Tag: military

Sunday Summary – 6th October 2024

Happy Sunday folks and welcome to another Sunday Summary update!

With the beginning of the final quarter of the year, I’ve had a busy week at work. It’s not quite over for me yet, but hopefully I’ll be over the hill in a couple of days time. If nothing else, I certainly will be by the end of the week as I’m then on leave for a week!

Despite being busy at work, there’s been no rest on the blog. This week, I shared my Monthly Wrap-Up post for September on Wednesday. In that post, I recapped reading progress throughout the month. If you haven’t checked that out already, here’s a link so you can!

My Monthly TBR went live on Friday. I have a mixture of seasonal and non-seasonal reads coming up in the next few months, and I’m leaning into spooky season with some thriller and horror novels on the TBR. Want to see what I’ll be reading this month?

Books Read

The Kingdom

I left off after last week’s Sunday Summary post with 45% progress into The Kingdom. This week, I made great progress and finished the book by Monday night.

The Kingdom is a very quick read and I enjoyed the twist at the end. The elements of mixed media also helped the pace along and vary the narrative style for a few chapters.

As a genre, it’s a fun take on a theme park style location. The writing is perhaps aimed at a slightly younger age than myself, but it was a good jaunt into another world for a little while.

The Rosie Project

As well as progressing with The Kingdom, I made it to 31% of The Rosie Project. We’re supposed to be meeting for book club on Tuesday, so I may not finish it in time. We are holding it a week early in fairness as I’m on leave next week. I might see what the consensus is on postponing to the following week when I’m on leave if we need the time. From chats with a couple other members, we might need an extra week with the book anyway…

For a book that’s really not my go-to genre, I’m having a good laugh with it. Don, the protagonist, makes the whole thing for me. Without his character I don’t think I’d be able to stick with it.

Books Discovered

I made the mistake of going for a mooch in The Works today. I bought 5 books! I’ve shared quite a few Sunday Summary posts with no new books, so I obviously felt the need to make up for that…

It’s fair to say that non-fiction books are more on my radar than they ever have been. I’m looking forward to reading each of these. Bonus that they only cost me £20 for the lot!

Coming Up…

I’m back to my two post schedule and revision time after work this week. With this in mind, my plan is to share a book review of Assassin’s Quest midweek.

You can guess what’s coming next, my good old Sunday Summary this time next week. Find out what I’ve made progress with there, and whether The Rosie Project meet goes ahead or is postponed!

Until then, happy reading!


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Sunday Summary – 29th September 2024

Good evening from a slightly damp and very windy island in the middle of the Irish sea! As always, a warm welcome to you in this Sunday Summary update. In today’s post, I take the opportunity to update you on the books I’ve been reading this week. I’m pleased to say I have more progress to report than last week, so make yourself a cuppa and get comfy!

Before I get into the books I read this week, I like to recap the blog posts I’ve shared at the beginning of every Sunday Summary post. That way if you missed anything, it’s a chance to catch up! You may remember that I am studying for an exam that I’m sitting in November. As a result, I’ve temporarily reduced my blogging schedule from three posts a week to two to accommodate my revision time. As such, I’ve only shared one post so far this week, and that was my Autumn 2024 TBR.

Next week I’ll be busier; stay tuned to find out why below. For now though, onto the books I’ve read this week!

Books Read

The Lost Apothecary

Whereas in last week’s Sunday Summary post I lamented having not finished The Lost Apothecary, I am able to confirm in this Sunday Summary that I HAVE now finished it.

Overall, I enjoyed reading this book, but it didn’t rate as highly as I’d hoped. It was perfectly readable – if you enjoy historical fiction with a mystery split across dual timelines then this is a solid recommendation I would make. For me though, it didn’t *dazzle*. I rated this book at a perfectly acceptable three stars, so it’s solid. It just didn’t blow me away.


The Kingdom

It’s funny, I’ve only been saying the last couple of weeks that I don’t enjoy reading on my phone. However, the practicalities of picking up The Kingdom this week have meant that I’ve only picked up my Kindle once – today. Instead, I’ve progressed with this book more via the Kindle app on my phone.

I don’t really know why. The only reason I can think of is that I have been reading this book in very short bursts and when opportunity knocks. For example, whilst I’ve been waiting for my boyfriend to finish work, I’ll be sat reading this in the car.

I’ve just picked The Kingdom up properly on my Kindle this evening. I much prefer my Kindle as it’s a lot nicer to look at, especially when reading in longer bursts.

