Tag: For Fun

Anything But Books Tag!

Today I’m sharing this Anything But Books book tag as a little bit of something fun to do. Not only that, but I’ve spent the last week or so after getting back free time from study enjoying some of the other hobbies I like to do other than read.

These posts are a great way for you to get to learn a little bit more about me and who I am as a person. This is purely a bit of fun and I hope you enjoy today’s post. I was inspired to take part in it after seeing a similar post on ZeeZee’s blog. The original post is a few years old now but it was a fun read regardless and if you want to check that one out for yourself, here is the link.

Name a cartoon you love

I’m not really a big watcher of cartoons (I’m in my late 20s). However, I have been enjoying an anime on Netflix recently.

My boyfriend and I are watching series two of Arcane right now and I’m really enjoying it. It’s the first time I’ve watched anything like it for a good number of years. I don’t tend to watch animated programs, but I’m glad this is an exception!

Favourite song right now

Partly following on from question one, one of my favourite songs right now featured in the intro to season two of Arcane and sang by one of my favourite artists, Freya Ridings.

It’s called I Can’t Hear It Now and here is a link to the video on YouTube in case you want to check it out for yourself.


What could you do for hours that isn’t reading?

Honestly, there are potentially a lot of answers to this question.

The first one that springs to mind is knitting as that’s something I’ve done quite recently. However, the same could be true of any craft project. I have spent far too many hours working on a cross stitch that nearly 3 years on is still not complete.

I’m also quite fond of gaming. Palia is a game I’ve started playing recently, but I also enjoy classics like Minecraft or even Mario Kart. My favourite game series on PlayStation right now is the Horizon series.

What is something I love to do that my followers will be surprised by

Something I don’t talk about very much, but I do still enjoy a lot is cooking and baking. Cooking is one of those everyday tasks that almost gets overlooked. However, I do enjoy making my own food. What I’m less keen on is doing the washing up afterwards, but thankfully my boyfriend enjoys doing that. So, I get to make the mess and he gets to clear up after me! Lucky devil!

Up until this year I’ve not really done much in the way of baking either. I never really had a good reason to do it very often. However, I’ve gotten more involved in baking at work this year to give myself a reason to do it and experiment with new makes a little.

What is my favourite specific thing to learn about

It is very specific, and it’s something I’ve talked about on my blog many times. I love learning about World War II.

It’s a pretty morbid subject in reality. So many people lost their lives during this period, but I can’t stop myself from reading about it or watching documentaries on it. Whether it’s fiction set in this kind of time period, or non-fiction about actual experiences of concentration camps during the holocaust, I’ll eat anything like this up.

I’m not sorry either.

What is something unusual I know how to do

Um, pass. I can’t think of anything.


Name something I’ve made in the last year

I wanted to get back into knitting a little bit more this year. It’s a hobby I enjoy, I can make great gifts out of it and it’s a hobby that works really well with audiobooks. Any of my other bookish fans who like both and want to combine the two together – that is my recommendation!

I am also the kind of person that has a lot of projects on the go at once. So, I only really have one completion so far this year. That was a very quick project I started a couple of weeks ago and finished in two days to try and get myself back in the swing of things. It was only a chunky bobble hat.

On top of that, I’ve worked on knitting a shawl and progressing with the aforementioned cross stitch project earlier this year.

What is my most recent personal project

The first and least exciting personal project I’ve worked on recently is completing more study for work. I recently sat an exam based around operational risk in financial institutions. Draw your own conclusions from that, but if I’m honest, the subject was every bit of dry as you could imagine. However, that’s not to say it wasn’t useful.

More recently, I’ve started a course on learning how to draw artwork on my iPad. As you probably gathered, I’m quite a creative person in nature and I wanted to give this a go. It’s a potential revenue stream for some passive income if I want to go down that route, but mainly it’s a bit of fun.

Tell us something you think about often

I often wonder what family members who are no longer with us think of how I turned out as an adult.

To stress, this is something I think about. I’m not something I worry about. Something I’ve not really talked about on this blog is that I had lost all my grandparents to various illnesses  by the time I turned 18. Naturally, I wonder what they think about how I have turned out since they didn’t get to meet me as an adult.

