Tag: fantasy romance

Sunday Summary – 6th October 2024

Happy Sunday folks and welcome to another Sunday Summary update!

With the beginning of the final quarter of the year, I’ve had a busy week at work. It’s not quite over for me yet, but hopefully I’ll be over the hill in a couple of days time. If nothing else, I certainly will be by the end of the week as I’m then on leave for a week!

Despite being busy at work, there’s been no rest on the blog. This week, I shared my Monthly Wrap-Up post for September on Wednesday. In that post, I recapped reading progress throughout the month. If you haven’t checked that out already, here’s a link so you can!

My Monthly TBR went live on Friday. I have a mixture of seasonal and non-seasonal reads coming up in the next few months, and I’m leaning into spooky season with some thriller and horror novels on the TBR. Want to see what I’ll be reading this month?

Books Read

The Kingdom

I left off after last week’s Sunday Summary post with 45% progress into The Kingdom. This week, I made great progress and finished the book by Monday night.

The Kingdom is a very quick read and I enjoyed the twist at the end. The elements of mixed media also helped the pace along and vary the narrative style for a few chapters.

As a genre, it’s a fun take on a theme park style location. The writing is perhaps aimed at a slightly younger age than myself, but it was a good jaunt into another world for a little while.

The Rosie Project

As well as progressing with The Kingdom, I made it to 31% of The Rosie Project. We’re supposed to be meeting for book club on Tuesday, so I may not finish it in time. We are holding it a week early in fairness as I’m on leave next week. I might see what the consensus is on postponing to the following week when I’m on leave if we need the time. From chats with a couple other members, we might need an extra week with the book anyway…

For a book that’s really not my go-to genre, I’m having a good laugh with it. Don, the protagonist, makes the whole thing for me. Without his character I don’t think I’d be able to stick with it.

Books Discovered

I made the mistake of going for a mooch in The Works today. I bought 5 books! I’ve shared quite a few Sunday Summary posts with no new books, so I obviously felt the need to make up for that…

It’s fair to say that non-fiction books are more on my radar than they ever have been. I’m looking forward to reading each of these. Bonus that they only cost me £20 for the lot!

Coming Up…

I’m back to my two post schedule and revision time after work this week. With this in mind, my plan is to share a book review of Assassin’s Quest midweek.

You can guess what’s coming next, my good old Sunday Summary this time next week. Find out what I’ve made progress with there, and whether The Rosie Project meet goes ahead or is postponed!

Until then, happy reading!


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Sunday Summary – 29th September 2024

Good evening from a slightly damp and very windy island in the middle of the Irish sea! As always, a warm welcome to you in this Sunday Summary update. In today’s post, I take the opportunity to update you on the books I’ve been reading this week. I’m pleased to say I have more progress to report than last week, so make yourself a cuppa and get comfy!

Before I get into the books I read this week, I like to recap the blog posts I’ve shared at the beginning of every Sunday Summary post. That way if you missed anything, it’s a chance to catch up! You may remember that I am studying for an exam that I’m sitting in November. As a result, I’ve temporarily reduced my blogging schedule from three posts a week to two to accommodate my revision time. As such, I’ve only shared one post so far this week, and that was my Autumn 2024 TBR.

Next week I’ll be busier; stay tuned to find out why below. For now though, onto the books I’ve read this week!

Books Read

The Lost Apothecary

Whereas in last week’s Sunday Summary post I lamented having not finished The Lost Apothecary, I am able to confirm in this Sunday Summary that I HAVE now finished it.

Overall, I enjoyed reading this book, but it didn’t rate as highly as I’d hoped. It was perfectly readable – if you enjoy historical fiction with a mystery split across dual timelines then this is a solid recommendation I would make. For me though, it didn’t *dazzle*. I rated this book at a perfectly acceptable three stars, so it’s solid. It just didn’t blow me away.


The Kingdom

It’s funny, I’ve only been saying the last couple of weeks that I don’t enjoy reading on my phone. However, the practicalities of picking up The Kingdom this week have meant that I’ve only picked up my Kindle once – today. Instead, I’ve progressed with this book more via the Kindle app on my phone.

I don’t really know why. The only reason I can think of is that I have been reading this book in very short bursts and when opportunity knocks. For example, whilst I’ve been waiting for my boyfriend to finish work, I’ll be sat reading this in the car.

I’ve just picked The Kingdom up properly on my Kindle this evening. I much prefer my Kindle as it’s a lot nicer to look at, especially when reading in longer bursts.

Having said that phone reading is not my preference, I managed to read 30% of The Kingdom that way and I’ve blitzed another 15% on my Kindle this evening alone. It’s a quick read!