Having said that phone reading is not my preference, I managed to read 30% of The Kingdom that way and I’ve blitzed another 15% on my Kindle this evening alone. It’s a quick read!

The storyline has me hooked and I can’t wait to see what’s going on. I don’t know whether I can trust our protagonist and her perspective at the moment, but there is definitely more going on under the surface that I can’t wait to dredge up…


Reading progress with e-books has certainly been better than audio once again. In this Sunday Summary post, I can only share 35 minutes of listening time to Defiant by Brandon Sanderson.

More often than not these days, I listen to audiobooks whilst I’m driving. I’ve been doing a lot more studying this week than I would typically average. As a result, I’ve been taking those quiet moments (whilst not quite being on autopilot, but you know what I mean) to think over what I’ve been reading and learning instead.

Is managing operational risk in financial institutions anywhere near as interesting as Defiant? Not especially. However, it is necessary for me to go over this content in anyway and shape that I can.


Books Discovered

I’m trying to read more non-fiction books this year, and I discovered another non-fiction earlier today that I think may make interesting reading for me.

The Courage to be Disliked caught my attention because it teaches readers how to advocate for their own wishes and overall directional life path, especially when that doesn’t align with societal expectations. Whilst there are many aspects in which I’m perfectly okay with doing my own thing, I feel there are certainly takeaways from this book that I would benefit from were I to read it. Everyday is a school day after all. 

Coming Up…

Although I am for the most part sticking to a two post per week schedule, this week is an exception. I don’t like to wait too long before sharing my monthly wrap-up and monthly TBR posts. With the way the beginning of the month of October falls, I’m going to have to incorporate both of those posts into my week, as well as a Sunday Summary. It’s also quarter end, which is one of my busiest periods at work.

It’s going to be a busy week…

My intended timeline for sharing the posts is for my monthly wrap-up post for September to go live on Wednesday and my monthly TBR on Friday. We’ll see if that pans out… 

Then, of course, I’ll be back at the same time next Sunday with the usual Sunday Summary update.

Still with me? Thanks for reading! What have you read recently… and do you have any recommendations for me?


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Sunday Summary – 22nd September 2024

Good evening friends and welcome to another Sunday Summary update from yours truly. It doesn’t feel like I have a whole lot to update you on this week. But, we’re both here so let’s make the most of it!

Earlier this week I shared some of my bookish confessions. Whilst I think some of these could be expected from me, there are some here that don’t fit the typical ‘book-blogger’ persona too.

Now, let’s take a look at the books I’ve read this week.

Books Read

The Lost Apothecary

I was hoping for completion of The Lost Apothecary this week. However, I’ve had to extend my library loan once again.

That’s entirely down to circumstance and reflection on the book at all. We’ve been really quite short staffed at work this week and I’ve been covering and plugging gaps wherever possible. As a result, my downtime has ended up being spent on mindless things to take a break. I’ve not read a whole lot as a result.

I have read some more of the book today so as of this Sunday Summary update, I’m now 86% into The Lost Apothecary. I’m hoping for a nice quiet evening, so may get a little further into the book before the end of the day. Maybe a finish?



As of my last Sunday Summary, I was about an hour and a half into Defiant by Brandon Sanderson.

It’s much the same story with audio – I’ve only listened to half an hour of Defiant this week. I’m enjoying the storyline so far and where it’s going. I’ve just not had the mental energy after work to listen and concentrate on it…

Books Discovered

Updates on additions to my reading list are as quiet as my actual reading progress this week. At least that’s not a bad thing!

Coming Up…

I’ll kick off this week with a Top Ten Tuesday post. I’ve shared a few similar posts before as they relate to my seasonal TBR’s. My last was my 2024 Summer TBR and it’s a great way to share planned upcoming reads.

Finally, next week I am hoping for a more interesting and eventful Sunday Summary to share with you! Things are going to get a bit better at work, but we do have quarter end coming up too. Hopefully it won’t be too busy this time round.

Until Tuesday, have a great one and I’ll see you in that post!


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Sunday Summary – 15th September 2024

Happy Sunday readers – I’m back with my usual Sunday Summary update! As always, I hope you’ve had a great week?

This week has been a little unusual in that I’ve not really stuck to the regular schedule. On Wednesday morning I took part in a charity event for work that saw me helping to cut down around 150 pine trees. on Thursday I attended one of my school friends weddings, which was really special to share with them.

