Tag: psychological thriller

Monthly TBR – July 2024

Given we’re about a third of the way into July, I’m overdue sharing my monthly TBR, no?

In today’s post I have a great range of books to share that I plan for read in the next few weeks. You’ll have seen a good few of them before as they are carryovers. At the same time, I have a few new faces too, so let’s get stuck in!


Fixed Reads

You Coach You

My last current read and carryover is You Coach You by Helen Tupper and Sarah Ellis.

As of this monthly TBR I have actually just finished this audiobook this morning. However, I spent at least a couple of hours this month getting to that point so it’s going on this TBR to mark that progress effort.

I’ve enjoyed this audio so much and see the value in its content that I’ve just ordered a paperback copy to refer back to and re-read in future!

Master of Sorrows

Master of Sorrows is on yet another monthly TBR… but not as a non-starter this time!

I’ve been trying to read the book since February and I finally started it last month. It is, however, a current read so it makes it onto July’s monthly TBR as a carryover. Can I say, may it please be the last?!

I’m about halfway through the book, so there’s no reason I won’t be completing this soon!


Another carryover from my June TBR is Obsidio by Jay Kristoff and Amie Kaufman.

I started this last book in the Illuminae files trilogy last month after accidentally leaving Master of Sorrows at work. It’s been a refreshing change to read a mixed media book again! It’ll also be even better to be able to mark this series as complete once I’ve finished it. I’ll be sad to see it end, but there is another sci-fi series they’ve co-written I could pick up…

As of this post, I’m around a third of the way into the book. It’s a quick read, so again, I expect to finish it before long.

Mood Reads

The Other People

The only book on my June TBR I didn’t get to is The Other People by C.J. Tudor. It’s mum’s favourite book of hers so far, so I’m really looking forward to reading it this month instead.

I haven’t picked up a mystery novel at all this year, so it will make a refreshing change! I’ve enjoyed two of C.J. Tudor’s books already, so I have high hopes for this one!


With my Mid Year Check In and Summer TBR posts still fresh in my mind, I’m adding a book to this monthly TBR that will earn me another series completion.

Defiant is the last book in Brandon Sanderson’s Skyward series. Honestly, I’ll be sad to get to the end of it, but I also want to see how Spensa’s story ends. For a series to which I’m not the target demographic, I’m getting on with it really well. Equally, I haven’t met a Sanderson book I’ve disliked…

Let’s hope I’ve met jinxed it!

The Power of Habit

Another selection with my 2024 reading goals in mind is a recent acquisition. The Power of Habit is both a non-fiction book and will, with any luck, help towards my blogging goal of using social media more!

In theory this is a win-win read, but we’ll see how that works out in practice.


July’s monthly TBR reflects a reading month in which I plan to catch up with ongoing reads. However, there are also a couple of new books I’m introducing here. I’m not planning a long list that I think is unachievable, so here’s to a productive month! 


Have you read any of the books on this monthly TBR? Do you have any tips on how I can get better at making social media a habit?


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Monthly TBR – June 2024

Good afternoon fellow readers and welcome to one of my favourite posts of the month – my monthly TBR. It’s a post of future plans and looking ahead at exciting books coming up on my immediate reading list!

This month I have a few carryovers (current reads and ones I didn’t get to in May) but also some new titles to feature.

So, shall we get into the details of my monthly TBR?


Mood Reads

The Long Earth

The first book I feature on this reading list is actually one I finished last night.

The Long Earth by Terry Pratchett and Stephen Baxter was a carryover from May as I hadn’t quite finished the book by the end of the month. Ironically, I have just finished it. So whilst I did technically read some of it in June, I’ll only be talking about it in this week’s Sunday Summary post.

I enjoyed this introduction to the series and I’m curious to see where the later books pick up from this first novel. I’ve gathered the scope gets quite a bit bigger just on the titles alone. I have those books in e-book format so I can pick them up whenever I’m ready!

Terry Pratchett: A Life with Footnotes 

My second carryover from May that is working progress is Terry Pratchett’s biography, A Life With Footnotes.

At the moment I am around 50% through this audiobook, so I’m well on the way to completing this before the end of June. I’ve already enjoyed the first half of this audio, looking at Terry‘s early life, career and establishing himself as an author. We will inevitably move onto the less pleasant side of his later years, his Alzheimer’s diagnosis and ultimate passing, soon. I’m still looking forward to listening to this despite the difficult topic.

I admit I’m curious to see if Terry’s Alzheimer’s affected him in ways that are familiar to me through a family member suffering with the disease also. I’m also interested to see what impact it had on his career. I know in the end he was dictating his books to Rob, but also what other potential impacts there were that we haven’t talked about yet.

Master of Sorrows

I have a couple more carryovers from my May TBR, but these are books I did not get to start.

Are you surprised that once again, Master of Sorrows has been kicked down the line? Well, not anymore! It’s the first physical book I am going to pick up in June now that I’ve finished The Long Earth and nothing. will. stop. me. I have been trying to read this book since February – I’ve waited long enough!


The final carryover from my May TBR is Obsidio by Jay Kristoff and Amie Kaufman.

Obsidio is the last book in the Illuminae files trilogy. I want to get to it to both finish the series, but also see how the two storylines we’ve enjoyed so far intertwine.

I anticipate Obsidio will be a relatively short read. Although it’s a good few hundred pages, the book is written in mixed media format. It has a lot of imagery so whilst there are some pages of solid text, there are plenty where there are not. I’ve really enjoyed into the world of mixed media from a variety of genres, but I do particularly like it in the science-fiction young adult series. It makes it very approachable to all readers and especially so to those who may be picking it up for the first time.

