Sunday Summary – 8th December 2024
It’s been a stormy weekend here folks, but I haven’t been blown away thankfully! In today’s Sunday Summary, I’m still here – and I’ll update you on my reading and blogging adventures for the week.
The first post I shared with you was my monthly wrap-up for November. It was a month of catching up with ongoing reads, and getting to those I had already set on previous TBR’s and not started. If you want to find out what my reading progress was like, here’s a link to take a look.
Next, my final TBR of 2024 went live on Friday. Given I’m nowhere near my 2024 reading goals, this TBR is about finishing the year on a high with some good books instead of furiously trying to hit my targets. Again, if you want to take a look, here’s a link to do so!
Books Read
The Eye of the World
Progress continues with The Eye of the World. As of last week’s Sunday Summary I was a third of the way into the book. Over the course of this week, I’ve read around another 120 pages to bring myself to around 50% progress.
Ironically, the storm this weekend helped with that! I stayed in most of Saturday and took advantage of the time to pick up my book. Then, when we lost power last night, plans of catching up with TV (I’m a Celebrity Get Me Out of Here) changed to reading. I swapped from my physical copy of the book to my kindle instead! Fortunately I also have an e-book copy that I bought a few years ago…
I’m really happy with the progress I’ve made so far this week. It’s a chunky narrative and there’s a lot to keep up with. Especially now characters are separated, I have two timelines and settings to keep track of. It does feel a little like one thing is happening straight after another without a breather between, but I’m intrigued by the characters and people in play.
Three Sisters
As of my last Sunday Summary post I was 25% into Three Sisters by Heather Morris.
I’ve made really good headway with this audio, more than I have done of late anyway. The setting and story has gripped me, making me want to keep listening and make the time for it. As a result, I’ve listened to another 3 and a half hours this week bringing me a bit over halfway through.
Three Sisters is everything I expected and I’m loving the book so far! Whilst it’s not a fun narrative given its subject, I’m really invested nonetheless.
Books Discovered
After a few weeks of new books trickling into the household, this week I’ve been good. Hard to believe I know, but Christmas is on the way you know. I have to behave until then at least!
Coming Up…
So, what’s on the agenda next week? I did debate taking part in next week’s Top Ten Tuesday post, as the subject is topical. Books to read during a storm? Well I chose The Eye of the World. It’s dark and atmospheric to go with the weather, but it’s not for that reason I chose it. The easiest choice during a power cut is whatever you have available on a decently charged and backlit kindle!
No. Instead I’ve decided to share a book review with you. I’m overdue one of those. This week’s feature is an Eastern inspired fantasy, which contrasts a lot from the heavily westernised fantasy I read more of generally, but also I’m reading right now. I’m talking about Daughter of the Moon Goddess by Sue Lynn Tan.
On Friday I’ll return with a First Lines Friday post. As for the book I choose to feature, well, you’ll just have to wait to find out. I haven’t decided as yet on either the feature or whether there I’ll get a theme or challenge. We’ll both find out in due course I guess!
Last, but certainly not least, I’m back again next Sunday with my next Sunday Summary update. Will I finish Three Sisters or The Eye of the World, or at least be close to a finish? Let’s hope so!
Thanks for reading!
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