Combine both of these with a busy week at work and it’s fair to say my plans have been a little affected as a result. I was still able to share my book review for Dark Matter with you, but that came later than intended. I ended up publishing that one on Friday if you’re interested to check it out!

Books Read

The Lost Apothecary

I haven’t read as much of The Lost Apothecary by Sarah Penner as I thought I would this week. That’s because of those aforementioned changes to my schedule, if you will.

That said, I have read around 40% of the book so far this week, bringing me up to 60% progress in total as of drafting this Sunday Summary. Thankfully, I have been able to extend my digital loan of the book and I still have opportunity to progress with it today. I’m hoping to read more of this and see what starting to unfold in the plot it’s definitely getting interesting!


As of my last Sunday Summary update, I had just started Defiant by Brandon Sanderson. Have been listening to more of this book this week, clocking in another hour and a half of listening time.

Already I feel we are getting stuck into the action, so I’m surprised I’m not as far along as I expected given the events. I suppose that can only mean that there is plenty more of it to follow – and I’m looking forward to reading it!

Books Discovered

It’s another week of no news being good news. I’ve not seen anything new or added any new books to the reading list this week!

Thank goodness for that…

Coming Up…

I’m sticking to my slightly reduced schedule next week as it’s going to be busy at work and I need to continue on with studying for an exam.

In an attempt to share some different content with you next week, I’ll be sharing a bookish confessions post with you next week. What are your bookish confessions? You’ll have to stay tuned to see what mine are!

As usual, my last post of the week will be another Sunday summary weekly update.

That’s all for me and today’s Sunday Summary post and I hope to see you around very soon!


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Sunday Summary – 8th September 2024

Happy weekend folks and welcome back to the latest instalment in my regular Sunday Summary update posts.

I briefly returned to my three post schedule this week as I had both my monthly wrap-up for August and my monthly TBR for September to share with you.

As I wanted to get both you in good time, that meant I had to deliver this week. Thankfully, I’m feeling better after my illness last week and I’ve been able to fit both of those in alongside doing some study for work as well.


Books Read


I had 155 pages of Eruption to finish, and I completed that in fairly good time this week. I wanted to get back to reading Eruption as soon as I was better; I’m sharing this book with Helen ahead of our book club meet later this month. If I’m honest, I had hoped to get it to her sooner, but sometimes that’s the way things go!

Ultimately, I rated this book 3 stars. It was a perfectly acceptable read and I enjoyed a lot of the information about volcanoes that is embedded within the narrative.


It turns out that I didn’t have a lot left of Undoctored left to listen to because I finished this very early on this week. There is a lot of bonus content at the end of the audiobook which admittedly I haven’t listened to. I quite often don’t in these scenarios.

I really enjoyed this book, and if you enjoyed his earlier works then you will definitely enjoy this follow-up too. Where previous books deal with his life as a junior doctor, Undoctored focuses far more on the end of his career as a doctor and moving on to his current career as a writer and comedian.

I rated Undoctored 4* and I’ll certainly be looking out for anything else he publishes in future!

The Lost Apothecary

As of my last Sunday Summary update I had just started The Lost Apothecary by reading the first chapter.

Admittedly, my focus has been on reading Eruption this week. However, I have read a further few chapters so I am now about 25% through this book. As I’ve got exactly a week left on my library loan now, The Lost Apothecary is my current read and will be my priority over the next few days.

What I’ve read already was done in quite a quick timeframe, so there shouldn’t take me too long to read overall!


The last book I’ve started this week is Defiant by Brandon Sanderson. As I mentioned in my monthly TBR post yesterday, I’ve picked this up in audio format.

Even though I’ve read the prior books in the series physically, switching to audio has been seamless. I’ve enjoyed getting reacquainted with the world to see where we are going to go next. I’m not entirely sure where or how this narrative will go from here so I’m excited to listen more and watch this final instalment of the series play out.

I’ll be listening to more of this audio over the next week and I’ll be able to give you a better update next week’s Sunday Summary. I’m only an hour in as of this post. 

Books Discovered

Between keeping up with the blog this week, reading and studying for my upcoming exam in November I’ve not really been looking anywhere I would get a book recommendation. So, the reading list has had a week off of new additions!

Coming Up…

This week’s blog post schedule was an exception given the timing of August month-end. Next week I’m going back to one midweek post and another Sunday Summary so I’ve got more time to get back to studying for my exam.