The Other People

Mum has been making her way through books written by C.J. Tudor after I introduced her to The Chalk Man and The Taking of Annie Thorne. She has recommended The Other People to me as her favourite book so far. Naturally, I want to see what it’s about!

Especially as I’ve not dabbled in the genre for a little while, I’m looking forward to seeing this book is about. This synopsis sounds as good as ever and I trust my mum’s judgement that I will really enjoy this one as she did!

Lunatics, Imbeciles and Idiots

Lunatics, Imbeciles and Idiots

In an effort to keep up with my non-fiction reading this year, I’ll be picking up the e-book Lunatics, Imbeciles and Idiots. This has been on my reading list since 2017 so is long overdue a read. At under 300 pages, this is also really achievable for me to pick up and make light work of.

I’ve already started this e-book as it was a convenient one to pick up after finishing a physical read of The Long Earth. I want to read on my Kindle for a bit! Aside from audiobooks, I’ve picked up a lot of physical read lately.

In just the half hour I started this last night, I am already well into the first chapter and intrigued as to where this book will take us.

If you are unfamiliar, this is a non-fiction book about how treatment for individuals in the UK and Ireland with mental health issues has changed in the last 200 or so years. By all accounts, we start this book with a lot to be desired in terms of treating people humanely and with dignity.

You Coach You

The last book on this monthly TBR is also a non-fiction and a book I intend to pick up via audio after finishing Terry Pratchett’s biography. The book is You Coach You.

I want to pick up this book for a couple of reasons. The first of these is that coaching is a skill I’m working on personally this year. I totally understand that not everyone is interested in personal development, but I’m still young and haven’t lost interest yet at the very least. On a serious note, I’m the kind of person who believes there is always more to learn. I can always improve.

So, coaching is a skill I want to work on. The other reason I want to pick up You Coach You in particular is because I listen to Helen and Sarah‘s podcast, Squiggly Careers. I already love their content and their style, so picking up their book makes infinite sense! They also narrate the audiobook, so I know exactly what I’m getting into when I start listening to this.

I can’t wait!


With a few shorter books on my monthly TBR, and a plan to pick up Master of Sorrows as a priority, I have confidence that June is going to be a productive reading month!

That’s all for my Monthly TBR post.

What are you reading?



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Book Review: The Girl in Seat 2A – Diana Wilkinson

Good evening readers and welcome to another review post! If I keep up this pace, I’ll review my backlist in no time, right?! Funny! However, The Girl in Seat 2A get a priority review as the book is coming out in just a few days. I was able to get hold of a copy through NetGalley in order to provide my review ahead of publication on Friday. If you enjoy action-packed psychological thrillers, then The Girl in Seat 2A could well be for you!

Thanks to Boldwood Books and Netgalley for the chance to review The Girl in Seat 2A ahead of publication. As always, my opinions shared are my own. 

Now, shall we take a look at the book?


The Girl in Seat 2A – Diana Wilkinson

Genre: Psychological Thriller

Pages: 359

Audience: Adult

Publisher: Boldwood Books

Publication Date: 19 Jan 2023

Rating: 🌟🌟🌟🌟


Goodreads – The Girl in Seat 2A

Funny how one lie can spiral…

One thing about me: I HATE flying. It’s my worst nightmare.

That’s why I book seat 2A every time I fly. Since my big win, I’ve been booking seats 2B and 2C as well. They’re my comfort seats, they cushion the claustrophobia, and at last I can afford them.

I am now determined to live the life of luxury. I deserve it, after all.

How to Live Like a Millionaire is the book I’m reading on this flight. When it lands on the floor, a handsome guy hands it back to me. I know he clocks the title, because he’s totally charming and talks to me as if I’m one of the Marbella Millionaire set.

When I land in sunny Spain, I’ll be acting like a millionairess, that’s for sure – even if it’s stretching the truth, just a bit. We all know that money talks, and I intend to talk my way into a better life.

Who knows… maybe this guy, the one who had the cheek to sit down in seat 2C, might be someone special. He has an air of danger, but who cares?


My Thoughts



The Girl in Seat 2A has a unique and captivating storyline that I have never read before. The book features protagonist Jade, who embarks on a millionaire lifestyle and finding a partner whilst on holiday abroad in Marbella. However, not all is as first appears. Jade has secrets to hide about her funds, and she’s on the clock to secure the lifestyle for good.

There is enough action to keep the plot moving, but not so much to overwhelm. I enjoyed the pace and watching events as they unravelled.

The ending to The Girl in Seat 2A has a few surprises as well. Whilst I’d already got some measure of events as they played out, I didn’t work it all out! You sleuths out there will have your work cut out for you if that’s how you like to enjoy your thrillers!



If I’m honest, I found Jade unrelatable as a character and so I couldn’t really invest in her too much. I wouldn’t have put myself in her position in the first place and then, in my opinion, she makes questionable choices throughout. I spent most of her narrative frustrated with her.

Just because I didn’t get on with her doesn’t mean her part isn’t well written. Her character and personality are consistent throughout. They also shape those decisions I found myself mentally shouting at her for. Overall, she’s a well written character… just not my kind of person.

On the other hand, I found Martha a much more relatable and reliable character perspective. I would have liked to see more of her perspective, or perhaps it be more spaced out throughout the book. There is a perfectly good reason why the chapters and perspectives are set out the way they are, and it works. Had I enjoyed Jade’s character more I might feel differently. Martha was my favourite character though!

It is through Martha’s alternate perspective that we start to see some depth to other characters and events, but also the plot unravel. I’d already come to similar conclusions of what was happening but as I mention, there are still some surprises!


