Sunday Summary – 14th January 2018

Today’s Sunday Summary comes with a very grim view out of the window next to me. The Sun is trying its best to make an appearance, but it isn’t succeeding.
It has been a wet, dank and dreary week, and sadly the weekend so far has been no better. There’s also potential snow forecast here for next week – and whilst I am sure school children everywhere will be delighted… I for one don’t fancy the frozen fingers and carnage of trying to drive to work in it on barely gritted roads. Again.
We don’t cope with snow at all. I envy places like Canada that deal with it as a minor inconvenience. If one single snowflake settles on lower ground here, we grind to a halt. Maybe a slight exaggeration, but not much.

Books Read

This week I’ve made a lot of progress on reading the second review request I received, being The Fall by Steve Campitelli. When I published my Summary last week, I had read about a quarter of the book. I actually finished reading it last night, so watch this space for an upcoming review.
Having finished The Fall, I made a small start on A Mentor and Her Muse by Susan Sage, but only a small one so far. This is the third and final request I have taken on this month, so I am looking forward to seeing where this book takes us on its literary journey. I don’t normally take on more than two requests – I believe my review policy even says as much. Given that my first request was a children’s book, I felt I could make the exception.
Not so much “reading” per say, but I have also been listening to a few more hours of the audiobook, The Stand by Stephen King. I am working on a DIY paint-it-yourself canvas for my living room, and audiobooks are perfect to listen to when you are doing this! I’ll have to share a photo once it is complete.

Books Discovered

I have added a few books to the TBR this week. I added The Litigators after seeing it was the deal of the week with O2 Priority. Based on the blurb, I think this is going to be humorous and enjoyable for a number of reasons, but it will also be my first encounter with John Grisham as an author.
I was of two minds about adding The Tattooist of Auschwitz, because it centres around characters that fall in love and build a new life following atrocities of the Holocaust. I am hoping the book focuses more on the historical struggles, because basically I am an unromantic soul and reading about peoples soppy feelings just makes me uncomfortable. There, I said it.
I saw a review for The City of Brass at Hollie Blog and fell in love with the book from there. This also a fantastically written review, so please check it out guys!

Coming Up…

On Wednesday I am going to be writing a review of Snobbity Snowman, written by Quiet Riley over at Quiet Blogster, and I can’t wait to share that with you. I am also in the process of working to see if either an interview or guest post is an option to accompany this, so watch this space.
Those of you that follow my blog know that the Sunday Summary is a weekly gig, so I am going to stop writing that I do it in this section. It’s a given.
I am also hoping to take some time to work on my Goodreads account this week, as I am going to set up a shelf to show my actual TBR as opposed to books I have added as they look interesting. That way, you guys get an idea of what is coming up when and then I don’t have to manage my list with several apps!! Win win!
Also, I have just gotten by behind into gear and I am doing my best to get into #bookstagram . I have linked my account to my blog, it can also been found here – so a follow would be appreciated!! I’m still very new to it – particularly with how people who read on kindles or other e-readers manage, so any inspiration is welcome!!
I think that is all from me for this week, so until Wednesday, adieu!
Rebecca mono