Mid next week, I’m back with a book review for Dark Matter by Blake Crouch. For my thriller fans, this one is a five star recommendation for you. I hope you can check out this post!

Finally, I’ll be back with another Sunday Summary update this time next week. Find out which books I’ve read over the course of the week and any other personal updates.

Until next time, enjoy the rest of your weekend and I’ll see you around!


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Sunday Summary – 25th August 2024

Good evening folks – it’s Sunday once again (and it’s been a miserable one at that!) so I’m here with another Sunday Summary catch-up!

This week is the first in which I’ve cut down my blog schedule, so I’ve only shared one post with you so far. That post was my book review of The Silence of the Girls by Pat Barker. If you like the sound of a Greek mythology with a feminist twist, I strongly suggest you check that out!

Books Read

Wolves of the Calla

As of last week’s Sunday Summary post I had only just started Wolves of the Calla by Stephen King. In reality, I’m not much further in this post. I started the book but ended up putting it on hold when I received a copy of Eruption. I explain why below.

As of this post, I am only 26 pages in, but looking forward to getting stuck in once Eruption is finished with!


I’d debated ticking along with Wolves of the Calla by reading this in tandem with other books. However, I have more or less put that on hold in order to read Eruption by Michael Crichton and James Patterson.

The book club at work are picking this one up ahead of our next meeting. The reason I’m reading this one so early this time is because I am sharing the book with Helen. She wasn’t able to get a copy from the library and she’s trying to watch pennies at the moment. I’ve offered to share my copy, so I’m reading it first to give her as much time as possible with it before the meeting.

As of this Sunday Summary post, I am 277 pages into the book. It’s an interesting read, even if I think the premise is a little bit far-fetched. It’s also very readable as the chapters are short and sweet. If anything, perhaps a bit too short for my liking. It’s something I’m able to work with quite well though.

I’ll have this finished in the next few days. I can give you my final thoughts in next week Sunday Summary.


From the half an hour listening time I updated you in last week’s Sunday Summary, I have gone onto listen to another hour or so of Undoctored by Adam Kay this week.

The majority of that audiobook time this week has been when driving to and from work. It’s a good reliable quality time moment for me that I can crack out an audiobook and have a good listen.

Undoctored so far is every bit as funny as I expected it to be. I loved listening to This is Going to Hurt and T’was the Night Shift Before Christmas. I have high expectations of Undoctored based on these experiences, but also confidence that it will meet those lofty standards.

Books Discovered

Between reading for fun and studying for work this week, nothing new has come onto my radar in the last week to update you on!

Coming Up…

I’m writing a fun book tag mid-week as a bit of something different on the blog. I found the post over on Zezee with Books and I thought it would be fun to share.

I’ll be back with my next Sunday Summary instalment at the same time next week. In that post, I’ll update you on my recent reads, anything added to the reading list and summarise what’s coming up on the blog in due course.

I hope you can check out each of those posts and I look forward to seeing you around.

Happy reading!


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Blog Tour Review: Lost Solace – Karl Drinkwater

In today’s post, I have the privilege to share my review of Lost Solace by Karl Drinkwater. I originally shared my review back in February, but I’m back today having touched up my review to share as part of the blog tour!

As always, a huge thank you to Rachel at Rachel’s Random Resources for organising the tour and to the author Karl Drinkwater. I received a review copy of the earlier edition of the book and as you will see, I thought the book was fantastic!

If you’re looking for a fun science-fiction novel to pick up and potentially explore the further series, look no further!


Lost Solace – Karl Drinkwater

Genre: Science-fiction

Pages: 258

Audience: Adult

Publisher: Organic Apocalypse

Original Publication Date: 15 Oct 2017

Rating: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟


Goodreads –  Lost Solace

They’re called the Lost Ships … but sometimes they come back.

And when they do the crews are missing, while the ships have been strangely altered, rumoured to be full of horrors.

Opal Imbiana has been seeking something her whole life. It’s a secret so precious she’s willing to risk her life recovering it from a recently discovered Lost Ship, in a lonely nebula far from colonised space.

She’s just one woman, entering an alien and lethal environment. But with the aid of an amazing AI companion and experimental armoured suit, Opal might just stand a chance.

This blast of a book kickstarted the much-loved Lost Solace series, about an unlikely friendship between two women who keep hope alive in the darkest of times.


