Sunday Summary – 11th August 2024
Good evening fellow readers and welcome to my Sunday Summary update for this week. I have a great week of reading progress and content sharing to cover with you. As regular readers will know, I always like to recap those before diving into the reads I picked up this week. Let’s take a look at those now.
My first post of the week was a book review of Golden Son by Pierce Brown. I’d originally held off reviewing the book as I had mixed feelings about it. My review was originally meant to go live on Wednesday but I ended up taking an extra day to edit and perfect it.
My next post went live on Friday and that was a Shelf Control post. In that post, I featured a young adult magical fantasy sequel that I really need to pick up soon. It’s been a while since I started the series, let’s just say that…
Books Read
The Power of Habit
Reading progress on The Power of Habit started strong earlier this week. Over the course of the first half of the week I read another 80 pages, bringing me to around 180 in total.
I ended up temporarily putting this aside for another book as I need to have read that second one by Tuesday next week. As soon as that’s done I’ll be back to reading and finishing The Power of Habit.
The Other People
This week I made the final push on The Other People and finished this audiobook on Monday. In reality I had less to read before the end than I expected as the audiobook had a sample of another book on the end.
I enjoyed this story and how it all unfolded. I understand completely why The Other People is a favourite of mum’s. The storyline is gripping and full of revelations. I had a theory there was one more revelation to come about the Samaritan, and it became apparent who he was at the end!
If you enjoy mysteries or thrillers, I can strongly recommend The Other People.
After completing The Other People I started listening to Breathtaking by Rachel Clarke.
A non-fiction about the Covid-19 pandemic may not be up everyone’s alley right now. I’m sure it feels far too raw for some, but I was ready to read this hands-on experience.
Rachel is a hospice nurse who ends up volunteering to help in Covid-19 wards at her local hospital. In the 60% of the audio I’ve listened to so far, we see her and other medical professional’s perspective of the pandemic unfolding and how the NHS transforms to meet the crisis head on.
I’m really enjoying this audio so far. The fact I’ve listened to so much in one week testifies that! I hope to finish this over the next week, so stay tuned to see if I do.
The Midnight Library
I’ve temporarily put The Power of Habit on hold so I can re-read The Midnight Library ahead of book club on Tuesday. As of this Sunday Summary I’m 148 pages, or 51% through.
As I’ve already read the book before it’s been a breeze so far. I had also been told it’s better second time around, and so far I agree!
I have more to read before that chat on Tuesday with my work colleagues, so I’m going to spend less time talking about it here so I can get back to reading it 😊 I’ll give you the details in next week’s Sunday Summary.
Books Discovered
I’m on a good run here as I haven’t bought any books or added anything to my reading list in about a month now! Given that last haul was about 14 books though, I still have some way to go on the buying ban yet!
Coming Up…
Mid next week I intend to share my first post of the week. In that post, I’ll be collating my favourite books to recommend to readers and why!
On Friday I’ll be back with a First Lines Friday post! I’m not setting myself any particular goal or challenge for this post. I’m keeping it entirely open so I have full freedom of choice on the book I select.
Last, but not least, I’ll be back with another Sunday Summary update this time next week. Find out where I’m up to with my latest reads in that post!
Until then, have a fabulous week however you spend it and I look forward to seeing you in the next one!