Tag: The Power of Habit

Monthly Wrap-Up – August 2024

Hello readers and welcome to this monthly wrap-up for August. I had a decent month of reading, and this post is about sharing what I read over the last month.

I had a couple of carryover’s from July, as well as a varied list for August. As usual now, I didn’t get to all the books I set for August – but I had a great time with the books I did read.

Let’s take a look!

Books Read

The Power of Habit

Picking up from last month’s monthly wrap-up post, I was 30% into The Power of Habit.

I really enjoyed this book, and I’m hoping I have some good take away knowledge from it. The book has great examples of the consequences of bad habits – personal, organisational and as a society. The key takeaway I have from the book is that you can often change a habit by making changes in a seemingly unrelated way and gradually introduce change from there.

I’m hoping this will help me build more good habits in my own life!

The Other People

In my Monthly TBR post I shared that I was nearly through this audiobook. I’d already listened to 80%, so this month I was hoping for a quick conclusion.

Mum loved and strongly recommended The Other People and having finished it, I get why. If you enjoy mysteries that keep you guessing all the way along, this is perfect. Even up until the very end I was still trying to put pieces together and work out character’s involvement in the story line.

The Other People is the third book I’ve read by C.J. Tudor, and I still have plenty to read!

The Midnight Library

For our first ever book club at work, we chose The Midnight Library by Matt Haig to read and discuss. For me it is a re-read, but I agree with some feedback from another member that it’s better second time around!

I re-read The Midnight Library very quickly. It’s only a short read – one of the reasons I recommended it to book club in the first place. At the same time, it raises plenty of discussion points; it doesn’t lack for content! Admittedly I did leave this a little last minute. I finished it the night before book club. I wasn’t the last though – Helen spent the first half hour of the meeting finishing it!


I’ve prioritised picking up our next book club read, Eruption, as I’m sharing a physical copy with another member.

As of the end of August I was 65% into the book. I’ve started reading it again after my bout of covid (so as not to contaminate the book!) so as of drafting this monthly wrap-up I’m a little futther.

I hope to finish this soon so I can pass on to Helen ASAP.

Wolves of the Calla

A book I very briefly started, but ended up shelving temporarily, is Wolves of the Calla by Stephen King.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with the book and I fully intend to pick it up again soon. However, I started to read this right at the end of the month when I became unwell. I decided the time wasn’t ideal to pick up such a tome. When I’m back into the swing of things I’ll pick it up again.


A short audiobook I enjoyed this month was Breathtaking by Rachel Clarke. Make no mistake, it’s an eye-opener.

I totally appreciate the book and subject may not be for everyone right now. However, I enjoyed listening to this perspective on the pandemic. I had no idea that care homes were so woefully under-supplied with PPE. What I also found interesting was Rachel’s (and colleagues) views of the advice being issued by the government. It is very much a view of too little and too late.



My last non-fiction to share with you in this monthly wrap-up is Undoctored by Adam Kay.

As of drafting this monthly wrap-up I have just finished the book this morning. You’ll get more thoughts on it in Sunday’s Sunday Summary update.

However, as a snapshot of where I was at month end, I was a couple of hours shy of completion.


I read quite a number of non-fiction books in August – more than average I’d say. However, given I was a little behind in my mid-year review on this goal, it’s a good change. I’m still slightly behind, but only by one book or so.

August was a good month of reading for subject diversity and I’m looking forward to an equally productive September. My reading list is coming out in the next day or so, so stay tuned!


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Sunday Summary – 18th August 2024

It’s Sunday night again, so I can only be back with you for another Sunday Summary update! I hope you’ve all had a great week?

I’ve shared my usual two posts so far with you this week. The first of those was my Favourite Books to Recommend discussion post which went live on Thursday. I shared books I love to recommend to others for a variety of reasons. If you want to find out more, or are looking for recommendations yourself… take a look here!

The second post I shared was my First Lines Friday feature. In this week’s post I featured one of the two new additions to my TBR (which I share below). Take a look to find out which one and what it’s all about.

Books Read

The Power of Habit

I’d temporarily put The Power of Habit on hold as I needed to finish The Midnight Library before Tuesday lunchtime. Once that was completed though, I got stuck back in and finished the book within a couple of days!

