to successfully listen to full stop. Whilst I had no trouble with this side of things with Defiant, time became my biggest constraint.

I started listening to this in early September. However, I’m slow at progressing through audio and the further I got on, the closer I ended up being to my exam deadline. Reading almost fell away during this period as well. Not totally, obviously, but I was doing a lot less of it.

However, after a good couple of months, I’m pleased to share that I have now finished Defiant. Not only that, but I was very satisfied with the ending. Not unexpected for Brandon Sanderson (at least in my book), but it was a great series that wrapped up well. If you enjoy sci-fi or YA fiction, please please please give this a go!

The Eye of the World

I was in the mood for an epic fantasy after finishing Carrie. I do enjoy a short book now and then, but equally I also enjoy an epic! The Eye of the World wasn’t on my TBR, so it’s a surprise feature in this monthly wrap-up post. 

This is the second time I’ve attempted to read The Eye of the World and so far, progress is good. I’m enjoying taking my time over a chunky, in-depth read. It doesn’t feel forced and I’m equally not pressuring myself for a quick completion either. I think that has been my trouble in the past.

Long books naturally take longer to read. The page count alone justifies this, but at the same time the stories are often more complex. They aren’t books I can binge-read quickly and get the most out of. I’d then feel like I wasn’t upholding a standard and get frustrated with myself. It’s silly really.

I picked up The Eye of the World to enjoy it and get started in a brand new series. I’m here for the fun of it, not to count my reading speed or kick myself if it takes a little longer. It’s about the journey, not the destination.

Three Sisters

On the very last day of the month, I made a good couple hours of progress in Three Sisters by Heather Morris.

It’s great to be back with The Tattooist of Auschwitz series. I’ve loved the stories, and especially the audiobooks, so far. Although I’ve just started this book, I’m optimistic it won’t be long on my reading list before I can tick it off as complete. What’s great about that is that it’s also a series completion for me once done.

I’ll be back to talk more about Three Sisters in my upcoming TBR and Sunday Summaries.


November was a productive month and I’m glad to have time for more reading in my life again.

Thanks for checking out this latest monthly wrap-up instalment! What have you been reading lately? Do you have any recommendations for books to pick up before the end of the year?


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Sunday Summary – 17th November 2024

Welcome to my latest Sunday Summary update gang! Can I say, it’s good to be back!

I appreciate I’ve been here and posting updates and content to the blog, but it’s not been a focus for a little while. Rather, I’ve kept it going but not put my whole self into it for the last few months. Posts have been quite short and updates on reading progress minimal. Now studying is over and I’m able to dedicate more time to reading and content again, I hope you’ll notice an improvement.

On the reading front I’ve read and listened to nearly 500 pages in the second half of this week alone! It’s fair to say I’m back in the game for sure… 

So, what else have I been up to? After sitting my exam midweek I was able to dedicate more time to the blog and so I have two posts to share with you. Firstly, I published a very late monthly TBR on Thursday. With the timing of my exam and a trip away for a gig last weekend, unfortunately this post got pushed back a lot later than I’d have liked. Still, better late than never right?

Then, I posted again on Friday and shared my first Shelf Control post for a few months. My Friday features got axed whilst I was studying to help make time, so I’m glad to be back to doing those. As a result, I trimmed my TBR by two books I’ve changed my mind on since adding them and I featured a historical fiction by an author I’ve only read once so far, but loved!

Books Read


I initially picked up Carrie just before Halloween as I wanted an iconic horror to read around spooky season.

In my last Sunday Summary Carrie didn’t feature as I hadn’t gotten any further than the 108 pages I reported the week prior. However, I picked up from there midweek this week and I finished the book by Friday!

Carrie was the first book on my hit list for a couple of reasons; firstly, I wanted to finish this book sooner as Halloween season is over. Secondly, it’s a short book and I only had around 130 pages left. Quick wins are great motivators, and I wanted that to help me get back into the swing of reading regularly again.

A couple of weeks ago I shared that I was unsure about the book. I have to say, once we got past the set up and to prom night it got a lot more interesting. Overall, I rated the book 4 stars and I’m glad I picked it up.

The Eye of the World

This is my second attempt at reading The Eye of the World by Robert Jordan and I’m feeling optimistic.

Last time I tried to read this, I was struggling with the size and scope of the book. I love a chunky read, but sometimes I need shorter or lighter reads. That was my problem last time and because I wasn’t in the mood for the epicness of this story, I DNF’d around 60% in.