The storyline has me hooked and I can’t wait to see what’s going on. I don’t know whether I can trust our protagonist and her perspective at the moment, but there is definitely more going on under the surface that I can’t wait to dredge up…


Reading progress with e-books has certainly been better than audio once again. In this Sunday Summary post, I can only share 35 minutes of listening time to Defiant by Brandon Sanderson.

More often than not these days, I listen to audiobooks whilst I’m driving. I’ve been doing a lot more studying this week than I would typically average. As a result, I’ve been taking those quiet moments (whilst not quite being on autopilot, but you know what I mean) to think over what I’ve been reading and learning instead.

Is managing operational risk in financial institutions anywhere near as interesting as Defiant? Not especially. However, it is necessary for me to go over this content in anyway and shape that I can.


Books Discovered

I’m trying to read more non-fiction books this year, and I discovered another non-fiction earlier today that I think may make interesting reading for me.

The Courage to be Disliked caught my attention because it teaches readers how to advocate for their own wishes and overall directional life path, especially when that doesn’t align with societal expectations. Whilst there are many aspects in which I’m perfectly okay with doing my own thing, I feel there are certainly takeaways from this book that I would benefit from were I to read it. Everyday is a school day after all. 

Coming Up…

Although I am for the most part sticking to a two post per week schedule, this week is an exception. I don’t like to wait too long before sharing my monthly wrap-up and monthly TBR posts. With the way the beginning of the month of October falls, I’m going to have to incorporate both of those posts into my week, as well as a Sunday Summary. It’s also quarter end, which is one of my busiest periods at work.

It’s going to be a busy week…

My intended timeline for sharing the posts is for my monthly wrap-up post for September to go live on Wednesday and my monthly TBR on Friday. We’ll see if that pans out… 

Then, of course, I’ll be back at the same time next Sunday with the usual Sunday Summary update.

Still with me? Thanks for reading! What have you read recently… and do you have any recommendations for me?


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Shelf Control #65 – 20/05/2023

Happy Friday Saturday and welcome to today’s Shelf Control feature post. As you know, I usually post these on a Friday. However, I made a mistake in planning as I was out with friends on Friday night. I had most of the post drafted, but I didn’t get home till after midnight. Needless to say, I wrote off trying to finish and share the post!

In today’s belated Shelf Control, I feature a YA fantasy novel I intended to read in September last year, but didn’t get around to it. Before we get into the details, let’s recap what my Shelf Control feature is all about.

Shelf Control is a regular feature – a meme run by Lisa at Bookshelf Fantasies. It’s a celebration of the unread books on our shelves! The idea is to pick a book you own but haven’t read and write a post about it (suggestions: include what it’s about, why you want to read it, and when you got it), and link up!

If you want to read more about the Shelf Control feature, check out Lisa’s introductory post.


Everless – Sara Holland

Genre: Fantasy

Pages: 362

Audience: Young Adult

Publisher: HarperTeen

Publication Date: 02 Jan 2018



Goodreads – Everless

In the kingdom of Sempera, time is currency—extracted from blood, bound to iron, and consumed to add time to one’s own lifespan. The rich aristocracy, like the Gerlings, tax the poor to the hilt, extending their own lives by centuries.

No one resents the Gerlings more than Jules Ember. A decade ago, she and her father were servants at Everless, the Gerlings’ palatial estate, until a fateful accident forced them to flee in the dead of night. When Jules discovers that her father is dying, she knows that she must return to Everless to earn more time for him before she loses him forever.

But going back to Everless brings more danger—and temptation—than Jules could have ever imagined. Soon she’s caught in a tangle of violent secrets and finds her heart torn between two people she thought she’d never see again. Her decisions have the power to change her fate—and the fate of time itself.


My Thoughts

I don’t read much young adult fantasy, but I really like the premise of the book. There are elements of danger, mystery and intrigue to unravel! The book has it’s own magic system, whixh I’m looking forward to exploring.

Being the length it is, I think this will also make a great book as a palette cleanser. It’s long enough to establish a world and some details to get immersed in, but short enough to avoid being dense.

It’s also good to branch out and read books for a slightly different audience once in a while. Whilst I don’t read a lot of YA, I have enjoyed a number of books that fall into this category before.

That’s all for today’s Shelf Control post. Have you read Everless?  Would you recommend it?



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Monthly TBR – December 2022

We are in the final month of 2022, and I can hardly believe that I’m sharing my Monthly TBR for December! It barely seems like two minutes ago since I was setting my 2022 goals and resolutions for the year. And now, here we are, nearly at the end of it all.

It may nearly be the end of the year, but we’re not quite there yet! There is still one monthly TBR left in me for this year, and I am now striving to exceed my reading goal by 10 books by the end of the year. That means I need to read another five books throughout December.

