Top Ten Tuesday – Hobbies Other Than Reading
In today’s Top Ten Tuesday post, I have freedom to select today’s theme. It’s officially listed as a non-bookish freebie, so I’ve decided to talk about my hobbies, other than reading.
You’ll see some common themes in some of these, so I have grouped them together!
One of the things that will become very clear in this post, is that I enjoy crafting! One of my favourite hobbies, at least at the moment, is knitting.
In the last few years, I have re-taught myself the basics of knitting, and I’ve gone on to learn much more besides. Since then, I have made a number of scarves, several jumpers, a couple of cardigans, and even socks!
Another hobby that I have rekindled enjoyment of lately is cross-stitch. Along the same lines as knitting, it’s something I learned how to do when I was younger, but didn’t really pick it up again until the pandemic. I bought myself a fairly sizable Cross-stitch kit a couple of years ago, and have been working on it on-and-off ever since. Lately, I’ve been making a real push on progress with this particular kit. I’m nearly halfway through!
I have also bought myself the materials for a new project once this one is complete. That one is significantly larger. Maybe you’ll get to see it in five years time?!
And this is a hobby I do a little less of at the moment. But, for the right pattern, I would definitely pick it up again. I like crochet as it’s less complicated than knitting. However, overall, I prefer the look of knitted garments. That’s why I made the switch to knitting over crochet a couple of years ago.
I have made some fun crochet projects though. As we were heading into the pandemic, I was already making my friends little one a baby blanket ready for her arrival. I have also made a teddy, little amigurumi figures and a jumper.
Nintendo Switch
As well as being a crafter, I’m also a bit of a gamer. The latest game I’ve been playing on my Nintendo Switch is Stardew Valley.
I was a huge fan of another franchise called Harvest Moon years ago. I love the farming aesthetic and how this game goes along way to emulating the best parts of Harvest Moon, but also having a fresh take on it.
I also have a few other games now – Animal Crossing, Zelda, Minecraft and Mario Karts can all be picked up whenever I fancy!
I’m also partial to playing games on my PlayStation now and then. I tend to stick to one or two games at a time on my PlayStation.
The current game playing the most of is Horizon: Forbidden West. This is the sequel to Horizon: Zero Dawn… a game I picked up for free during the pandemic and loved! I really like the vibe and setting of the game (prehistoric tribal setting but with hints of a prior era of advanced civilisation, technology and machines). It’s quite the combo, but it makes sense when you play the game and discover the storyline!
The console I am currently playing the most, however, is my new oculus quest. I decided to treat myself to this fairly recently, so I only have a couple of games that I really play at the moment.
Those are Beat Saber and a table tennis game called Eleven VR. I like that, I’m able to play a game, but also be active in doing it. It’s a completely different experience.
Listening to Podcasts
Listening to podcasts is a fairly new hobby I have started doing regularly… and geerally whilst I’m doing any of the aforementioned crafts projects!
I really enjoy doing something physical with my hands, such as crafting, and listening to something at the same time. That could be music, a documentary, or podcasts! I find the combination works really well. I’ve also found some good and interesting podcasts of late that publish new episodes on a regular basis. I look forward to these episodes coming out every week and I feel like this is a hobby that’s going to stick around for awhile.
Now, and then, I will occasionally break out a puzzle book or two. I have quite varied taste on the kinds of puzzles I enjoy. Looking back, they stem from learning how to do each of these puzzles from my grandparents.
Gramps taught me how to complete Hanjie puzzles, the ones that form a picture out of a grid. Gran taught me how to complete Codebreakers. I am absolutely shocking at crosswords (in stark contrast to my mum who is brilliant at them). Instead, I am far better at identifying letter combinations and patterns. Codebreakers are therefore better suited to me.
Grandad taught me how to complete Sudoku puzzles. My sister is also quite keen on these! I enjoy the large Sudoku puzzles that combine five grids into one – but they aren’t half a challenge!
Watching YouTube
On a more relaxed note, I regularly watch YouTube videos whilst eating my tea. It’s the time of day where I want to watch something whilst I’m sat down briefly, but I don’t want to watch anything too long either.
I will watch absolutely anything from videos by booktubers (that’s anyone who talks about books on YouTube, to the uninitiated), to people playing games. I’m a particular fan of watching a number of prominent Minecraft players playing on multi-servers together. The antics they get up to are hilarious!
Last year, I decided to try and improve my black-fingeredness when it comes to plants. Don’t get me wrong, there have been a couple of casualties along the way. RIP to last year’s trailing Ivy plants.
However, for the most part, I’m starting to be responsible enough to not kill the plants I have in the house. I’ve even managed to take a couple of pups out of a succulent I was given as a housewarming gift, and they are now growing independently.
My most recent ‘plant project’ is propagating a snippet from a pothos plant my sister owns. Haven’t been sat on the kitchen windowsill for a couple of weeks, it finally looks like it might sprout some roots! All being well, I hope to propagate a few of these start a plants and combine them into a larger part to grow together. Time will tell if I succeed.
What are your hobbies? Are you looking to try anything new? Have any of the hobbies listed in today’s top 10 Tuesday post caught your eye?
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