Tag: Shadow and Bone

Sunday Summary – 4th July 2021

Good evening everyone and welcome to today’s Sunday Summary post. This is my first in a couple of weeks because my sister was finally able to come and visit us back home for the first time in 16 months due to the pandemic. She went home last Sunday, however as I had been spending the week with her and the rest of my family, I didn’t get anything done in the way of reading at all! I didn’t feel that warranted a Sunday summary update, both for me in terms of writing it and also for you reading it. However, I’m back now and I have plenty to share with you from this week!

This week has been back to normal, and so I’ve shared two posts with you so far. My first post went live on Wednesday and I shared my 2021 Half-Year Review, looking at my current reading progress as well as my goals for the next six months. Then on Friday, I shared my next Shelf Control post. This week’s featured book is one I am looking forward to trying. It’s been on my list for quite some time and it has a unique premise.


Books Read

In my 2021 Half Year Review post, I told you that I was setting myself a goal of getting back into reading a bit more regularly. You’ll probably know that I haven’t set myself any particular reading goals this year. That’s because I wanted to give myself a bit of a break and some breathing space to catch up with some books on my TBR, but without burning out. Last year was a very busy year for me and I felt like the break was needed. However, having enjoyed the last six months I feel it’s now time to start building the frequency I pick up reading back up.

This week has been no exception; there is no time like the present after all. At the beginning of the week, I finished reading Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo. I didn’t have very long left at all (around about an hour’s worth of reading time if I remember correctly) and I enjoyed concluding this book. Having watched the series, I knew how it ended. It didn’t impact my enjoyment at all and I will be continuing the series.

I also picked up reading for a second time this week today. This morning I started to read Clarissa by Karl Drinkwater and already I am over halfway through this short story. It’s part of the ‘Lost Tales of Solace’ series and I’m taking part in a blog tour for this book later this month. For the most part, I’m not signing up for too many tours this year. However, having read a couple of other short stories in this series already, and also having been given copies of the main series in exchange for honest reviews (to follow), I was interested in featuring this particular author again. I am a huge fan of this series so far. My kindle reading time says I only have around 40 minutes of reading left to finish this book. I’m hoping to do that within the next day or so.

In addition to reading, I’ve also made a lot of progress listening to A Clash of Kings by George R. R. Martin this week. If memory serves as to where I was up to, I think I’ve listened to around 4 to 5 hours this week alone! I haven’t made that much progress for quite a while. I’ve taken to listening to it whilst working on a jumper I’m knitting at the moment; the pattern is quite straightforward right now so I can focus on both at the same time. As of the time of writing this Sunday Summary update, I only have around seven hours of the audiobook left. With the end in sight, I’m hoping to keep up progress and that I can get to the end shortly.


Books Discovered

I received a recommendation in the last couple of days from one of my friends at work. Her sister is quite an avid reader from what I have gathered, and she recommended to my friend a book called the Lido by Libby Page. I quite liked the sound of the book and I have looked into it on Goodreads. I’m interested in giving it a go. I think it’s a bit more lighthearted and contemporary than I would necessarily go for, but given that my friend’s sister doesn’t recommend books very often, and my friend takes note when she does… so do I, because I trust her opinion entirely!


Coming Up…

I really like this week’s Top Ten Tuesday theme, Which is Reasons I Love Reading. I’m fairly sure I can come up with more than ten, so I think I have plenty to share with you in this post!

When I planned to do a half-year review last week, I didn’t really cross my mind that I hadn’t done a monthly wrap up for June yet. I’m also going to make good on that error this week!

I will also be sharing a First Lines Friday post at the end of this working week and then last, but not least, I’ll round off the week with another Sunday summary update post.

That is plenty to look forward to over the next coming week! That’s all from me for today however, so have a great week and I look forward to seeing you in the next one!


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Sunday Summary – 20th June 2021

Good evening everyone and welcome to today’s Sunday Summary post. I hope you’ve had a very good week, as I have! I also have a week off work to look forward to, so I am a very happy bunny right now. Not only that, but my sister is on island visiting for the first time in 16 months – nothing can pop my happy bubble right now!

My first blog post of the week was a Top Ten Tuesday post; the subject of that post is all about my Summer 2021 TBR. As I am taking a bit more of a relaxed pace with reading this year, that top ten list was the books that I will be picking my Summer TBR from, rather than my reading the whole list, if that makes sense.

Then, yesterday I took part in a blog tour for The Five Things by Beth Merwood. For the tour I shared an extract from the book. If you haven’t checked that out already I would really appreciate if you could go and do so!


Books Read

I picked up and read some of Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo earlier this week, but I confess I haven’t picked it up since. When I drafted last week’s Sunday Summary post I mentally set myself a goal to finish this one this week. That hasn’t come to pass, however I am now 80% through the book and the remaining 20% will only take me around an hour to finish (according to my kindle reading time). Depending on when I pack up to go to bed tonight, I might take this with me and try to finish it. If not I certainly intend to finish it early next week!


Books Discovered

When it comes to my TBR, no news is good news! I haven’t added anything new this week!


Coming Up…

With my sister being over for the next week, I’m actually going to take a short break from blogging, with the exception of next week’s Sunday Summary post. Thankfully I’m all caught up with blog tours for the moment, so That all worked out nicely. I will be back though for next week’s Sunday Summary and then as usual the following week!

I’ll see you in the next one!