Let’s take a look at my picks!


Fixed Reading List


Daughter of the Moon Goddess



Genre: Fantasy Romance

Pages: 512

Audience: Young Adult

Publisher: Harper Voyager

Publication Date: 11 Jan 2022


This month is a month of firsts. That may be an unusual thing to say in my last monthly TBR post of the year, but, you’ve got to try it sometime. New experiences aren’t just for January. The reason I say this is because I am taking part in my first online book club read!

I have decided to read Daughter of the Moon Goddess by Sue Lynn Tan. Somebody in the bookish community I discovered through Instagram (@ezeekat) has recently started hosting a book club through Fable. It’s the first time I’ll use this app and take part in a group read in this way.

However, if I really enjoy it, this is something I would like to continue with. I have always liked the idea of book clubs because they encourage you to broaden your horizons. It is through such groups that you’re encouraged to read things out of your comfort zone.


TBR Jar Pick – The Secret History


The Secret History


Genre: Dark Academia

Pages: 559

Audience: Adult

Publisher: Vintage

Publication Date: 16 Sept 1992


A second first in today’s Monthly TBR for December is that I have decided to add a pick from a TBR jar.

The first reason I set up my TBR jar was to help out during times when I don’t know what to read. When I’m feeling indecisive or really open-minded, I would like to be able to select a book out of my dedicated owl mug at random and go on and read my selection.

The second reason I wanted to set this up was so it encourages me to pick up books when I wouldn’t necessarily choose them for myself. Whilst I will never force myself to read a book, the use of my TBR jar will allow me to overcome any bias I have at a given time.

My first TBR jar pick is The Secret History by Donna Tartt. I have actually been looking forward to picking up this book, and it’s crossed my mind since reading something similar – Babel. I’m also looking forward to it because I know another reader who has picked it up, enjoyed it, and recommended it to me this year.


Mood Reads


The Keeper of Lost Things



Genre: Contemporary

Pages: 288

Audience: Adult

Publisher: William Morrow

Publication Date: 21 Feb 2017


The Keeper of Lost Things is one of the oldest books on my TBR now. With that in mind, I would like to try and pick it up in December.

Along the lines of broadening horizons as mentioned above, The Keeper of Lost Things is more contemporary than I would usually pick up. However, I really like the sound of the synopsis. As a very sentimental person, I think I can understand the motivations and plot line behind this particular book.

It is a little bit different from my typical read, but this can be a good thing. Often, I need a break in routine. I have been reading a lot of fantasy of late, and so The Keeper of Lost Things will give me the chance to read something different during December.


The Secret Library



Genre: History / Non-Fiction

Pages: 256

Audience: Adult

Publisher: O Mara Books Ltd

Publication Date: 29 Sept 2016


I am really looking forward to picking up The Secret Library. In summary, it is a book of books. It explores some lesser-known literary tidbits from history that will sate my curiosity to learn.

On the one hand, I may find the odd one or two hidden bookish gems that I will want to pick up and read as a result of reading The Secret Library. Equally, my TBR pile may just explode. I can’t predict it. Either way, The Secret History looks to be a short, fun read full of history and literature.


Ship of Magic



Genre: Fantasy

Pages: 897

Audience: Adult

Publisher: Harper Voyager

Publication Date: 01 Mar 1998


Now that I have recovered from reading Assassin’s Quest by Robin Hobb, I am looking forward to jumping into the next series within the wider realm of books. I have read the first trilogy out of a total of 16 books in the Realm of the Elderlings series. In that first trilogy, the universe is introduced (in reasonable depth) through the perspective of FitzChivalry Farseer.

Already a lot has happened in the first three books, but what I’m looking forward to in this next series is a complete change of perspective. It will be interesting to see if they ‘standalone’ well, add to my overall enjoyment of the universe, or whether it serves as filler for a main series.


Queen of Our Times



Genre: Non-fiction / Biography

Pages: 690

Audience: Adult

Publisher: Pegasus

Publication Date: 05 Apr 2022


As my audiobook listen of Queen of Our Times by Robert Hardman is still ongoing, I’m going to try and make further progress with this audiobook this month. This originally featured on my October Monthly TBR post. I have a lot of progress to make, as I have been a little lax on audiobooks in the last couple of months. 

Fingers crossed December is the month of steady progress!


So, that is my monthly TBR for December! I’m sorry if you’re a little disappointed that there aren’t any seasonal reads in this list. If I’m entirely honest, it’s not something I would generally pick up. Plus, by the end of the month, I’m going to be all Christmassed out anyway!

Have you read any of the books on my December TBR?



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