I enjoyed the different angles and examples of habit-building at individual, corporate and societal level. Some the examples also go to show that you can start to build habits in unanticipated ways – by starting small or looking at a habit that seems unrelated but has a knock on effect.


My main audiobook listen this week was Breathtaking by Rachel Clarke. If you watched the four part TV series of the same name, it was inspired by this book.

As of last week’s Sunday Summary I was 60% into the book. This week, I made it to the finish! It’s quite a short read or listen, but no less impactful. Whilst it didn’t make me upset, it is a book of emotional ups and downs.

The perspective is told from that of a hospice nurse who volunteers part time to help on Covid wards between January and April 2020. In the grand scheme, it only covers the early pandemic. However, it is a good insight and commentary on the state of the NHS during one of its busiest periods to date.

The Midnight Library

My reading priority at the beginning of this week was to finish The Midnight Library ahead of our book club meeting on Tuesday.

As of last week’s Sunday Summary I was about 50% into the book. It’s quite a short one, and familiar to me so therefore quick to read. I blitzed the last 50% on Sunday night and Monday so I was able to go to our meet fully prepared.

It was our first club meet and you know what? It went really well! We all enjoyed the book and had a great chat about it.

Wolves of the Calla

I’m including Wolves of the Calla in this Sunday Summary so you know what I’m reading in the next week or so. I’ve only just started the prologue so I have nothing significant to report… just that this is my next read!


Another book I feature in this post as I’ve just started it is Undoctored. I’ve only listened to the first half an hour, but it’s been a good listen.

That’s hardly unexpected! Adam Kay is funny and his humour is shining though already. I’m looking forward to listening to more over the next week or so.

Books Discovered

I’ve added two books to my reading list this week after I read about them and they caught my attention.

I was recommended Curious Tides on Threads by a fellow reader after asking for recommendations for books in the dark academia genre. This also blends with fantasy, so it sounds like a perfect type of book for me!

I read about The Memory Police in an article about translated books. The Memory Police was originally published in Japanese. I like the dystopian nature of the synopsis and I’m intrigued if there are any cultural differences to the narrative given the difference in setting etc.


Coming Up…

On Wednesday this week I plan to share my review of The Silence of the Girls by Pat Barker. I read this back in August 2022 and I can’t wait to share my thoughts on this 5* read!

I would usually share three posts a week and have a regular Friday feature. However, as I’m about to start studying for a qualification for work I’m going to cut the blog schedule from three posts a week to two until that’s done.

So, my next and last post of the week will be another Sunday Summary catch up. Will I feature as many books in next week’s post? Not likely – but I’ll update you all the same.

Until then, happy reading and I hope to see you in the next post!


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Sunday Summary – 11th August 2024

Good evening fellow readers and welcome to my Sunday Summary update for this week. I have a great week of reading progress and content sharing to cover with you. As regular readers will know, I always like to recap those before diving into the reads I picked up this week. Let’s take a look at those now.

My first post of the week was a book review of Golden Son by Pierce Brown. I’d originally held off reviewing the book as I had mixed feelings about it. My review was originally meant to go live on Wednesday but I ended up taking an extra day to edit and perfect it.

My next post went live on Friday and that was a Shelf Control post. In that post, I featured a young adult magical fantasy sequel that I really need to pick up soon. It’s been a while since I started the series, let’s just say that…

Books Read

The Power of Habit

Reading progress on The Power of Habit started strong earlier this week. Over the course of the first half of the week I read another 80 pages, bringing me to around 180 in total.

I ended up temporarily putting this aside for another book as I need to have read that second one by Tuesday next week. As soon as that’s done I’ll be back to reading and finishing The Power of Habit.

The Other People

This week I made the final push on The Other People and finished this audiobook on Monday. In reality I had less to read before the end than I expected as the audiobook had a sample of another book on the end.

I enjoyed this story and how it all unfolded. I understand completely why The Other People is a favourite of mum’s. The storyline is gripping and full of revelations. I had a theory there was one more revelation to come about the Samaritan, and it became apparent who he was at the end!

If you enjoy mysteries or thrillers, I can strongly recommend The Other People.


After completing The Other People I started listening to Breathtaking by Rachel Clarke.

A non-fiction about the Covid-19 pandemic may not be up everyone’s alley right now. I’m sure it feels far too raw for some, but I was ready to read this hands-on experience.

