Sunday Summary – 22nd September 2024
Good evening friends and welcome to another Sunday Summary update from yours truly. It doesn’t feel like I have a whole lot to update you on this week. But, we’re both here so let’s make the most of it!
Earlier this week I shared some of my bookish confessions. Whilst I think some of these could be expected from me, there are some here that don’t fit the typical ‘book-blogger’ persona too.
Now, let’s take a look at the books I’ve read this week.
Books Read
The Lost Apothecary
I was hoping for completion of The Lost Apothecary this week. However, I’ve had to extend my library loan once again.
That’s entirely down to circumstance and reflection on the book at all. We’ve been really quite short staffed at work this week and I’ve been covering and plugging gaps wherever possible. As a result, my downtime has ended up being spent on mindless things to take a break. I’ve not read a whole lot as a result.
I have read some more of the book today so as of this Sunday Summary update, I’m now 86% into The Lost Apothecary. I’m hoping for a nice quiet evening, so may get a little further into the book before the end of the day. Maybe a finish?
As of my last Sunday Summary, I was about an hour and a half into Defiant by Brandon Sanderson.
It’s much the same story with audio – I’ve only listened to half an hour of Defiant this week. I’m enjoying the storyline so far and where it’s going. I’ve just not had the mental energy after work to listen and concentrate on it…
Books Discovered
Updates on additions to my reading list are as quiet as my actual reading progress this week. At least that’s not a bad thing!
Coming Up…
I’ll kick off this week with a Top Ten Tuesday post. I’ve shared a few similar posts before as they relate to my seasonal TBR’s. My last was my 2024 Summer TBR and it’s a great way to share planned upcoming reads.
Finally, next week I am hoping for a more interesting and eventful Sunday Summary to share with you! Things are going to get a bit better at work, but we do have quarter end coming up too. Hopefully it won’t be too busy this time round.
Until Tuesday, have a great one and I’ll see you in that post!