Sunday Summary – 21st April 2019
Hasn’t the Easter weekend been fantastic? I mean, it’s not over yet, but we can appreciate it still! The weather over here has been glorious – and what have I done? Well, I’ve spent most of it inside… Fail, Rebecca. I’ve been for some short walks and out and about a little though. Its weekends like this that make me wish I had a garden. Never mind, I don’t. Maybe that’s not such a bad thing, because along with this springtime sunshine I get a healthy dose of hayfever. Fun.
This week has been a mixed bag of busy productivity and some relaxation time too! Things have been busy at work, but that’s okay as I am off next week! No special plans, just some well-deserved relaxation time; maybe some reading, a little baking for a cake sale and possibly meeting some friends. Now, a little less of what I am going to be doing next week and instead let’s take a look at what I have accomplished this week!
I’ve had a little breather from the blog tours for most of the week so I had the opportunity to write a couple of fun posts. My Top Ten Tuesday post about the struggles of book blogging was quite well received. I’m glad I am not the only person that has difficulty managing some of these things. If I had to name my top two out of the list, I’d say reading other blogs and using social media are the things I am worst at. It should be so simple too, which somehow just makes it worse… Of course, if you want to see what else I name on that list, I’d love if you could check it out and tell me what your difficulties are!
Another Down the TBR Hole post was the focus on Thursday. These reading lists just become so unruly with all the amazing books out there. I decided to drop 2/5 books on the list which is pretty fair I think.
Earlier today, I was back on the blog tour blitz! Today’s post features another crime fiction novel by K. J. McGillick called Trust Me. I’ve now read three of her books and signed up to read a fourth. I love her writing style and technique of building a dramatic plot line.
Books Read
I began the week by continuing to read Trust Me. As I mentioned above, my blog tour post was scheduled for today so getting the book read and my thoughts together were paramount. Concurrently with that, I have also been listening to Lock In by John Scalzi on my morning commutes to work. As I only have a couple of hours left on that one, I’m hoping to get that finished in the next week!
This weekend, I have finally finished reading Ewan Pendle and the Castle of Nightmares! I’ve been plodding away at it for so long now as I am doing a proofread as well as a read-for-review. I am grateful to have finally finished it at last for Shaun’s sake; he’s waited so long and patiently for my feedback. In addition to that, I have made a healthy start with reading Justice Gone by N. Lombardi Jr. This is my last blog tour of the month and I am well on track to getting this read in time for the tour next week.
As of tonight, I have also dipped into reading The Watcher of Dead Time by Edward Cox. I have been trying to get around to this book for so, so long now. It feels well deserved at this point!
Books Discovered
The only real point of note here is that my Audible credit landed this week! As promised, I used it to get myself a copy of Thunderhead by Neal Shusterman.
Edit – I tell a lie. I have just read the synopsis of The Diary of a Bookseller by Shaun Bythell and it sounds amazing/funny/brilliant. That’s on the reading list now!
Coming Up…
What’s coming up? A week of intended bliss – that’s what’s coming up! Don’t worry, I may be taking a week off work but Reviewsfeed will still be ticking over as normal. My time off could probably be more enjoyable if I wasn’t having trouble with a noisy neighbour, but hey. I’m getting that sorted. For now, it’s just nice not to be at work.
With a planned blog tour post for Justice Gone later in the week, I’m thinking I’ll start on a lighter note. About a year ago was the last time I shared some favourite quotes of mine – that particular post was a Game of Thrones edition. I am thinking of picking on another favoured writer or series and sharing some of my favourite quotes with you all!
Then, the aforementioned blog tour post will be gracing your screens on Friday.
Aside from that, I’ll be doing as much reading and relaxing as physically possible.
Top Blog Posts of the Week
A Book. A Thought. – Down the TBR Hole #9
donnasbookblog – Blog Tour Review of Trust Me
books on the bookshelf – Book review: The Silent Patient