Sunday Summary – 19th September 2021

Hello everyone and welcome to today’s Sunday Summary update! As always, I hope you’ve had a fantastic week wherever and whatever you have been up to! My week has been pretty run-of-the-mill. It’s been the usual work and home, except for going out with some friends for tea last night and going to visit my family today.

In terms of blogging, I’ve stuck to my typical schedule this week. In last week’s Sunday Summary post, I told you that I was going to share a book review as it had been some time since my last one. I did indeed go on to share my review of Steelheart by Brandon Sanderson as planned. You may be aware that I am a huge, huge fan of Brandon Sanderson and Steelheart did not disappoint in the slightest! I’ve loved every one of his books to date.

Later in the week, I shared a Shelf Control post. This is a regular feature here on Reviewsfeed, in which I review my TBR and feature the next book on my list, explaining to you just why I can’t wait to read it! This week’s featured book isn’t a typical choice for me. I don’t read much in the way of young adult, however, I like the sound of the premise of this one. With that in mind, this was a definite keeper on my list.

If you haven’t checked out either of those posts, you can find a link to each above.


Books Read

This week’s reading list has fewer books on it than last week, however, I’ve made solid progress with The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck by Mark Manson. For the second half of this year, I’ve set myself a goal to try and pick up a book more regularly again. I’m not trying to read any set number of books or anything like that, however, I am trying to make reading a regular thing. That is the case and I am picking up books because I want to and not to because I feel obliged to.

When I started reading The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F*ck last week, it was because I wanted to read something non-fiction. I wanted something very different to my usual and this has suited me very well. As a result, I wanted to pick it up and carry on making progress. I also agree with a lot of the things said in the book.  The logic makes sense and it’s made me think about the way I sometimes think about myself.

Having taken the time to think about what’s been written, there are things that I’m changing my perspective on. If you asked me a couple of weeks ago I’d have told you things I didn’t think I gave a damn about, but now I’m starting to question whether that’s true, and more importantly, whether I should be giving a damn about it!

The main message from the book is to encourage you to question yourself. Your thoughts, your opinions and your values. It’s the tricky bit but if you can ask yourself the difficult questions and give yourself an honest answer, then you’re only going in the right direction!


Books Discovered

This week’s section is significantly shorter than last week’s. Given that I’ve added several new books to the list lately, I’m deliberately not trying to find anything. I have more than enough on my plate already!


Coming Up…

For next week, I’m planning on sharing a discussion post with you. In this post, I want to share with you how you can rate the books you read, as well as how I do it. Everybody has different ways of doing it. Some might score a book on several aspects and then average it, and others might do it completely emotionally. There is no right or wrong way and if you are a fellow book blogger, I want to make your ratings consistent then this may be a topic of interest to you.

Later in the week, I will be back with another First Lines Friday post. I’ve decided this week I’m going to set myself a challenge to feature a non-fiction book. It’s a genre that doesn’t get a whole lot of love on my blog (for the moment) and so I want to take some steps to change that! If you have any ideas or recommendations, I would love to hear them. Alternatively, if there are any other challenges you’d like to see me do as part of this series I would love to hear those ideas as well!

I hope you enjoyed today’s Sunday Summary update is and I look forward to seeing you in the next post!


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