And something that’s your absolutely favourite in a very specific moment

Random question, but I’ll answer it!

The taste of ice cold water when you are parched. It doesn’t have a taste literally any other time, but when you NEED it it’s heaven.



If you’ve enjoyed today’s Anything But Books book tag. If you want to take part, I would love to see your answers to these questions as well. Make sure to tag me in that post so I can see your answers and see how we compare.

I also hope it’s giving you a chance to get to know me a little bit more. It’s been a lot of fun for me to complete.


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25 Bookish Facts About Me

Hi guys and welcome to today’s post! I wanted to do something fun and share some of the more random bookish facts about me. I thought it would be a good way to help you get to know me. This is a book tag, however, I decided to take part having seen a few versions of the post online. I haven’t been tagged; I just liked the idea and decided I wanted to do it for myself! 

So, here are 25 bookish facts about me that you may, or may not have known: – 


1. I used to pretty much exclusively read fantasy when I was younger.

2. As a teenager, I couldn’t read more than one book at a time.

3. As a high school student I volunteered in my school library.

4. My favourite authors growing up were Jacqueline Wilson and Meg Cabot.

5. Non-fiction is my least frequently read genre (excluding those I don’t read at all!)

6. I’m not a big user or advocate of Netgalley, but thanks to blog tours and such I have a feedback ratio of 73%, which is just less than the recommended 80%.

7. My TBR is just over 200 books long – yikes!

8. The longest book I’ve read is IT by Stephen King. The edition I have is a whopping 1,396 pages and took me 2 weeks to read.

9. I don’t really have a preference in the e-reader/physical book debate. Both have their merits, and that’s why I like a healthy mix of both.

10. I have never read the Twilight series and frankly, from what I’ve heard I don’t think I ever will either. No hate, just not my thing okay?

11. Autumn is my favourite time of year to read. The nights are starting to draw in and it’s the perfect excuse to draw the curtains, lock the door and cosy in with a good book.

12. My favourite author of all time is George R. R. Martin.

13. I’ve only started listening to audiobooks in the last few years and they have really grown on me. I wasn’t sure if I’d take to them at first.

14. I have copies of all the A Song of Ice and Fire series (aka A Game of Thrones) published to date in all formats (physical, audio and e-reader).

15. I have never finished a book and rated it 1 star. If it’s that bad (in my opinion) I won’t finish it and don’t rate it.

16. I picked up my first Stephen King book (The Green Mile) only 3 and a half years ago. I haven’t looked back since!

17. I don’t borrow books from the library very often…

18. In the last four years (2017-2020) I have read 239 books.

19. My average rating on Goodreads is 4.32 stars out of 5.

20. I have never been to a book convention or literary festival.

21. Starting my blog is the reason I read as much as I do. Without it, my interest would probably have waned.

22. Book blogging is like a full-time job, but it’s a fun one!

23. I have a general rule that I will only buy and keep physical copies of books that I’m sure I’m going to read again. Otherwise, I’ll buy it on kindle or I’ll take them to a charity shop when I’m finished with it.

24. I hate cracking the spine of a paperback, so I always try to stretch it before I start reading to minimise the risk of damage.

25. Reading is my way of escaping reality. I spend more time reading than any other hobby.


I would like to say that this was quite an easy post, but actually trying to come up with all these facts was more challenging than I anticipated! 

What bookish facts do you have to share? 




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The Autumn Book Tag

Hi everyone and welcome to today’s post – the Autumn Book Tag. I saw this over on Sara the Bibliophagist’s blog and knew I wanted to take part as a bit of fun! I absolutely love Sara’s blog and quite regularly link to some of her posts in my Sunday Summary posts. So, if you haven’t checked out her blog already, please do! You won’t regret it!

I wanted to take a step back from book reviews for the next couple of days, having published two last week. It has been a little while since taking part in a bookish tag, so I’ll take any excuse to take part in one! They’re a great way to get to know the person behind the screen, so I hope you enjoy this post as much as I will!



  • Answer the questions
  • link back to the creator (Jenniely)
  • tag other people!



