Tag: Matthew Harffy

Monthly Wrap-Up – May 2023

I’m excited to share today’s monthly wrap-up post for May 2023! I’ve had a fantastic reading month with lots of books, so make yourself comfortable!

In my May TBR post, I shared that I will be picking up no less than eight books throughout the month. The first of those was a carryover from April. But, the rest were from scratch. In the end, I read all but one of the books on my reading list; I do have a DNF to tell you about this month.

Shall we take a look at what I’ve been reading?


Books Read


The Adventures of Amina Al-Sirafi

Picking up where I left off last month, my first aim was to finish The Adventures of Amina Al-Sirafi. As of the beginning of the month, I was approximately half way through the book.

It ended up being an okay read, but nothing spectacular either. I wanted to pick up this book to read as a standalone before committing to trying another series by this author. Based on my experience of this book, I’m not sure if I’ll go ahead with that series. As I say, it was okay to read. It was fun, and I enjoyed that the setting is Eastern inspired as opposed to Western. Overall, I found the book a little bit too whimsical to my taste.


Wolf of Wessex

Looking for a complete change, I then decided to pick up Wolf of Wessex as my next read.

This also ended up being a middle of the road book. Wolf of Wessex was a really quick read, in part because it is full of action. However, in my opinion, it is a little lacking in plot in character development. I still enjoyed the book as a light read.  Maybe I’ll pick up more books by the author if I was looking for a light read from a genre I’m familiar with.

I generally prefer a bit more depth to the books I pick up, but this kind of read definitely has its place as well!


The Waste Lands

My luck turned around when I picked up The Waste Lands by Stephen King. Rather spookily, I started this book exactly 4 years after I finished the previous book in the series. It was quite a long time since I finished that book, so I had to refresh myself on the events that have taken place so far before diving in.

Thankfully, the edition I have recaps events in a dedicated section in the first few pages. That was a great help. What also made this really easy to get back into is that the events in the third book naturally reminisce on what has happened before. Although it had been a number of years since I started this series, that ultimately didn’t matter. I got back into this book very quickly… and I read it just as quickly!

Thanks to some scheduled time off work, I was able to pick up and read good chunks of this book in one sitting. I read this near 600 pager in just four days. Needless to say, I loved it!


Death Magnanimous

My next read was Death Magnanimous by Michael Martin.

I got my hands on a copy of this book via Netgalley, a site I don’t use much outside of blog tours nowadays. I ended up browsing the site on a whim, and it was the cover and synopsis of this book that caught my attention.

The rest of the book lived up to the expectation. This is not a light read by any stretch of the imagination. It is a book that deals with difficult themes, including, but not limited to, chronic pain, trauma, and euthanasia. Despite these difficult topics, I really enjoyed how they came together in this narrative.

There is a good level of humour, as well as an element of mystery, that also add to this this narrative. Death Magnanimous sits outside of the conventional genres I read, but it is a good example of why it’s important to push the boundaries now and then.


Taking Liberties

After quite a few longer reads, I then decided to pick up a short story anthology. I had already committed to reading the book this month in order to provide a review (which you can find here if you are interested).

Taking Liberties proved to be a great palette cleanser. Especially after reading such a ‘dark’ book just before, it was a great experience to flit between little characters and shorter stories. All of these stories are loosely based around the theme of freedom. However, that is where the comparisons end. Each contributing author in the anthology has taken a completely different perspective on that theme. I read this book in approximately 24 hours. It was just what I needed.



Another book I picked up this month, with my 2023 goal of continuing series in mind, is Starsight by Brandon Sanderson.

I just started his Skyward series fairly late on last year and I really took to the first book. Spensa is an interesting and captivating protagonist. Although Starsight differs from the set up of Skyward significantly, I think the second book excelled for jumping out of the boundaries already built up.

An experience I’ve had with many Sanderson books is that he’s not afraid to take a world, book or setting he’s already established, and then push the boundaries to make it better. I’ve readily enjoyed his second era Mistborn books for the exact same reason. It’s great to see him doing it again!

A huge indicator of just how much I enjoyed Starsight is the fact that I read the second half in one sitting alone! I was really invested in Spensa’s mission and I had to know how it all went down. Based on this latest book, I expect I will pick up the next in the series, Cytonic, before long!


