The Liebster Award!
Hi everybody!!
So this is the first nomination I have ever received for my blog, so thank you very much to Larissa over at Book Bosomed Blonde for nominating me. I’ve been following her blog for some time now, and if you haven’t already, it would be lovely if you could go and take a look at her latest posts!
Here are the questions I have been nominated to answer:-
Story behind your blog name?
So, I played around with the name a bit recently. I originally set up my blog as Readers Online, and after the sudden realisation it sounded a bit TOO similar to something else (i.e. Writers Online, the website associated with Writing Magazine), I felt the need to change it… FAST! I toyed around with a few names, but opted for ReviewsFeed in the end.
Why? Well, it is a play on words really, based around the medium of blogging and posts being almost like a newsfeed. Book reviews, newsfeed… Reviewsfeed!
It was the most witty and intelligent thing I could come up with, but as to how successful the attempt was … I guess that is up to you!
What is one of your favourite blogs? Share the love!
I enjoy reading a lot of blogs… but if I had to pick one to mention, I would have to mention this one because I love how his reviews aren’t about what is current, and aren’t chasing the latest trend. It’s not that this is a bad thing at all, I enjoy reading these too! My point is that there are far more blogs gushing about current bestsellers and a lot of YA books, but Erik’s blog stands out for doing the exact opposite.
For anyone interested, you can find Erik’s blog here: The Past Due Review
Would you like to become an author, if so what genre would you write about?
I would probably bite my own arm off for the chance!
Well maybe not quite literally, but I need to do something to make me sit down for five minutes to actually commit some of the ideas I have to paper. I think my greatest problem is thinking on too large a scale and overwhelming myself into giving up.
Lately, I have started writing short stories and entering some competitions hosted by Writing Magazine – starting anywhere is an improvement from all the abandoned projects I have had over the years, and there are many…
A book you’re most excited to FINALLY get to this year.
Making a book lover choose just ONE book? What kind of devilry is this?!
Truth is, I have a lot of amazing books to read so this has been a difficult question. If I have to commit to one book, I’ll have to say The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas by John Boyne. I know this book will make me sad and no doubt I’ll cry – but if this subject doesn’t move you, then I call you out as inhuman.
If you could choose one book being released in 2018 to get for free, what would it be?
I don’t know of many books that are being published in 2018 – but the one book I hope I get to review as part of a Blog Tour is StoneKing Donna Migliaccio, the third book of the Gemeta Stone series.
What book world would you most like to be transported to?
In the world that comes to mind, I don’t think I have anything to look forward to… but I would risk death by Whitewalkers or dragon fire, or alternatively more mundane and far likelier, poisoning, stabbing or being trampled on by a horse. Anything could happen, right?
Only kidding, I don’t run…
Favourite female character?
I chose this character from The Rag Nymph by Catherine Cookson, for her hilarious, no-nonsense attitude. She isn’t perfect – far from being a princess sat atop her high castle and waiting for her handsome prince. She is Raggy Aggie – never wanting anything out of life other than to get by and provide for her family. Aggie takes in Millie, a young, well-learned child, after her mother is arrested and disappears.
Aggie is poor and barely has two pennies to rub together, but she always does her best to protect young Millie, from her own innocence and from those who would sell her for her beauty into the oldest profession there is. Aggie is down to earth and frequently administers some tough love, but she always does her best by the girl.
In terms of her character if not her circumstances, she reminds me of my mum, and her mum before her. It must be the Yorkshire influence!
Favourite male character?
Without a shadow of a doubt, John Coffey – like the drink, only spelled different. He truly is a victim of timing, circumstance, and racial injustice. His compulsion to help those in need with his gifts lands him awaiting death by electrocution.
You’ve probably guessed that I am talking about The Green Mile by Stephen King, and if you haven’t, I politely enquire as to which rock you have been hiding under!
He is so misunderstood and good at heart, and one his quotes has stuck with me since reading the book:-
“I’m rightly tired of the pain I hear and feel, boss. I’m tired of bein on the road, lonely as a robin in the rain. Not ever havin no buddy to go on with or tell me where we’s comin or goin to or why. I’m tired of people bein ugly to each other. It feels like pieces of glass in my head. I’m tired of all the times I’ve wanted to help and couldn’t. I’m tired of bein in the dark. Mostly it’s the pain. There’s too much. If I could end it, I would. But I can’t.”
~ John Coffey
Short term goal for the year?
There is a short story competition, for which entry closes mid next month. I was hoping to enter it, but I’ll admit I am struggling at the moment. I have idea solidly in my mind, but I’m struggling to get it written down and I don’t have long left.
It’s quite a peculiar brief in that the short story (1,500-1,700 words) can be dialogue ONLY. It’s quite difficult, and realistically I wanted it finished weeks ago so I had the chance to revise and edit, but now all I can hope for is to kick myself and get it prepared and submitted before the closing date.
Long term goal?
I’ve set myself a lesser reading goal this year of 40 books, as I want to commit more time to my blog this year. I want to improve my content and get better at putting myself out there. I’m even thinking of going self-hosted once my plan runs out, but that is months away yet! I have time to work out what I am doing before then.
One weird thing about you.
Again, just one?! Aha! There are many, many, many…
Um, okay, so as a book blogger, I obviously love books, language and all that jazz. Would you then expect me to have a job that I enjoy but revolves heavily around numbers? If not, then the surprise is on you, because I do! It makes for a nice balance actually…
So – there are my answers! I hope you enjoyed reading them and getting to know a little more about me!
Here are the questions I would like to ask some fellow bloggers:-
- Why did you decide to start your blog?
- Name your favourite movie adaptation of a book.
- How do you pick yourself up out of a reading slump?
- Are you an epic multi-tasker – can you listen to music and read at the same time?
- Share your most popular blog post so far!
- What goal you would like to achieve by the end of the year?
- On a scale of 1-10, how creative would you rate yourself, and why?
- Share a #shelfie
- Are you a meticulous planner, or do you tend to go with the flow?
- What are your favourite book genres?
- If you were given the opportunity to meet only one of your favourite authors, who would you choose?
So… drumroll – it’s nomination time!!!
I nominate the following people to participate in the tag:-
Erik @ Past Due Review
Hollie @ Hollieblog
Drew @ The Tattooed Book Geek
Sarah @ Dragons and Zombies
Ashleigh @ A Frolic through fiction
The Orangutan Librarian
Vivian @ Passionately Perusing
Kate @ Reading Through Infinity
Beth @ Bibliobeth
Amy @ Persuit of Wonderland
I hope you can all take part – and I would love to see your answers!