Narrative Style

The structure of split perspective’s definitely adds to The Girl in Seat 2A. Through the lens of Martha we get to see truths that we would never have experienced through the perspective of Jade. The change in narrative voice is also distinct and refreshing.

Each perspective is easy to read and follow. The book is also written through a multitude of short chapters, making this an approachable read for all and easy to pick up and put down as necessary.



Overall I rated The Girl in Seat 2A four stars. It’s an enjoyable psychological thriller that’s engaging and keeps the reader guessing what happens next!

Is this on your list of upcoming reads to try?



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Monthly Wrap-Up – September 2023

Hello readers and welcome to today’s monthly wrap-up post for my September reading list. In all, I read less than I anticipated. I have an inkling as to why this is, and I will discuss that later on. I didn’t want to be too hasty in changing tack, and so there was a bit of a delay in acknowledging that something wasn’t working for me.

Regardless, I had a decent reading month when it comes to the books I picked up! I enjoyed a couple of books for blog tours that I signed up for, as well as picked up some favourite authors.

Let’s dive into my monthly wrap-up!


Books Read


The Trail

In my August monthly wrap-up post, I left off with my current read being Wizard and Glass. However, with upcoming obligations to review two books as part of blog tours, I temporarily set Wizard and Glass aside on the 3rd of September.

The first of those obligations was to read a psychological thriller called The Trail. I really enjoyed this sinister feel to this book. The setting was quite unusual and unlike anything I’ve read before. If you enjoy the small town vibe in a book, then this is definitely one for you. This works in the setting of The Trail. Each of the main characters across both timelines find themselves the outsider, and this is acutely felt throughout!

I really enjoyed the sinister feel to this book and would strongly recommend it as a spooky read if that’s a vibe you’re going for in your October reading list! Naturally, if you want my full thoughts on the book, you can check out my review here.


Protector of Mercia

My second blog tour obligation was to read and provide a review for Protector of Mercia by M.J. Porter. That name may be familiar to you if you are a regular reader; I have featured a review of every book in the Eagle of Mercia chronicles to date.

In case it wasn’t already apparent, I am a big fan of the series. I really enjoy the unique perspective that these books are told from. Protector of Mercia differs from the earlier books in the series in that the focus of the plotline and tension is caused by internal politics rather than an external force. The change of perspective was an interesting one to read, and added to the series as a whole. Again, if you want to check out my full thoughts on the book, here is a link to that review.


Wizard and Glass

With my obligations over for the month, I returned to the final few hundred pages of Wizard and Glass. This book also differs from its predecessors in that the main focus of the book is Roland’s backstory. In previous books, there have been small hints to his past. However, in this book, we discover it in vast detail. The book is about 900 pages, and I would suggest that the backstory takes up about 750-800 of those.

Although I enjoyed Wizard and glGss, it wasn’t the book I expected it to be. For that reason, I rated it four stars as opposed to five. Personally, I like backstory such of this to be included in a narrative that has the present day action going on as well. This felt a little bit like an info dump.

All I can hope for is that we’ve done the legwork now and the next book in the series, Wolves of the Calla, throws us right back into the action!


Twelve Years A Slave

The next book I picked up had its own challenges. I never expected Twelve Years a Slave to be an easy read, and I proved right there.

Initially, I struggled with the writing style of this book. It shouldn’t really be surprising that the grammatical style of the writing is somewhat archaic and at times, difficult to read. The book was published in 1853, so why would language be the same or similar to now?

Despite the initial setback, I persevered as I was interested enough in the story of Solomon Northop to try and push on. I’m glad I did, because I went on to adapt to this new writing style and finish the book.

Although a difficult subject matter, I was really interested in this narrative. Solomon’s experience is but one of thousands, yet it is very telling of the average experience of slaves in the period. If you are a bit sensitive to reading about mistreatment of people, death, disease and depravity, then this book is clearly not for you!

I benefited from picking up the book as my history knowledge of the time period is very minimal. It’s not something that is really covered in modern day history curriculums… or at least, it wasn’t in mine. Now I can proudly say that I am at least a little bit educated on the subject!


A Storm of Swords – pt 1

As much as I love this series and author, I have struggled with A Storm of Swords this month. I’ve put it down to a couple of factors. Firstly, I have already read this book. As a result, I think something has switched in my brain to say that I have absolutely no urgency to read because I’ve read this book already.

Secondly, I picked this book up towards the end of September. If you’ve been reading my Sunday Summary posts, you’ll know that I’ve been busy with some other things around this time. For example, I spent a couple of evenings last week baking for a MacMillan Coffee Morning. As well, I’ve had plans that had me out of the house during my normal ‘reading’ hours.

As a result, as of this monthly wrap-up post, I’ve read approximately 250 pages of the book. that has to be about 40 odd percent of the book, which isn’t insignificant. However, it’s not as much progress as I would like given the amount of time I took to get there!


Priest of Bones

Partly in the knowledge of the above, as well as a matter of convenience, I started Priest of Bones on the very last day of the month.

I wanted to pick up something new and different in an attempt to get my reading mojo back. Not only that, Priest of Bones made a great choice as I was able to download it on the Kindle app on my phone and read it whilst at my hairdressers. I only made the most cursory of starts, but it was a promising one. I like the setup of the book so far, as well as the characters. I’m optimistic it’s a switch up I need and will benefit from!



As usual, I set myself an optimistic reading list at the beginning of the month, and I wasn’t able to get through it! There are some good reasons here as to why, but I think I need to cut myself more slack in future and allow for taking part other things, or not being in the mood!

I say that now, but we’ll see if I can stick to that in Friday’s monthly TBR!

That’s all for me in my monthly wrap-up post for September. What have you been reading recently, and do you have any recommendations?