Rachel is a hospice nurse who ends up volunteering to help in Covid-19 wards at her local hospital. In the 60% of the audio I’ve listened to so far, we see her and other medical professional’s perspective of the pandemic unfolding and how the NHS transforms to meet the crisis head on.

I’m really enjoying this audio so far. The fact I’ve listened to so much in one week testifies that! I hope to finish this over the next week, so stay tuned to see if I do.

The Midnight Library

I’ve temporarily put The Power of Habit on hold so I can re-read The Midnight Library ahead of book club on Tuesday. As of this Sunday Summary I’m 148 pages, or 51% through. 

As I’ve already read the book before it’s been a breeze so far. I had also been told it’s better second time around, and so far I agree!

I have more to read before that chat on Tuesday with my work colleagues, so I’m going to spend less time talking about it here so I can get back to reading it 😊 I’ll give you the details in next week’s Sunday Summary. 

Books Discovered

I’m on a good run here as I haven’t bought any books or added anything to my reading list in about a month now! Given that last haul was about 14 books though, I still have some way to go on the buying ban yet!

Coming Up…

Mid next week I intend to share my first post of the week. In that post, I’ll be collating my favourite books to recommend to readers and why!

On Friday I’ll be back with a First Lines Friday post! I’m not setting myself any particular goal or challenge for this post. I’m keeping it entirely open so I have full freedom of choice on the book I select.

Last, but not least, I’ll be back with another Sunday Summary update this time next week. Find out where I’m up to with my latest reads in that post!

Until then, have a fabulous week however you spend it and I look forward to seeing you in the next one!


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Sunday Summary – 4th August 2024

Good evening folks and welcome to this Sunday Summary weekly update. I hope you’ve had a good week and weekend? Yesterday was a beautiful day here, but it couldn’t be more opposite today. Ideal for a day of staying in and reading… but alas I’ve been busy!

This week I’ve also been busy catching you up on my reading progress in July, as well as sharing my planned reading list for August. Have you read any of the books on this month’s TBR? Take a look and find out.

Books Read

The Power of Habit

My main read of the week was The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg. As of my last Sunday Summary I had only just started the book. I’ve only read 100 pages or so this week, but it’s a good read so far.

I like how this book breaks down habits by individual, corporate and societal level. This week I completed the personal section and I’m a good way into the corporate element of the book.

What I’ve read so far has given me food for thought on how I can make changes where I want to in my life. This book still has plenty to offer and I’ll be reading more of that in the next week.

The Other People

I’ve made a solid 35%-40% progress in listening to The Other People this week.

As of this Sunday Summary I’m now 85% done. With just over an hour and forty minutes of listening time left, I think I’ll finish this book in the next day or so!

So far I’ve loved the storyline and how the different story threads have come together. I feel like there’s still time for a shock revelation or extra connection to be revealed, but we’ll see if that actually happens or not. I have a theory but whether it comes to anything or not is to be revealed…

Books Discovered

The best kind of news is that there is none! I’ve not added anything new to my reading list this week.

I’ve not exactly taken anything off via completions either, but I have made progress closer towards that so we’re moving in the right direction!

Coming Up…

It’s been a while since I shared my thoughts on a book. With this in mind, the first post I intend to share with you next week will be a book review. In next week’s review, I feature Golden Son by Pierce Brown.

Friday’s regular feature is a Shelf Control post. Those of you who are regular readers will know that this series is where I feature upcoming books on my reading list. This week, I’ll feature the sequel to a YA magical fantasy series I started over 6 years ago!

My final post of the week is my usual wrap-up of the week – Sunday Summary.

I hope you can join me for any or all of these posts. Until next time, have a great week!

What are you reading?


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Monthly TBR – August 2024

I’m excited to share my upcoming reading list in this monthly TBR post. I always look forward to planning my reading and sharing the fantastic books I’ve got coming up on my blog.

This month’s list looks a little longer, but I also have some shorter than average reads. Do I think I’ll complete this TBR by the end of the month? Unlikely. However, I’m going to try and stretch myself as always!

Shall we get into this monthly TBR and take a look at what’s coming up?

Fixed Reads

The Power of Habit

The Power of Habit is a carryover from July, but I’m already a good way through this relatively short book.

This book weighs in at just under 300 pages. It’s quite an easy read too, so I should fly through the remainder of it.

