Sunday Summary – 4th August 2024
Good evening folks and welcome to this Sunday Summary weekly update. I hope you’ve had a good week and weekend? Yesterday was a beautiful day here, but it couldn’t be more opposite today. Ideal for a day of staying in and reading… but alas I’ve been busy!
This week I’ve also been busy catching you up on my reading progress in July, as well as sharing my planned reading list for August. Have you read any of the books on this month’s TBR? Take a look and find out.
Books Read
The Power of Habit
My main read of the week was The Power of Habit by Charles Duhigg. As of my last Sunday Summary I had only just started the book. I’ve only read 100 pages or so this week, but it’s a good read so far.
I like how this book breaks down habits by individual, corporate and societal level. This week I completed the personal section and I’m a good way into the corporate element of the book.
What I’ve read so far has given me food for thought on how I can make changes where I want to in my life. This book still has plenty to offer and I’ll be reading more of that in the next week.
The Other People
I’ve made a solid 35%-40% progress in listening to The Other People this week.
As of this Sunday Summary I’m now 85% done. With just over an hour and forty minutes of listening time left, I think I’ll finish this book in the next day or so!
So far I’ve loved the storyline and how the different story threads have come together. I feel like there’s still time for a shock revelation or extra connection to be revealed, but we’ll see if that actually happens or not. I have a theory but whether it comes to anything or not is to be revealed…
Books Discovered
The best kind of news is that there is none! I’ve not added anything new to my reading list this week.
I’ve not exactly taken anything off via completions either, but I have made progress closer towards that so we’re moving in the right direction!
Coming Up…
It’s been a while since I shared my thoughts on a book. With this in mind, the first post I intend to share with you next week will be a book review. In next week’s review, I feature Golden Son by Pierce Brown.
Friday’s regular feature is a Shelf Control post. Those of you who are regular readers will know that this series is where I feature upcoming books on my reading list. This week, I’ll feature the sequel to a YA magical fantasy series I started over 6 years ago!
My final post of the week is my usual wrap-up of the week – Sunday Summary.
I hope you can join me for any or all of these posts. Until next time, have a great week!
What are you reading?