As Long As the Lemon Trees Grow

I listened to the audiobook version of As Long As the Lemon Trees Grow, as this was the book chosen for Ezeekat’s book club this month. I will hold my hands up and admit that I probably wouldn’t have picked up the book where it not effectively chosen for me. I’m glad that it was! As Long As the Lemon Trees Grow is probably one of my favourite, or at least standout, books of the year.

The book is set in Syria, and puts the human face back onto the conflict we are aware of at a distance. The protagonist Salama is thrown into the thick of chaos, when she is effectively promoted from a pharmacist to a doctor due to a shortage of medically trained people. Whilst she continues to treat the victims that come through the hospital doors, she is also battling against her conscience in wanting to leave her country for safety.

I really enjoyed this change of setting, and the author certainly did her job in making me as a reader aware of what exactly is going on in Syria! The book is beautiful in its descriptions of Syria and the people that make her.




Against All Gods

The last book I picked up this month was a little disappointing. I really liked the sound of this book based on the synopsis. Greek mythology mixed with fantasy could have been a great combination. However, in the 20% of the book I read before ultimately putting it down, it didn’t work for me. Other than one character’s personal mission for vengeance against the gods, as well as a general simmering of discontent among mortals, very little happens. As far as the gods go, there is the usual murder and debauchery that Greek myth has taught us to expect… but again, little else.

The seeming lack of plot was disappointing. I had far higher hopes for the book. I was struggling to read it for days, and I had no inclination to find out what was going on. So, I ultimately made the decision to stop. I think I’ve made the right choice for me.


I’m really pleased with the reading progress I made this month, even if it was tarnished slightly by ending with a DNF. It’s not the end of the world though, because I’ve moved on to my first read of June… and it is a re-read of a favourite!

If you want to find out what else I’m going to be reading throughout the month of June, I will be sharing my monthly TBR on Friday!



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Sunday Summary – 7th May 2023

Hello and it’s another happy long weekend! Even if the coronation and royalty aren’t your thing… I think we can all agree that it’s great to have another cheeky day off work. We’re back once again for my weekly Sunday Summary post, in which I take you through the books I’ve been reading and talking about!

This week’s blog schedule was a bit hectic, although a mishap last week actually helped me out in the end! With this week being the beginning of May, I naturally had to share my Monthly Wrap Up post for the month of April. I read four and a half books in the month. It may not sound like much, but the first book I read in the month was 906 pages long!

This week, I also had a blog tour obligation. I had the pleasure of kicking off the tour for Eagle of Mercia by MJ Porter. That post went live on Wednesday, 3rd May. If you’re interested in historical fiction or books about British history and the Viking’s coming to Britain, this is a book in the series. You may be interested in.

On Thursday, I shared my Monthly TBR post covering the books I plan to read in May. It looks like a very ambitious list. However, when you think about it this way, the first book was a carryover from April, which I’ve now finished. Some of the books are relatively short, and another, I am taking on in audio.

On Friday, I shared a First Lines Friday post… The one I accidentally drafted last week when I got my regular features muddled up. Thankfully, I realised before I posted it, and so I scheduled it for this week instead. As I mentioned above, that ended up working out in my favour. Including this post, I’ve posted a total of five blogs this week! Having one prepared a little earlier, did me no harm whatsoever!


Books Read


The Adventures of Amina Al-Sirafi

My first priority of the week was to continue with The Adventures of Amina Al-Sirafi by Shannon Chakraborty. As of my last Sunday Summary, I was halfway through the book. 

I enjoyed the premise and the setting of this book. It is one that doesn’t get explored all that much in fantasy. Having read a couple of fantasy novels with Eastern settings, and really enjoying them, I’m definitely going to be seeking out more in future.

I do have some mixed feelings about this one. I had a vague inkling, but the storyline ended up being quite whimsical. At least, that’s how it came across to me. It was okay, but that did detract a little bit of enjoyment for me.

I wanted to read the book as a standalone before I started another series, written by the author. Having read this one, I’m not sure about the series I had in mind. I’ll probably give the first book a try. However, if it’s much like this one, I’ll probably end up there.


Wolf of Wessex

The next book I picked up was Wolf of Wessex by Matthew Harffy. This was the book I was supposed to pick up last month as well, but didn’t quite get around to it.

Wolf of Wessex is much like my recent read, Eagle of Mercia, in setting. I suppose the only difference is that it is set on the other side of the border! I quite liked that the book didn’t dive too heavily into historical element of the Norse coming to Britain. You could easily go into this book not really knowing much, but equally, also having an idea doesn’t really make a difference. As someone who’s read a fair bit of the genre by now, I didn’t feel overly advantaged by this pre-knowledge.

