The Cozy Autumn Book Tag!
Hello everybody, and welcome to today’s book tag post! I saw this post over on Kristin Kraves Books. As I was looking for an easy post to draft at short notice, I thought this would be perfect. It’s also a great little seasonal read. I hope you enjoy today’s post and that you can learn a little bit more about me in the process!
Let’s jump into it!
What book always reminds you of fall/autumn?
Naturally, one of the first things I think about when considering autumn is the start of the school academic year. It has been a large part of my life for a very long time. Although I am no longer at school, I frequently enjoyed the start of the school year (maybe not the early starts, or other students at times). I enjoyed throwing myself back into studies.
So, one of the biggest book series that immediately comes to mind with this is the Harry Potter series by J. K. Rowling. All of these books begin with summer coming to a close and the new school year approaching. Before too long, the leaves are coming off the trees and the main characters Harry, Ron, and Hermione are embroiling themselves in mischief. Mischief is always managed.
What is your favourite autumnal book cover?
I love the cover of IT by Stephen King. There is a beautiful mix of moody and vibrant shades of orange that adorn my copy of this book. It reminds me of the turning of leaves during the transition from summer into winter. Not only that, but Stephen King is a classic author to pick up at this time of year.
Maybe it is because I read IT in October 2017 that it has an additional autumnal connotation in my eyes. This is a brilliant, spooky read, so if you’re looking for something to pick up around Halloween, I would recommend this book!
What is your favourite autumnal drink to read with?
Tea or coffee? Coffee or tea?
That is a very difficult question for somebody who enjoys both! You can keep your hot chocolate and all the sweet stuff. Even putting syrup in coffee is a cardinal sin in my house!
Really, I suppose it depends on the time of day and the mood I am in. I can’t pick one over the other.
Do you prefer to read late at night or early in the morning?
Early in the morning is not a phrase in my vocabulary. I will hold my hands up and openly admit that I am the kind of person who will get out of bed last minute as much as possible.
I am a night owl and most productive in the evening. That is why it is my time to work on my blog, but also to read. I am also a fan of reading as a means of winding down after the day (be that a working day or the weekend, in which I’m inevitably catching up on household jobs).
I will sometimes read in the morning at the weekend – but you can guarantee it’s late morning at best!
Halloween is coming! What is your favourite spooky read?
Whilst I do enjoy a Stephen King novel around Halloween, I have read some other brilliant, spooky reads! In 2019 I read Imaginary Friend by Stephen Chbosky. This was a brilliant read, even though I read a good portion of it on holiday, in 20+ degree weather.
I am not so much a paranormal reader, but I do enjoy a good mystery or thriller. These are the kind of genres I look for at this time of year!
What is the ultimate comfort read for you?
The genre I always go back to is fantasy. I have been reading fantasy heavily since I was a teenager. I love the depth of world-building and the escapism these books offer me. They can also be quite chunky.
They are perfect companions for a chilly night, wrapped up in a blanket burrito, surrounded by candles, and with all the hot drinks you can manage.
What is your favourite autumnal reading snack?
All of them?! 😂
What is your favourite autumnal candle to burn whilst reading?
I don’t so much have a favourite scent specific to autumn. Rather, I like having multiple tealights burning in lanterns across my mantelpiece. I enjoy the candle-light, and the suggestion of warmth and coziness it offers.
When you’re not reading, what is your favourite autumnal activity?
I enjoy making things. I have self-taught a number of crafts over the years, but one that I go back to more than most is knitting. I enjoy knitting clothes. In particular, I like making jumpers and cardigans. Perfect apparel for this time of year, and not projects for the faint of heart.
I currently have a jumper on one set of needles and a cardigan on another. Both are very different projects – the first is a colour-work piece, the second being a textured Aran.
What is on your autumn/fall reading list?
This year, I have a classic Stephen King novel on my TBR, Carrie. I’m not even that well versed on the plot, despite the story being made into a movie. I’m looking forward to reading this and seeing what it is all about!
In October, I also have Babel by R. F Kuang on my list. This is a relatively new release that I have heard excellent things about.
I’m looking forward to picking up my copy of this book as well!
So, that concludes The Cozy Autumn Book Tag! If you have enjoyed today’s post, and would like to share your answers to these questions, I would love to read them! Be sure to tag me in that post, so I can take a look at your answers.
Until next time, happy reading!
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