Sunday Summary – 15 October 2017
I hope everyone has been enjoying a lovely weekend! It’s been a busy week but equally exciting for me.
Books Read
There’s just been one book I have been reading this week, but boy is it an epic. I am really enjoying IT so far; despite its length, it doesn’t seem to be going slowly or dragging. I’ll admit, I was worried it would. At the point of writing this, I am currently on page 601 of 1,376, which I am pleased with. I haven’t picked up the book today yet so I am hoping I can get to about 50% done later. I am setting myself a little target to see if I can get this book read by next Sunday, 22nd October. I have a further two books to read after IT so I want to give myself a chance to read those too!
One thing I can’t say I have particularly enjoyed, however, is lugging this bad boy around with me. It counts as exercise…. right?!
Books Discovered
So the list of books for this section gets a bit more interesting this week, as I’ll also be including some books I have requested on Netgalley!! I am committing this statement to the internet so that I may be shamed if I don’t step up to it.
I am going to be using Netgalley more.
Whilst we are here, I am as well introducing you to the books I have downloaded and will be incorporating into my reading:-
Both and ReWired have an element of technology in, one being about hacking and the other about social networking, so I thought I’d give these a try.
I’ll admit with Beowulf, I picked it because I think it is going to be completely out of my comfort zone, but I want to challenge myself.
I also inevitably had a few request rejections too. Sad face. I am new to Netgalley… do I need to get some books under my belt in order to be more likely to have requests accepted? Please let me know!! Please and thank you!
Source: Giphy
I also added The Birth of Death, the first of the Evorath series to the TBR this week. I love the fantasy genre, and I cannot wait to read it!!
My last confessions of this section are two purchases, being Catch-22 by Joseph Heller (a classic – which I am trying to read more of) and The Traveler by Fredric Shernoff. I recently enjoyed Making History, by Stephen Fry, and this book has the same concept of going back in time to change events. This is pure fiction though… nothing historical in this one.
Coming Up…
I think I had a really good week on the blog this week, posting two reviews and an author interview. If anybody else has enjoyed reading these this week, then you won’t be disappointed with what is coming up this week!
I have another author interview with J. M Robison, which I am really looking forward to. This is in relation to her first published book, The War Queen. I have found I like to get to know a little bit about authors and their inspirations. The wait isn’t very long for this either, as the interview is being posted tomorrow! I read The War Queen at the beginning of the month and I am looking forward to sharing my review with you on Tuesday.
Given the number of books I keep adding to the reading list, I have decided I need to really sort through the ones I already have, so on Friday I am bringing to you another Down the TBR Hole post.
As usual, I will follow up the week with a summary much like this one.
I hope you have enjoyed my Sunday summary, and hopefully I’ll see you around during the week. If somebody could get back to me about my question on Netgalley, I’d be grateful. I’m still a novice! Haha!
That ‘It’-cover is really pretty! I wish I had that – mine is pretty bland. I picked it up in a second hand store a couple of years ago. At least it was cheap haha.
And that definitely counts as a work out!! 😀 I am carrying the 5th Harry Potter (Hardcover) around at the moment and it feels like I have a brick in my bag.
It is pretty actually; ironically it’s nothing like what’s inside 😂😂 that certainly isn’t pretty!! 🤡
The Order of the Phoenix is a massive book too… we should enter into the weightlifting championships!! 😂
Hahaha, who needs a gym when there are books, right?! 😀
Yeah, it doesn’t really give a good impression on what the novel is like! Looks more like ‘Happy balloon boy’ 😀
You will get some rejections on NetGalley no matter what. Putting all of the places you post reviews, maybe some stats, and keeping your reviewed-to-accepted ratio high should all help (NetGalley says the last should be above 80%, but mine has always been closer to 50% and I still get approved for lots of ARCs). Some publishers are pickier than others. I’ve been using NetGalley for years and I JUST got Orbit and Tor to start approving some of my requests.
Thanks for the advice!!! I’ll certainly bear it in mind. I’ve taken up some “Read Now” books to get going and to show I’m an active user. I’m sure it’ll pick up 😊 thanks again!!