Wolf of Wessex is a fast-paced action novel. I read this book in just a handful of sittings. It ended up being a three-star rating from me because the plot and character development is quite superficial. That’s not to say it wasn’t enjoyable, but these are elements. I really enjoy in a book. They were a little bit lacking here.


The Waste Lands

The last physical read I started this week is Stephen King’s The Waste Lands. I made full disclosure in my May TBR post that I was going to have to go back and read up on what has happened so far in the series as a refresher. Rather spookily, I finished the prior book in the series, The Drawing of the Three, on this day in 2019! I haven’t picked up this series on for years, so it’s no wonder I couldn’t remember what was going on.

As soon as I read those summaries, I was fully back up to speed. I’ve only just started this book today, so I’m only 53 pages in as I’m writing this post. It’s a healthy start though, and it’s great to be back. It’s also been a little minute since I’ve picked up any Stephen King novel. I do like his writing style, so I’m enjoying that too.


As Long as the Lemon Trees Grow

The last book I have progress on which to report is As Long as the Lemon Trees Grow by Zoulfa Katouh. As I mentioned in my TBR, this is the chosen book of the month for Ezeekat’s book club. It’s very different from anything I have read for a very long time. It’s also not a book I would have necessarily thought to pick up of my own volition. In that way, I’m glad it’s come up as part of the book club.

Just this week, I have started and made my way through a third of this book on audio. Through the narrative we explore Syria and its people, ravaged by those who would fight to suppress their revolution. I’ll confess that before starting this book, I didn’t really know what the conflict in Syria was about. It is something that has been happening for many years now, and in truth, we hear little of it.

If you are content with the knowledge that the war and conflict is happening, but over there, then this book is not for you. The narrative pulls no punches in highlighting the devastation inflicted on the general population. Pregnant women and children are targeted by snipers. Men who would stand up and protest anre arrested, and death would be preferable to the treatment they receive. It’s probably not a book for everyone, but I don’t shy away from difficult subjects. I for one am enjoying it so far, and I will be making further progress with this soon.


Books Discovered

Much as was the case in my last Sunday Summary post, no news is good news! Given that I’ve managed to take a couple of books off the list, we are now back under 200 on my reading list.

Is it bad that I’m excited about that?!


Coming Up…

I’ll be slowing down the pace next week when it comes to blogging by returning to my usual three post schedule.

The first of those posts is a book review for The Feedback Loop by Harmon Cooper. I read this short science-fiction/cyberpunk novel last year and enjoyed it. I’m looking forward to sharing my thoughts with you.

Later in the week, I will be sharing the next addition in my Well, I Didn’t Know That! series. As yet, the topic remains unchristened. I have the week off work, so I’ll take some time to read some different material and find something fun to share with you all!

And as always, I’ll be here at the same time next week for another Sunday Summary.

But now, that is all for today’s Sunday Summary. I’m going to watch an episode of The Last Kingdom on Netflix, and pick up The Waste Lands before going to bed.



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Monthly TBR – May 2023

Howdy friends! I’m back with my monthly TBR for May 2023. But, before I begin, I have to say… May the fourth be with you! (This one’s for you Dad!)

In terms of reading progress and my goal to read 50 books by the end of the year, I am currently ahead of schedule. That’s fantastic… especially when we bear in mind that I’ve read some chunky books in the last four months! And that certainly won’t change looking ahead. You know me…

Another goal I set myself at the beginning of this year is to read 15 or more non-fiction books. As of the end of April, I have read 5. So, I’m bang on track for that one too!

That’s enough of looking back at what I’ve already read, because we’re here to talk about my latest monthly TBR … what’s coming up next. Let’s take a look at the reads I intend to get through in May. It’s quite the list, but I have a plan to tackle it.


Fixed Reads


The Adventures of Amina Al-Sirafi

It feels a bit daft to list of this book on this monthly TBR, because as of drafting this TBR,  I’ve already finished it. However, The Adventures of Amina Al-Sirafi was a book that I started last month but finished in May, so it gets a mention here.

Overall, I enjoyed the book. There are parts of it I am unsure about though. When I tried to summarise this in my Instagram post the other day, I came to the conclusion that I felt the book was on the whimsical side. If other books by Shannon Chakraborty are the same, I don’t know whether to pick them up or not.

If you have thoughts, please feel free to weigh in in the comments!


