Sunday Summary – 3rd February 2019
It’s Sunday night again! Just where does the time go? I hope you have all had a good week!
I jumped into this one eagerly with a Blog Blitz tour, organised by Rachel’s Random Resources, for Black Matter by G. D. Parker. I had the pleasure of publishing my review of the book on publication day; it was great to hear from the author how overwhelmed he was at the positive reception the book received. If that isn’t the reason to take part in these tours, then I don’t know what is!
Before we knew it February rolled around, breaking the miserable January spell. You know what that means – a new Reading List! If you haven’t checked out which blog tours I’m taking part in and what I am reading aside from that, you can do so by following the link.
Books Read
I didn’t quite hit my target of 50% for Choose Your Parents Wisely last Sunday. I was tired, so I went to bed just a little short of my goal. It was a school night after all… PLEASE DON’T JUDGE ME!! I made up for the lack of progress earlier this week though; I finished it in time for month end!
I’ve also made more progress on Mythos by Stephen Fry, but this has had to go on the backburner for a bit! I have a number of blog tours coming up in the next week or so and my reading for those takes priority. I’m at about 25% already though, which I don’t think is bad-going considering this was an eleventh hour pick up.
One such blog tour that takes priority over Mythos is that for the Detective series by Tom Trott. Those of you that follow my blog will know that I have been reading the first two books over the past couple of weeks or so. I’ve scheduled It Never Goes Away, the third book in the series, for my first read of February. I’m at 25% at the moment and I’ll be making a huge push to get this read in the next couple of days. That blog tour is fast approaching and I’m all too aware of that fact!
Books Discovered
I’ve been stashing up Audible credits for months now because I wasn’t entirely sure what to do with them. Then an idea came to me – I had just enough to get all the audiobooks for The Song of Ice and Fire series! Naturally, once the idea struck me there was no talking myself out of it. They are not a discovery, per se, but additions to the collection nonetheless.
Coming Up…
I’m going to have a lot of reviews popping up on my blog this week, so to start things off lightly, I’ve decided to kick off the week with a Top Ten Tuesday post. I’m hoping I manage to pull this one off quite humorously rather than just negative, because I am going to be discussing my bookish pet peeves. We all have them, don’t we? If you want to know what gets my goat then stick around for this fun post!
I am really excited for the publication day of The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides later this week! I had the opportunity to read and review this ahead of publication. If there is one thing to take away from my review, it is my insistence that you read it yourself. Do it. If you love crime fiction, then do it. Now. I read this book in less than 24hrs, if that tells you anything about how I COULD NOT PUT THIS BOOK DOWN!! Ahem. So, to celebrate publication day, I am going to be re-sharing my review of the book.
Finally, on Saturday, I am taking part in what will probably the longest book tour post to date. My reading of Tom Trott’s crime detective series will finally bear fruit. I hope you can check out my post when it goes live! I have already recommended the series to a few work colleagues and local folks in book-related groups.
Top Blog Posts of the Week
Spasciuti –Two Truths and a Lie in Books, An Update
Misty’s Book Space –Pet Sematary by Stephen King
Nikki’s Novel Niche – Most Anticipated February Releases – #NewRelease #bookrelease #bookblitz
Jacks Bedtime Reading – Five book series that should be TV shows
Recipeandaread – Book Tag: My Perfect Library!
cover2covermom – February 2019 TBR
Thank you so much for linking to my review of Pet Sematary!! I am glad you liked it.
You’re welcome! 😊