So far I’m enjoying the easy writing style, multiple interwoven anecdotes and threads to explain and reiterate the author’s points. I’m hopeful that I can learn from this book and have the ability to be more mindful and influential of my own habits in future.

The Other People

My only other carryover this month is my audiobook listen of The Other People by C.J. Tudor.

I’m even closer to completion with this book. I’m now about 80% done and eager to get to the end and see how the story comes together. I’ve only got just over 2 hours listening time to go; I’m going to try and finish it before the weekend!

The Midnight Library

My last fixed read of August is a re-read of The Midnight Library by Matt Haig.

There is a new book club at work and this is the selected read. We’re meeting to discuss it on the 13th, so I’ll be getting a wiggle on with it. Thankfully it’s only a short one, and not a new story to me. It shouldn’t take long to read, and I’ve heard it’s better second time around!

Mood Reads

A lot of this monthly TBR has been set with my 2024 reading goals in mind. If you want to recap what those are, check out my Resolutions post I shared in January.

Wolves of the Calla

The first of the books on this TBR which aims to continue/complete series is Wolves of the Calla by Stephen King.

Wolves of the Calla is the fifth book in his The Dark Tower series. I’m enjoying the series so far, although I didn’t expect the last book, Wizard and Glass, to be on as much of a tangent from the ‘current’ storyline as it was. I’m hoping we pick up where we left off and the context we learn in the prior book makes sense in this next instalment!

Wolves of the Calla is the longest book on this reading list at a whopping 800 pages. Depending on how I go, I may end up reading this in tandem with other books and take a little longer to work my way through it. I’ll make a start and see how I get on!


The second series related book I plan to pick up is Defiant by Brandon Sanderson. It’s the final book of the Skyward series and the only book I didn’t get to on my July TBR.

I think finishing this series will be bittersweet. I’ve loved it so far and of course I want to know how it all comes together. At the same time, I suspect I’ll be sad at the same time that once I’ve read it, it’s done. Finito.

It’s a good job there are plenty more Sanderson books I haven’t read yet, right?!

Fire Cannot Kill a Dragon

I featured Fire Cannot Kill a Dragon in my last First Lines Friday post and I am so intrigued by the beginning that it’s inspired me to read it. As a bonus, it contributes to my reading goal of more non-fiction.

I love A Game of Thrones and everything about it! The series as it is, all the backstory and lore and now (with any luck at least), the behind the scenes of filming the TV show.

It’s very unlike anything I’ve read before, so it will be something entirely new to me!


Having read two of Adam Kay‘s books already (This is Going to Hurt and T’was the Nightshift Before Christmas), I’m looking forward to picking up.

My experience of his books so far is that he is great at combining an interesting non-fiction topic with lots of humour. If non-fiction isn’t normally your cup of tea, I would strongly recommend you trying this anyway. Adam’s humour goes along way towards making these books both fun and an emotional rollercoaster. When reading both of his prior books I could be laughing one minute and crying the next.

He has a very candid way of expressing himself and really highlighting where there are major problems with the national health services in the UK through his own experience.


Another medical based non-fiction book I plan to pick up in August is Breathtaking. For some people, the pandemic may be just a little too recent to read about. However, I’ve never wanted to shy away from such a difficult subject.

If you watched the TV documentary of the same name, I have every reason to believe that you would like this book also. It is because I watched that four part series that I realised it was based on a book. Naturally, I added it to my reading list.

It’s a relatively short book, so it should be quite a quick read. It’s a topic I also find compelling even though it is an event in all of our lives that has changed the way we live.


I have a fair bit of variety in this monthly TBR and I’m looking forward to picking up each and every book. Whilst the list is on the side of ambitious, I’m hopeful I can make as much progress as possible in the coming weeks. They all sound like great books and I’ll share them with you in my upcoming Sunday Summary posts to let you know how I’m getting on.

Have you read any of the books on this monthly TBR? Would you recommend any of them to myself and/or fellow readers?


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Monthly Wrap-Up – July 2024

It’s the beginning of another month and I’m here to share which books I’ve read throughout July in this monthly wrap-up. If you want to see which books I set out to read at the beginning of the month, you can find a link to my monthly TBR for July here.

I’m happy with the progress I’ve made and that I’ve been able to spend the month catching up with some of my June reads. A good portion of my July TBR was dedicated to picking up books I hadn’t got to yet, or I was partway through at the start of the month.