Wolf of Wessex

You may recall that Wolf of Wessex was on my last monthly TBR as it was last month’s pick from my TBR Jar.

Unfortunately, I didn’t quite get to it in April as intended. Instead, I’ve decided to carry this forward and make a push to try and finish two TBR reads this month.

This may seem ambitious, but as of writing this post, I am currently reading Wolf of Wessex. In one sitting (yesterday), I managed to read just under a quarter of the book. It’s a really easy read, so I don’t anticipate this is going to take long to get through. It’s a fast paced historical-fiction novel set around the time that Vikings came to Britain. So far, it’s reading as a book set in the time period, but not one that particularly goes into the history of what happened. It’s not dense, and even at the quarter way-mark, there is a lot going on for us to unpick.


As Long As the Lemon Trees Grow

As Long As the Lemon Trees Grow is this month’s selection for Ezeekat’s online book club. If I’m being entirely honest, it’s not a book I would have picked up on my own. But, that is exactly why I joined the book club in the first place! I’m trying to broaden my reading horizons. Although I’ve only just started this book, I’m already intrigued as to where it’s going to go.

The reason I’ve already started this book is because part of my plan to tackle my large TBR is to utilise audiobooks. I am making my way through this book in audio. It’s been a few months since I last picked up a book this way, but I’m looking forward to getting back to it. The small section I’ve listened to so far has me wanting to listen more… what more can I ask for?


Against All Gods

May’s TBR Jar pick is Against All Gods by Miles Cameron. This is actually a relatively new addition to my reading list, so I’m excited it’s come out already.

When I read the synopsis when first introduced to the book, there were elements to the storyline that reminded me instantly of Terry Pratchett. I like fantasy, and when it involves elements of Greek Mythology too, that has my interest. And that’s exactly what this book is in a nutshell. I’m looking forward to giving it a go!


Taking Liberties

Taking Liberties is a short story collection that I have been provided a copy of in exchange for review.

Based on the synopsis I have read so far, the stories within are wide and varied. However, they seem to have a common theme of freedom. I like the sound of this, and I’m keen to take the opportunity to try short stories from the wide range of authors who have all contributed to this anthology.

Taking Liberties is also the shortest book on this month’s TBR, at just 136 pages. Another advantage of a book like this is that it will serve as a good palate cleanser between larger reads.


Death Magnanimous

Death Magnanimous is a book I found on NetGalley. If you’re unfamiliar with the site, readers can request to read advanced reader copies of books if they promise to review them.

I confess that it’s not very often I browse the site. However, a couple of months ago I clicked on Death Magnanimous as the cover caught my eye. When I read the synopsis, I knew I wanted to read it.

It’s already been a couple of months since I downloaded my copy, and I don’t really want to leave it too much longer. Especially as the book is due to come out before too long, I want to review in a timely manner. I’ve not been able to find the book listed anywhere at the moment that would indicate how many pages it is. However, my kindle indicates that it’ll only take me 2 and a half hours to read, so it can’t be that long.


Mood Reads



It’s been a few months since I started the Skyward series. Even though the intended audience for these books is younger than me, I really enjoyed the first book.

The Skyward series is a science-fiction tale. The events are told from the perspective of an angsty teenager, who has dreamed of flying (like her dad used to), since she was a child. However, something happened to her father, which comes to light in book one… but no spoilers here. Spensa has spent her life relatively in the dark, but all she knows is that she is not trusted.

Starsight has a lot to live up to based on the ending of the first book. My understanding is that the perspective shifts slightly in this book (although I’m unsure who to and why), so I don’t know if that is going to alter my opinion compared to the first book. However, you don’t know until you try, do try it I will.


The Waste Lands

The last book I would like to pick up in May is another book I listed on my 2023 Spring TBR post.

I’m sure when I drafted that post, I checked the last time I picked up a book from The Dark Tower series and was immediately embarrassed. I will be honest and say that I am going to have to refresh myself on events from the first two books before I pick up this third one. However, my intention is to continue with this series once I have re-familiarised myself. It makes sense to keep up with it, and if nothing else, it goes towards my goal for reading and finishing sequels this year, rather than new books.



That looks to be a hefty list for my monthly TBR! Some of those books are the traditional chunkiness you can expect from me. However, they do appear to be some slightly shorter ones as well.

No one can say that there isn’t a good deal of variety on this list.

Have you read any of the books? I’m picking up this month? Have any of them caught your eye? Let me know in the comments!