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Sunday Summary – 17th September 2023

Good evening friends – it’s great to catch up with you again in today’s Sunday Summary update post. First of all, I hope you’ve had a great week This week has been a little less manic, thankfully! I caught up with some obligations I signed up to for this month. Once my review of The Trail went live earlier this week, I could breathe a sigh of relief. If you’re in the mood to pick up a psychological thriller this spooky season, then I suggest you go and check that review out!

Later in the week, I shared the next in my rotation of Friday feature posts. This week, it was the turn of my First Lines Friday post. In last week‘s Sunday Summary, I set myself the challenge of featuring a book I’ve added to my reading list in the last six months. I had an interesting time picking this week’s feature, sampling a few books on my reading list before committing to this feature. I’m excited for them all, but if you’re interested to go and read that particular introduction and details of the book, you can find that link here.


Books Read


The Trail

As of last week’s Sunday Summary post, I had just 30% left of The Trail to finish before my review went live on Tuesday. Fortunately, I didn’t need to pick up this book again on Monday; I finished it on Sunday night as I hoped! It ended up being a slightly late one, but then I couldn’t sleep anyway… Needless to say, Monday wasn’t a very fun day to then have to draft my review on! I have to say in the circumstances, I’m pleased with how I managed.

If you want to check out my full thoughts on the book, then I’m obviously going to recommend you to that post. What I will say on the ending of this book is that it surprised me. I didn’t expect this ending at all, but I really enjoyed how this narrative came together.


Wizard and Glass

I almost forgot to include this in today’s post. When I was looking back at what I read over the course of the week earlier today, I was a little disappointed with myself that I hadn’t read all that much. However, I was completely forgetting that I also re-visited and finished Wizard and Glass.

I picked this book up again and finished the remaining 30% (about 260 pages) as my reading obligations were over for the month. Despite having put it down for just over a week, I managed to get back into the narrative really easily. I finished the book within a couple of days, and I’m intrigued to see where the next book in the series is going to take us.

Wizard and Glass wasn’t the book I expected it to be. Where the previous books have showcased events in the present day, the majority of Wizard and Glass is spent recapping Roland’s early life and how he became obsessed with the Dark Tower. Don’t get me wrong, I like a bit of backstory. However, I didn’t expect this to span the vast majority of the book.

I still enjoyed it overall, and I’m looking forward to getting back to the present day in Wolves of the Calla.


Twelve Years a Slave

The final book I picked up over the course of the week was Twelve Years a Slave by Solomon Northup. I initially took a digital copy of the book out from the library in order to read it. However, as I took a little bit longer reading the earlier obligations, my library loan expired yesterday and somebody had a hold on it. I’ve ended up buying a copy on Kindle in order to finish it, because I didn’t want to wait another two weeks! It’s my own fault…

This week they’re a lot of 70/30 splits in the reading progress we’re talking about, because I am just under 70% through Twelve Years a Slave as of this Sunday Summary update! I am enjoying the book, although I would be lying if I said it wasn’t a challenge to read – in every sense of the word. Not only is the subject matter difficult, but in my opinion, the narrative doesn’t flow as easily as modern day language. It’s important to remember that this book was written and published in 1853. In my opinion, the narrative is very overly punctuated – so much so, I’m having to almost glaze over it when I’m reading. It took some getting used to, but now I’m into it, I’m just not looking at it too hard!

All the same, I’m glad I added this book to my TBR and that I have finally gotten around to it. In terms of reading time, I have about an hour and 40 minutes left to finish the book. I probably won’t get that done tonight, but I hope to have it finished by the end of tomorrow.


Books Discovered

I’m on another run of no new additions to the reading list; I think this is three weeks on the trot now?


Coming Up…

I’ve had Tuesday’s post pencilled into my diary for about three months now! I’ve enjoyed sharing Top Ten Tuesday posts featuring books on my seasonal TBR’s… and next week’s post will be no exception. On Tuesday, I am going to share my top ten reads on my autumn TBR!

On Friday, I return with the next instalment of Well, I Didn’t Know That! I’m going to be completely honest with you in that the subject matter of that post is as yet undecided. I’ve been having a think all this evening, but I’m yet to come up with anything that I am happy to commit myself to. Rest assured, I’ll have something decided ready for that post on Friday.

And, as always, I’ll be back with another Sunday Summary post this time next week!

That’s all from me in today’s Sunday Summary post. Have a great week, and I hope to see you in the next!



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Blog Tour Review: The Trail – M. A. Hunter

Hello, my reading friends! Welcome to my stop on the blog tour for The Trail published under the pen name  M.A. Hunter. If you are looking for a dark, atmospheric and spooky read for the upcoming season, then stay tuned for today’s review!

Before I dive into the details, I always like to open these posts with a thank you to Rachel at Rachel’s Random Resources, the author, and Boldwood books. I really enjoyed picking up a brand-new read from an author I had yet to try, and I have a great reading experience to share with you!

Without further ado, let’s journey into The Trail…


The Trail – M.A. Hunter

Genre: Psychological Thriller

Pages: 340

Audience: Adult

Publisher: Boldwood Books

Publication Date: 08 Sept 2023

Rating: 🌟 🌟 🌟 🌟


Goodreads – The Trail

Sometimes it’s best to let the past stay buried…

Thirty years ago, Jess’s mother, Nora, disappeared while on a charity hike in the US. The devastating loss has afflicted Jess well into her adult life and even inspired her decision to become an investigative journalist.

So when Jess receives an anonymous tip telling her that remains have been recovered in the spot her mother disappeared, she wastes no time in jumping on a plane.