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Sunday Summary – 13th June 2021

Hello everyone and welcome to this week’s Sunday Summary regular update post. I hope you have had a wonderful week whatever you have been doing! In addition to blogging, I have spent mine reading, knitting and even enjoying some of the new features in the recent Minecraft update.

My first blog post of the week was a book review of Sleeping Giants by Sylvain Neuvel. I find that I am getting more and more into science-fiction novels, and this one certainly didn’t disappoint! I really enjoyed the mystery aspect of the book as well. If you haven’t checked out that review already, please find a handy link above.

Yesterday I took part in a blog tour for Preacher Boy by Gwyn GB. Mine was one of the last stops on the tour and my feature post was a promo of the book, together with links from some of my favourite reviews from other bloggers taking part in the tour. I would really appreciate if you go and check out that post as well!


Books Read

This week I have been making more progress with Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo. As of last week’s Sunday Summary update post, I was 25% through the book. Whilst I thought that was okay progress, it certainly wasn’t groundbreaking. This week is pretty similar, given that I’ve only really picked this up one night this week. However, I am now at 60%, so I’ll take that as a win because I’ve read more than last week! I’m really enjoying this book and whilst it’s a lot faster paced than the TV series, I still think it’s really good.

I have also enjoyed listening to a couple more chapters of A Clash of Kings by George R. R. Martin this week. Sometimes when I’m knitting I like to listen to music or have something easy to watch on TV. However, this week, I’ve enjoyed picking up this audiobook instead. The part of the pattern I’m working on now is very easy and so I can focus my concentration on the audiobook a lot more. And if you know George R. R. Martin, you know that’s required… if I had to describe the series, the words ‘easy listening’ would not be uttered!


Books Discovered

This week I have an addition to my TBR – a book I added today, in fact. Having talked about and reviewed This is Going to Hurt by Adam Kay, my mum has picked up the book. We were talking about this today when I went round to visit and my dad told me about a similar book he has on his kindle. Much like This is Going to Hurt, the chapters in Blood, Sweat and Tea are short and sweet. Instead of a hospital ward, they feature the ‘adventures’ of paramedics in the ambulance service.


Coming Up…

This week’s Top Ten Tuesday post is all about books on our Summer 2021 TBR. Whilst my reading list is significantly shorter than last year, and certainly not concrete, I’ll be using this post to take a look at the books I will likely be choosing my Summer 2021 TBR from.

On Saturday I am taking part in another blog tour… and my last one currently scheduled. The blog tour is for The Five Things by Beth Merwood and as part of the tour, I will be sharing an extract of the book with you. I really hope you can stop by and take a look at that one.

That’s all from me in today’s Sunday Summary update post. What are you reading?


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Sunday Summary – 6th June 2021

Good evening everyone and welcome to today’s Sunday Summary post. If you are new to my blog, this is a weekly post in which I share my reading progress for the week, as well as the blog posts I have shared, any books I have added to my TBR and what I plan on sharing over the next week.

I have shared a couple of blog posts with you this week. My first post of the week was my Monthly Wrap-Up for May. I cannot believe we are in June already! This year is absolutely flying by –  much like last year! If you want to check out the books I read and the posts I shared last month, that will definitely be of interest to you.

Later in the week I featured a really fun book that I’m looking forward to picking up in my First Lines Friday post. It’s by one of my favourite authors of all time and may be of particular interest to fantasy fans. I hope you can go and check that out as well if you haven’t already.


Books Read

As of last week’s Sunday Summary update, I had 50 pages left of Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban. As I alluded to in that post, I did go on to finish that book last Sunday after my update went live. I really really enjoyed the book! I’m loving the re-read of the series and I will definitely picking up the next instalment before too long.

On Monday I started reading Shadow and Bone by Leigh Bardugo. Having read her Six of Crows duology and enjoyed every minute of it, I recently took the plunge and watched the Netflix series based on her books. I had already decided that I wanted to pick up the series having enjoyed Six of Crows, but watching this reinforced my desire to do this and that is why I’m picking it up now!

Now I know a lot of you are probably going to despair that I watched the series before I read the book, but in my experience this can be an advantage. When it comes down to it, you have to trade off the perk of inventing a character in your own mind’s eye versus the inevitable book-was-better-than-the-film struggle. In my eyes, I would rather have my interpretation of a character tainted by a film but my overall experience of both the book and the TV series being better for experiencing them in that order. By reading the book second, it builds upon and improves the film rather than the film detracting from the book.

I will admit that I haven’t spent a lot of time reading this week. I’ve been starting a new knitting project and I must admit I’ve gotten a bit wrapped up in it. But I still worked my way through 25%. It’s not a huge amount but I will definitely be picking this up more over the next week. Here’s a pic of the project, in case you are interested: – 


Books Discovered

It’s a quiet one here again this week with no new additions to my TBR.


Coming Up…

I will be starting next week by sharing a book review with you. The particular book I will be featuring is a science-fiction novel that I went on to enjoy last year. The book is called Sleeping Giants and is written by Sylvain Neuvel. I hope you can join me for that post!

My second blog post of the week will be a blog tour for Preacher Boy by Gwyn G. B. I’m taking part in the blog tour and promoting the book – I really hope you can come along on Saturday and check that out! To stop my blogging schedule from getting too cluttered, I will be postponing my usual Friday feature until next week.

As always, I’ll be rounding off the week with a Sunday Summary post.

That’s it for today’s Sunday Summary update. What are you reading?


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