  1. Hot Chocolate – what is your comfort book?

It’s going to make absolutely no sense, but I would have to choose a series for this question. Which series? A Song of Ice and Fire by George R. R. Martin. What’s comforting about a series full of death, debauchery and deceit, I hear you ask? Well, I know that I can always pick up any one of these books and instantly forget about whatever else is going on. The writing is fantastic and the world-building and characters so intricately interwoven that I am absorbed immediately.


  1. Pumpkin Carving – what is your favourite creative outlet?

I have had a good go at quite a few creative hobbies; years ago I used to make my own Christmas / birthday / occasional cards. I still have all the stuff, but I haven’t done it for years now. Maybe I ought to dig it all back out again. I briefly took up cross-stitch but that didn’t catch on very long.

Shortly after I moved into my flat I bought a DIY painting that now has pride of place in my living room. It took me HOURS. I listened to most of the audiobook of The Stand whilst doing it. That means I spent somewhere around 75 hours completing it! I have another one part finished for the spare room, but I haven’t really touched that one for a while. I think I stopped in between paints so fingers crossed what is left hasn’t gone dry…

My latest creative hobby is crocheting. I started small with crochet animals and have gone on to crochet a jumper as well! It’s a good pastime if you want to keep your hands busy.


  1. Falling Leaves – changes that appear bad but you secretly love?

My family think I am a little odd for it, but I love when the nights start drawing in as winter approaches. It makes coming home after a day at work nice and cozy. That’s not to say I enjoy the dead of winter and going to work/coming home in the dark. I’m not that miserable…


  1. Pumpkin Spiced Latte – something you love that others tend to judge

I agree with Sara on this one – I love to stay in. There is nowhere I want to be after a long day at work than at home. Door locked. Peace at last. Sure, going out and catching up with friends and family is fun, but I enjoy coming home to my own space and being unable to unwind in my own way. I have come to need my own space to do my own thing – read a book or listen to music usually. What’s important is that Rebecca is IN and the rest of the world is distinctly OUT.


  1. Bonfire Night – what makes you explode with joy?

Finishing a really good book! In that moment before the book hangover begins, concluding a really good book or series reminds me just why I read so much!


  1. Fright Night – favourite scary book or film

This is definitely going to be a scary book choice because I don’t really get on with scary films… and not for the reason you would expect. They don’t scare me. I learned the techniques film-makers use in my Performing Arts and Psychology lessons to hype up an audience, so I can see it a mile away and expect it. Element of surprise ruined.

I’m much more of a fan of psychological thrillers. With that in mind, I would have to say my scary book choice is Pet Sematary by Stephen King.


  1. Halloween candy – favourite thing to eat

Oh goodness we could be here all day! It’s generally known and accepted that I will eat pretty much anything and everything! If I have to pick something seasonal as my favourite though, the first thing that comes to mind is the tin of Quality Street you buy “in preparation for Christmas” – knowing full well it won’t even see December.


  1. Scarves – your autumn ‘must have’ accessory

My must-have autumn accessory is just that – scarves! More specifically, Kipling scarves. I’m not just a maniac for their handbags and purses, but their viscose scarves as well. I love them because they are so lightweight but do a fantastic job of keeping you warm without the bulk of a thick scarf. They’re also really pretty and smell like your perfume too, so win-win.

I have… one or two of these beauties…


  1. Fire – a book or film that burns your soul

This is actually a really tough question – I have read so many great books that it is hard to choose! I suppose the books I feel most passionately about – and love to talk about – are the likes of The Green Mile and To Kill a Mockingbird. Knowing the injustice served to so many based on the colour of their skin makes me really angry. I like to talk about them as a means of education and to be part of a society that wouldn’t let anything as ludicrous as race be a reason to treat someone differently again.


  1. Toffee apples – a book or film that seems one thing but really has a different inside

When I read War and Peace I didn’t expect the ending to be a philosophical discussion about how things could have gone differently for Napoleon. It’s about the only example I could think of – I am pretty open-minded when it comes to my books. This is the only curve ball I’ve encountered to date!



I hope you have enjoyed this tag and reading a little about me! I’m not going to tag anyone specific to also take part, but if you do, please link me in so I can read your answers.




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