They say the Appalachian Mountains have secrets, but as she begins to ask around, she learns that the locals do too. But no matter how much they lie, she is determined to find the truth – even if it will irrevocably change her future.

Someone wants to keep the past buried. And they will stop at nothing to keep Jess as quiet as the tranquil mountain trail itself…

Purchase Link


My Thoughts…



Tense and cleverly written, what seems at first an innocent story about uncovering the truth gets a whole lot more sinister. The townsfolk of Rockston, among others along the Appalachian Trail (AT), hold themselves apart from strangers. When one such stranger, Jess, hastily heads out to the Trail in pursuit of the truth after a body is uncovered, trouble looms.

There are lots of elements to this story. Some are rational, others less so. And yet, anything feels possible in this isolated world away from home. The boundaries of reality vs. imagination seem a lot thinner in the peaks…

The nature of the book and the storyline have you trying to read between the lines. If you get on with books that encourage you to think about what’s going on beneath the surface, then The Trail is perfect for you! I never quite knew what to expect from the ending of The Trail, and I definitely didn’t anticipate the twist!



The Appalachian Trail makes for a great psychological thriller setting. With wild stories about the trail and those that surround it, it’s easy to buy into the sinister tales and fear of those living off the grid, and the magic and occult that’s intwined with their existence. With any small town setting, there are ample opportunities for conflict, both within the town, but also towards strangers like Jess. We get to experience all the perks and tension that come with this niche.

Jess (and 30 years ago, her mother Nora) are out of their comfort zones on the trail. Away from the safety net of home and a wealth of resources, they are subject to the whims of everyone and everything around them. And not everyone is their friend…



The Trail has a full cast of characters that add to this spooky narrative. If they don’t make your skin crawl outright, you definitely find yourself questioning underlying motives and whether you are being told the truth or not. Nobody wants Jess poking around into the truth of her mother’s disappearance, and her questions quickly lead her into danger.

Coming towards the end of the narrative, I started questioning whether Jess could trust anyone on her quest for the truth. Nothing and no one are quite what they seem. The small town community vibe, combined with this wild wilderness setting, add to her isolation and vulnerability.


Narrative Style

One of the huge selling points for this book is the dark and sinister atmosphere that the author maintains throughout. With short, punchy chapters that alternate between two timelines that take place 30 years apart, we really don’t know what’s coming up in just a few short pages.

The chapter lengths are a great way of keeping a fast-paced and lots of tension, but also make it really easy to pick up and put down this book as and when you need. Not that you’ll want to, mind. Generally, I am the kind of person who prefers a slightly lengthier and meatier chapter length, but this still worked for me. That’s just a matter of personal preference. The way the book is set up definitely worked with and in favour of this story. 



If you’re looking for a dark, atmospheric read to pick up this spooky season, you should check out The Trail by M.A. Hunter. If I haven’t convinced you, then please check out the thoughts of my fellow reviewers on the tour! More on ther details below. 

With a twisty narrative and deceit around every corner, what else could you possibly want to read?


Author Bio

M. A. Hunter is the alter ego of Stephen Edger, the bestselling author of psychological and crime

thrillers, including the Kate Matthews series.

Social Media Links –

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/AuthorMAHunter/

Twitter https://twitter.com/Writer_MAHunter

Newsletter Sign Up: https://bit.ly/MAHunterNews

Sunday Summary – 10th September 2023

I’m back a little later than usual with my weekly Sunday Summary update. Today I’ve been taking part in a blog tour post, and that’s needed to take priority. So, I’ve deliberately scheduled this post for 11:59pm BST – the last possible moment for this to count as a Sunday Summary and give my review of Protector of Mercia as much headline time on the blog!

In addition to today’s blog tour post, I’ve shared a couple of posts with you throughout the week. I began the week with my Monthly TBR post. I’m picking up quite the range of books once again this month. The unusual thing is that this month’s books have a lower average page count than I’ve been picking up of late!

On Friday, I shared another Friday feature. This week, it was the turn of my Shelf Control feature. In this series, I take a look at upcoming books on my TBR and share why I’m excited to read them. This week’s featured book is a translated historical fiction mystery. I’m excited for this combination!


Books Read


Wizard and Glass

This week, I’ve had to temporarily set aside Wizard and Glass in order to prioritise a couple of reads for blog tour obligations. I was hoping to pick this up, even just a little over the week. However, that didn’t happen. I’ve read 570 pages over the course of the week to get as far as I have for my blog tours… that’s already a lot! So, this section is a quick update to say there’s no update.


Protector of Mercia

As you’ve probably guessed, my first priority of the week was reading Protector of Mercia ready for today’s blog tour post.

Having enjoyed the prior four books in the series so far, I was looking forward to this fifth instalment. Protector of Mercia varies from the series so far in that the internal politics that have so far been the backdrop of the series get to shine. In this book, we get to explore more in the way of character dynamics and relationships between Saxons. There’s also a wider story arc that we have finally got some detail on, and I can’t wait to see how this progresses.

If you want to check out my full review, you can find that post here.


The Trail

My next reading priority is The Trail by M.A. Hunter. I am reviewing this book, also for a blog tour, early next week.

As of this Sunday Summary post, I’ve made great headway with the book and I am on the home stretch. With just 30% left and a predicted hour’s reading time left to complete it, I’m hoping to finish the book before turning in tonight. Otherwise, I’ll be spending my lunch hour finishing it tomorrow so I have tomorrow evening to compose my review.

The Trail is a dark, atmospheric small town thriller about a woman who went missing 30 years ago. After remains are found, Nora’s daughter heads out to try and get answers; has her mum finally been found? What happened to her all that time ago? Only, Jess and her prying questions are unwelcome…

I hope you can check in and read my review very soon!