Purchase Links:




My Thoughts



If you enjoy fast paced, action-led plot-lines then Lost Solace is a book you won’t want to miss! Full of twists and turns, within is a compelling storyline in which we explore many interesting facets of lore in this world.

Opal is determined to explore the hostile environment of a re-emerged Lost Ship. Not only does she have the local environment to overcome, but she is also challenged by other humans on her quest for discovery. With an AI, Clarissa, on her side, she sets out to do what would appear to be impossible.

In a race against time, will Opal and Clarissa prevail? 



The Lost Ship is an eerie setting we get to explore in detail throughout the narrative. Whilst Opal and Clarissa feel very isolated in their quest, they are far from alone. If the local hostile environment wasn’t enough to contend with, Opal is being hunted down.

The tension and atmosphere Karl Drinkwater incorporates into this already busy narrative is impressive. Although the book overall is very action-led, there is plenty of world-building and description incorporated into the narrative to construct an immersive, deserted and eerie atmosphere present throughout.



Lost Solace is told from the perspective of two strong female leads. The first of these is Opal. She is a strong and inquisitive individual, empowered by her determination and force of will. Opal is accompanied by an AI known as Clarissa. She is incredibly smart – as can only be expected from a supercomputer. However, this isn’t just where her strengths lie.

For artificial intelligence, she is full of humour and dry wit. It’s a facet of personality that I expected from her character as a result of reading Helene, but otherwise would have been surprised by. It works very well too! Clarissa stands out and the personality quirk adds depth to her character.

The interactions between Opal and Clarissa are hilarious to read and their relationship is one of my favourite aspects of the book. Their witty dialogue is interspersed within the action in the book, making for a well-rounded read.

As a little extra, we also get to see characters from Karl Drinkwater’s other Lost Tales of Solace series. It was fun to see the overlap and get to revisit some of these individuals!


Narrative Style

Lost Solace has an easy to read, flowing narrative style. The book is approachable for readers of all levels and experience. Although a science-fiction novel, the content isn’t so technologically advanced that readers are unable to understand what’s going on. It strikes just the right balance of setting the scene, but also being clear and descriptive so no presumed knowledge is required.

At under 300 pages, it is also a quick read. I am a fast reader anyway, but a book of this length is definitely approachable for anyone interested in (or wants to try) the genre, and for any level of commitment.



I am a fan of science-fiction, so I was never not going to love Lost Solace. It is the first book in a series that I will be continuing with as soon as possible!

Lastly, I cannot help but share the dedication that Karl includes in the opening of this book. I loved it!

To strong women everywhere, at all times. 


Author Bio

Karl Drinkwater is an author with a silly name and a thousand-mile stare. He writes dystopian space opera, dark suspense and diverse social fiction. If you want compelling stories and characters worth caring about, then you’re in the right place. Welcome!

Karl lives in Scotland and owns two kilts. He has degrees in librarianship, literature and classics, but also studied astronomy and philosophy. Dolly the cat helps him finish books by sleeping on his lap so he can’t leave the desk. When he isn’t writing he loves music, nature, games and vegan cake.

Go to karldrinkwater.uk to view all his books grouped by genre.

As well as crafting his own fictional worlds, Karl has supported other writers for years with his creative writing workshops, editorial services, articles on writing and publishing, and mentoring of new authors. He’s also judged writing competitions such as the international Bram Stoker Awards, which act as a snapshot of quality contemporary fiction.


Enter your email at karldrinkwater.substack.com to be notified about his new books. Fans mean a lot to him, and replies to the newsletter go straight to his inbox, where every email is read. There is also an option for paid subscribers to support his work: in exchange you receive additional posts and complimentary books.

Social Media Links

Newsletter (and Substack) https://karldrinkwater.substack.com/

Goodreads https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/5766025.Karl_Drinkwater

Book Review: Skyward – Brandon Sanderson

Whilst I have the time to catch up on some outstanding book reviews, I’m making the most of the situation and sharing some of my favourites. Today, I share my thoughts on the first book in Brandon Sanderson’s YA sci-fi series, Skyward.

I have a lot of great things to say about this book! At the time of publishing this review, I’ve read three out of the four books currently on the market. I’ll be looking to pick up the next in the series, Defiant, very soon!


