My Bookish Confessions…
In today’s bookish confessions post, I share some of my bookish secrets. I don’t necessarily shout about these on my blog, but they are true nonetheless. I read quite a lot. But, as you’ll see below, there are ways in which I am not always the image of what you would expect from a ‘book blogger’; equally I suppose in some ways, I definitely am too…
Let’s get into my bookish confessions!
Book Purchases
If money were no object, I would definitely buy more books than I would ever be able to read in my lifetime.
I just have no self restraint when it comes to reading about and buying a really interesting book. I’ll purchase myself a copy without any real consideration as to when I will get to read it. I’m obviously assuming I will at some point…
You may see jokes about buying books and reading books being completely different hobbies. I don’t disagree!
I’d get bored reading ALL day…
If I am entirely honest, if I were to try to sit down and read for an entire day, I wouldn’t be able to do it.
It’s not that I don’t love reading, because we all know that’s not true. However, I just physically can’t make myself sit down all day without any variation.
If I were able to listen to an audiobook and do something else at the same time, that’s a slightly different story. But, as much as I like to enjoy my leisure time like anybody else, I couldn’t spend it all on my backside reading without doing anything else as well.
I love paperbacks, but…
Sometimes I can’t be bothered to hold a paperback, and that’s especially true for a hardback!
A lot can be said for the convenience of an e-reader. Whether it’s a specific device like a Kindle, or using your phone, both are handy. I confess, I’m not a big fan of reading on my phone, although there are occasions, such as now, where I do it. Sometimes, practicality is what’s needed in order to get through the reading list. That’s why audiobooks are increasingly on my reading list these days. They give me a chance to pick up and read at times when I wouldn’t normally be able to.
I’m not a good mood reader
Whilst mood reading is something I am trying to do more often these days, admittedly I’m not very good at it. My practical definition of a mood read is different to everyone else’s. It often ends up with me deciding what I feel like reading at the beginning of the month and then sticking to it almost rigidly. If I change my mind over the course of the month, I often beat myself up about the change and try and force myself to read the original intended book anyway. That’s not really the point now, is it?!
In reality, I need to be more lenient with myself and allow the space to pick up any book when I want to…. regardless of whether it’s ‘on the list’. Sometimes, it’s more important to pick up and read any book than it is to let myself stagnate on something I’m not interested in right now. It doesn’t happen too often, but I’m human. It does sometimes.
So, these are a handful of my bookish confessions. Do you have any bookish confessions you would like to share? Do we share any of the confessions I’ve shared with you today?
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