Books Discovered

Once again, there are no updates here for you this week. I managed to browse Waterstones this week and come out empty-handed. You must be proud of me!



Coming Up…

it shouldn’t surprise you that my first blog post of the week is my review of The Trail as part of the blog tour with Boldwood Books and Rachel’s Random Resources. My slot on the tour is Tuesday, so that post will be going live early doors.

I’ll be back again on Friday with my next Friday feature. This week, I’ll be sharing a First Lines Friday post. I’m in the mood for a challenge along with this post, so here are the rules. For next week’s feature, I need to choose a book I’ve added to the TBR in the last six months. I hope you can join me for that post.

Lastly, I’ll be rounding up the week with another Sunday Summary post. As usual, I’ll be updating you with the books I’ve read over the course of the week, any changes to my TBR, and what’s coming up soon on the blog.

That’s all from me in today’s Sunday Summary. I’m off to continue The Trail. What are you reading?



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Monthly TBR – September 2023

Hello fellow reading friends! I hope you’re as excited for my September Monthly TBR as I am!

I usually set myself a challenge every month and that’s no exception here! However, this month the stretch is more achievable. The books I set out on this list come out to around 2500 pages in total. Over the course of the month, that works out at needing to read an average of 83 pages a day. That’s about what I’ve been doing anyway.

I do have a small stretch in that in addition to the books shared on this list, I also need to finish my carryover book from August, Wizard and Glass by Stephen King. That adds an additional 400 pages to the monthly total, and ups the daily page count to 97 pages. As I say, a bit of a stretch, but not unachievable!

This month, I have a fairly even mix of fixed reads to pick up, as well as some that I have some freedom to change if I need to. Let’s get into this monthly TBR and take a look at what’s coming up reading-wise…


Fixed Reads

My first reading priorities of September are to pick up and finish two blog tour reads. I’m hoping to have both books finished by the 10th of September (at the latest, the first review is due on the 10th). I’ve already made a healthy start into the first and I won’t be hanging around to start the second.

The deadlines then slacken a little, as the remaining books on my ‘fixed’ reading list come from my monthly TBR pick, and a new feature, a book chosen by my Instagram followers.


Protector of Mercia

Protector of Mercia is my current read (Wizard and Glass is still ongoing, although I will be reading it around PoM if I can).

Protector of Mercia is the fifth book in M.J. Porter’s Eagle of Mercia series. I’ve already read and reviewed the first four books on my blog (review of Eagle of Mercia, book four linked here as that contains links to all prior books). Having really enjoyed the unique perspective these offer, I’ve been looking forward to taking part in that over the latest book… which incidentally was published today.

As I’ve already briefly alluded to above, the review deadline for this book is the 10th of September. With just a few days left before that review was due, I am making all haste through this narrative and enjoying every second of it!


The Trail

The next book I will be picking up straight after Protector of Mercia is The Trail by M.A. Hunter.

The review deadline for The Trial comes thick and fast after Protector of Mercia, being just two days later. I’m sure you can see why I’ve put down Wizard and Glass for now in favour of these books. I decided to take part in the blog tour for this book based on the sound of the synopsis. I haven’t read anything by this author before, so it will be a new experience for me. having not read a thriller for a little while, I’m looking forward to a change up in genre as well.


Twelve Years A Slave

September’s TBR Jar pick works really well with my goal of reading more non-fiction. I happened to pull Twelve Years a Slave from the jar.

I feel like I featured on my blog not that long ago, but in reality, it’s probably longer than I thought. Already, I’ve downloaded a digital copy of this book from my library already, and I’m looking forward to getting stuck in! Although I am familiar with the title, and I know that there has been a film based on this true story of the author, I am very ignorant of what actually happens. It’s for that reason that I am looking to pick this book up.

It offers a perspective I have never read before, and provides the educational aspect that I need. I’m a firm believer that we shouldn’t shy away from even the nastiest parts of our history. How can we learn from such things if we try to hide from them?


Priest of Bones

The last book on my fixed reads list of this monthly TBR is Priest of Bones by Peter McLean. In order to choose two books from my reading list, from which to poll my followers, I used a random number generator. This month, my followers had the choice of picking either Priest of Bones, or the runner-up, Killing for Company. I would have been happy with either choice, but I’m excited that this particular book won. I am predominantly a fantasy reader, yet I only have one other fantasy on this TBR (excepting Wizard and Glass once again!)

I suspect I’ll be reading the runner-up selection next month, as I’m keen to get to that one as well. If you want to have a say in my future polls, be sure to follow me on Instagram ahead of the next vote.


Mood Reads


A Storm of Swords – part 1

One of the things I set out to do earlier this year was to re-read the A Song of Ice and Fire series (aka A Game of Thrones), ahead of publication of the sixth book in the series. There were rumours that this was going to be towards the end of this year, although I’ve heard very little since.

That works out for me, because I am nowhere near as far along with the re-read as I initially planned. Instead, I’ve been picking up some other great reads, and this has fallen by the wayside a little.

In September, I’m going to be reading the first part of A Storm of Swords only. That’s hefty enough at about 600 pages. This is also the longest book on this monthly TBR… by a long shot! More typically, I would read books closer to an average of 500 pages. This month I’m uncharacteristically less at 357!


Lost Solace

The one book I didn’t touch at all in August is Lost Solace by Karl Drinkwater. I’ve read a number of books related to this main series and reviewed them for blog tours in the past. Lost Solace has been on my backlist to read. Since I didn’t get to this book in August, I am making it the highest priority mood read of the month.


