Howdy friends! I’m back with my monthly TBR for May 2023. But, before I begin, I have to say… May the fourth be with you! (This one’s for you Dad!)
In terms of reading progress and my goal to read 50 books by the end of the year, I am currently ahead of schedule. That’s fantastic… especially when we bear in mind that I’ve read some chunky books in the last four months! And that certainly won’t change looking ahead. You know me…
Another goal I set myself at the beginning of this year is to read 15 or more non-fiction books. As of the end of April, I have read 5. So, I’m bang on track for that one too!
That’s enough of looking back at what I’ve already read, because we’re here to talk about my latest monthly TBR … what’s coming up next. Let’s take a look at the reads I intend to get through in May. It’s quite the list, but I have a plan to tackle it.
Fixed Reads
The Adventures of Amina Al-Sirafi
It feels a bit daft to list of this book on this monthly TBR, because as of drafting this TBR, I’ve already finished it. However, The Adventures of Amina Al-Sirafi was a book that I started last month but finished in May, so it gets a mention here.
Overall, I enjoyed the book. There are parts of it I am unsure about though. When I tried to summarise this in my Instagram post the other day, I came to the conclusion that I felt the book was on the whimsical side. If other books by Shannon Chakraborty are the same, I don’t know whether to pick them up or not.
If you have thoughts, please feel free to weigh in in the comments!
Wolf of Wessex
You may recall that Wolf of Wessex was on my last monthly TBR as it was last month’s pick from my TBR Jar.
Unfortunately, I didn’t quite get to it in April as intended. Instead, I’ve decided to carry this forward and make a push to try and finish two TBR reads this month.
This may seem ambitious, but as of writing this post, I am currently reading Wolf of Wessex. In one sitting (yesterday), I managed to read just under a quarter of the book. It’s a really easy read, so I don’t anticipate this is going to take long to get through. It’s a fast paced historical-fiction novel set around the time that Vikings came to Britain. So far, it’s reading as a book set in the time period, but not one that particularly goes into the history of what happened. It’s not dense, and even at the quarter way-mark, there is a lot going on for us to unpick.
As Long As the Lemon Trees Grow
As Long As the Lemon Trees Grow is this month’s selection for Ezeekat’s online book club. If I’m being entirely honest, it’s not a book I would have picked up on my own. But, that is exactly why I joined the book club in the first place! I’m trying to broaden my reading horizons. Although I’ve only just started this book, I’m already intrigued as to where it’s going to go.
The reason I’ve already started this book is because part of my plan to tackle my large TBR is to utilise audiobooks. I am making my way through this book in audio. It’s been a few months since I last picked up a book this way, but I’m looking forward to getting back to it. The small section I’ve listened to so far has me wanting to listen more… what more can I ask for?
Against All Gods
May’s TBR Jar pick is Against All Gods by Miles Cameron. This is actually a relatively new addition to my reading list, so I’m excited it’s come out already.
When I read the synopsis when first introduced to the book, there were elements to the storyline that reminded me instantly of Terry Pratchett. I like fantasy, and when it involves elements of Greek Mythology too, that has my interest. And that’s exactly what this book is in a nutshell. I’m looking forward to giving it a go!
Taking Liberties
Taking Liberties is a short story collection that I have been provided a copy of in exchange for review.
Based on the synopsis I have read so far, the stories within are wide and varied. However, they seem to have a common theme of freedom. I like the sound of this, and I’m keen to take the opportunity to try short stories from the wide range of authors who have all contributed to this anthology.
Taking Liberties is also the shortest book on this month’s TBR, at just 136 pages. Another advantage of a book like this is that it will serve as a good palate cleanser between larger reads.
Death Magnanimous
Death Magnanimous is a book I found on NetGalley. If you’re unfamiliar with the site, readers can request to read advanced reader copies of books if they promise to review them.
I confess that it’s not very often I browse the site. However, a couple of months ago I clicked on Death Magnanimous as the cover caught my eye. When I read the synopsis, I knew I wanted to read it.
It’s already been a couple of months since I downloaded my copy, and I don’t really want to leave it too much longer. Especially as the book is due to come out before too long, I want to review in a timely manner. I’ve not been able to find the book listed anywhere at the moment that would indicate how many pages it is. However, my kindle indicates that it’ll only take me 2 and a half hours to read, so it can’t be that long.
Mood Reads
It’s been a few months since I started the Skyward series. Even though the intended audience for these books is younger than me, I really enjoyed the first book.
The Skyward series is a science-fiction tale. The events are told from the perspective of an angsty teenager, who has dreamed of flying (like her dad used to), since she was a child. However, something happened to her father, which comes to light in book one… but no spoilers here. Spensa has spent her life relatively in the dark, but all she knows is that she is not trusted.
Starsight has a lot to live up to based on the ending of the first book. My understanding is that the perspective shifts slightly in this book (although I’m unsure who to and why), so I don’t know if that is going to alter my opinion compared to the first book. However, you don’t know until you try, do try it I will.
The Waste Lands
The last book I would like to pick up in May is another book I listed on my 2023 Spring TBR post.
I’m sure when I drafted that post, I checked the last time I picked up a book from The Dark Tower series and was immediately embarrassed. I will be honest and say that I am going to have to refresh myself on events from the first two books before I pick up this third one. However, my intention is to continue with this series once I have re-familiarised myself. It makes sense to keep up with it, and if nothing else, it goes towards my goal for reading and finishing sequels this year, rather than new books.
That looks to be a hefty list for my monthly TBR! Some of those books are the traditional chunkiness you can expect from me. However, they do appear to be some slightly shorter ones as well.
No one can say that there isn’t a good deal of variety on this list.
Have you read any of the books? I’m picking up this month? Have any of them caught your eye? Let me know in the comments!
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