Shall we take a more detailed look?

Books Read

Master of Sorrows

In my last monthly wrap-up post, I had three ongoing reads that I shared with you. The first of those was Master of Sorrows. I started this book last month but ended up setting it aside as I inadvertently left the book at work a few evenings. Then, I deliberately decided to hold off making progress on it for a week or so as I went on holiday and took a lighter read with me.

As of that last monthly wrap-up I was 45% into the book. I still had a good few hundred pages to go until completion though.

I made good progress with this book throughout July. Admittedly, I’ve not long finished this book, but that’s because I was taking my time with it. I’m now excited to pick up the sequel, Master Artificer.


You Coach You

The audiobook I carried over from my last monthly wrap-up post was You Coach You by Helen Tupper and Sarah Ellis. In that post, I shared that I was 60% into the audio.

You Coach You is a great book for anybody looking to develop themselves. I enjoyed the experience so much that I have since acquired a physical copy of this book. I can see myself referring back to it time and again and I want to make it accessible for me to do so.

A big selling point on the structuring of this book is that you don’t have to read the whole thing. If you have a specific challenge or area of development, you can target your reading to the relevant sections. There are also activities and coach yourself questions that prompt you to think and take an active role in personal development. It’s 100% going to be a re-read in future.


Obsidio was the book I had read the least of as of my last monthly wrap-up whilst still counting as a carryover. From just shy of 100 pages in as of that post, I flew through Obsidio.

I decided to prioritise this over Master of Sorrows in early July as it was much easier to pick up and put down. I was away for a shopping trip in Liverpool at the beginning of the month and I knew I wasn’t going to have much time to read. However, for entertainment on the boat or odd moments at the hotel room, I could pick up a chapter. They were nice and short, but also informal and easy to read. The mixed media definitely helped keep me engaged.

The Power of Habit

The physical read I will be carrying over into August is The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg. I started this book just a couple of days ago and already I’m enjoying the subject matter. As somebody who takes an interest in psychology and similar subjects, I love delving into how the brain works.

Let’s face it, there are always useful ways the information in this book can be applied. I have good and bad habits aplenty. Understanding how they form and how they can be broken can’t be a bad thing!

As if this post I’m 90 pages, or 30% into the book. I’m enjoying the topic so far and hoping to learn how I can be mindful of my own habits in future.

The Other People

My audiobook carryover into August is The Other People by C.J. Tudor. I have read this author before; I’ve picked up The Taking of Annie Thorne and The Chalk Man historically. I really enjoyed both of these books, and the other people came highly recommended to me by my mum.

Although I have not yet finished this audio, it became clear very early on why this is my mum‘s favourite. I am loving the storyline so far and can’t wait to get to the conclusion to find out exactly what is going on.

In these books, there is always more than meets the eye. I love digging into that detail, but also seeing if I can work it out ahead of time. If a book can live in my head even when I’m not reading it, that to me is the sign of a great book.

As of this post I’m 70% into the audio and keen to see how the storyline resolves!



It’s been a pretty good month of reading and catching up with outstanding reads from June. I have the usual carryovers into August in each format, but that’s nothing new. At least it’s only two books this month and not three!

I’m hoping to wrap-up each of those reads quite quickly and kick off my August TBR very soon. If you want to see what that looks like, stay tuned as I’ll be sharing that later this week.

Until then, happy reading!


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Sunday Summary – 28th July 2024

In today’s Sunday Summary post I have a few reading updates to share with you, as well as what’s coming up on the blog. So, I hope you’re comfortable with a cuppa. Now, let’s get into it!

The first post I shared this week was a Top Ten Tuesday. In that post, I shared my recommendations on debut books I really enjoyed – so I hope you do too!

Next, I completed my challenge in my First Lines Friday post and featured a non-fiction I’m excited to pick up soon! It’s about one of my favourite topics, and the book is in my Summer TBR too. Win-win!

Books Read

Master of Sorrows

In last week’s Sunday Summary I shared that I was progressing well with Master of Sorrows and that I only had 200 odd pages left. This week I can report full completion and I’m already looking forward to the sequel.

I had no idea where the ending of the book was going to take us. As it stands, I think there is plenty of scope for the story and I still don’t know what will happen next!