The Last Thing To Burn

I’ve been a member of a local bookish group on Facebook for a while, and another member recently suggested starting a book club. There’s nothing set in stone as yet. But, I quite like the sound of the book that’s been chosen. So, I’ll read it in case an event (virtual or not) goes ahead.



As if quite often the case nowadays, I have quite the range of books and genres in this list!

Have you read any of the books listed in today’s monthly TBR? Are any of them on your reading list?



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Monthly Wrap-Up – November 2022

Somehow we are already into the final month of 2022, and that can only mean that it is time for my monthly wrap-up post for November!

I read quite a few books in November. All in all, it has been a very productive month. I took part in a couple of blog tours early on, and then went on to work my way through my whole reading list. That is something I haven’t achieved for a long time!

Let’s dive into the books I read in November!


Warrior and Protector

Rating: 🌟🌟🌟🌟


My first book of the month was Warrior and Protector by Peter Gibbons.

This was the first read as I had a fairly imminent blog tour deadline to meet. That said, it was an incredibly easy read to pick up and enjoy. I read this in just a handful of days. If you enjoy books like Bernard Cornwell’s the Saxon stories, or anything set in 10th century England, I’d recommend this one highly.

I really enjoyed the character development in this particular book. It has a perspective that you wouldn’t necessarily expect from a book of this kind. If you want to find out more, you can check out my full review here.


Warrior of Mercia

Rating: 🌟🌟🌟🌟


The next book I picked up was very similar in setting but was part of a series that I started earlier this year. I have been really enjoying the Eagle of Mercia Chronicles by MJ Porter.

When I received the invite to take part in the tour for Warrior of Mercia, I knew I would be daft not to take it up! The plot lines of these books are full of action, but equally do not script on character development either.

For entirely different reasons to Warrior and Protector, the protagonist of his book makes an interesting character in terms of his motivations. He is a dutiful young man, but his heart isn’t really in being a warrior. If you want to find out more, again, I have a full review where you can find out more.



Rating: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟


It was nice to pick up and be able to stick with Babel by R.F. Kuang. With my ongoing blog tour commitments, I was picking up and putting this down quite a bit. However, once all my obligations were over and done with, I read this book very quickly.

I really enjoyed how this book delves into language and translation. Although it is a fantasy fiction novel, it reads quite academically. The story is cleverly interwoven with the fantasy element, but also combines more serious topics including racism, colonialism, and even classism. To an extent, Babel was everything I expected it to be – however it was also so much better!



Rating: DNF


Malice by John Gwynne is the one disappointment in my monthly wrap-up for November. I have owned my copy of this book for a very, very long time. I attempted to pick it up once somewhere in the region of 2016. However, as this pre-dates both my blog and my Goodreads account, I can’t pinpoint exactly when I started it.

Unfortunately, the fact that I didn’t make it much further than the third chapter back then should have told me everything I needed to know. I gave this a solid attempt, but I just wasn’t getting into it at all. After three days of pushing through the first 50 odd pages, I decided to hang this one up. There was absolutely no point in trying to struggle on with it. I knew I was onto a good reading streak, and I didn’t want to spoil it.

It’s not the end of the world. Yes, it is a shame when you don’t enjoy a book as much as you would like. However, thinking on the bright side, I have enough ongoing series as it is without adding another one!


Dear Child

Rating: 🌟🌟🌟🌟


Next, I decided to pick up a genre that I haven’t read very much of lately – psychological thriller.

I had wanted to read a book like this in my October TBR. However, I didn’t get around to it. I recently featured Dear Child in my Autumn TBR post. The synopsis has been playing on my mind ever since. Given that I already owned a copy of the book ready to pick up, it was a no brainer decision.

And this was a fantastic psychological thriller. For me, I determine a book like this to be a hit if I’m thinking about it even when I’m not reading. If I’m trying to work through who the characters are, and determine what potential motives and hidden plot twists there are yet to unveil, that’s a very good sign! Of course, I was doing it with Dear Child.

Another good indicator is how quickly I managed to read this book. I started it on a Sunday morning and finish it by Thursday the following week.


The Motivation Code

Rating: 🌟🌟🌟🌟🌟


Having worked my way through my November TBR at this point, it took me a while to decide what to read next. I hadn’t even considered my December TBR at this point, so I was at a bit of a loss. In the end, I turned to my recent TBR additions for some inspiration. I found The Motivation Code.

I recently took the online assessment that accompanies this book, and I wanted to find out what my results really meant. And in that way, this has been an insightful read. Some of the results I got were to an extent, a surprise. However, having read about these different motivation codes, I can see myself in them 100%. They go a good way to explaining why I like to work in certain settings, and equally importantly, how I like to work. I don’t necessarily just mean employment. I mean as in how I operate. How I do things. 

The book is also useful in that it highlights where there may be gaps in your skill set. For example, one of my top three motivators is to explore. That means I am good at delving into new things and starting many projects (hardly shocking news to anyone who knows me). However, one of my downfalls is that I might try to take on too many things and lose focus on what I’ve already started. I am the kind of person who, at times, needs to be re-focused away from the ‘new and interesting’. I can do this myself, but it is something I need to consciously do.

Reading The Motivation Code has helped me understand who I am and why I think it act the way I do. It is one thing to know it subconsciously, but to read this book and bring it to the forefront enables me to work on the elements of my personality that aren’t necessarily positive.


Queen of Our Times

Current Read


I haven’t really made much progress with Queen of Our Times this month. I started the month with every intention to pick up and listen to this audiobook more regularly. However, I will be completely honest and say that I haven’t done it.

Quite often, I’m in the mood to listen to music. Especially so this month, as Dermot Kennedy released his new album and I’ve been listening to it on repeat since it was released mid-month. I have no shame.

