First Lines Friday – 13/12/2024
Happy Friday 13th folks and welcome to today’s First Lines Friday feature.
I didn’t explicitly set myself a challenge when I talked about posting this First Lines Friday in my Sunday Summary. However, given it’s been a little while since I did, I want to set myself one. More often than not, I’ve been forward-looking in these posts and sharing books I’m looking to read soon. Instead, I want to use today’s post to feature a book I recommend to you fellow readers!
So, without any more preamble, here’s today’s First Lines Friday introduction, then details of the book:-
ASH FELL FROM THE SKY. Vin watched the downy flakes drift through the air. Leisurely. Careless. Free. The puffs of soot fell like black snowflakes, descending upon the dark city of Luthadel. They drifted in corners, blowing in the breeze and curling in tiny whirlwinds over the cobblestones. They seemed so uncaring. What would that be like?
Vin sat quietly in one of the crew’s watch-holes—a hidden alcove built into the bricks on the side of the safe house. From within it, a crewmember could watch the street for signs of danger. Vin wasn’t on duty; the watch-hole was simply one of the few places where she could find solitude.
And Vin liked solitude. When you’re alone, no one can betray you. Reen’s words. Her brother had taught her so many things, then had reinforced them by doing what he’d always promised he would—by betraying her himself. It’s the only way you’ll learn. Anyone will betray you, Vin. Anyone.
The Final Empire – Brandon Sanderson
Genre: Fantasy
Pages: 541
Audience: Adult
Publisher: Tor Books
Publication Date: 17 Jul 2006
What if the Dark Lord won?
A thousand years ago evil came to the land and has ruled with an iron hand ever since. The sun shines fitfully under clouds of ash that float down endlessly from the constant eruption of volcanoes. A dark lord rules through the aristocratic families and ordinary folk are condemned to lives in servitude, sold as goods, labouring in the ash fields.
But now a troublemaker has arrived and there is rumour of revolt. A revolt that depends on a criminal no-one can trust and a young girl who must master Allomancy – the magic that lies in all metals.
My Thoughts…
It’s almost a shame that I read the early Mistborn books before I started my blog. I absolutely love this series by Brandon Sanderson. He is an absolute legend of a man anyway, but he very quickly became one of my favourite authors of all-time.
He’s in the bookish socials lately for encouraging readers of all genres not to discriminate against others for sub-genres they read (particularly romantasy). I’m all for that even though it’s not a genre I read. It doesn’t matter. I don’t discriminate – if that’s what you like to read, I’m all for you enjoying whatever books you like. I’m just glad people are finding joy in reading.
A part of me wants to revisit these early Mistborn books and review them on my blog in time. They are what I recommend as a starting point to new readers of Brandon Sanderson. In fact, I recommended them on Threads to readers interested in trying his books very recently. Shameless plug – I’m on Threads – pretty please follow me, you know… if you want…
It means that I’ll also have the whole series reviewed on my blog eventually. Plus, I remembers loving these books. I read the first at the age of 21, so maybe I can schedule in a revisit as it’ll be nearly 10 years ago since I first read the books.
Have you read any of Brandon Sanderson’s Mistborn series? What do you think of it?