Tag: Autumn TBR

Top Ten Tuesday – Autumn 2023 TBR!

If you are looking for inspiration for spooky reads to pick up this autumnal season, then look no further! In today’s Top Ten Tuesday post, I take a look at some of the spooky reads I plan to pick up this autumnal season.

Autumn is one of my favourite times of the year. You may call me strange (and you wouldn’t be wrong), but I enjoy the nights drawing in a bit earlier, and the weather turning a little for the worse (although on the island, it’s rare we get a break from it at all!) It makes it all the easier to justify locking the front door, getting into my PJ‘s, and cosying in with a cup of tea and a good book.

Speaking of which, I trust I have quite the variety of those on today’s Top Ten Tuesday list. I have some classic authors on the list, as well as some other offbeat books which I feel suit the season well. I’ve been looking forward to sharing this list for quite some time, having shared both a spring and summer Top Ten Tuesday lists earlier this year, so I won’t keep you any longer!


The Shining – Stephen King

I have to start this Top Ten Tuesday with a classic King novel.

I have owned a copy of The Shining for several years now, but I am yet to pick it up. I’ve been saving it for a spooky season, but I’ve always allowed other reads to take priority in previous years.

That is not the case this year. I am making a commitment here and now that I will be reading The Shining this year. All being well, I hope to pick it up as soon as next month!


The Witches: Salem 1692 – Stacy Schiff

The Witches will make for a great read for me this spooky season. Not only is it obviously very topical, but it is also a non-fiction, helping me towards my goal of reading 15 non-fiction books by the end of 2023.

I have looked to start this book previously, but was intimidated by the page count and the size and formatting of the print in my edition. There is a lot to get through, put it that way….

Halloween (or Hop Tu Naa locally) will be the perfect time to read this though. If I’m ever going to be in the mood for such a work, then I can’t think of any better!


If We Were Villains – M.L. Rio

Another book I’m looking forward to picking up this autumn, although less obviously themed, is If We Were Villains. The book features crime and thriller/mystery elements, as well as the thrill and drama that only stage performers can lend to the narrative. As a dark academia novel, I think it has the perfect autumnal vibes.

I confess that I’m also looking forward to picking this up, as this is a genre I haven’t picked up again since the beginning of this year!


Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children – Ransom Riggs

Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children

What book better fits the bill than a novel featuring an abandoned orphanage and children with supernatural abilities?

That’s the vibe we get in Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children. Even from the synopsis, it is very clear that not all may be as it seems. There is a mystery to uncover, and the paranormal theme makes this best suited as a seasonal read.

If you like the isolated island/paranormal children vibe, but want to read something more wholesome than horror, then I would suggest picking up The House in the Cerulean Sea by T.J. Klune. It’s a great book and one I would have recommended here had I not already read it. 


Carrie – Stephen King

Another King classic I am yet to pick up and read is Carrie. I have a vague idea of the plot, but neither have I read the book, nor watched the film.

Stephen King is a great author to pick up during spooky season. I have previously read one of his books in October before, and it was an epic. IT, to date, is the longest book I have ever read. I read that in October 2017, and I really enjoyed picking this up seasonally. I hope to make more of a habit of picking up King books in the autumn. There is just something about the tone of each that complement each other well.


The Good Samaritan – John Marrs

This Top Ten Tuesday wouldn’t be complete without including a psychological thriller. The Good Samaritan by John Marrs has been on my reading list for a few years now, and I hope to pick it up very soon. It will be my first experience of a John Marrs book, although I have added several to my reading list over the course of time.

The Good Samaritan has a sinister tone, and it’s the kind of book I want to pick up whilst cosied under a blanket and surrounded by my home comforts!


Incendium – A.D. Swanston

Incendium makes for a seasonal read, but slightly later than the majority of the books on this list. If you read the synopsis of this book, it is very apparent that the setting is reminiscent of the gunpowder plot.

With this in mind, I would like to make Incendium a book I pick up in November. I do like me a historical fiction, and as this will be the first book of this nature I have come across, it feels like the perfect time to read it…


The Outsider – Stephen King

I promise that this is the last Stephen King novel on today’s Top Ten Tuesday list! I appreciate there have been quite a few!

I have featured earlier books on in this list because they have certain elements fitting for this season. Crime, thriller, and paranormal are all genres worthy of being picked up the spooky season. The Outsider rolls all of these into one!

I really like the sound of the premise for this book, and it is one that has been sat on my bookshelf, begging for me to pick it up. My poor copy has been sat on my bookshelf that long that its spine has been bleached to the point of being unreadable. I wonder if anybody will be curious and/or brave enough to approach me and ask what I’m reading?


Killing for Company – Brian Masters

Another non-fiction book that I’m really looking forward to picking up soon is Killing for Company by Brian Masters. You may recall that this book featured on the recent Instagram poll in which I asked my followers to decide my next read. Killing for Company did not win the vote, but only by small margin. I already had in mind to pick this book up not long after the winner… and now feels like the perfect time to do so! Wouldn’t you agree?


