Tag: Popular Books

Top Ten Tuesday – Books/Series Everyone Has Read But Me

Hello and welcome to today’s Top Ten Tuesday post!

This week’s choice of topic is a freebie and I’ve been looking back at previous weekly topics that I haven’t yet covered. The first one that caught my eye is the topic of today’s post. I may read a lot, but there’s also so much more that I haven’t read, or haven’t read yet!

So, here is my top 10 list of books/series I think that everyone has read but me!


Twilight series – Stephanie Meyer

Whilst there are a few exceptions to the rule, I’m not really a ‘vampire’ person. I never really understood the hype as a teenager, and if I’m perfectly honest I still don’t now. This is a series that a lot of people have obviously read, but I don’t feel inclined to try at all.


Clockwork Angel (Infernal Devices series) – Cassandra Clare

A couple of years ago there was huge hype for Cassandra Clare. Personally, her books never appealed to me. I suppose I’ve always felt that they were aimed at a slightly younger audience. Either way, I’m not particularly inclined to pick these up and give them a try based on what I’ve read. I just don’t think it’s my cup of tea.


Pride & Prejudice – Jane Austen

Jane Austen is probably a bit too romance-y for me. At least, that’s how I perceive the book based on what I know of it. I love historical fiction and I am trying to read more in the way of classics, but this one is a bit of a tough one. It’s the kind of book where you feel like you probably shouldn’t judge it until you tried it, but I do have a lot of trepidation. I just don’t think I’d like it!


Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland – Lewis Carroll

I never read this book as a child and following through to adulthood this hasn’t changed as yet. I did recently read and enjoy The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe, so maybe I don’t have to be young to appreciate this one either. Never say never, but I don’t currently have any plans to read this.


Da Vinci Code – Dan Brown

This is such a well known book, but as yet I haven’t read it. Based on the synopsis I think this is something I would really enjoy.

Perhaps I will change this in future. But not now. My TBR is long enough!


The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo – Stieg Larsson

I think my grandad bought this series for my mum years and years ago, but she wasn’t fussed on them. I’ve trusted her judgement on that and stayed away.


Bridget Jones Diary – Helen Fielding

I’m not really a chick flick kind of person, but I have watched part of a Bridget Jones movie before. It was actually okay! There is the odd chick-lit book that I will pick up, but they are few and far between. As I didn’t hate the film I’d be inclined to give the first book a go – at least to test the water.

But again not now!


The Diary of a Young Girl – Anne Frank

This particular book is actually on my TBR. I’m a huge fan of historical based novels, fiction and non-fiction. I don’t tend to read biographies very often, but the ones I have picked up in the past I’ve enjoyed. Obviously, the subject matter of Anne Frank‘s is more harrowing than most. But, that doesn’t put me off in the slightest and I can’t wait to pick this particular book up!


A Brief History of Time – Stephen Hawking

I am by no means a science geek, but I’m curious to see what this book is like. I think it will be really interesting and appeal to the part of me that enjoys learning new things. I only hope is that it isn’t too science-speak, because that might make it a little bit difficult for me to read. However, since it’s such a popular book and it’s been read by many I’m sure it will be fine!


The Wheel of Time – Robert Jordan

the eye of the world

I really want to read of love this series. However, to date, I picked up the first book and read about 60% before I had put it down. It was quite heavy going and I don’t know if the timing was just wrong, or it wasn’t working for me. My friend Rachael absolutely loves and advocates the series and so I want to feel the same way. I will definitely give this a go again because it has the potential to be a brilliant series.


So, those are my top ten books/series that everyone has read but me! Have you read any of these books? Are they on your list to read as well? Let me know in the comments!


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