End of Year Book Tag!
In today’s End of Year book tag post, I’m taking part in a book tag that the lovely Misty @ Misty’s Book Space tagged me in. I’m a little late to the party with Just 11 days left in the year…. But it’s just a bit of fun!
Let’s get stuck in!
Are there any books you started this year that you need to finish?
I only have one book on hold at the end of this year, and I won’t finish it in 2023.
Earlier in the year I started listening to Queen of Our Times. Whilst I am enjoying the book, I ended up putting this on hold to pick up at a time where I was better suited to this type of non-fiction.
December’s reading list is already christened (and I’m not likely to finish that either). I’ll have to pick this up again in 2024!
Do you have an autumnal book to transition into the end of the year?
I wouldn’t describe myself as much of a seasonal reader. At times I do, but not consistently. As a result, I have nothing seasonal on my reading list for December.
I had a couple of seasonal reads in October / November. Ironically, I didn’t pick either up at the ‘right time’. In October, I started The Shining on Halloween but ended up reading most of the book in November. A second read, based loosely on the Gunpowder plot, would have been an ideal read in November. I didn’t get to it at all though. Maybe next year!
Is there a new release you’re still waiting for?
I’m only eagerly anticipating one release, and that’s not until next year. I’m not one for keeping too much of an eye on upcoming books in any case, but doing this End of Year book tag post so late in the day would limit my choice for 2023 releases. I feel like the savvy author would have published them in time for Christmas gifting.
The only book I am looking forward to releasing in the near future, and I have a pre-order of, is Empire of the Damned by Jay Kristoff. The book comes out on the 29th February 2024 – you bet I’ll be re-reading the first book in February so I can pick this up in March!
What are three books you want to read before the end of the year?
I have a reading goal of completing more than 15 non-fiction books by the end of the year. As of this post, I’m close to that goal. I’ve read 14 and I have the last two books on the go.
Currently, I’m listening to How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie and physically reading The Success Code by John Lees.
If I have to prioritise a third book to finish off the rest of my December TBR, it will be Chaos and Order. I’ve agreed to read and review the book, so that’s a priority over the others. But for that, I’d have had a hard time choosing one as I have a number of great books on the list.
Is there a book you think could still shock you and become your favourite book of the year?
Gemina is a contender for that title. After reading and loving Illuminae earlier in the year, I wanted to pick this sequel up before the end of the year to keep up momentum.
One of my goals is to continue with series, (and spoiler alert, this is likely to continue into 2024). With this in mind, picking up a detailed, but easy to read mixed media book that’s a sequel to a 5* read just makes sense!
Have you already started making reading plans for 2024?
I have started making plans, although nothing is set in stone yet. At the beginning of the year I typically set myself reading goals and this is also my intention in 2024.
A fair amount of work is going on behind the scenes to take stock of where I’m at with my reading, the books I own etc and this will likely shape my goals next year. Honestly, I don’t expect my ‘core’ reading goals to change drastically, but watch this space. I may yet change my mind!
I also think I’ll be setting myself some blog/social media goals for the first time. However, that’s all to be worked out in the next couple of weeks and I’ll be sharing these with you in January.
I hope you have enjoyed my end of year book tag post. Are you looking to complete any goals before the end of the year? Are you setting any for 2024?
I loved reading your answers. I’m not really much of a seasonal reader either except for December. I like to read Christmas books in December if I can fit them in.