Skyward – Brandon Sanderson

Genre: Science-fiction

Pages: 513

Audience: Young Adult

Publisher: Gollancz

Publication Date: 06 Nov 2018

Rating: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟


Goodreads –  Skyward

Defeated, crushed, and driven almost to extinction, the remnants of the human race are trapped on a planet that is constantly attacked by mysterious alien starfighters. Spensa, a teenage girl living among them, longs to be a pilot. When she discovers the wreckage of an ancient ship, she realizes this dream might be possible—assuming she can repair the ship, navigate flight school, and (perhaps most importantly) persuade the strange machine to help her. Because this ship, uniquely, appears to have a soul.


My Thoughts



Skyward has an interesting plot that sucks you in from the synopsis. In truth though, there is far more to explore underneath the surface.

The narrative in which we explore through Spensa’s viewpoint is far more complex than meets the eye. The world history, Spensa’s upbringing and the discovery of a mysterious ship only start us off on this detailed, action-packed narrative. Although we pick up events from Spensa’s discovery onwards, in reality the set up of what happens in this book begins far earlier, and we unravel this history throughout the present day narrative.

As a military sci-fi, fans of combat will have plenty to enjoy in this book. We graduate alongside Spensa through training into live fighting. The drama and suspense keeps us on our toes as we never quite trust that the characters we grow to love throughout the book are safe. They’re not…



Science fiction fans will not be disappointed with the rich descriptions and detail in Skyward. Both in terms of the physical setting and the political environment Spensa grows up in, there is plenty to explore.

Skyward excels in its ability to stand out in the science fiction genre without too much techno-babble and jargon. As a book aimed at young readers, it’s especially important that Sanderson got this right… and indeed he did! I enjoy science fiction, although I wouldn’t say I have the brains for too much techy speak. I was able to follow everything with ease.

What makes this book extra special is that over time, we come to realise that the world and plot introduced throughout the first 400-450 pages is just a small speck in the galaxy. Skyward paves the way for the epic series it is, and sets the scene for the remaining books excellently!



The book is predominantly told from the perspective of a teenager who has grown up in the shadow of her father. His name is tarred for turning against his fleet in the midst of battle. Many try to discount Spensa and prevent her from training to fly out of fear that she will do the same thing as her father.

And in fairness, Spensa is a loose cannon. She is impulsive and independent, which are not traits conducive to an environment where teamwork is essential. Spensa has a lot to learn over the course of the book, about herself, but also about the perceptions that have tarnished her name throughout her childhood.

Whilst the book does well in sharing a detailed plot with rich descriptions, character development is also very prevalent in this narrative. I would say the book has a reasonable 50-50 split of both of these elements. Whether you prefer an action driven narrative or a character driven narrative, there is ample of each.


Narrative Style

With a young adult audience in mind, the narrative needs to be easy to read and approachable for a younger audience. Brendan Sanderson does this very well. This makes both the book and genre approachable to new or less developed readers and would serve as a great introduction to the genre.

At over 500 pages, there is plenty of storyline here to sink our teeth into. It has its fair share of twists and unexpected events. These are entwined into the narrative seamlessly and are shocking but not so complex but they cannot be understood either.



If you are looking for a new sci-fi series to start reading without complex jargon, and with a strong female protagonist, Skyward is one I would highly recommend. As of this post, I have gone on to read further two books in the series, with the fourth book recently out and making it to my reading list soon!

Brandon Sanderson is an author I will go back to time and again regardless of genre. If you are a fan of his fantasy books, don’t let the change of genre put you off giving this a try. He is a fantastic writer and being able to lend himself to different storylines, and indeed genre.

Have you read the Skyward or any other books by Brandon Sanderson that you would love to recommend to my readers?



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Book Review: Lost Solace – Karl Drinkwater

In November last year, I finally picked up Lost Solace by Karl Drinkwater. For months I tried to get to the book, but didn’t quite get there. Having read and reviewed numerous books in his Lost Tales of Solace series already, I was excited to finally see how they intertwined with the main series he has written.

If you enjoy fast-paced science-fiction and are interested in diving into a new series, then Lost Solace won’t disappoint!

Let’s take a look at the book!


Lost Solace – Karl Drinkwater

Genre: Science-fiction

Pages: 287

Audience: Adult

Publisher: Organic Apocalypse

Publication Date: 15 Oct 2017

Rating: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟


Goodreads –  Lost Solace


They’re called the Lost Ships … but sometimes they come back.

And when they do the crews are missing, while the ships have been strangely altered, rumoured to be full of horrors.