This week, I picked up from the start of chapter 2 and as of this Sunday Summary, I’ve read a further 140 pages to get a total of 21% progress.

The reading experience is going much better this time as I am in the mood for a longer read. I’ve had a lot of shorter ones running up to this and I picked it up as a mood read last month. I’m looking forward to seeing how I get on over the next week or so and really getting into the story. All is going great so far. What helps is that this book/series comes highly recommended by my friend Rachael, so I’m very confident I’ll love it!


For the last month, or maybe even two, progress in Defiant has been slow. I’ve not been in the mood for an audiobook and so I’ve not listened much. That changed this week. I’ve had a few days home alone on leave from work and so I’ve used that time to make a good chunk of progress.

Since the last time this audiobook featured on a Sunday Summary, I’ve listened to nearly half the audiobook. That’s just in the last few days I’ve done that! It’s getting to the point now where I can’t wait to see what happens, but I’m also sad it’s coming to an end. Defiant is the last book in the series!

Now I’m close, I won’t be long finishing this audiobook. I have less than three hours left – I can fit that into my reading schedule next week. Easy.

Books Discovered

No news is good news again! My TBR has no new additions and since completing Carrie (and removing two books on Friday), it’s going in the right direction.

I did buy one book this week during a trip to town, but it’s one that is already on my TBR so it doesn’t REALLY count. I set myself that rule when I went in. I’ve been recommended Pillars of the Earth by Ken Follett twice now by people I trust. Plus, I used credit on my Waterstones loyalty card so it was free too!

Coming Up…

I’ll kick off next week with sharing a Top Ten Tuesday post. This week’s topic is to share the books on our reading lists with the oldest publication date. Personally, I’m interested to see how many I have that aren’t ‘current’. I’m expecting some classics to pop up, but broadly, I suspect my reading list has a lot more recent books.

My next Friday feature is my First Lines Friday post. It’s been months since I shared one of these, so I’m keeping the subject entirely open so I have freedom of choice on the book I feature!

Lastly, you know the drill. Next week I’m back with my next Sunday Summary update post. Find out if I finish Defiant and progress further with The Eye of the World. Plus, catch up on any content you might have missed in the week!

Until next time, have a great week and I’ll see you in my next post!

Happy reading!


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Monthly TBR – November 2024

This monthly TBR is late as earlier this month I was squeezed on free time to blog. When I originally planned to share this in my first Sunday Summary of the month, I didn’t take into account that I was away that weekend. Then, I hoped to share this post with you earlier this week before I sat my exam yesterday. In the end, I prioritised revision for that. It was worth it as I passed! So, finally I’m here today, nearly halfway through November, to tell you what I plan to read this month. Apologies this is much later than billed.

I’m not piling loads of books on the reading list this month anyway. I have a chunky book to get through, and I want to wrap-up those I’ve already started and have on-the-go. Plus, I want to ease myself back in now that my free time is my own again!


Fixed Reads

The Squiggly Career

As of drafting this monthly TBR post, I have in fact already finished The Squiggly Career. The Squiggly Career is a non-fiction book I knew I wanted to pick up this year. Having read You Coach You a few months ago, I wanted to continue with picking up content from Helen and Sarah and also doing so in a way that gives me resources to help with my own development at work.

If you are looking for this kind of content, then I cannot recommendThe Squiggly Career enough. It is a fantastic resource giving you the opportunity to challenge yourself and make space for asking questions about what you want to get out of your time at work (aside from the pay check).


I’ve had the audiobook for Defiant on the go for a little while now. Last month I didn’t pick it up very much (to a degree just out of preference for physical books), but also because of my exam.

I have already made an effort to start listening to this again. Just today, I have made progress from around a third of audiobook in to halfway complete. Hopefully I’ll have a lot more progress to share with you in the next week or so. I’m not planning on rushing this listen, but I’ll make the most of time I have off and at home on my own to make progress.


I started reading Carrie around Halloween because I wanted to pick up an iconic horror for the spooky season. I’m still reading this book as of drafting this post. However, I’m a good halfway through and optimistic that I’ll make some quick progress before the end of this week.

I’m not sure what to make of the book overall at the moment. It’s perfectly enjoyable, but I’m not sure it’s what I expected. At least, not yet. We’ll see if that changes as I progress further through the story to the conclusion.

