Sunday Summary – 31st December 2017

Firstly, I would like to wish everybody reading this a Happy New Year!!
Not only is this the last post of the year from me, it also happens to be my 100th post! I never thought I would stick with blogging this long, but thanks to a great community and support, I am glad I have!
New year is the time for making resolutions: swearing never to bite your nails again or starting new diets and inevitably giving up a week later (or is that just me?) I don’t really make resolutions in the strictest sense anymore because I am doomed to fail them. Do you guys make resolutions? If so, what resolutions are you making this year?

Books Read

So, this week I managed to finish Code Name Verity by Elizabeth Wein and OHMYGOSH, that was fantastic! Not only that, if anyone happens to follow me onĀ Twitter, you might have seen that finishing Code Name Verity means that I have completed my reading challenge for this year!
self celebrate glitter.gif
Having taken a brief interlude to celebrate that little victory (okay, well it’s a pretty big one considering before this year I sucked at reading regularly), I also made a start on one of my Netgalley downloads, as my rating is not all that good at the moment… aha… oops. I downloaded the books a little while ago and I think I’ve left it too long…
The Stand
I’ve also been listing to more of The Stand by Stephen King via Audible. I really think I am going to take to audiobooks.

Books Discovered

This is one of those rare weeks in which I have absolutely nothing to report… I haven’t added any books to the list or bought any – which is a rarity!
Between Christmas and New Year really throws me off my beat…
Equally, I’ve been busy trying to set up a bullet journal for this year. That’s my excuse! I’m looking forward to seeing what people are doing with their own this year – as a newbie, any inspiration is welcome! If you have any tips, tricks, or have written any posts on this, could you pretty please pop a link in the comments? I’ll be forever grateful.

Coming Up…

I’m thinking of trying out a slightly different schedule; as much as I love posting on the blog, currently managing things the way I have been last year is hard work and time consuming. I am going to be keeping my Sunday Summary post, because I find it really useful, but I’m thinking of reducing my number of posts a week to two on a regular basis with some other ad-hoc posts interspersed periodically. With that in mind, I am thinking of posting on Wednesday and Sunday.
I’m sorry if that disappoints anyone, but I think it is for the best. I would rather take the time to produce two good posts in a week rather than three or more mediocre ones because I’ve rushed them. I hope you understand…