Opal Imbiana has been seeking something her whole life. It’s a secret so precious she’s willing to risk her life recovering it from a recently discovered Lost Ship, in a lonely nebula far from colonised space.

She’s just one woman, entering an alien and lethal environment. But with the aid of an amazing AI companion and experimental armoured suit, Opal might just stand a chance.

This blast of a book kickstarted the much-loved Lost Solace series, about an unlikely friendship between two women who keep hope alive in the darkest of times.


My Thoughts



If you enjoy fast paced and action-led plots, then Lost Solace is a book you won’t want to miss! Full of twists and turns, within is a compelling storyline in which we explore interesting facets of the lore in this world.

Opal is determined to explore the hostile environment of a re-emerged Lost Ship. Not only does she have the local environment to overcome, but she is also challenged by other humans on her quest for discovery. With an AI, Clarissa, on her side, she sets out to do what would appear to be impossible.

In a race against time, will Opal and Clarissa prevail? 



The Lost Ship is an eerie setting that we get to explore throughout the narrative. Whilst Opal and Clarissa feel very isolated in their quest, they are far from alone. If the local hostile environment wasn’t enough to contend with, Opal is being hunted down.

The tension and atmosphere Karl Drinkwater incorporates into this already busy narrative is impressive. Although the book overall is very action-led, there is enough world-building and description incorporated into the narrative to construct the deserted and eerie atmosphere present throughout.



Lost Solace is told from the perspective of two strong female leads. The first of these is Opal. She is a strong and inquisitive individual, empowered by her determination and force of will. Opal is accompanied by an AI known as Clarissa. She is incredibly smart – as can only be expected from a supercomputer. However, this isn’t just where her strengths lie.

For artificial intelligence, she is full of humour and dry wit. It’s a facet of personality that I only expected from her character as a result of reading Helene, and it works very well. It makes her stand out and adds depth to her personality. The interactions between Opal and Clarissa are hilarious to read. They break up the action in the book, making for a well-rounded read.

As a little extra, we also get to see characters from Karl Drinkwater’s other Lost Tales of Solace series. It was fun to see the overlap and get to revisit some of these individuals!


Narrative Style

Lost Solace has an easy to read, flowing narrative style. It is written in such a way that the book is approachable for readers of all levels and experience. Although a science-fiction book, the content isn’t so technologically advanced that readers are unable to understand what’s going on. It strikes up just the right balance of setting the scene, but also being clear and descriptive so no presumed knowledge is required.

At under 300 pages, it is also a quick read. I am a fast reader anyway, but a book of this length is definitely approachable for anyone interested in the genre, and for any level of commitment.



I am a fan of science-fiction, so I was never not going to love Lost Solace. It is the first book in a series that I will be continuing with as soon as possible!

Lastly, I cannot help but share the dedication that Karl includes in the opening of this book. I loved it!

To strong women everywhere, at all times. 


Have you read Lost Solace, or any other books by Karl Drinkwater?



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Spotlight Feature Post: Justice Gone – Nicholas Lombardi Jr

Today’s blog post is a spotlight feature for a fantastic legal thriller novel that is very relevant to a lot of discussions ongoing at the moment. I actually read and reviewed this particular book back in April 2019 as part of a blog tour shortly after its publication. Since then, the book has gone on to win many awards, with its fifth and latest just recently.

To celebrate the occasion, I spoke to the author about his inspiration to write the book, how it relates to current events and what more we can expect from him. Before that though, here are the details for Justice Gone: –


Justice Gone – Nicholas Lombardi Jr

Goodreads – Justice Gone


  • NATIONAL INDIE EXCELLENCY AWARD – Best Legal Thriller of 2019

Chosen by Wiki.ezvid.com among their list of 10 Gripping and Intelligent Legal Thrillers


The courtroom scenes are wonderfully written…the characters are well described and the author paints a picture of each in the mind of the reader…Strong plot, strong characters and a strong writing style that I really enjoyed. This one is a definite “thumbs-up.” Strongly recommend! I look forward to reading additional works by N. Lombardi, Jr.

Kim M Aalaie, Author’s Den


One of my favorite suspense novels of the year. It will make you question the legal system.

The Eclectic Review

The courtroom action is excellent, trimmed to the most gripping parts of the trial, with plenty of emotional impact…a fairly realistic portrayal of the way small-town US society works…a fast-moving story with plenty of dramatic moments, and a big twist in the final pages.

