Sunday Summary – 28th October 2018
Good evening everyone! I hope you’ve had a good weekend! I particularly enjoyed the extra hour lie in I had today with the clocks going back. Do I care if that makes me sound lazy… well, no! What have you been up to this week?
Well, I managed to read a fair bit. I had to get back into the swing of things as I returned to my usual 9-5 routine, so naturally, I haven’t absorbed four whole books like I did last week.
I also didn’t post as much as I had planned. In last week’s Sunday Summary, I promised a Throwback Thursday review. I can only apologise, but when staring at my laptop on Wednesday night, the words just wouldn’t come. There was no sense in trying to force it out because the end result would have been terrible anyway. I did manage to review and remove three books from my TBR list at the beginning of the week though! If you haven’t read that post yet, you can check that out here.
Books Read
Whilst I haven’t read four books in their ENTIRETY this week (ish), I have had my nose buried in that many.
Technically, my reading of Interesting Times concluded in the early hours of Monday morning, after I published my last Sunday Summary post. I had about 10% of the book left to read and I was determined to finish it that night!
Next, I picked up Another Kind of Magic by Elizabeth Davies. I am really fortunate to be taking part in the upcoming Blog Tour. Having read and reviewed the previous books in the series, I have been looking forward to reading and reviewing this title. I spent most of the week reading this, between work, drafting blog posts and a work social event on Friday.
After Another Kind of Magic, I started reading The Swan Keeper by Milana Marsenich pretty much straight away. Earlier this year I read another book by the same author – Copper Sky. I really enjoyed the previous book, which is based around the mining culture and community set up in Butte, Montana, and a disaster that happens there. Also set in Montana, the descriptions of nature and the landscape are as beautiful as Copper Sky. The story is completely different, but thoroughly enjoyable so far. I’m about a third of the way through the book so far and I hope to finish it by the end of the month!
I confess I am also reading an additional book to that on my TBR for this month. I was sent a copy of Season of Storms by Andrzej Sapkowski to read and review back in May this year. I’ve left it too long to pick this up really (in my opinion, anyway). It’s the same old story though… so many books and too little time! I read The Last Wish last year, which was my first Witcher book, having already been acquainted with the games. I’ve read a little less of this book – approaching 20%. Whilst I don’t expect to finish this one for month end, I couldn’t resist picking it up!
Books Discovered
I’m on a book buying ban. I have bought plenty of books lately, so I don’t need any more. That hasn’t stopped me before though.
On a serious note, I have a little shopping trip planned, so I am trying to save money for that. That is the real reason I have banned myself from buying books. That hasn’t stopped me adding one to the TBR though. Shock.
Whilst I don’t really use sites like Bookbridgr or Netgalley at the moment, I saw the third book of this series on offer on one of the sites at the moment. The books are set in a similar historical period to the series I have recently read by Elizabeth Davies. It’s come to be one of my favourite periods of British history, so adding the first book to my list was a no-brainer really.
Coming Up…
Usually I try to post three times a week, but next week I am going to squeeze in four.
I want to kickstart the week with a review of The Hidden Face by S. C. Flynn. I was asked to read and review this book a couple of months ago now; the author has been very patient in waiting for my review. I only hope that he considers it worth the wait!
On Wednesday, I am publishing my TBR for November. As if it is nearly November already. I am going to be doing something a little different next month… something I haven’t done since I started my blog. I came up with the idea last week and I want to trial it more than anything. If you’re really intrigued, you are just going to have to wait until Wednesday to find out!
On Friday, my stop on the much anticipated Blog Tour for Another Kind of Magic is here! I’m glad I managed to finish reading AKOM earlier this week, as it gives me time to get my thoughts together in time for the post!
As ever, my last post of the week will be my Sunday Summary. Enough said!
In terms of reading progress, I am going to push to get The Swan Keeper read by Wednesday, in time for the beginnings of a new TBR on Thursday. This year seriously is flying by. It needs to stop, like, now.
I am also reading Season of Storms presently, but I won’t be able to read this by month end as well. Instead, I want to complete this by the end of the week. Optimistically, I am aiming for Friday, so I can start the first book of my new TBR as well. We will have to see.
What are you reading at the moment? Any exciting books coming up on your TBR?