Top Ten Tuesday – Author’s I’d Love a New Book From
In today’s Top Ten Tuesday post, we explore my Top Ten Author’s I’d Love a New Book From.
For some of the authors featured in this Top Ten Tuesday, I’ve read a lot of their books, if not all. For others, I’ve barely scratched the surface but love them so intently that I’ll always take more content from them.
Do you agree with any on this list? Let’s take a look and find out!
George R.R. Martin
There will never be enough George R.R. Martin books on this planet for me. However, at a minimum I’ll settle for the final books of his A Song of Ice and Fire series (A Game of Thrones).
I’d be gutted if these never made it out into the world!
Patrick Rothfuss
Amongst other readers, I’ve waited a long time for the conclusion to Patrick Rothfuss’ The Kingkiller Chronicles. I understand that all great things take time, but we have waited over 13 years since the last full novel as of this Top Ten Tuesday post…
Brandon Sanderson
As one of my favourite authors, there isn’t necessarily anything specific I’m looking for here. Again, there will never be enough Sanderson books on the planet. I’ve rated every single book I’ve read 5 stars… the man can literally do no wrong at the moment.
I’ll always gratefully receive a guaranteed loved read!
Jay Kristoff
Jay Kristoff is a great writer of darker fantasy. From kick-ass assassin’s to vampire hunters and spunky teenage protagonists, he can do it all.
Jay Kristoff is also an author that I can go back to again and again with all comfort. I’m currently enjoying the sequel to Empire of the Vampire and having a great time. More of the same please Mr Kristoff, thanks in advance!
Terry Pratchett
Unfortunately there will never be any more works from the legend that is Terry Pratchett. The good news for me is that as of this post, I still have more than half his books to read!
So far I’m 20/41 into his Discworld series and I haven’t touched some of his other works at all yet. The Long Earth, which is also on May’s TBR is one such book. Hopefully not for long though!
J. R.R. Tolkien
I love The Lord of the Rings trilogy. I’ve also read The Hobbit, and could read these on loop. The descriptions can be a bit long-winded, but there is little I can critique in these works.
I have no doubt that The Lord of the Rings is a series I’ll go back to. In fact, I bought a bind-up of all the books last year exactly for that purpose. I still haven’t read the Silmarillion, so that’s something fresh to look forward to!
Stephen King
I’m not much for horror in general, but Stephen King is an exception I will always make. I’ve enjoyed both his horrors and his fantasy cross-overs. His is a collection I’ll be reading over the course of my lifetime and the larger it gets, the better!
Susanne Collins
Three words. The. Hunger. Games.
I would love to read more about this world and explore more detail of the oppression and hope that drives the conflict in these books!
Laini Taylor
I haven’t read Laini Taylor for a long time. In truth her target audience is probably a little younger than me. However, I love her characters and conflicts in both Strange the Dreamer and Daughter of Smoke and Bone.
I’d always read more in these universes, but I’d equally be willing to give others a try as well.
Scott Lynch
I just read that there is meant to be a sequel to Scott Lynch’s Gentlemen Bastards series. I adored these as a teenager!
When this gets published I’ll have to re-read the trilogy so far to refresh myself on events to date before picking up this sequel. I’m gutted obviously but I’ll struggle on 😅
So, here are my Top Ten Author’s I’d love to see more books from.
Do you agree with any of my choices in this Top Ten Tuesday? Which author would you like to see more books by?
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