The Eye of the World

The chunkiest book on this monthly TBR is one I just started before the beginning of the month. I’m in the mood for an epic fantasy and so I took the decision to start The Eye of the World by Robert Jordan.

You may remember I have picked up this book before. I tried to read it at a time when big chunky books wasn’t suiting me, and so I ended up DNF’ing it at around 60%. However, I always knew I wanted to come back to it. I enjoyed the story I had read up to that point and I’m looking forward to getting back into it properly this time. Fortunately, I own this book both in physical format and also on Kindle giving me flexibility in reading this however best suits me at the time.



For the first time in a little while, I’m not setting myself any particular mood reads this month. If I’m honest, I’m not sure I’d even get to them anyway. My real priority is to catch up on the books I’ve already started so I have a clean slate ready for next month. If I do, I’ll update you as and when. 

Thanks for checking out this very late monthly TBR post. What have you been reading recently? What is on your reading list?


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Monthly Wrap-Up – October 2024

I’m back with my penultimate monthly wrap-up post to be published this side of the end of the year. It’s crazy how fast this year is flying by!

I’ve accepted that I’m not going to achieve all my reading goals this year, and that’s okay. I’m having fun with the books I have picked up and reading is still a habit I get to enjoy as part of daily life.

Shall we take a look at what books I picked up in October? If you want a reminder, here were the books on my TBR

Books Read


Defiant is still an ongoing listen in this monthly wrap-up post. I featured it in last month’s post and shared that I was a third of the way through the audio.

Admittedly, I have only listened to an hour of the audio over the month of October. It’s pretty poor progress, but I’ve not really been in the mood for it. As well, I’ve been prioritising studying for an exam and so all my reading has suffered a little until that’s done.

Defiant is still very much on my current reads list and I hope to have more to share with you next month!

The Rosie Project

As of my last monthly wrap-up post, I had barely started The Rosie Project. I read that book for our book club meet in October. Naturally, I had to put my skates on to finish it!

Overall my experience of The Rosie Project was okay. It didn’t quite live up to expectations on the humour side of things. Equally though, for a book from a genre I don’t really pick up myself, it was perfectly readable.

In terms of rating, it got a straight down the middle assessment of three stars.

The Outsider

I wanted to lean into spooky season and pick up a couple of thrillers or horrors this month. The first I completed was The Outsider.

Whilst also perfectly readable, I did hope for a different conclusion to this book. Given it’s written by King I really shouldn’t have been surprised it ended the way it did. Even still, I enjoyed the read and taking the chance to pick up this kind of book when the nights are drawing in!

The Squiggly Career

Taking a completely different tack, I picked up a very non-seasonal non-fiction next. Having read You Coach You in the past, I knew I wanted to read The Squiggly Career pretty soon.

It came at a good time actually. Whilst I’m still not finished with the book as at the end of the month, I read it in good time for a conversation I had at work recently. It helped remind me of what my values are at a time when I could have been steered away from them.

I’ll have more to share on this book very soon, as I’m hoping to finish this by the end of this week.


The last book I made any degree of progress on in October is Carrie by Stephen King. I wanted to pick up an iconic King novel around Halloween.

As of drafting this post I’m still progressing with the book. I’ve got just over half the book to read, but it’s only 240 odd pages. It won’t take me long!

I’m of two minds about the book so far and how it’s going to go. I’m not a fan of the descriptors used for Carrie, likening her to a cow. However, I’m not going to let it spoil my enjoyment of the storyline. We’ll see how it progresses.



Overall, I’ve not had a bad month of reading. Naturally the page count is a little down whilst I’m required to do some serious reading for my exam. However, I’m looking forward to that all being done with so I can get back to my blog and reading with enthusiasm soon!

What did you read last month?


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Sunday Summary – 3rd November 2024

Happy Sunday gang – I’m here for my usual Sunday Summary update and I’m looking forward to updating you on my week’s progress.

In last week’s Sunday Summary I had to admit that my review for Dear Child wasn’t ready to share and so I didn’t post midweek as I usually would. However, this week I have better news; I got the review to a place where I was happy to share it… and it went live on Wednesday.

Books Read

The Squiggly Career

In my last Sunday Summary update I left off at 144 pages (60%) into The Squiggly Career. Whilst I had hoped to finish the book, I ended up reading more of Carrie in the downtime I had.