Also, I have been making more of an effort to watch more TV this month. As you are probably aware, I’m A Celebrity Get Me Out of Here has just been on and I really enjoyed watching it! However, for me, watching a show like that is a commitment. My TV doesn’t go on that much, and certainly not as regularly as I’ve needed to keep up with the show. That’s also impacted on my time to listen to audiobooks.

This is a book that will rollover into December.


So, those are the books I’ve been reading throughout the month of November. Technically, I also started the first book of my December TBR on the 29th of November. However, I’m not giving any spoilers as to what that book is. Instead, you’ll have to check out my TBR going live on Saturday!

I hope you’ve enjoyed my monthly wrap-up post. Have you read any of the books on this list? Have any of them caught your eye?

Let me know in the comments, and until next time, happy reading!



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Sunday Summary – 27th November 2022

Good evening and welcome to my regular weekly update post, otherwise known as the Sunday Summary! It’s my opportunity to recap what I have shared on my blog throughout the week, as well as the books I’ve been reading. Later on in the post, you can also find out what I will be sharing on my blog in the next week – so stay tuned in for that!

But first, let’s recap the week just gone. My first blog post of the week was a review of Red Rising by Pierce Brown. I really enjoyed this science-fiction/dystopian fiction novel. It is the first book of the series, which I started this year.

Red Rising was a massive hit, as you will see in that review. I have already read the second book of the series and that one didn’t quite live up to expectations. Pierce Brown set the bar really high with Red Rising… maybe a bit too high? I’m going to continue with the series, but if you want to see where it all starts, I strongly recommend you check out my review.

On Friday I shared a Shelf Control post. Shelf Control is a roughly fortnightly feature on my blog. It is an opportunity to take a look at books I added to my TBR in the past and make sure they are still relevant to my current reading taste. Sharing why I’m excited about these books makes for great blog material. Who knows, maybe I can just make you a little bit excited about it too?

This week, I featured a non-fiction novel that I added to my TBR in 2017, having played the original Assassin’s Creed game. That probably sounds like a very bizarre introduction to the book, but the book itself is about a faction that plays a significant role in the storyline. It is a time and place in history I have never explored before, and I’m keen to find out more!


Books Read

Dear Child

In last week’s Sunday Summary post, I left off having read 10% of the book Dear Child by Romy Hausmann. I read that 10% last Sunday morning, and I was already excited about the book based on that introduction. I ended up really enjoying Dear Child just as much!

It has been a while since I read a psychological thriller or a book of that ilk. That’s why I wanted to read one if I’m honest. I enjoy switching up genres now and then. I wanted to get around to reading something like this in October, but I didn’t finish my TBR in time to do so. So, I picked this one up this month instead, and it was fantastic! As with all good psychological thrillers with an element of mystery, it has you thinking about the book, characters, and potential motives even when it’s physically not in your hand.

Dear Child is even more impressive as it is the author’s debut novel. It read really well, and the fact that I had finished all 350 odd pages by Thursday testifies just how easy to read it was!

After finishing Dear Child, I was in a very indecisive mood as to what to read next. It has been a long time since I’ve actually finished a reading list, so it was unusual not to have an idea of what I wanted to pick up next. This resulted in my picking up quite a few books off my shelf, reading the synopsis, and then putting them back down again. I had no idea what I wanted to read – and I was almost in a bit of a funk about it. However, I eventually decided to take a look at a recent non-fiction addition to my reading list. It was a good decision. 


The Motivation Code

I recently discovered an assessment online called The Motivation Code. The test has been devised by psychologists as a means of identifying an individual’s top three personal motivators. In summary, the test involves a degree of analysing some distinct, memorable achievements. It takes between 20 and 30 minutes to complete, and after that, you can take a look at either a purchasable assessment or The Motivation Code book, which I am doing. If you are interested, my top 3 motivators out of the possible 27 are collaborate, explore, and develop.

I was initially surprised by my top motivation, but having read the insights in the book, I can completely understand this now. I do like to feel like part of the team and I am most energised when the team is harmonious.

So far I have only read up on the first of these three of my motivators, collaborate, because I have been reading about the rest too. In reading some of the others so far, I have already been able to recognise and understand how other people around me work differently. For that reason, I am already finding it insightful – and I’m only 45% through at the moment! I trust that the rest of the book is going to be as helpful as it has been so far. It is also a really easy and relatively short read at 270ish pages.


Books Discovered

I would love to be able to update you and say that the reading list is going in the right direction – so I will! With ticking off Dear Child, and progress with The Motivation Code (both books on my TBR), the net position at the end of this week is still in the negative.

What I’m trying to say is I’ve added one book to my reading list this week. Having recently loved R. F. Kuang’s book Babel, I have decided to add another fantasy series she wrote to my reading list. I’m only starting with the first book so far, The Poppy War. If I enjoy this as much as I enjoy Babel, I can guarantee the rest of the books will be going on my list! But, we’ll see what the first book looks like before I get too hasty.


Coming Up…

Next week we will be saying goodbye to November and launching ourselves into the final month of the year. Is that not a scary thought?

With that in mind, I will be sharing my monthly wrap-up for November on Thursday and following up with my December monthly TBR on Saturday! I always enjoy writing these posts. It’s fun to talk/reminisce about books I have enjoyed in a month, but also look forward to my next reads! I hope you can stick with me for my November round-up and my December TBR.

Unsurprisingly, I will be back as I always am this time next week with my next Sunday Summary update to post. I hope you can stick with the blog to check those posts out. In the meantime, have a fantastic week whatever you’re up to!

Have you read any amazing books recently?



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