Crime Review 


An act of police brutality hurls a small town into a turmoil of rage and fear, igniting a relentless witch hunt and ending in the trial of the decade.

“When a homeless war veteran is beaten to death by the police, stormy protests ensue, engulfing a small New Jersey town. Soon after, three cops are gunned down.

A multi-state manhunt is underway for a cop killer on the loose. And Dr. Tessa Thorpe, a veteran’s counselor, is caught up in the chase.

Donald Darfield, an African-American Iraqi war vet, war-time buddy of the beaten man, and one of Tessa’s patients, is holed up in a mountain cabin. Tessa, acting on instinct, sets off to find him, but the swarm of law enforcement officers gets there first, leading to Darfield’s dramatic capture.

Now, the only people separating him from the lethal needle of state justice are Tessa and ageing blind lawyer, Nathaniel Bodine. Can they untangle the web tightening around Darfield in time, when the press and the justice system are baying for revenge?”


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Author Interview

What led you to writing this novel?

I can’t recall exactly how I came across this story: a homeless man beaten to death by police in a small town in California, but I do remember a series of YouTube videos that documented this event. There was a video recording taken from a closed circuit TV camera at the adjacent bus stop showing the beating, a silent witness to a brutal act.  What was more appalling to me than the impending assault, was the exchange of two of the police officers with the soon-to-be victim, a harrowing display of sadistic provocation. The fact that the officers were indicted and brought to trial at all was a precedent – up to that time no police officer had ever been prosecuted for excessive force in the history of Orange County, a tradition that likely imparted a sentiment of immunity on the part of the accused officers when they were partaking in their vicious act.

In addition, videos of street protests decrying such police violence illustrated the collective shock of a small town. The town was Fullerton, California; the man was Kelly Thomas. The year was 2011

This case was the seed from which my novel, Justice Gone, sprouted.



How do you think it could contribute to the currently ongoing discussion?

The incident of excessive force in Justice Gone is not an isolated action, but occurs within the context of local politics and a flawed legal system, where outcomes are determined by the attitudes of people. I feel that a discussion of the violation of civil rights by law enforcement should include these elements, as they may be responsible for any sense of impunity the involved officers may have.


Are there any personal experiences that might have (inadvertently) made their way into the book?

Fortunately, I’ve never had an encounter with a police officer, nor was I ever trapped in the unfeeling machine of the legal system, but then again, I’ve lived most of my life outside of the United States.


In the current call for books by own voices, how do you feel as a white person narrating the viewpoint of an African-American person?

Well, I’ve never attempted to do that. I don’t think it would work. Justice Gone is written in a show, not tell, style of narrative. Essentially, these are the characters, this is what they do, this is what they say, and this is what happens in the story.


The book was published in February 2019. You must have worked on it for a while before then. Anytime during that process, did you expect the turmoil to reach the pitch it has now?

I expected the rage against abusive police actions to be sustained, and suspected that it might grow with time, but I wasn’t certain, because sometimes people forget until the next time it happens.


Stepping back from the book itself, what is your writing process?

Basically to relax and let my mind wander over the story – that’s the way my ideas come, usually with a glass of wine.


Is there anything else you want to convey to your readers?

To the few readers I have, I would like to say that we haven’t seen the last of Nat Bodine, the blind lawyer, nor the last of legal fiction that encompasses social issues. The matter of the death penalty, instances of racial discrimination, legal representation for the mentally disabled, and the sentencing of juveniles to life without parole are among a host of topics that can be explored through fiction. Although tragic, I intend to write about such inequities while infusing a note of hope in the stories.


About the Author

N. Lombardi Jr, the N for Nicholas, has spent over half his life in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East, working as a groundwater geologist. Nick can speak five languages: Swahili, Thai, Lao, Chinese, and Khmer (Cambodian).

In 1997, while visiting Lao People’s Democratic Republic, he witnessed the remnants of a secret war that had been waged for nine years, among which were children wounded from leftover cluster bombs. Driven by what he saw, he worked on The Plain of Jars for the next eight years.

Nick maintains a website with content that spans most aspects of the novel: The Secret War, Laotian culture, Buddhism etc. http://plainofjars.net

His second novel, Journey Towards a Falling Sun, is set in the wild frontier of northern Kenya.

His latest novel, Justice Gone was inspired by the fatal beating of a homeless man by police.

Nick now lives in Phnom Penh, Cambodia


Visit his Goodreads and Facebook pages!