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Monthly TBR – April 2023

It’s the Easter weekend and I’m excited to share my monthly TBR post for April 2023!

March was a bit of an unusual one in that I read lots, and had a very successful month that way. The reads I picked up weren’t as highly rated as those I picked up earlier in the year. However, I’m really happy with the overall experience.

This month, I’m aiming for a repeat of that… albeit if I rate these books higher than those I did in March, that’s a bonus. I have a very different selection of books to pick up, but I’m looking forward to them all!

Enough waffle – let’s dive into this monthly TBR!


Fixed Reads


The Adventures of Amina Al-Sirafi

I am back to taking part in the online book club run by Ezeekat. This month’s featured book is a relatively new publication – The Adventures of Amina Al-Sirafi. I really like the sound of this new fantasy novel. It sounds like a little bit of an epic fantasy in setting, but with strong piracy themes. It’s a little bit different to the sort of fantasy book. I will pick up under normal circumstances, and that’s why I would like to give it a try!


Thanks for Sharing

As of writing this post, I’ve already read and reviewed Thanks for Sharing for a blog tour.

I wanted to pick up the book as a means of getting some inspiration for ways we can live a more sustainable lifestyle. It was an interesting read all about the various ways we can adopt a sharing economy for goods that are infrequently used, or by goods with expiry dates coming up.

If you want to check my review, you can find that here.


Eagle of Mercia

Another book I’m reading for an upcoming blog tour is Eagle of Mercia by M.J. Porter.

So far, I’ve already read the first three books in this series, Son of Merica, Wolf of Mercia and Warrior of Mercia. I’ve really enjoyed reading and reviewing the series so far, and I’m looking forward to continuing the series.

I’ll be sharing my review for the upcoming blog tour on 3rd May, so I’ll be reading this in April ahead of that date.


Wolf of Wessex

Once a month I pull a book out of my TBR Jar (aka an owl mug sat on my bookshelves). This month, I pulled Wolf of Wessex by Matthew Harffy.

It’s pure coincidence that I’ve ended up with two historical fiction novels in a similar time period on my TBR this month. Based on the synopsis, the setting of Wolf of Wessex is slightly different. The narrative doesn’t deliberately allude to conflict between Saxons, but that may well presented self in the narrative. The book is very highly rated, and as this is a period of history that I clearly enjoy as I read it a lot, I’m looking forward to seeing how the narrative unfolds and whether I wish to pick up more books by this author.


Mood Reads


The Mad Ship

A bit like last month, I’m not really reading my books in the typical order. In previous months, I have prioritised my fixed reading list, and then move onto my mood reads later.

This month, I started the month with 120 pages of progress into The Mad Ship. Starting this book was my stretch goal outlined in March’s monthly TBR post. I then had to put this down temporarily in order to prioritise Thanks For Sharing for the blog tour. Now that obligation is complete, I am back with continuing with The Mad Ship.

Hardly unexpected, but I’m really enjoying this book so far. The first book does a lot of the ground work in the setting of this new trilogy. Now that is all set out, we can dive into the narrative and further the storylines quite quickly. I am already a third of the way through the book and enjoying it completely.


Stolen Focus

I wanted to read another non-fiction book this month. Looking through my TBR, I decided to get my hands on a copy of Stolen Focus by Johann Hari.

Some days, I am really good at setting myself goals and achieving what I set out to do. Other days, I can be really distracted. I am the type of person who will do multiple things at once in the name of multitasking, but really, am I achieving much? No, most often.

One of the things I’m working on is trying to pinpoint where the distractions come from so then I can limit them. I’m hoping this book can help with some insight as to why this happens, what circumstances may cause this in order to work on it.


Stretch Goal


The Hunchback of Notre Dame

As I did last month, I am setting myself a stretch goal of starting The Hunchback of Notre Dame before the end of the month.The average page count per day required this month is slightly higher. As of writing this post, I’m also slightly behind on my daily target. With that in mind, I might not get there. But, it is a goal to aim towards.

Another reason for doing this is that splitting down larger books intentionally over a couple of months makes them a little bit more manageable. The Hunchback of Notre Dame is quite a hefty book. Don’t get me wrong, I can read chunky books over the course of a month. I did it last month, and I’ll be doing it this month as well. However, with this being a classic as opposed to a book from my favourite genre, I will find this more approachable to read if I’m splitting over the two months.

Even if I can just start the book, I’ll be happy bunny!


Those are the books on my monthly TBR for April. 

Are you reading anything over the Easter weekend?



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