Discussion Post: Favourite Books to Recommend
As a blogger and book reader/reviewer, it shouldn’t come as a surprise that I love to share my love of reading. Or, that I want to press books into your hands. In today’s post, I share my favourite books to recommend. That might be because they are from my favourite genre or author, offer something unique or are great for readers of all levels.
I’ll explain the why’s and wherefore’s for each book as we go. For now, here are my top books to recommend!
A Game of Thrones / A Song of Ice and Fire
It shouldn’t be a surprise this series makes it to the top of my recommends list. If I were only ever allowed to read one series again, I’d pick this hands down!
I love the storyline, the complexity, the intricacy and detail we get to enjoy. My only preference would be for the series to be complete… but I’ll just have to wait for that!
The Realm of the Elderlings
Robin Hobb’s Realm of the Elderlings series is a fairly new discovery and addition to this list. I’d been meaning to pick up Assassin’s Apprentice for a good while before my friend Rachael encouraged me to read it.
Since then I’ve read six out of the sixteen books in the series in the last two years. Considering the number of books I read, I’ve gotten through these comparatively quicker than most other series I’m reading.
Brandon Sanderson is another favourite author. I debated which series of his to feature here, as I’ve read quite a few. At least, in part. However, the one that got me into his writing the most, and the series I’ve read in full, is his Mistborn series.
I was so sad to reach the conclusion but I’d happily re-read this from start to finish again! I especially loved how the timeline change was handled and how we see advancement in the world between the timelines. It’s for that reason that I will recommend this to any fantasy reader!
Harry Potter series
Whatever your feelings are on the author, I think it’s important to separate their work from their personal life. I can’t say I’m all too versed on the controversy about J.K. Rowling. And anyway, I’ll love the Harry Potter books regardless.
The books start off pretty easy to read but get quite dark towards the end. Personally, I love that! I grew up reading these books in my teenage years so I was always the perfect age to read them. Even re-reading them as an adult, I enjoyed each and every book.
Lord of the Rings
Whilst not the easiest books to read in terms of superfluous language and descriptions of food, they make a great storyline. The fact that I intend to re-read the books gives you an idea of how much a fan I am.
They’re also favourite books to recommend as they’re classics in the fantasy genre. I’ve also read The Hobbit and this is a great starting point to the books. However, if you are looking for a classic trilogy of books to immerse yourself into, Lord of the Rings is a natural choice.
Nevernight Chronicles
On the other end of the spectrum, I also can’t recommend this trilogy about a young female assassin with a serious vendetta enough. Mia is quite the character, and her character history, development arc and the setting are all really enjoyable to dig into. The narrative is great, but as a unique addition, the book includes footnotes with everything from contextual information to snarky commentary. They’re hilarious!
Jay Kristoff is an author I’m reading more of, but this was the series that introduced me to his work. I initially listened to this series on audio but I want to re-read with the physical copies I own in future.
The Blackwing trilogy is a favourite to recommend because I don’t think enough people have read it! If you love magical fantasies with great, detailed worlds and most of all, non-altruistic main characters, this is up your street.
Ryhalt is a great character because he doesn’t try to be. He’s selfish and rude, lacks optimism in humanity. He is far from your ideal hero, and yet he finds himself wearing these shoes reluctantly.
The storyline, world building and support characters make this a fun and engaging trilogy to read. Seriously, why are you still here? Get reading!
This is Going to Hurt
I recommended this to my work book club as a future read as Adam Kay is hilarious. This is Going to Hurt is a discussion on the state of the NHS as it provides the best care it can for those who need it. However, it’s also full of personal, heartfelt and funny stories too.
If you love a dose of humour, this is a favourite book of mine to recommend. A heads up though – it is an emotional rollercoaster…
The Midnight Library
You can also tell that The Midnight Library is a favourite book to recommend as I put it forward as our work book club’s first read. And you know what? It went so well!
Although Adrian and Claire admitted it wasn’t a book they’d have chosen for themselves, they enjoyed it. We also had a great conversation about it too. It’s focused on mental health, individuality, choices and regrets. It’s a book I’ll re-read over again as it’s a great reminder of what’s important in life. It really puts things into perspective.
Discworld series
If humour and tackling a multitude of real social issues is your thing, but set in a fantasy setting, may I introduce Discworld by Terry Pratchett. As of this favourite books to recommend post, I’ve read half of this 41 book series. Even so, I’ll happily recommend the whole series!
I love how Terry talks about real world issues in a setting that takes us out of reality. Does a young woman trying to gain admission to university to study magic and being pushed back because she was born a girl instead of a boy sound ridiculous? Well I hate to break it to you, but not so long ago, women faced the same push back.
That’s just one example. The way Terry tackles each societal issue makes adequate light of it to make it funny to read, but also make a point at the same time is entertaining but also interesting social commentary.
So, those are my favourite books to recommend! What are yours?