The Burning Girls – C.J. Tudor

C.J. Tudor is an author that I have already read a couple of books by, and I’m looking forward to picking up again. The Chalk Man and The Taking of Annie Thorne have both had the sinister, spooky vibes that I’m looking for. I have no doubt that The Burning Girls will live up to that expectation!

C.J. Tudor has a way of incorporating tension into her narratives. Based on my experience of these two prior books, I can’t think of a better time to delve back into her thrilling narratives.


So, he concludes today’s Top Ten Tuesday post, and these are my planned autumn reads. Have you read any of the books on this list? Do you have any other recommendations to share for spooky reads to pick up this autumn?

As always, I would love to have a chat with you in the comments!



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The Cozy Autumn Book Tag!

Hello everybody, and welcome to today’s book tag post! I saw this post over on Kristin Kraves Books. As I was looking for an easy post to draft at short notice, I thought this would be perfect. It’s also a great little seasonal read. I hope you enjoy today’s post and that you can learn a little bit more about me in the process!

Let’s jump into it!


What book always reminds you of fall/autumn?

Naturally, one of the first things I think about when considering autumn is the start of the school academic year. It has been a large part of my life for a very long time. Although I am no longer at school, I frequently enjoyed the start of the school year (maybe not the early starts, or other students at times). I enjoyed throwing myself back into studies.

So, one of the biggest book series that immediately comes to mind with this is the Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling. All of these books begin with summer coming to a close and the new school year approaching. Before too long, the leaves are coming off the trees and the main characters Harry, Ron, and Hermione are embroiling themselves in mischief. Mischief is always managed.


What is your favourite autumnal book cover?

I love the cover of IT by Stephen King. There is a beautiful mix of moody and vibrant shades of orange that adorn my copy of this book. It reminds me of the turning of leaves during the transition from summer into winter. Not only that, but Stephen King is a classic author to pick up at this time of year.

Maybe it is because I read IT in October 2017 that it has an additional autumnal connotation in my eyes. This is a brilliant, spooky read, so if you’re looking for something to pick up around Halloween, I would recommend this book!


What is your favourite autumnal drink to read with?

Tea or coffee? Coffee or tea?

That is a very difficult question for somebody who enjoys both! You can keep your hot chocolate and all the sweet stuff. Even putting syrup in coffee is a cardinal sin in my house!

Really, I suppose it depends on the time of day and the mood I am in. I can’t pick one over the other.


Do you prefer to read late at night or early in the morning?

Early in the morning is not a phrase in my vocabulary. I will hold my hands up and openly admit that I am the kind of person who will get out of bed last minute as much as possible.

I am a night owl and most productive in the evening. That is why it is my time to work on my blog, but also to read. I am also a fan of reading as a means of winding down after the day (be that a working day or the weekend, in which I’m inevitably catching up on household jobs).

I will sometimes read in the morning at the weekend – but you can guarantee it’s late morning at best!


Halloween is coming! What is your favourite spooky read?

Whilst I do enjoy a Stephen King novel around Halloween, I have read some other brilliant, spooky reads! In 2019 I read Imaginary Friend by Stephen Chbosky. This was a brilliant read, even though I read a good portion of it on holiday, in 20+ degree weather.

I am not so much a paranormal reader, but I do enjoy a good mystery or thriller. These are the kind of genres I look for at this time of year!


What is the ultimate comfort read for you?

The genre I always go back to is fantasy. I have been reading fantasy heavily since I was a teenager. I love the depth of world-building and the escapism these books offer me. They can also be quite chunky.

They are perfect companions for a chilly night, wrapped up in a blanket burrito, surrounded by candles, and with all the hot drinks you can manage.


What is your favourite autumnal reading snack?

All of them?! 😂

What is your favourite autumnal candle to burn whilst reading?

I don’t so much have a favourite scent specific to autumn. Rather, I like having multiple tealights burning in lanterns across my mantelpiece. I enjoy the candle-light, and the suggestion of warmth and coziness it offers.


When you’re not reading, what is your favourite autumnal activity?

I enjoy making things. I have self-taught a number of crafts over the years, but one that I go back to more than most is knitting. I enjoy knitting clothes. In particular, I like making jumpers and cardigans. Perfect apparel for this time of year, and not projects for the faint of heart.

I currently have a jumper on one set of needles and a cardigan on another. Both are very different projects – the first is a colour-work piece, the second being a textured Aran.


What is on your autumn/fall reading list?

This year, I have a classic Stephen King novel on my TBR, Carrie. I’m not even that well versed on the plot, despite the story being made into a movie. I’m looking forward to reading this and seeing what it is all about!

In October, I also have Babel by R. F Kuang on my list. This is a relatively new release that I have heard excellent things about.

I’m looking forward to picking up my copy of this book as well!

