Reading List: February 2018

February is my favourite month of the year.
Yes, it’s usually cold and wet; dark and drizzly…. but the days begin to stretch out a little longer. The drive home after work will not be punctuated by street lamps for much longer. Before long, we will be able to bask in the evening sunshine on the beach!!
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Source: Giphy
Okay, I am being a little too optimistic here, but you see my point. The New Year (and warmer climes) are on the way. Maybe not here, but somewhere…?
Maybe I should get back to the REAL reason why February is my favourite month – because it’s my birthday soon! I’m still of an age in which I look forward to birthdays, instead of trying to forget about them. I don’t have any special plans, but there’s always the chance of one or two bookish gifts, so I’m in!!
As February is my favourite month, I have decided that the majority of my books to read are from my favourite genre – Fantasy! Shall we take a look at the books I’m reading this month? Just call me your fairy Godmother and say no more – because your wish is my command!

Kinglet – Donna Migliaccio

I first became aware of this series when I took part in a Blog Tour for the second book, Fiskur. I posted an excerpt and enjoyed reading it myself, but due to other commitments I didn’t have the time to pursue picking the first book up. Now I am pleased to say I do have the time, and Fiery Seas Publishing sent me an ebook copy when I made the request.

Fiskur – Donna Migliaccio

At the time of making the request for Kinglet, I was also sent Fiskur too! I also happen to know that the third book of the series is being published soon, so I wanted to read both of these books ready. I hope to be signed up to the blog tour for StoneKing!

The Torcian Chronicles – P. J. Reed

The Torcian Chronicles
I’m checking out The Torcian Chronicles this month as I am taking part in a Blog Tour for this book beginning the 1st March. I’ll admit this is the first I have heard of the author, despite having a number of works, including poetry and short stories. I have high hopes for the book and I can’t wait to let you know my thoughts!

Living On A Rainbow – Calvin Wade

Living on a Rainbow
This is my non-fantasy read of the month, and it addresses a more important topic – mental illness. I was blown away by the sample I read, and I expect I’ll have this book gobbled up in a matter of a few days once I pick it up!

A Darker Shade of Magic – V E Schwab

A Darker Shade of Magic
So… I have FINALLY decided to jump on the bandwagon and see what all the fuss is about. I see retweets of Victoria’s posts on Twitter all the time as she is so popular amongst bloggers! There seems to be such a buzz about her books, so now I just have to find out what they are all about!
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So, that is my reading list for this month!!
Have any of you read any of these books? If so, what did you make of them? Would you recommend them to a friend?
As always, I love to hear from you!
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