Master of Sorrows is the first book I’ve read by this author. I’m hoping he brings out more in future – I’m a big fan of his writing style.

The Other People

In last week’s Sunday Summary I was 25% into The Other People. At that point I already understood why this was a favourite of my mum’s.

As of this week’s post I am now just shy of 50% into the audiobook and it keeps getting better. Now the story is starting to flesh out some detail (albeit leaving plenty as a mystery) and I desperately want to know what’s going on!

I’m listening to this audio at every chance I get, so I’ll be keeping up with this over the next week or so! Stay tuned for further thoughts next week.

The Power of Habit

The final book I started this week is The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg. I’ve only just started this today so I can’t say a whole lot about it right now, other than I’m looking forward to getting into it. 

Books Discovered

I have another good week of no news on the acquisition and TBR front. I have plenty enough to get on with…

Coming Up…

We’re rapidly coming up to the end of July and the beginning of August. Firstly, where the heck has that gone?!

With this in mind, my content next week is going to include my monthly wrap-up for July and my August monthly TBR. I was late posting the last one due to holiday so I’ll be prioritising getting this one out to you and giving myself the best chance of getting through my reading list as I can!

Last, but by no means least, I’ll round off the week with another Sunday Summary weekly update. Find out what I’ve been reading, and what else is coming up on the blog in that next post.

Until then, happy reading! Have a great week and I’ll see you in the next one!


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Monthly TBR – July 2024

Given we’re about a third of the way into July, I’m overdue sharing my monthly TBR, no?

In today’s post I have a great range of books to share that I plan for read in the next few weeks. You’ll have seen a good few of them before as they are carryovers. At the same time, I have a few new faces too, so let’s get stuck in!


Fixed Reads

You Coach You

My last current read and carryover is You Coach You by Helen Tupper and Sarah Ellis.

As of this monthly TBR I have actually just finished this audiobook this morning. However, I spent at least a couple of hours this month getting to that point so it’s going on this TBR to mark that progress effort.

I’ve enjoyed this audio so much and see the value in its content that I’ve just ordered a paperback copy to refer back to and re-read in future!

Master of Sorrows

Master of Sorrows is on yet another monthly TBR… but not as a non-starter this time!

I’ve been trying to read the book since February and I finally started it last month. It is, however, a current read so it makes it onto July’s monthly TBR as a carryover. Can I say, may it please be the last?!

I’m about halfway through the book, so there’s no reason I won’t be completing this soon!


Another carryover from my June TBR is Obsidio by Jay Kristoff and Amie Kaufman.

I started this last book in the Illuminae files trilogy last month after accidentally leaving Master of Sorrows at work. It’s been a refreshing change to read a mixed media book again! It’ll also be even better to be able to mark this series as complete once I’ve finished it. I’ll be sad to see it end, but there is another sci-fi series they’ve co-written I could pick up…

As of this post, I’m around a third of the way into the book. It’s a quick read, so again, I expect to finish it before long.

Mood Reads

The Other People

The only book on my June TBR I didn’t get to is The Other People by C.J. Tudor. It’s mum’s favourite book of hers so far, so I’m really looking forward to reading it this month instead.

I haven’t picked up a mystery novel at all this year, so it will make a refreshing change! I’ve enjoyed two of C.J. Tudor’s books already, so I have high hopes for this one!


With my Mid Year Check In and Summer TBR posts still fresh in my mind, I’m adding a book to this monthly TBR that will earn me another series completion.

Defiant is the last book in Brandon Sanderson’s Skyward series. Honestly, I’ll be sad to get to the end of it, but I also want to see how Spensa’s story ends. For a series to which I’m not the target demographic, I’m getting on with it really well. Equally, I haven’t met a Sanderson book I’ve disliked…

Let’s hope I’ve met jinxed it!

The Power of Habit

Another selection with my 2024 reading goals in mind is a recent acquisition. The Power of Habit is both a non-fiction book and will, with any luck, help towards my blogging goal of using social media more!

In theory this is a win-win read, but we’ll see how that works out in practice.


July’s monthly TBR reflects a reading month in which I plan to catch up with ongoing reads. However, there are also a couple of new books I’m introducing here. I’m not planning a long list that I think is unachievable, so here’s to a productive month! 


Have you read any of the books on this monthly TBR? Do you have any tips on how I can get better at making social media a habit?


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