As I’ve shared here before, I’m studying for an exam. As of writing this post, that exam is only 10 days away. Naturally, I’ve been ramping up the revision efforts and so reading has fallen off a little. If not for that, I’d have picked up more than the handful of pages I managed this week.

So, no major completion news to share as I hoped, but fingers crossed I can share that with you in my next update instead!


I’m my monthly TBR I shared that I wanted to read Carrie around Halloween. Well, with that goal in mind I picked up this book this week.

I’m enjoying it so far and I’m currently 108 pages into it. I can’t say I’m a huge fan of the negative descriptions of her character. Carrie is hardly painted in the best of lights. However, I suppose that may well have a part to play in what comes later. I’m not that far in yet, so we’ll see. Maybe that’ll be easier for us to make judgements on her character.

Books Discovered

Although I went into at least two shops selling books today, I’ve behaved guys. My straining bookshelves breathe a sigh of relief.

I have added a book to my reading list to get a copy of at a future date though. I’ve read a few Peter Gibbons’s books so far, and another series of his has been half on my radar. I just so happened to see an advert for an upcoming sequel (Odin’s Fury) and it looks like it has a local connection! That caught my eye and expedited the series landing on my ‘to-read’ list.

Coming Up…

It’s not really ideal timing with my exam coming up, but we’re in the beginning of November already! That means I need to share my monthly wrap-up for October ASAP and my TBR for November.

I’ll get both of these posts out to you during the week, and then I’ll return with a Sunday Summary at the usual time.

Thanks for sticking with me in today’s Sunday Summary! Enjoy what’s left of your weekend and I’ll see you around!


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Monthly TBR – October 2024

Am I likely to finish this October monthly TBR? If the past few months are anything to go by, the answer is no. However, I’m still setting myself the line up regardless!

You may recognise some of the books on this list from my recent Top Ten Tuesday Autumn TBR. Those posts are great ways to look ahead at planned upcoming reads. And, by sharing them publicly I’m held accountable as well.

Let’s take a look at the books I’m picking up this month:-

Fixed Reads

The Rosie Project

I’m currently reading The Rosie Project for our work book club. Currently, that meet is scheduled for next week so I need to get a wriggle on. So far, I’m only 15% or so into the book.

I’m enjoying the perspective of the protagonist so far, but admittedly, this book isn’t what I’d normally pick up for myself. However, the point of book club is to challenge my reading and try something new. I’m going to stick with this book as long as I can, even if that means I don’t finish it ahead of our meet. I’m not too worried about being spoiled for it.


Defiant is on my fixed reading list for October because it is currently read that I carried over from September.

I didn’t listen to too much of Defiant last month even though I’m really enjoying the story. I tend to wax and wane with the format. But, I think this is impacted most by the fact that I’m studying for an exam. That said, I’m still going to continue with this book as and where I can. Equally, I won’t put too much pressure on myself if that takes a little longer.


I’m including Carrie on my fixed reading list for October because I always try to read a classic around Halloween. I am relatively unaware of the story of Carrie considering how popular it is. I haven’t read the book before and neither have I seen any films on it.

Stephen King is one of my go-tos in the horror genre. It’s not a genre I really love, but there is enough in his writing that has a psychological element rather than just a cheap jump scare. That’s what gets me interested as opposed to basic fear-mongering tactics.

Mood Reads

The Outsider

Another Stephen King book I want to pick up this month, but won’t kick myself if I don’t get to, is The Outsider. I love the premise and I think this will also make a great spooky reading in October.

There is something about crime committed against children that riles people up against the accused. I am sure there is going to be a big element of that in this book, and how much I’m influenced by that remains to be seen.

I’m looking forward to giving it a try!

The Squiggly Career

The last book on this monthly TBR is a non-fiction. In my Autumn TBR post, I shared some non-seasonal reads that I want to pick up in the next few months. One of those is The Squiggly Career by Helen Tupper and Sarah Ellis.

I enjoyed reading (listening) to You Coach You earlier this year. After listening to that book, I went on to purchase a physical copy of it so I can refer back to it again. At the same time, I bought The Squiggly Career. I have always believed there is always something new to learn and skills and ways in which I can develop into a better version of myself.


I have some great, interesting and seasonal spooky reads coming up in October’s monthly TBR. Have you read any of the books on this list? Are any of them on your list?


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