So, that concludes The Cozy Autumn Book Tag! If you have enjoyed today’s post, and would like to share your answers to these questions, I would love to read them! Be sure to tag me in that post, so I can take a look at your answers.

Until next time, happy reading!



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Top Ten Tuesday – Books on My Autumn To-Read List!

Hello everyone and welcome to today’s Top Ten Tuesday post. In today’s post, I’m going to be talking about ten books that I hope to fit onto my Autumn TBR. The official title for this week’s theme is your ‘Fall TBR’, but I’m a Brit, dammit!

I have been reading quite a lot of late, and I’m excited to continue with some books that make up a series, and pick up some new and more seasonal reads. Now the nights are starting to draw in, we are heading into my favourite time of year. I enjoy the dark nights; it justifies cozying up with a cuppa, a blanket, and favourite books. Let’s dive into today’s Top Ten Tuesday post and get into what I plan to pick up in the next few months!


Assassin’s Quest

I have been really enjoying Robin Hobb’s writing of late, and so I would love to pick up Assassin’s Quest in the not-too-distant future. This is the last book of the first trilogy that contributes to the wider Realm of the Elderlings series. Whilst events of the first two books are fresh in my mind, I would like to conclude this opening trilogy.



I recently featured Malice in another Top Ten Tuesday post – that one talking about some of the oldest books on my TBR. This one is the oldest book that I physically own, and I would like to finally get around to it. If I really enjoy it, then it is yet another fantasy series, and new author, that I can dive into.

I did start this particular book between six and seven years ago. However, I only got a handful of pages in and I can’t remember a single thing! It will be great to start this from scratch and see what this book is all about!


Blink of the Sun

Blink of the Sun is a fantasy book, of which I own a review copy. I signed up to review this book on BookSirens, and this review is due towards the end of October. The synopsis caught my eye, and as the genre (epic fantasy) is right up my street, I am hopeful that this will be a fun read, as well as a comfort read.



Along with Autumn, Babel gives me dark, moody vibes that I’m really looking forward to exploring. The tone is significantly different from the books I have listed so far in this post. However, Autumn is the best time to read this type of book. Having sampled a very small part of the book, I think Autumn will be the perfect time of year to read it.

The opening involves a child being discovered in a house riddled with plague. Whilst I don’t know the rest of the story, I have been assured that it gets darker from there.


A Thousand Ships

I am really into Greek Mythology at the moment. Earlier this year, I read Pandora’s Jar, also by Natalie Haynes. I really enjoyed that particular book, and so I wanted to read another of hers that features the Trojan War. There is another book on that topic that I read after reading Pandora’s Jar (Silence of the Girls by Pat Barker) and both of these books were a pleasure to read. I cannot wait to see how Natalie Haynes’ book on the same topic differs from Pat Barker’s.


Dear Child

Dear Child is also the kind of vibe that accompanies Autumn nicely. It is a psychological thriller that is based around a kidnapping and subsequent attempt to escape. Other than that, I have deliberately kept my knowledge of events in this book vague, so I can uncover the story as it develops.

I haven’t read anything like this lately, so not only am I looking forward to the dark vibe, but also for a change of reading scene.



A couple of months ago I read Skyward, the first book in Brandon Sanderson‘s young adult series of the same name. I have been wanting to continue with these books, especially as I already own a copy of Starsight ready to pick up. Whilst the events of the first book of fresh in my mind, it will be the perfect opportunity to pick it up – I already physically own it. It’s also the only science-fiction book on this list. I am really enjoying the genre and even though it’s aimed at a slightly younger audience, this is a really enjoyable read.


The Wastelands

There has to be a Stephen King novel on every Autumn TBR, but the book I’m featuring is the third book in The Dark Tower series, The Wastelands. Whereas some of the books on this list have been added because I would like to continue with series that I have been working on of late, The Wastelands is the exception to that group. It has been some time since I last picked up a book from The Dark Tower series. With that in mind, I would like to get started with reading this again. I already own the entire series and it’s sat on my bookshelf begging to be picked up.


Queen of Our Times

In light of recent events, I have been inspired to read a book about Queen Elizabeth II, who is arguably one of the greatest and most influential British monarchs. Queen of Our Times is written by the official Royal biographer and it has fantastic feedback. It is also a fairly recently published book, and discusses her reign during the likes of the COVID-19 pandemic and also touches upon her Diamond Jubilee. I fully expect that more books will come out in the future that cover out the entirety of her brain, but I would like to pick up a book about her in the near future. This one looks perfect to me!


If We Were Villains

Along the same lines as Babel, dark academia as a genre is appealing to me and Autumn will be a perfect time to pick it up. If We Were Villains centres around a troupe of actors who specialise in Shakespeare. I have heard great things about this book and again, I already own a copy which is ready to read.


I hope you have enjoyed today’s Top Ten Tuesday post! What books are you picking up as part of your Autumn TBR? Do any of the books in today’s list appeal to you? As always, let’s have a chat in the comments!



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